
Photograph via snooOG

The subreddit for fans of the strategy game HUMANKIND and its developer, Amplitude Studios.

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The subreddit for fans of the strategy game HUMANKIND and its developer, Amplitude Studios.

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I'm not sure about the game. Is it worth getting tbhe DLC?

I go this game when it was brand new and wasn't that taken with it. I've decided to try again and was wondering if it was worth getting the DLC.

23:57 UTC


Can't win/end game after installing Endless mod

Does anyone encounter not able to win (end game button not showing) after installing Endless mod? I tried Endless mod and even building that infra in all cities, "end game" button does not show up. now that I started a new game, with default win conditions, button still does not show up even after researching literally all the techs.

23:24 UTC


Trade resources bug?

Hi all, I decided to play a money and trade heavy game. I met two civs overseas and started buying resources from them in the Classical era. And having a weird issue.

One of the civs has 4 gold for sales. So I try to buy all of them. I click confirm. The purchase doesn't go through. It just resets to 0. Same thing with incense, coffee, and gemstones.I have the cash... it just doesn't go through... But it works with salt and saffron!

Is there some reason this might be happening? Thanks!

04:52 UTC


Culture combos that work?

Hi everyone! I'd like to know, which culture combos you have found?

I usually go for cultures which have a garrison quartes as an emblematic quarter so I don't struggle with stability, while also pushing to authoritarian ideologies to further increase stability bonus from garrisons.

So I usually go:

Myceneans (cyclops fortress) > Romans (Triumph Arc (commons quarter increase stability as well) > English (fortress) > Poles (Barbican) > Zulu/Austria-Hungary (fortress/commons quarters. Have been leaning more on AH) > free pick at Contemporary Era

The main benefit from these picks is that each fortress add up to +34 stability in the late game added with some emblematic commons quarters, stability is a breeze, while being able to field great Emblematic Units such as the longbowman, and the Winged Hussars.

19:31 UTC


"Historical" culture swap between eras mod?

Im just looking for the kind of mod that would only allow me and AI to change to only closest cultures I picked in the start of the game, for example Rome ---> Franks or English etc.

13:11 UTC


How the mighty have fallen achievement

Anybody have tips on how to do this? It feels a little difficulty because I'm not sure how to make the AI accept me as a vassal.

11:52 UTC


Resources generation

I like the game but I have one big issue with it. Option for abundant resources does not work. With that option enabled the world is still mostly empty. There is always some cluster of resources and then wast nothingness. Is there some option how to fix this like some mods or is it a bug or is there some rewriting of some files to make maps more richer? Thanks for answers.

21:57 UTC


Doesn't play?

Hi folks! I've been trying to play thr game for about a day. I have of those "NASA PC'S" everyone jokes about. About 5 grand into this puppy and it plays everything smooth as butter, even Star Citizen when the servers aren't jam packed. However, this game just doesn't want to load. I got it through the Xbox PC game selection. When it first started up, it immediately got the "not responding" thing. So I closed the game, restarted my PC, and tried again. This time I got to the tutorial before it stopped responding. I tried again, and now it made it to the point where I can hit start and load up a new game, but it just stops responding there now. Is this a common issue with others who got it from the Xbox app? And does it actually function when downloaded from Steam instead? I've never had this happen with a game that wasnt a beta before, atleast not on this PC

18:53 UTC


How to stop spies from ambushing units?

I'm trying to get used to using stealth units, but it's really annoying when you spend time getting them into neutral territory, start performing special actions, and then they blow their cover/get killed attacking a unit that was passing by. Is there a way to toggle this?

11:09 UTC


Hot take from a noob: you either win a warmongerer or get killed by one

I'm on my fourth or fifth game, just won my first game on Nation difficulty and so far my feeling is that war is just the key to everything here. Tried to play defensive with crazily huge food and industry but got smacked left and right by the computer, whereas I only got good games by going on agressive on them.

Is this a fundamental element (or flaw?) of this game, that war is that central? I feel it's much harder to play defensive than in Civ for instance.

20:49 UTC


+1 CityCap Event

How do I get the event? I think it only pops up in the Industrial-Era. Does anyone know the trigger for the event? Thanks!

20:31 UTC


Future Content

I have been playing since launch and with the announcement of Civ VII coming out in February, I was wondering if anyone had any idea or heard any rumors that we would be getting another expansion or even another culture pack? I personally don't know if they have quietly shuttered the game or not so I just thought I would put that question out there.

20:24 UTC


Warmongerer got a pacifist badge and wins wars without fighting

Got into this absurd situation where the Goth somehow got to level 3 Pacifist which drains his enemies war support (4 per turn). He essentially declares wars, doesn't have to fight and can just force the surrender on you grabbing parts of your empire every time.

The hideous thing is, once you lose the war you're doomed. My army is bigger and I'm ready to take my territories back but I can't declare war, he'll just force surrender immediately.

This "war support" mechanic is intesting on paper but can lead to some absurd situation where a warmongerer got a pacifist reputation and uses it aggressively. The pacifist badge should at least be lost if he declares wars again or something...

