A community for people who have not given-up the fight for a Bernie Sanders presidency.
Obey Reddit's rules.
No CTR/ShareBlue trolls. If David Brock wants to tell us something, he can come here and say it, himself. If you just show up and start randomly accusing people of being super-secret Trump supporters or Russian spies (you'd be surprised how often we get slandered with that by neoliberal troll accounts), we'll probably assume you're one of Brock's trolls and ban you without warning. Brock's trolls completely destroyed S4P back in 2016 and we won't allow that to happen here.
Pretty much anything else goes in terms of what you can say. Just remember that free speech is a two-way street and it doesn't protect you from downvotes.
This sub advocates a Bernie Sanders presidency, period. We are the supporters who didn't throw in the towel and surrender in the face of corruption.
No giving-up hope! They can't take it from us unless we let them.
District of Columbia for Sanders
(719) 404-2750
(719) 404-2774
Steve Henson
Blake Fontenay
New editor.
{"requestId":68,"oldPublisherJson":{"pubId":121,"name":"The Pueblo Chieftain","city":"Pueblo","stateAbbr":"CO","email":"shenson@chieftain.com","phone":"(719) 404-2750","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"Steve Henson","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"","contactURL":"http://www.chieftain.com/site/contact/","webDomain":"chieftain.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"newPublisherJson":{"pubId":121,"name":"The Pueblo Chieftain","city":"Pueblo","stateAbbr":"CO","email":"bfontenay@chieftain.com","phone":"(719) 404-2774","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"Blake Fontenay","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"|New editor.","contactURL":"http://www.chieftain.com/site/contact/","webDomain":"chieftain.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"redditPostId":null,"redditVerifiedCommentId":null,"approvedBy":null,"requestReceived":"2020-05-12T19:56:25","isSpam":0,"ip":"(hidden)","applied":null}
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(970) 375-4560
(970) 375-4520
Bill Roberts
Robert Meyerowitz
New editor.
{"requestId":67,"oldPublisherJson":{"pubId":126,"name":"The Durango Herald","city":"Durango","stateAbbr":"CO","email":"wgr@durangoherald.com","phone":"(970) 375-4560","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"Bill Roberts","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"","contactURL":"https://durangoherald.com/contact_us/staff","webDomain":"durangoherald.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"newPublisherJson":{"pubId":126,"name":"The Durango Herald","city":"Durango","stateAbbr":"CO","email":"rmeyerowitz@durangoherald.com","phone":"(970) 375-4520","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"Robert Meyerowitz","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"|New editor.","contactURL":"https://durangoherald.com/contact_us/staff","webDomain":"durangoherald.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"redditPostId":null,"redditVerifiedCommentId":null,"approvedBy":null,"requestReceived":"2020-05-12T19:54:38","isSpam":0,"ip":"(hidden)","applied":null}
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(719) 636-0238
Pula Davis
John Boogert
New editor.
{"requestId":66,"oldPublisherJson":{"pubId":119,"name":"The Gazette","city":"Colorado Springs","stateAbbr":"CO","email":"pula.davis@gazette.com","phone":"","pocTitle":"Ms.","poc":"Pula Davis","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"","contactURL":"http://gazette.com/contact","webDomain":"gazette.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"newPublisherJson":{"pubId":119,"name":"The Gazette","city":"Colorado Springs","stateAbbr":"CO","email":"john.boogert@gazette.com","phone":"(719) 636-0238","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"John Boogert","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"|New editor.","contactURL":"http://gazette.com/contact","webDomain":"gazette.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"redditPostId":null,"redditVerifiedCommentId":null,"approvedBy":null,"requestReceived":"2020-05-12T19:52:42","isSpam":0,"ip":"(hidden)","applied":null}
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(831) 706-3282
(831) 726-4351
Don Miller
David Kellogg
New editor.
{"requestId":65,"oldPublisherJson":{"pubId":97,"name":"The Monterey County Herald","city":"Monterey","stateAbbr":"CA","email":"dmiller@montereyherald.com","phone":"(831) 706-3282","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"Don Miller","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"","contactURL":"http://www.montereyherald.com/contact","webDomain":"montereyherald.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"newPublisherJson":{"pubId":97,"name":"The Monterey County Herald","city":"Monterey","stateAbbr":"CA","email":"dkellogg@montereyherald.com","phone":"(831) 726-4351","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"David Kellogg","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"|New editor.","contactURL":"http://www.montereyherald.com/contact","webDomain":"montereyherald.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"redditPostId":null,"redditVerifiedCommentId":null,"approvedBy":null,"requestReceived":"2020-05-06T18:14:54","isSpam":0,"ip":"(hidden)","applied":null}
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(925) 977-8430
(408) 920-5456
Steve Dempsey
Frank Pine
New editor.
