
Photograph via snooOG

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Help me find my mom’s favorite necklace

Sorry for the quality. My mother recently lost her necklace, which she’s had for decades. The most similar I’ve found is this one in etsy, but hers was about twice thicker and a bit smaller. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1571508145/large-red-star-pendant-handmade-from-925

01:22 UTC


Can anyone identify the artist?

It's from a cropped meme so that's all I got, but i like their artstyle so i wanna find more art of them

01:20 UTC


Belt buckle I would like to try to find information on or less damaged version of- please help

Hello! This belt buckle's previous owner has long passed and I am trying to find what this might have looked like before it started falling apart (and collected the copious amounts of glue haha). I'd like to attempt to repair/restore it but I can't fully tell where the original stops and the damage starts. I feel like it is missing inlay from the background and/or horns, but I honestly have no clue.

I would also love to learn more about this belt buckle if at all possible! I know essentially nothing about this item, so any help is much appreciated!



edit to add: images, sorry! (on mobile and confused)

01:04 UTC


Help me find a small stuffed orange ball for my picky cat

Help! My cat used to have a little fabric ball that looked like a little pumpkin. He carried it around with him everywhere and it was the only toy he would play fetch with. It was a halloween ball from Petsmart but I cant find it online anymore. If anyone can find either the ball or a similar sized one, I would love to fill the hole in his heart.

01:09 UTC


Help Me Find The Original Upload Of This Video

This video on Facebook titled Guitar prank had popped up and I had a very vivid memory of this video. But need help to figure out where this was filmed, uploaded, and who recorded this. From what I can remember I'm the one holding the "twig" in this video and the one who draws the guitar. The"twig" was a part of this wooden bed frame and the marker used was dry erase. Also in the video Bunny pops up bc we were trying to put funny but fucked up some how. I've already reversed image searched for it and tried to search for it's original post but haven't found anything till 2019. This video if I'm remembering right was filmed in the early/mid 2000s so the fact I remember not just help making it but the little details like this confuses me and makes me question why I can't remember who was the person recoding. Any new information would be very appreciated 🙏

01:05 UTC


Help me find a body hair trimmer charging cable - Amazon link in comments

My wife lost her charging cable for her body hair trimmer and we just want a new cable. It has 2 prongs as you can see. Thank you!

01:05 UTC


I bought this little figure and I wanna know from what game or anime she is. I feel she's evil but she looks cute lol

00:58 UTC


Garden Pea Advert (British Maybe)

Hello, I was wondering if anyone else has seen this advert of some garden peas who start of all happy and jumping around on the plate or table with happy music and then some dramatic music fades in and a giant fork rises and scoops or stabs them. That's all I can really remember and I was shown it in the early 2010s. I remember it being on YouTube but l've tried and tried to find and search for it and have had no luck at all. So if anyone can identify it or find it, l'd hugely appreciate it because it'll be great to look back at it now that I'm older. Thank you.

00:51 UTC


Recognize any of these symbols/doodles? Brother passed away after a long struggle disease and illness, found these in his notes.

Not sure if these have any significance beyond being doodles. Maybe someone recognizes something? I don’t think they’re sinister, I actually quite like the bottom one. Just curious if there is a reference I am missing.

Maybe more info/context adds something: My brother wrestled with Lyme’s disease and toxic mold exposure for at least 4 years. Possibly longer undiagnosed. The last few months he was in teeth clenching pain and bed ridden. Tried every possible treatment from a number of doctors. Could no longer bear the pain, saying it completely changed his outlook on life and a future. He passed peacefully. I love him dearly.

00:38 UTC


Need help finding this website

My friend took a screenshot of this website he's in but he's gatekeeping and I wanna know it.

00:36 UTC


hi, I need help finding an image!

I literally CANNOT find a good, full body image of a wolf this color. Preferably a clear side view that isn't from really far away. I really need this due to an art project! thank you so much!

00:34 UTC

00:28 UTC


Please help me find this sterling silver ring!

I bought one of these rings from an online seller on ebay about 15 years ago and sadly lost it when I went overseas.

I have found this image on an online stores website but they have been “out of stock” for more than a year so I don’t think I can purchase it there anymore.

Note: there are other similar rings available online with a similar design but I’m looking for this exact design.

Thank you in advance!

1 Comment
00:31 UTC


A book posted to Geocities running between 2002-2006.. $reward

My high school bestie and I traded off writing chapters of a terrible (in a teenage drama/angst way) book from grades 9-12. We would post the chapters on our Geocities sites for our friends to read. She's getting married this summer and I would LOVE to gift her a proper copy of our long lost magnum opus.