17:12 UTC


Was here a few days ago asking for help for Humankind difficulty, well I did it.

06:00 UTC


How to counter or interrupt a vassalage?

A vassalage seems so strong, it’s one more reason I can’t seem to keep up with the AI. What can I do?

1 Comment
00:49 UTC


Can someone please explain to me how I lost this battle?

20:18 UTC


Unable to start multiplayer game as host due to infinite loading screen - SOLUTION!

Hey all, just thought I would pass this on because I’ve seen others post about this problem with no apparent solution. For some reason I was suddenly unable to load/host a multiplayer game - it would just give us an infinite loading screen. My girlfriend was able to host from her PC no problem so I figured the problem must be on my end. I just found the fix for it by troubleshooting with a single player game on my PC - there were too many save files so the game was unable to create a new one (apparently there is a limit to how many saves you can have).

Once I deleted a bunch of old save files I was able to start a multiplayer match without any issues. Looks like the multiplayer match would load until it tried making a save file for the game and when there wasn’t any free save slots available it would just get stuck. So yea…delete your unused saves because there IS a limit to how many you can have!

17:29 UTC


Color Mod

Does anyone know where to get a current color mod for this game? the old one that was popular isnt anywhere to be found anymore.

1 Comment
05:02 UTC


Sad I deleted the game for series x due to crashing

I wanted to continue and keep the game in my library but to play and then have it crashing at on saved spots is killing the fun and interest. Really wish they fixed the bugs because I can’t imagine paying for a game that’s in this state still but luckily it’s on gamepass

12:10 UTC


questions about world gen settings

hi, copy and pasting from the help thread hoping to understand the world gen for the sake of making maps i enjoy the most

hey im wanting to mess with map settings to get the games world to feel right for me and i have questions.

im trying to figure out if ocean territory size should be big or small and if one of those choicrs or making small land territory means islands will be small ideally id want settings that make them as big as possible. are islands land or ocean territories in regards to generation?

and should islands be on few or some, if i have it on few does that mean the odds of there being islands will be smaller or just there will be less. and if there are some is kind of the accumulated amount of land percentage that is island distributed across the islands as opposed to just allowing for smaller ones?

actually another question, is there more of a chance of the big lakes setting making bigger lakes if the land territory size is bigger?

wish all these things would be detailed better by the games settings

19:48 UTC


What is the difference between pacify and integrate when I take over a city-state by war?

I find that when I chose I still gain ownership of the city, I did not want that I kinda just wanted to influence it or maybe stop it from attacking me

05:48 UTC


Mod that limits choice of cultures

I want to pick up the game again sometime in the future and wanted to know if there is a mod that limits in some way which cultures are there to choose from?

I'm not a fan of getting to pick any culture there is available.

20:42 UTC


Am i supposed to have a specific version of the game or mods?

This is a sort of last resort question, I love this game and I love the Triple Alliance mods and Id love to be able to play.

Unfortunately thats just not the case as I will always start to get the turn pending bug in any save a couple hundred turns in. Am i doing something obviously wrong or is it just a matter of hopefully it works in a future update of either the game or mods?

I play on the latest version of all of them for reference

19:00 UTC


How to block an empire from choosing a glitchy culture?

I'm using some mods and there seems to be a culture that block the turn from completing it just keeps loading. I think its a culture since the ai just entered the early modern era.

14:59 UTC


Select AI cultures mod

Is there a mod that'll allow you to pick the AI cultures as well as your own? For example, if one of the AIs is Agamemnon, I can pick Mycenaen for him, and if its Tarquin, I can pick Roman for him.

1 Comment
18:56 UTC


Unique Districts and Adjacency Bonus


I've been playing Humankind with VIP Mod for the last few days and I'm having a blast!

There are few things that make me scratch my head, one of them is this:

Why does the Unique District with 2x "count as" provides only 1 type of adjacency bonus? Is it only the first one that matters?

Astronomy House counts as both, Farmers and Research quarters, yet provides only 1 Food as a bonus for Obelisk. No Science.


Haven counts as both, Farmers and Market quarters, yet again, it's just 1 Food bonus for Obelisk.


I'm pretty sure there were other instances, but I have screenshots just for these two.

Also, is there a mod that allows adjacency bonuses to apply to districts from two different cities, if they share a border?

17:59 UTC


Tried to have a 0 industry cost on unit production, but it capped at roughly at 2,97% industry cost. Commando costing 110 industry for reference.

01:34 UTC


MOD suggestion

Could you please suggest a MOD that slows down late game snowballing so I can stay and enjoy the last two eras more? I usually have great fun till the early modern Era and then, when I am ready to fight great battles with tanks and commandos, the AI collapses and gets stomped, science unlocks blazing fast and I just spam end turn to just win (empire difficulty). In my 4 runs in empire difficulty I had never a decent battle in Contemporary era... which is so sad...

Moreover what are some general, great and must try Mods that you could suggest?

15:23 UTC

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