Anything related to indie games
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I had an idea for a horde survivor roguelike where staring at an enemy gives them effects, but I also wanted to make enemies hidden unless they were in your line of sight. I thought of several ways to protect your back while doing this, such as a minion that spirals around you and temporarily lights up enemies that get too close. Does this sound interesting or fun, or do you think having to turn around every 10-15 seconds (atleast during the beginning of every run) would get annoying?
A Screenshot from the planning of the character customization system
Hi, guys first post here sorry for any mistakes..
so I'm looking into getting into game development i know some basics and I'm not asking about the technical side here so don't worry about me learning coding, design, etc I have some knowledge that will help make the UI and design the 3d assets and animations and some other things,
and for things idk like coding and the rest of the process of making the game I will take my time to learn just curios if It's a bad idea to design a multiplayer game without having an already waiting community for the game ?
for instance the closer I can describe this game is like Medieval "among us" where you play as a medieval peasant who disguises himself as a Plague Doctor during the bubonic plague "Black Death" era to To take revenge on the king who killed his un-diseased father who rebelled against the kingdom along with others for the kingdom not helping the low class diseased peasants leaving them to die caring only about the royal class.
your mission as a rebel is to perform the tasks given to spread the plague through the castle which the events takes place inside and as a real doctor your mission is to prevent spread of the plague by performing your own missions and all the players are wearing the same plague doctor outfit.
after each round or if a body where found dead or if someone somehow :) went missing. all the players gather in the throne room where they vote for who they think is the Fake doctor to as reported to the king then they keep kicking doctor after doctor as they can't expose their face in the danger of getting infected and the rounds goes on until either the doctors win on the account of the rebel getting exposed and then executed or he success to overthrow all the doctors for then being left alone with his only target the king which he poisons and wins the game..
the concept is very unpolished and i left some details but it's a rough idea of the main objective.
so long story short you think it's a bad idea to make this game where you can play as little as 4-5 players per game to as high as 10-12 players per game causing it to die if had no players in servers ?
all feedback appreciated and don't worry the story and concept and objective is not polished yet.
The game is called "Grove Fisher"
I am currently developing a survivors style game. It's at the moment far away from what I want it to be looking like and how it would be played. I'm just building a foundation with placeholders, which will most likely be replaced and or tweaked along the development. If anyone would like to participate in the development process, I am searching for a partner to come along and help developing. I'm aware that there is already tons of survivors games just like this, but I'm confident that something unique can come out of this. I'll be splitting a % off the net revenues for when I'll publish/sell it. I'll post under the message a short video with a very basic demo showing movement and very basic gameplay, as it's nowhere near the point I want it to be yet (the game actually has already been improved a lot since I made this video, it's outdated but it shows the basics). If you're just curious about the development progress and the final looking stage, I've also created a discord server dedicated to the game. (the server is currently empty and under construction, I apologize for that). https://discord.gg/FYTrtyAhEw