{"requestId":64,"oldPublisherJson":{"pubId":6,"name":"The Mercury News","city":"San Jose","stateAbbr":"CA","email":"sdempsey@bayareanesgroup.com","phone":"(925) 977-8430","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"Steve Dempsey","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"","contactURL":"http://www.mercurynews.com/contact-us/","webDomain":"mercurynews.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"newPublisherJson":{"pubId":6,"name":"The Mercury News","city":"San Jose","stateAbbr":"CA","email":"editor@bayareanewsgroup.com","phone":"(408) 920-5456","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"Frank Pine","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"|New editor.","contactURL":"http://www.mercurynews.com/contact-us/","webDomain":"mercurynews.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"redditPostId":null,"redditVerifiedCommentId":null,"approvedBy":null,"requestReceived":"2020-05-06T18:11:05","isSpam":0,"ip":"(hidden)","applied":null}
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(714) 796-7926
Brian Calle
Andre Mouchard
New editor.
{"requestId":63,"oldPublisherJson":{"pubId":91,"name":"San Gabriel Valley Tribune","city":"Monrovia","stateAbbr":"CA","email":"bcalle@scng.com","phone":"","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"Brian Calle","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"","contactURL":"http://www.sgvtribune.com/contact-us","webDomain":"sgvtribune.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"newPublisherJson":{"pubId":91,"name":"San Gabriel Valley Tribune","city":"Monrovia","stateAbbr":"CA","email":"amouchard@scng.com","phone":"(714) 796-7926","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"Andre Mouchard","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"|New editor.","contactURL":"http://www.sgvtribune.com/contact-us","webDomain":"sgvtribune.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"redditPostId":null,"redditVerifiedCommentId":null,"approvedBy":null,"requestReceived":"2020-05-06T18:08:16","isSpam":0,"ip":"(hidden)","applied":null}
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(909) 386-3991
(714) 796-2428
Kimberly Guimarin
Todd Harmonson
New editor.
{"requestId":62,"oldPublisherJson":{"pubId":89,"name":"The Press-Enterprise","city":"Riverside","stateAbbr":"CA","email":"kimberly.guimarin@socalnewsgroup.com","phone":"(909) 386-3991","pocTitle":"Ms.","poc":"Kimberly Guimarin","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"","contactURL":"http://www.pe.com/sections/about/news-contacts/","webDomain":"pe.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"newPublisherJson":{"pubId":89,"name":"The Press-Enterprise","city":"Riverside","stateAbbr":"CA","email":"tharmonson@scng.com","phone":"(714) 796-2428","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"Todd Harmonson","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"|New editor.","contactURL":"http://www.pe.com/sections/about/news-contacts/","webDomain":"pe.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"redditPostId":null,"redditVerifiedCommentId":null,"approvedBy":null,"requestReceived":"2020-05-06T18:05:55","isSpam":0,"ip":"(hidden)","applied":null}
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{"requestId":61,"oldPublisherJson":{"pubId":88,"name":"San Francisco Chronicle","city":"San Francisco","stateAbbr":"CA","email":"jdiaz@sfchronicle.com","phone":"","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"John Diaz","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"","contactURL":"http://www.sfchronicle.com/newsroom_contacts/","webDomain":"sfchronicle.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"newPublisherJson":{"pubId":88,"name":"San Francisco Chronicle","city":"San Francisco","stateAbbr":"CA","email":"jdiaz@sfchronicle.com","phone":"","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"John Diaz","wordLimit":850,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"|","contactURL":"http://www.sfchronicle.com/newsroom_contacts/","webDomain":"sfchronicle.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"redditPostId":null,"redditVerifiedCommentId":null,"approvedBy":null,"requestReceived":"2020-05-06T18:02:35","isSpam":0,"ip":"(hidden)","applied":null}
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Mark Winkler
Stacie N. Galang
New editor.
{"requestId":60,"oldPublisherJson":{"pubId":116,"name":"Ventura County Star","city":"Camarillo","stateAbbr":"CA","email":"mwinkler@gannett.com","phone":"(805) 437-0200","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"Mark Winkler","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"","contactURL":"http://static.vcstar.com/contact/","webDomain":"vcstar.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"newPublisherJson":{"pubId":116,"name":"Ventura County Star","city":"Camarillo","stateAbbr":"CA","email":"stacie.galang@vcstar.com","phone":"(805) 437-0200","pocTitle":"Ms.","poc":"Stacie N. Galang","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"|New editor.","contactURL":"http://static.vcstar.com/contact/","webDomain":"vcstar.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"redditPostId":null,"redditVerifiedCommentId":null,"approvedBy":null,"requestReceived":"2020-05-06T17:59:46","isSpam":0,"ip":"(hidden)","applied":null}
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(530) 737-504
(530) 737-5042
{"requestId":59,"oldPublisherJson":{"pubId":104,"name":"Daily News","city":"Red Bluff","stateAbbr":"CA","email":"editor@redbluffdailynews.com","phone":"(530) 737-504","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"Chip Thompson","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"","contactURL":"http://www.redbluffdailynews.com/contact-us","webDomain":"redbluffdailynews.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"newPublisherJson":{"pubId":104,"name":"Daily News","city":"Red Bluff","stateAbbr":"CA","email":"editor@redbluffdailynews.com","phone":"(530) 737-5042","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"Chip Thompson","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"|","contactURL":"http://www.redbluffdailynews.com/contact-us","webDomain":"redbluffdailynews.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"redditPostId":null,"redditVerifiedCommentId":null,"approvedBy":null,"requestReceived":"2020-05-06T17:57:04","isSpam":0,"ip":"(hidden)","applied":null}
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(909) 483-9360
{"requestId":58,"oldPublisherJson":{"pubId":86,"name":"Orange County Register","city":"Santa Ana","stateAbbr":"CA","email":"fpine@scng.com","phone":"","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"Frank Pine","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"","contactURL":"http://www.ocregister.com/articles/contacting-218464-county-ocregister.html","webDomain":"ocregister.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"newPublisherJson":{"pubId":86,"name":"Orange County Register","city":"Santa Ana","stateAbbr":"CA","email":"fpine@scng.com","phone":"(909) 483-9360","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"Frank Pine","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"|","contactURL":"http://www.ocregister.com/articles/contacting-218464-county-ocregister.html","webDomain":"ocregister.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"redditPostId":null,"redditVerifiedCommentId":null,"approvedBy":null,"requestReceived":"2020-05-06T17:56:11","isSpam":0,"ip":"(hidden)","applied":null}
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David Little
Mike Wolcott
New editor.