---The title was The Distubing (not Disturbing, she made a spelling error in the first one and we kept it)

---The Geocities username was either onaraincloud or firegem2001/firegem_2001

---The first chapter is a horror story, she and our friend Phil get murdered and I barely survive but do get disemboweled. Again, errors Iin the first one, subtitle was "chapter one" so I wrote a second where they had been cryogenically frozen and brought back to life

---There are doppelgangers who try to take our mine and her lives, I can't remember mines name (Acacia, maybe) but hers was Noor.

---Our friend Matt wrote one very short chapter, I don't remember much about it but we were all locked up and a guard passed Phil a note written in the font of Papyrus.

---We stop at our high school round lunch time one day (as adults) and are very happy that it's Thursday (or maybe Tuesday?) because that means Mexifries in the cafeteria

I will PayPal $100 Canadian to whomsoever locates this godawful, cheesy book that I'm already getting secondhand embarrassed remembering. Ah, the follies of youth.

00:27 UTC



I’ve looked everywhere for any pdf of this and i haven’t been able to find anything anywhere in the internet. if anyone has had this desk and can send pictures of the instruction manual it’d be much appreciated

00:21 UTC


Help me find this vintage mushroom ceramic teapot/pitcher? I’ve had it on my list forever, but can never find it anywhere

00:18 UTC


Vine involving some kind of pun around the phrase ‘What Are’

I feel like this is a clip of someone answering a question in Jepordy or something - but it’s like they ask the question, and it has a ‘What Are’ or something like that in it - but then the answer is that as a word - like ‘Water’. And they’re super confused?

Terrible description but I have the audio so in my head of the What Are said together… dying to find this

00:12 UTC


My grandfather was a nigerian drummer and I need help finding his music

Hi my granddad was a drummer for the majority of his early life 10-35 and he passed away a few years back he was born in 1928 and he lived in Nigeria until he was 25-30 He did some drumming for the nigerian musician bobby benson His name is john imo but it was previously john imoh and he was part of the igbo tribe I would love to be able to listen and if not find out more about his drumming because I currently only have my dad as a source of information Any piece of info helps

00:10 UTC


Help me find where to buy this fabric & room mist from Japan

I bought this mist from the Mega Don Quijote in Shibuya last year, but I unfortunately ran out. I tried finding it again when I went back recently, but it seems like it disappeared from the face of the earth. I can’t find it online (not on Amazon + I’ve tried image searching), the Mega Donki doesn’t sell it anymore, and I’ve also went to two other Donki locations to no avail. Idk if I’m not looking hard enough, but if someone could help me find this, that would be amazing!!

23:58 UTC


pls help

i had a youtube channel probably around 6-7 years ago that was just me doing random things and i want to find it again but i don’t really remember the full name, it had a cat pfp and the name probably had fluffy cat 2011 or something like that in it. Another thing is it was probably subscribed to a channel call bacon cat studios/baconcat_2009 it might be lost media idrk know but i’ve been trying to find it for years and this is my last resort because i’ve had no luck finding anything

1 Comment
23:56 UTC


Banana milk

So there was this banana milk brand I loved as a kid. It was a small yellow carton package (about the size of a wicky but more box shaped) with a plastic straw in one of those little plastic packets. It was sold in dutch supermarket stores I think it was either PLUS or AH and sold around South Holland around 2010-2015 I don't know if it's currently in stores or available for purchase anywhere if it is I will be very happy.

Give suggestions if you have any ideas I'll be keeping check and seeing if anybody mentions the one I'm thinking of.

23:40 UTC


Door hanger with a sloth

this screenshot from Amazon was taken a while ago, and now I can’t seem to find this specific door hanger. I’ve tried searching door hangers with sloths but this one won’t come up in google

23:40 UTC


BFDIA 14 Theatre Cut

BFDIA 14 has a separate theatre version with a lot of differences to the final cut but it's seems to be no where to be found. Anyone know where a full version of the cut is? Only a few videos of it exist being recordings of it at the theatre by leakers and a short really low quality clip of it.

23:16 UTC


Please Help Me Find A Tumblr Post On Code Switching/Language?

Okay so there’s a post on Tumblr that talks about using language like “support traditional means of transportation” to trick conservatives into funding public transit things, it’s like a full thread IIRC and I cannot for the life of me find it. It might give another example like “we can’t let the government take over our bodies” in order to garner support for trans or other health related legislation. I think one of the replies goes into code switching and changing how you frame things for different audiences, but I might be mixing up posts at this point.

I searched for it heavily on Google and on my own Tumblr blog and couldn’t get anywhere. I really focused on the “language”, “traditional”, and “conservative” keywords because I thought they’d have more specific results, but Tumblr’s search function is in shambles and Google kept giving me unrelated articles.

Can anyone find it? ❤️

23:18 UTC

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