A community for people who have not given-up the fight for a Bernie Sanders presidency.
Obey Reddit's rules.
No CTR/ShareBlue trolls. If David Brock wants to tell us something, he can come here and say it, himself. If you just show up and start randomly accusing people of being super-secret Trump supporters or Russian spies (you'd be surprised how often we get slandered with that by neoliberal troll accounts), we'll probably assume you're one of Brock's trolls and ban you without warning. Brock's trolls completely destroyed S4P back in 2016 and we won't allow that to happen here.
Pretty much anything else goes in terms of what you can say. Just remember that free speech is a two-way street and it doesn't protect you from downvotes.
This sub advocates a Bernie Sanders presidency, period. We are the supporters who didn't throw in the towel and surrender in the face of corruption.
No giving-up hope! They can't take it from us unless we let them.
District of Columbia for Sanders