{"requestId":57,"oldPublisherJson":{"pubId":94,"name":"Chico Enterprise-Record","city":"Chico","stateAbbr":"CA","email":"dlittle@chicoer.com","phone":"(530) 896-7793","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"David Little","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"","contactURL":"http://www.chicoer.com/contact-us","webDomain":"chicoer.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"newPublisherJson":{"pubId":94,"name":"Chico Enterprise-Record","city":"Chico","stateAbbr":"CA","email":"mwolcott@chicoer.com","phone":"(530) 896-7793","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"Mike Wolcott","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"|New editor.","contactURL":"http://www.chicoer.com/contact-us","webDomain":"chicoer.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"redditPostId":null,"redditVerifiedCommentId":null,"approvedBy":null,"requestReceived":"2020-05-06T17:55:12","isSpam":0,"ip":"(hidden)","applied":null}
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(661) 395-7381
Bob Price
Christine L. Peterson
New editor.
{"requestId":56,"oldPublisherJson":{"pubId":106,"name":"The Bakersfield Californian","city":"Bakersfield","stateAbbr":"CA","email":"rprice@bakersfield.com","phone":"","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"Bob Price","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"","contactURL":"http://www.bakersfield.com/site/contact.html","webDomain":"bakersfield.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"newPublisherJson":{"pubId":106,"name":"The Bakersfield Californian","city":"Bakersfield","stateAbbr":"CA","email":"cpeterson@bakersfield.com","phone":"(661) 395-7381","pocTitle":"Ms.","poc":"Christine L. Peterson","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"|New editor.","contactURL":"http://www.bakersfield.com/site/contact.html","webDomain":"bakersfield.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"redditPostId":null,"redditVerifiedCommentId":null,"approvedBy":null,"requestReceived":"2020-05-06T17:52:44","isSpam":0,"ip":"(hidden)","applied":null}
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3. The post must be at least 3 hours old before it will be processed.
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(916) 321-1907
(916) 321-1004
Dan Morain
Lauren Gustus
New editor.
{"requestId":55,"oldPublisherJson":{"pubId":85,"name":"The Sacramento Bee","city":"Sacramento","stateAbbr":"CA","email":"dmorain@sacbee.com","phone":"(916) 321-1907","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"Dan Morain","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"","contactURL":"http://www.sacbee.com/opinion/editorial-board/","webDomain":"sacbee.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"newPublisherJson":{"pubId":85,"name":"The Sacramento Bee","city":"Sacramento","stateAbbr":"CA","email":"lgustus@sacbee.com","phone":"(916) 321-1004","pocTitle":"Ms.","poc":"Lauren Gustus","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"|New editor.","contactURL":"http://www.sacbee.com/opinion/editorial-board/","webDomain":"sacbee.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"redditPostId":null,"redditVerifiedCommentId":null,"approvedBy":null,"requestReceived":"2020-05-06T17:48:46","isSpam":0,"ip":"(hidden)","applied":null}
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2. The post must achieve a certain upvote threshold. If you're not a moderator but you believe the proposed changes are inaccurate or vandalism, you can help by downvoting and reporting this post.
3. The post must be at least 3 hours old before it will be processed.
All of the above conditions must be met in order for the bot to apply the request.
The method for rejecting this request depends on your reason:
1. If the request contains a typo or other mistake, simply remove this post or apply the "REJECTED" flair.
2. If the request is spam or contains obvious vandalism, mark this post as Spam. This will reject the request and tell the bot to ignore future reports sent by the same person.
Please note that only moderators can approve and reject these requests.
Thank you for helping to keep this public database accurate and up-to-date!
(408) 920-5542
(408) 920-5679
Barbara Marshman
Ed Clendaniel
New editor.
