
Photograph via snooOG

The best place in Ontario to connect with other anglers.


52,964 Subscribers


Best small bait shops around scarborough/markham

Do you guys have any recommendations for small bait shops around the scarborough / Markham area, I'm putting together an ultralight setup and was looking for micro frogs, mites jigs and swim baits and I wanted to support local businesses over buying stuff online.

17:44 UTC


Morning chrome!

1 Comment
16:32 UTC


Lake St Clair

Heading out on LSC tomorrow morning. Is there anywhere besides the belle river hump I should hit? Don’t want to run all the way back to Detroit river since launching in Belle River.

00:22 UTC


Early season chrome bar

Silver bullet straight from the lake.

23:51 UTC


Musky recommendations

Looking for recommendations of places to take a fall musky trip for the weekend. Somewhere with in 2 hours of Toronto let’s say. I live on LSC and the fishing here is amazing. But looking to get away for a weekend somewhere else.

17:48 UTC


Are there still chrome salmon at river mouths?

Seems like, and have heard from other anglers, the salmon run in the GTA was late this year. Which leads me to think, are there still some latecomers and possibly chrome salmon at the mouths of some rivers in the GTA (early October)? 🤔

13:51 UTC


Pink lump/tumor on smallmouth bass?

Hey all,

I caught a smallmouth today from my local river and noticed it had a pretty large circular pink lump on its side (probably about 3cm in diameter) just below the gills. The lump was protruding from the fish by a pretty decent amount but it didn't really look like a bite mark or anything.

I Was not quite sure what to do with the fish since I wasn't sure if it was like some sort of fish disease that could infect other fish or if it was just an injury so ended up letting the fish go.
I had hooked the fish pretty good so it took me a little while to get the hooks out while keeping it in the water but the fish started bleeding (was not gill hooked or deep hooked, just good penetration of the lower lip).

My apologies for not providing a photo but I didn't want to take it out of the water for a photo since I didn't have a camera ready and was worried about putting more stress on an already injured guy and accidentally killing it.

Was just wondering if anyone might know what it was and like what to do next time I run into something like that (ill take a picture next time I promise!!!).

Cheers :)

05:15 UTC


First salmon!

Went out last year and caught the bug, This year my goal was to catch one on a center pin reel. it was a struggle learning and alot of snapped line, but it payed off!

A few things I've learned Pack in and pack out, always take more than what you came with (garbage wise) Nets are MVP Turkeys laugh when the line snaps Salmon can do backflips

21:10 UTC


r/FishingOntario changes and growth!

Hello Ontario Anglers,

Mod Team here. We are excited to celebrate the growth of this sub to over 50K members. I still love coming every day to this sub to see what Anglers have caught, eaten, bought, seen, and celebrate fishing in Ontario with you all. Thank you for your continued active participation by posting, commenting, up voting, down voting, and reporting rule violations. The sub is nothing without you and your participation.

Because of this growth, we are going to need new mods to help us out. We are asking you first, if you would like to join our team! To do so, please apply by sending a message to the mods with the subject line: MOD APPLICATION. In the message please include why you're interested in becoming a mod, if you have any mod experience, and what kind of Ontario Angler you are. If you feel comfortable, please include if you are a member of the BIPOC community as we would like the Mod team to represent the diversity that exists here in Ontario. We hope to be announcing new mods in November of 2024.

This year's salmon run has seen an increase in poaching (illegal fishing) activity reports on the sub. Poaching in Ontario is completely relevant to this sub and we encourage these posts. There has also been discussion that have gone "off the rails" and turned into discussion about Canada's immigration policies. To address some of the issues, we have updated and added a few new rules:

Updated rule Poaching:

Reporting poachers posts must include the result of a MNR discussion. Posting here is fine and all, but reporting to MNR and hearing what they say back is more important. The mods have spoken to the MNR about these posts and they are encouraging us to promote reporting. Their resources are thin however when they receive tips on where to patrol, their able to bust more poachers.

New Rule: Racism / Violence

Any suggestion of taking the law into your own hands, breaking other people's property (slashing tires, breaking rods), suggesting physical confrontation will result in permanent ban.

