This community is dedicated to the Revived Fossil, Genesect! Anything related to the Mythical Pokemon Genesect from the Unova region is welcome.
This community is dedicated to the Revived Fossil, Genesect! Anything related to the Mythical Pokemon Genesect from the Unova region is welcome.
Please be kind and courteous to others. Flaming, trolling, harassment, doxxing, breaches of reddiquette, etc, are unacceptable. Think about it for just a couple of seconds before you post it. If you're still not sure, it's probably safer to just not say it.
Posts should be related to the Mythical Pokemon Genesect in some way shape or form.
Question posts should be thoughtful and detailed. Please do your research first and provide whatever you've found thus far so that everyone can assist! People DO check the stickied daily thread. That's the best place to ask your questions.
No spamming or self-promotion. You can post artwork or any videos you may have made, but posting them to promote your content/make money off of people isn't allowed. Events are welcome so long as they do not feel like spam.
Please don't post anything that is NSFW. This is a friendly community for all ages. Illegal content will be removed and the poster banned.
Please credit the original author(s) whether it's art, music, videos, etc. Provide a direct link to the content and who the original author(s) are. If you made it, no problem. If it's not credited, it's considered plagiarizing.
This subreddit is open to everyone. For better comprehension, it's advised to speak English. Other languages are fine, but please provide some form of synopsis or translation about your article or question so that everyone can participate on some level.
Genesect / ゲノセクト / 게노세크트 (Genosect) / 蓋諾賽克特 / 盖诺赛克特 (Gàinuòsàikètè) / Τζένεσεκτ (Tzénesekt) / Дженесект (Dzhenesekt) / เกโนเซ็กท์ (Kenosek)
Hello, Genesect is my favorite Mythical (Deoxys is second), and I really want a shiny Genesect. If anybody has a shiny, can you trade me one? I'll trade you an Ash-hat Pikachu through Swsh
I could offer the pikachu hats or ultra beasts
Would you rather have a shiny or normal Genesect? Would you rather have them in your name or an event distribution name?
Hi everyone! I just wanted to let you know that user flairs have been added and enabled for everyone to use. The user flairs consist of which Genesect drives you like the most. Several Languages of each drive will also be provided for use. Feel free to reply to this post if anything is incorrect or if you have user flair requests.
if you have a genesect (shiny or not) i would trade you almost anything but it has to be in pokemon home because i dont have nintendo online so if we could do it in pokemon home i would love to do it
does anyone have a shiny genesect for trade?
As of like 2 weeks ago. Sorry everyone.
He has returned to pokemon go. Including, his shiny variant.
Maybe you have a question about Genesect, or just have something you've had on your mind that doesn't really warrant its own thread. If so, then it belongs here! Use upvotes to let people know you appreciate their help & feedback! Most questions have been asked on this sub. You will find great resources by using the search function and also by using Google. To prevent the sub from being continually flooded with requests or questions, please post questions and requests here. Thank you for your understanding!
Maybe you have a question about Genesect, or just have something you've had on your mind that doesn't really warrant its own thread. If so, then it belongs here! Use upvotes to let people know you appreciate their help & feedback! Most questions have been asked on this sub. You will find great resources by using the search function and also by using Google. To prevent the sub from being continually flooded with requests or questions, please post questions and requests here. Thank you for your understanding!
Mod Announcement!
Hello there! I recently became mod of the sub and I improved the appearance, the rules, and flairs! And I put an automod reminder to remind people to follow the rules, as you can see from this stickied comment here. We are also welcoming feedback, so please leave suggestions in the comments below. Let's help make this subreddit better!
Hey everyone I wanted to ask for a LEGIT genesect in pokemon x and y I have powersaves so ask me for any pokemon besides legendaries and include if you want it shiny or not! my FC is 2036-8778-9212 please leave your FC aswell thanks!
Lv 100 gengar Lv 100 gallade shiny Lv100 empoleon shiny Lv 100 feraligatr shiny Lv 100 scizor shiny Lv 100 gliscor shiny Lv 100 yanmega shiny Lv 100 arcanine shiny Lv 100 shednija shiny Lv 100 metagross shiny
Also have legdens ft Lv 100 rayquaza shiny Lv 100 arceus shiny Lv 20 keldeo Lv 70 valcanion Lv 100 shaymin Lv 100 victini Lv 100 xereas shiny Lv 70 zapdos Lv 70 moltres Lv 70 articuno Lv 100 darkrai Lv 100 zygarde