{"requestId":54,"oldPublisherJson":{"pubId":107,"name":"The Mercury News","city":"San Jose","stateAbbr":"CA","email":"bmarshman@bayareanewsgroup.com","phone":"(408) 920-5542","pocTitle":"Ms.","poc":"Barbara Marshman","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"","contactURL":"http://www.eastbaytimes.com/contact-us/","webDomain":"eastbaytimes.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"newPublisherJson":{"pubId":107,"name":"The Mercury News","city":"San Jose","stateAbbr":"CA","email":"eclendaniel@bayareanewsgroup.com","phone":"(408) 920-5679","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"Ed Clendaniel","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"|New editor.","contactURL":"http://www.eastbaytimes.com/contact-us/","webDomain":"eastbaytimes.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"redditPostId":null,"redditVerifiedCommentId":null,"approvedBy":null,"requestReceived":"2020-05-06T17:45:02","isSpam":0,"ip":"(hidden)","applied":null}
In order for this request to be accepted, the following conditions must be met:
1. A moderator must approve the post after verifying the report's accuracy. Please confirm proposed changes to contact name, email, and phone number before approving!
2. The post must achieve a certain upvote threshold. If you're not a moderator but you believe the proposed changes are inaccurate or vandalism, you can help by downvoting and reporting this post.
3. The post must be at least 3 hours old before it will be processed.
All of the above conditions must be met in order for the bot to apply the request.
The method for rejecting this request depends on your reason:
1. If the request contains a typo or other mistake, simply remove this post or apply the "REJECTED" flair.
2. If the request is spam or contains obvious vandalism, mark this post as Spam. This will reject the request and tell the bot to ignore future reports sent by the same person.
Please note that only moderators can approve and reject these requests.
Thank you for helping to keep this public database accurate and up-to-date!
(831) 706-3282
(831) 429-2448
Don Miller
Melissa Murphy
New editor.
{"requestId":53,"oldPublisherJson":{"pubId":115,"name":"Santa Cruz Sentinel","city":"Santa Cruz","stateAbbr":"CA","email":"dmiller@santacruzsentinel.com","phone":"(831) 706-3282","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"Don Miller","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"","contactURL":"http://www.santacruzsentinel.com/contact-us","webDomain":"santacruzsentinel.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"newPublisherJson":{"pubId":115,"name":"Santa Cruz Sentinel","city":"Santa Cruz","stateAbbr":"CA","email":"mmurphy@santacruzsentinel.com","phone":"(831) 429-2448","pocTitle":"Ms.","poc":"Melissa Murphy","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"|New editor.","contactURL":"http://www.santacruzsentinel.com/contact-us","webDomain":"santacruzsentinel.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"redditPostId":null,"redditVerifiedCommentId":null,"approvedBy":null,"requestReceived":"2020-05-06T17:41:09","isSpam":0,"ip":"(hidden)","applied":null}
In order for this request to be accepted, the following conditions must be met:
1. A moderator must approve the post after verifying the report's accuracy. Please confirm proposed changes to contact name, email, and phone number before approving!
2. The post must achieve a certain upvote threshold. If you're not a moderator but you believe the proposed changes are inaccurate or vandalism, you can help by downvoting and reporting this post.
3. The post must be at least 3 hours old before it will be processed.
All of the above conditions must be met in order for the bot to apply the request.
The method for rejecting this request depends on your reason:
1. If the request contains a typo or other mistake, simply remove this post or apply the "REJECTED" flair.
2. If the request is spam or contains obvious vandalism, mark this post as Spam. This will reject the request and tell the bot to ignore future reports sent by the same person.
Please note that only moderators can approve and reject these requests.
Thank you for helping to keep this public database accurate and up-to-date!
(479) 785-7759
(479) 785-7700 x1343
Mardi Taylor
John Lovett
New editor.
{"requestId":52,"oldPublisherJson":{"pubId":5,"name":"Southwest Times Record","city":"Fort Smith","stateAbbr":"AR","email":"mtaylor@swtimes.com","phone":"(479) 785-7759","pocTitle":"Ms.","poc":"Mardi Taylor","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"","contactURL":"http://www.swtimes.com/contact","webDomain":"swtimes.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"newPublisherJson":{"pubId":5,"name":"Southwest Times Record","city":"Fort Smith","stateAbbr":"AR","email":"jlovett@swtimes.com","phone":"(479) 785-7700 x1343","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"John Lovett","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"|New editor.","contactURL":"http://www.swtimes.com/contact","webDomain":"swtimes.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"redditPostId":null,"redditVerifiedCommentId":null,"approvedBy":null,"requestReceived":"2020-05-05T17:29:02","isSpam":0,"ip":"(hidden)","applied":null}
In order for this request to be accepted, the following conditions must be met:
1. A moderator must approve the post after verifying the report's accuracy. Please confirm proposed changes to contact name, email, and phone number before approving!
2. The post must achieve a certain upvote threshold. If you're not a moderator but you believe the proposed changes are inaccurate or vandalism, you can help by downvoting and reporting this post.