Any racism will also result in permanent ban

Updated Rule: Off topic discussions

Immigration policies, politics, and politicians are generally off topic for a fishing in Ontario sub. There may be exceptions though comments and posts that are off topic will be removed.

We are grateful for everyone's continued participation in this sub as it continues to grow. We hope that the addition of new mods as well as the addition of new rules will lead to the continuation of a positive fishing sub for Ontario Anglers.

Fishing Ontario Mod Team

14:57 UTC


Check out this absolute specimen my cousin and I caught today.


02:05 UTC


The Great 'BAM' Beno! From Oster's Lures to Mill Run's then Angler's Pride to Crankbait Corp and finally Luhr-Jensen, the Beno fishing lure supports a full spectrum target range for my all time favorite ultimate fishing lure !

Live since '85 been collecting since '93. If you know you know !

00:41 UTC


When do the steelhead run in fall and any tips for a steelhead beginner?

This is my first year targeting fall migratory sports fish (Salmon and Steelhead), and While I was able to get on to a couple salmon up in Bronte creek, I am a little confused on when the Steelhead run. I have heard mid-October is a safe bet for fishing for steelhead in Bronte, but I thought I'd ask the community if my info is correct. Also, do you fish for steelhead with the same setup as for salmon i.e. bead fishing / roe bag fishing (excluding spoons and spinners because I prefer fishing higher up the creek and I have heard that guys think you're snagging if you throw lures that far up / not near the mouth). Also, could anyone who has fished the area this time of year explain this so called "extended fall season" i.e., being able to fish from Lakeshore road to HWY407 until December 31st. I was told by some old guys fishing there that you can still fish past September 30th when I thought the creek closed, but I have also received mixed feedback from other people saying that is not the case. I don't want to be targeting fish in a restricted area. Wildlife service guys that were there inspecting the salmon being caught were not really much help... Any tips and or advice is much appreciated. Thanks in advance

00:15 UTC


Have you ever caught a fish with a snapped line/hook in its mouth?

I lost a really big bass recently after my line snapped. I was wondering as I kept fishing how often people catch fish with hooks in them already..

22:49 UTC


My pb! Dude I was so jacked to reel this in!

20:03 UTC


Pointe au Baril Map....

Lookin to purchase a quality depth chart and fishing map for Pointe au baril. Anyone know where these could be purchased... Thx.

04:25 UTC


Going crappie fishing this weekend don't know what would be best to use?

I was thinking about using a drop shot but never go crappie fishing so I thought I'd ask.

01:55 UTC


Organizing a Fishing Tournament—Where Do You Even Start?

Hey all, quick question for anyone who’s ever organized a fishing tournament: how did you even begin to pull it all together? I’ve never been on the organizing side but it seems like a lot goes into it. What were some of the issues you faced, and how did you tackle them? Any advice for someone who's been thinking about organizing a local derby?

Appreciate any insight!

23:21 UTC


Boat related question

So I want to pick up a boat this winter for spring and summer. I want something smallish. Not to big. Something can take the family out having fun but then go out fishing if I want to. Was considering like the seadoo speedster or challenger. Will only be on Lake St Clair.

Anyone use this type of boat or have thoughts on it??

21:25 UTC


Steelhead not listed?

What are steelhead considered in the fishing regulations? I see no mention of them. TIA

19:02 UTC


The Immigrant Anglers

The most disappointing thing about this sub is the racism involved. I moved to Canada 7 years ago and just recently got into fishing. Before I even purchased a reel, I spent countless hours reading the rules and regulations. Watching YT videos on how to fish and even contacting some experienced anglers on and off Reddit who I’ve had the pleasure to fish with and get tips from. If you want to involve in any activity, you have to put in the work to learn the rules and regulations - No exceptions.

However, the one group of people that I’ve met who hold fish poorly, leave litter around and skirt the rules are Caucasian teens who are new anglers. I never judge the “specific group” though - it’s just a default of where I live. What do I do in these scenarios? I educate them and teach them the rules including the etiquettes of cleaning up the spot after you’re done, how to handle and hold fish, etc.

