This sub is for people to share Japanese language that they have encountered in their everyday life (signs, advertisements, etc.) to benefit students of the language.
Welcome to Japanese in the Wild. Studying off a textbook can get boring. I find that seeing real-life instances of a language can help motivate learners and will provide a lot of practical, everyday vocabulary.
Japanese in the Wildへようこそ。教科書ばかりで日本語を勉強することが退屈。リアルの日本語を見て日本語を覚えることによってモチベーションを高め、日常的に使える日本語も身につけられます。
Submissions should all be photos of things such as signs, advertisements, etc. which contain Japanese writing. They should also ideally be either funny, interesting, or useful in some way.
Please mark your submission based on level of difficulty. This will help people search and filter based on their skill level. If it's a mix, include both in the title.
[Advanced]: Something for people with a fairly high level of fluency (JLPT N2 - N1)
[Beginner]: 初心者向け。ひらがな、カタカナのみ、もしくはシンプルな漢字(小学校一~二年生)が入っているもの
[Intermediate]: 中級。(一番大きいカテゴリー)中学生が分かる漢字が入っているもの
[Advanced]: 上級。それ以上難しいもの
IMPORTANT: When submitting, feel free to make titles humorous or get creative, but do not give away the meaning of the Japanese. The point is for learners to try and read themselves, going to comments as necessary to find the answer. The comment section is for translation attempts and general discussion (how certain words are used, etc.).
重要: 投稿の際に、タイトルは形式を問いません(面白くてもいいし、ドライでもいい)が、日本語の意味をばれさせないでください。生徒が自分で読んでみて、自分で辞書を引いたりして意味を調べることが目的です。必要に応じてコメントのところに行って翻訳を書いてみたり、他のユーザーに質問したりします。
Here are some examples of submissions and titles:
There are no hard and fast rules for commenting (anyone who goes there can expect some spoilers) but it's a nice gesture to add a spoiler tag so that people can see hints but not the answer itself.
The way to do that is (記入方法) [Spoiler](/s "ぺけぺけ")
This will show up as (このように表示されます) Spoiler
To create furigana in your posts, use the following syntax: 振り仮名を付けたい場合、下記のように記入してください:
[漢字](#fg "かんじ")
This will display 漢字.
The quotation marks are not optional. Read more here.
Feel free to make meta comments with suggestions on how to improve the sub as well. 全体改善の意見などあれば、Metaコメントを投稿してください。
Based on /r/simplit theme by /u/titleproblems. Modified by /u/boweruk.
Spotted at an izakaya on a trip.