3. The post must be at least 3 hours old before it will be processed.
All of the above conditions must be met in order for the bot to apply the request.
The method for rejecting this request depends on your reason:
1. If the request contains a typo or other mistake, simply remove this post or apply the "REJECTED" flair.
2. If the request is spam or contains obvious vandalism, mark this post as Spam. This will reject the request and tell the bot to ignore future reports sent by the same person.
Please note that only moderators can approve and reject these requests.
Thank you for helping to keep this public database accurate and up-to-date!
(501) 623-6397
Rick Kennedy
Misty Castile
New editor.
{"requestId":51,"oldPublisherJson":{"pubId":80,"name":"Hope Star","city":"Hope","stateAbbr":"AR","email":"rkennedy@hopestar.com","phone":"","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"Rick Kennedy","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"","contactURL":"http://www.hopestar.com/section/?template=contact","webDomain":"hopestar.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"newPublisherJson":{"pubId":80,"name":"Hope Star","city":"Hope","stateAbbr":"AR","email":"mcastile@hsvvoice.com","phone":"(501) 623-6397","pocTitle":"Ms.","poc":"Misty Castile","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"|New editor.","contactURL":"http://www.hopestar.com/section/?template=contact","webDomain":"hopestar.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"redditPostId":null,"redditVerifiedCommentId":null,"approvedBy":null,"requestReceived":"2020-05-05T17:26:20","isSpam":0,"ip":"(hidden)","applied":null}
In order for this request to be accepted, the following conditions must be met:
1. A moderator must approve the post after verifying the report's accuracy. Please confirm proposed changes to contact name, email, and phone number before approving!
2. The post must achieve a certain upvote threshold. If you're not a moderator but you believe the proposed changes are inaccurate or vandalism, you can help by downvoting and reporting this post.
3. The post must be at least 3 hours old before it will be processed.
All of the above conditions must be met in order for the bot to apply the request.
The method for rejecting this request depends on your reason:
1. If the request contains a typo or other mistake, simply remove this post or apply the "REJECTED" flair.
2. If the request is spam or contains obvious vandalism, mark this post as Spam. This will reject the request and tell the bot to ignore future reports sent by the same person.
Please note that only moderators can approve and reject these requests.
Thank you for helping to keep this public database accurate and up-to-date!
(520) 797-4384 x36
{"requestId":50,"oldPublisherJson":{"pubId":74,"name":"The Daily Territorial","city":"Tucson","stateAbbr":"AZ","email":"logan@tucsonlocalmedia.com","phone":"","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"Logan Burtch-Buus","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"","contactURL":"http://www.insidetucsonbusiness.com/site/about.html","webDomain":"insidetucsonbusiness.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"newPublisherJson":{"pubId":74,"name":"The Daily Territorial","city":"Tucson","stateAbbr":"AZ","email":"logan@tucsonlocalmedia.com","phone":"(520) 797-4384 x36","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"Logan Burtch-Buus","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"|","contactURL":"http://www.insidetucsonbusiness.com/site/about.html","webDomain":"insidetucsonbusiness.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"redditPostId":null,"redditVerifiedCommentId":null,"approvedBy":null,"requestReceived":"2020-05-04T02:31:00","isSpam":0,"ip":"(hidden)","applied":null}
In order for this request to be accepted, the following conditions must be met:
1. A moderator must approve the post after verifying the report's accuracy. Please confirm proposed changes to contact name, email, and phone number before approving!
2. The post must achieve a certain upvote threshold. If you're not a moderator but you believe the proposed changes are inaccurate or vandalism, you can help by downvoting and reporting this post.
3. The post must be at least 3 hours old before it will be processed.
All of the above conditions must be met in order for the bot to apply the request.
The method for rejecting this request depends on your reason:
1. If the request contains a typo or other mistake, simply remove this post or apply the "REJECTED" flair.
2. If the request is spam or contains obvious vandalism, mark this post as Spam. This will reject the request and tell the bot to ignore future reports sent by the same person.
Please note that only moderators can approve and reject these requests.
Thank you for helping to keep this public database accurate and up-to-date!
(928) 753-6397 x5225
(928) 753-6397 x5226
Byrne Shawn
Casey Jones
New editor.
{"requestId":49,"oldPublisherJson":{"pubId":75,"name":"The Kingman Daily Miner","city":"Kingman","stateAbbr":"AZ","email":"sbyrne@kdminer.com","phone":"(928) 753-6397 x5225","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"Byrne Shawn","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"","contactURL":"http://kdminer.com/staff/departments/editorial/","webDomain":"kdminer.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"newPublisherJson":{"pubId":75,"name":"The Kingman Daily Miner","city":"Kingman","stateAbbr":"AZ","email":"cjones@kdminer.com","phone":"(928) 753-6397 x5226","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"Casey Jones","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"|New editor.","contactURL":"http://kdminer.com/staff/departments/editorial/","webDomain":"kdminer.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"redditPostId":null,"redditVerifiedCommentId":null,"approvedBy":null,"requestReceived":"2020-05-04T02:29:03","isSpam":0,"ip":"(hidden)","applied":null}
In order for this request to be accepted, the following conditions must be met:
1. A moderator must approve the post after verifying the report's accuracy. Please confirm proposed changes to contact name, email, and phone number before approving!
2. The post must achieve a certain upvote threshold. If you're not a moderator but you believe the proposed changes are inaccurate or vandalism, you can help by downvoting and reporting this post.
3. The post must be at least 3 hours old before it will be processed.
All of the above conditions must be met in order for the bot to apply the request.
The method for rejecting this request depends on your reason:
1. If the request contains a typo or other mistake, simply remove this post or apply the "REJECTED" flair.
2. If the request is spam or contains obvious vandalism, mark this post as Spam. This will reject the request and tell the bot to ignore future reports sent by the same person.
Please note that only moderators can approve and reject these requests.
Thank you for helping to keep this public database accurate and up-to-date!
Drew Herman
Douglas Long
New editor.
{"requestId":48,"oldPublisherJson":{"pubId":68,"name":"Kodiak Daily Mirror","city":"Kodiak","stateAbbr":"AK","email":"editor@kodiakdailymirror.com","phone":"(907) 512-2614","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"Drew Herman","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"","contactURL":"http://www.kodiakdailymirror.com/site/contact.html","webDomain":"kodiakdailymirror.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"newPublisherJson":{"pubId":68,"name":"Kodiak Daily Mirror","city":"Kodiak","stateAbbr":"AK","email":"editor@kodiakdailymirror.com","phone":"(907) 512-2614","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"Douglas Long","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"|New editor.","contactURL":"http://www.kodiakdailymirror.com/site/contact.html","webDomain":"kodiakdailymirror.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"redditPostId":null,"redditVerifiedCommentId":null,"approvedBy":null,"requestReceived":"2020-04-25T19:46:50","isSpam":0,"ip":"(hidden)","applied":null}
In order for this request to be accepted, the following conditions must be met:
1. A moderator must approve the post after verifying the report's accuracy. Please confirm proposed changes to contact name, email, and phone number before approving!
2. The post must achieve a certain upvote threshold. If you're not a moderator but you believe the proposed changes are inaccurate or vandalism, you can help by downvoting and reporting this post.
3. The post must be at least 3 hours old before it will be processed.
All of the above conditions must be met in order for the bot to apply the request.
The method for rejecting this request depends on your reason:
1. If the request contains a typo or other mistake, simply remove this post or apply the "REJECTED" flair.
2. If the request is spam or contains obvious vandalism, mark this post as Spam. This will reject the request and tell the bot to ignore future reports sent by the same person.
Please note that only moderators can approve and reject these requests.
Thank you for helping to keep this public database accurate and up-to-date!
{"requestId":47,"oldPublisherJson":{"pubId":67,"name":"Ketchikan Daily News","city":"Ketchikan","stateAbbr":"AK","email":"news@ketchikandailynews.com","phone":"","pocTitle":null,"poc":"","wordLimit":675,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"","contactURL":"http://www.ketchikandailynews.com/contact_us/","webDomain":"ketchikandailynews.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"newPublisherJson":{"pubId":67,"name":"Ketchikan Daily News","city":"Ketchikan","stateAbbr":"AK","email":"news@ketchikandailynews.com","phone":"","pocTitle":null,"poc":"","wordLimit":675,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"|THIS IS A TEST. PLEASE DO **NOT** APPROVE!!","contactURL":"http://www.ketchikandailynews.com/contact_us/","webDomain":"ketchikandailynews.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"redditPostId":null,"redditVerifiedCommentId":null,"approvedBy":null,"requestReceived":"2020-04-08T03:28:53","isSpam":0,"ip":"(hidden)","applied":null}
In order for this request to be accepted, the following conditions must be met:
1. A moderator must approve the post after verifying the report's accuracy. Please confirm proposed changes to contact name, email, and phone number before approving!
2. The post must achieve a certain upvote threshold. If you're not a moderator but you believe the proposed changes are inaccurate or vandalism, you can help by downvoting and reporting this post.
3. The post must be at least 3 hours old before it will be processed.
All of the above conditions must be met in order for the bot to apply the request.
The method for rejecting this request depends on your reason:
1. If the request contains a typo or other mistake, simply remove this post or apply the "REJECTED" flair.
2. If the request is spam or contains obvious vandalism, mark this post as Spam. This will reject the request and tell the bot to ignore future reports sent by the same person.
Please note that only moderators can approve and reject these requests.
Thank you for helping to keep this public database accurate and up-to-date!
Justin Averette
Adam Powell
{"requestId":46,"oldPublisherJson":{"pubId":60,"name":"Selma Times-Journal","city":"Selma","stateAbbr":"AL","email":"justin.averette@selmatimesjournal.com","phone":"","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"Justin Averette","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"","contactURL":"http://www.selmatimesjournal.com/services/about-us/","webDomain":"selmatimesjournal.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"newPublisherJson":{"pubId":60,"name":"Selma Times-Journal","city":"Selma","stateAbbr":"AL","email":"adam.powell@selmatimesjournal.com","phone":"","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"Adam Powell","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"|","contactURL":"http://www.selmatimesjournal.com/services/about-us/","webDomain":"selmatimesjournal.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"redditPostId":null,"redditVerifiedCommentId":null,"approvedBy":null,"requestReceived":"2020-04-06T17:41:29","isSpam":0,"ip":"(hidden)","applied":null}
In order for this request to be accepted, the following conditions must be met:
1. A moderator must approve the post after verifying the report's accuracy. Please confirm proposed changes to contact name, email, and phone number before approving!
2. The post must achieve a certain upvote threshold. If you're not a moderator but you believe the proposed changes are inaccurate or vandalism, you can help by downvoting and reporting this post.
3. The post must be at least 3 hours old before it will be processed.
All of the above conditions must be met in order for the bot to apply the request.
The method for rejecting this request depends on your reason:
1. If the request contains a typo or other mistake, simply remove this post or apply the "REJECTED" flair.
2. If the request is spam or contains obvious vandalism, mark this post as Spam. This will reject the request and tell the bot to ignore future reports sent by the same person.
Please note that only moderators can approve and reject these requests.
Thank you for helping to keep this public database accurate and up-to-date!
Gary Maitlandy
Gary Maitland
{"requestId":45,"oldPublisherJson":{"pubId":54,"name":"TimesDaily","city":"Florence","stateAbbr":"AL","email":"terry.hildreth@timesdaily.com","phone":"(256) 740-5721","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"Gary Maitlandy","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"","contactURL":"http://www.timesdaily.com/site/contact.html","webDomain":"timesdaily.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"newPublisherJson":{"pubId":54,"name":"TimesDaily","city":"Florence","stateAbbr":"AL","email":"gary.maitland@timesdaily.com","phone":"(256) 740-5721","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"Gary Maitland","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"|","contactURL":"http://www.timesdaily.com/site/contact.html","webDomain":"timesdaily.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"redditPostId":null,"redditVerifiedCommentId":null,"approvedBy":null,"requestReceived":"2020-04-06T17:39:08","isSpam":0,"ip":"(hidden)","applied":null}
In order for this request to be accepted, the following conditions must be met:
1. A moderator must approve the post after verifying the report's accuracy. Please confirm proposed changes to contact name, email, and phone number before approving!
2. The post must achieve a certain upvote threshold. If you're not a moderator but you believe the proposed changes are inaccurate or vandalism, you can help by downvoting and reporting this post.
3. The post must be at least 3 hours old before it will be processed.
All of the above conditions must be met in order for the bot to apply the request.
The method for rejecting this request depends on your reason:
1. If the request contains a typo or other mistake, simply remove this post or apply the "REJECTED" flair.
2. If the request is spam or contains obvious vandalism, mark this post as Spam. This will reject the request and tell the bot to ignore future reports sent by the same person.
Please note that only moderators can approve and reject these requests.
Thank you for helping to keep this public database accurate and up-to-date!
Heather Buckner
Emily Kirby
{"requestId":44,"oldPublisherJson":{"pubId":55,"name":"Times-Journal","city":"Fort Payne","stateAbbr":"AL","email":"hbuckner@times-journal.com","phone":"(256) 304-0053","pocTitle":"Ms.","poc":"Heather Buckner","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"","contactURL":"http://times-journal.com/site/contact/","webDomain":"times-journal.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"newPublisherJson":{"pubId":55,"name":"Times-Journal","city":"Fort Payne","stateAbbr":"AL","email":"emily.kirby@times-journal.com","phone":"(256) 304-0053","pocTitle":"Ms.","poc":"Emily Kirby","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"|","contactURL":"http://times-journal.com/site/contact/","webDomain":"times-journal.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"redditPostId":null,"redditVerifiedCommentId":null,"approvedBy":null,"requestReceived":"2020-04-06T17:36:01","isSpam":0,"ip":"(hidden)","applied":null}
In order for this request to be accepted, the following conditions must be met:
1. A moderator must approve the post after verifying the report's accuracy. Please confirm proposed changes to contact name, email, and phone number before approving!
2. The post must achieve a certain upvote threshold. If you're not a moderator but you believe the proposed changes are inaccurate or vandalism, you can help by downvoting and reporting this post.
3. The post must be at least 3 hours old before it will be processed.
All of the above conditions must be met in order for the bot to apply the request.
The method for rejecting this request depends on your reason:
1. If the request contains a typo or other mistake, simply remove this post or apply the "REJECTED" flair.
2. If the request is spam or contains obvious vandalism, mark this post as Spam. This will reject the request and tell the bot to ignore future reports sent by the same person.
Please note that only moderators can approve and reject these requests.
Thank you for helping to keep this public database accurate and up-to-date!
The bot I created to curate the database interprets mod approval as confirmation that the changes are accurate and not vandalism.
So if you just habitually approve all posts on this sub like greenascanbe did (that's why I eventually had to remove him), you'll risk opening up our publishers database to corruption and sabotage.
(256) 235-3540
(256) 235-3557
Bob Davis
Phillip Tutor
New editor.
{"requestId":43,"oldPublisherJson":{"pubId":50,"name":"The Anniston Star","city":"Anniston","stateAbbr":"AL","email":"bdavis@annistonstar.com","phone":"(256) 235-3540","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"Bob Davis","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"","contactURL":"http://www.annistonstar.com/site/contact/","webDomain":"annistonstar.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"newPublisherJson":{"pubId":50,"name":"The Anniston Star","city":"Anniston","stateAbbr":"AL","email":"ptutor@annistonstar.com","phone":"(256) 235-3557","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"Phillip Tutor","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"|New editor.","contactURL":"http://www.annistonstar.com/site/contact/","webDomain":"annistonstar.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"redditPostId":null,"redditVerifiedCommentId":null,"approvedBy":null,"requestReceived":"2020-04-06T17:31:57","isSpam":0,"ip":"(hidden)","applied":null}
In order for this request to be accepted, the following conditions must be met:
1. A moderator must approve the post after verifying the report's accuracy. Please confirm proposed changes to contact name, email, and phone number before approving!
2. The post must achieve a certain upvote threshold. If you're not a moderator but you believe the proposed changes are inaccurate or vandalism, you can help by downvoting and reporting this post.
3. The post must be at least 3 hours old before it will be processed.
All of the above conditions must be met in order for the bot to apply the request.
The method for rejecting this request depends on your reason:
1. If the request contains a typo or other mistake, simply remove this post or apply the "REJECTED" flair.
2. If the request is spam or contains obvious vandalism, mark this post as Spam. This will reject the request and tell the bot to ignore future reports sent by the same person.
Please note that only moderators can approve and reject these requests.
Thank you for helping to keep this public database accurate and up-to-date!
(406) 582?2647
(406) 582-2647
{"requestId":42,"oldPublisherJson":{"pubId":419,"name":"Bozeman Daily Chronicle","city":"Bozeman","stateAbbr":"MT","email":"nehli@dailychronicle.com","phone":"(406) 582?2647","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"Nick Ehli","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"","contactURL":"http://www.bozemandailychronicle.com/contact/#utm_source=bozemandailychronicle.com&utm_campaign=footer-col-one-nav-menu&utm_medium=direct&utm_term=contact%20us&utm_content=1","webDomain":"bozemandailychronicle.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"newPublisherJson":{"pubId":419,"name":"Bozeman Daily Chronicle","city":"Bozeman","stateAbbr":"MT","email":"nehli@dailychronicle.com","phone":"(406) 582-2647","pocTitle":"Mr.","poc":"Nick Ehli","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"|","contactURL":"http://www.bozemandailychronicle.com/contact/#utm_source=bozemandailychronicle.com&utm_campaign=footer-col-one-nav-menu&utm_medium=direct&utm_term=contact%20us&utm_content=1","webDomain":"bozemandailychronicle.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"redditPostId":null,"redditVerifiedCommentId":null,"approvedBy":null,"requestReceived":"2020-04-04T04:26:35","isSpam":0,"ip":"(hidden)","applied":null}
In order for this request to be accepted, the following conditions must be met:
1. A moderator must approve the post after verifying the report's accuracy. Please confirm proposed changes to contact name, email, and phone number before approving!
2. The post must achieve a certain upvote threshold. If you're not a moderator but you believe the proposed changes are inaccurate or vandalism, you can help by downvoting and reporting this post.
3. The post must be at least 3 hours old before it will be processed.
All of the above conditions must be met in order for the bot to apply the request.
The method for rejecting this request depends on your reason:
1. If the request contains a typo or other mistake, simply remove this post or apply the "REJECTED" flair.
2. If the request is spam or contains obvious vandalism, mark this post as Spam. This will reject the request and tell the bot to ignore future reports sent by the same person.
Please note that only moderators can approve and reject these requests.
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(877) 424-0156
{"requestId":41,"oldPublisherJson":{"pubId":152,"name":"Florida Today","city":"Melbourne","stateAbbr":"FL","email":"mbellaby@floridatoday.com","phone":"","pocTitle":"Ms.","poc":"Mara Bellaby","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"","contactURL":"http://www.floridatoday.com/contact/staff/","webDomain":"floridatoday.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"newPublisherJson":{"pubId":152,"name":"Florida Today","city":"Melbourne","stateAbbr":"FL","email":"mbellaby@floridatoday.com","phone":"(877) 424-0156","pocTitle":"Ms.","poc":"Mara Bellaby","wordLimit":null,"daysWaitAfterPublish":45,"notes":"|","contactURL":"http://www.floridatoday.com/contact/staff/","webDomain":"floridatoday.com","requiresLocalTieIn":0,"enabled":1},"redditPostId":null,"redditVerifiedCommentId":null,"approvedBy":null,"requestReceived":"2020-03-26T23:05:48","isSpam":0,"ip":"(hidden)","applied":null}
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