The issue here is that there aren’t enough classes to teach people how to fish and all that is involved with it - this goes for everyone. It’s not an excuse but a systemic issue. On the meantime, we can all make things better by educating one another and if someone still doesn’t want to understand then call the authorities. If we want our fishing to continue for decades, we all have a responsibility of making each other better anglers. Just my 2 cents.

17:36 UTC


Be kind and you will make a difference

With all the heat in here lately over these "immigrants" coming to our country and "destroying our culture". I want to share my perspective as a foreigner who recently moved to Canada.

See, first thing first no matter who you are(white, black, brown, pink, native, alien) , if you brake the rules you are at fault and ignorance is no excuse ... And boy have I seen already so many Canadians break the rules... Don't think we are perfect.

See, where I come from you need to go through a course and take an exam before you are allowed to go fishing by yourself, you can imagine how shocked I was when I found out that all you needed to do is fill a form from your bed and pay a small fee and then you are good to go.

Now that being said, where I come from, there are very few foreigners, so the local population grows knowing about the rules and that makes it easy to enforce.

Here in Canada it's a different story, you have people coming legally to your country by the hundred of thousands most of the time contributing positively to your economy(... Topic for another day)

But these immigrants come from countries with very different cultures and rules mainly.. For example, where I come from every little thing you can think of has a rule and is regulated, but you can take another country where there are very few regulations and rules and where fishing for example is seen as a way to subsist.

When these immigrants come to Canada, they are not provided with the training opportunity or support by the local community to help them adapt to this new life and you end up with people commuting crimes without knowing(Most of the time). Again ignorance is not an excuse.

Yes the Ontario government provides free classes to get you started but that is not nearly enough. As a community we should be more active and involved if we want to save this culture and get these new Canadians up to speed.

I asked in this subredit if anyone wanted to help me get started and no one wanted to be involved with me. I felt excluded and pushed with the fake politness to stay away from this activity.

I wish instead of people being racist, angry and disrespectful here on reddit, thry go out and when they see someone struggling they take 5min to chat, you will be surprised how many of these offenders are willing to learn.... If you have an immigrant neighbor, take them fishing once, take their kids, volunteer within your community and teach kids how to fish.

Let's try building bridges not walls that's the best way to make a difference

12:58 UTC


What does this all mean?

"fish in any manner within 23 m downstream from the lower entrance to any fishway, obstruction, or leap." Does anyone knows that is classified as an obstruction? TIA

03:23 UTC


Fishing Regulations | MNR | Report Poaching

The mod team decided to make a post that has relevant information with regards to the fishing regulations for Ontario, how to report poaching and additional conservation management groups.

If you have any additional information that you think would be relavent in this post please don't hesitate to message the mod team.

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Website


Regulations Summary


Summary of changes for 2024


General Rules


Reporting Poaching

If you see anyone breaking the rules(fishing) please report them to the MNR. Do not take the law into your own hands. Suggesting other anglers or yourself take the law into your own hands(slashing tires, physical confrontation) will result in a permanent ban. Let the proper authorities deal with the matter. Telling people that they are poaching is an appropriate response and encouraged, the more education for everyone the better.

Poaching includes: fishing in a sanctuary, fishing for out of season fish, using illegal methods to fish (snagging, netting, flossing etc), keeping more than your legal limit, dumping dead fish, fishing without a valid fishing license.

Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry


Crime Stoppers (Anonymous)


Additional Resources / Conservation Clubs / Fishing Clubs

Toronto and Region Conservation Authority



Conservation Ontario




Ontario Steelheaders


22:27 UTC


what's wrong on this "content"? part 2

Ladies and gentlemen, your "content creators"

18:52 UTC


what's wrong on this "content"? part 1

Ladies and gentlemen your "content creators"...

18:46 UTC


First time catching a bowfin!

I caught like 10 2-3lb catfish and 1 big bowfin. I’m from Europe and we don’t have them there, it was exciting to catch one!

The shirt was my lucky charm!!

16:54 UTC


Newbie looking for general advice

Hey folks! I'm relatively new to the sport, and tbh I've just been tagging along with buddies for the last couple seasons, using their boats, gear, expertise etc. I don't have the overhead for a boat ATM but I'm looking to get more independent and not as reliant on other guys' schedules.

Any helpful tips for shore fishing in SWO, Hamilton, Brant County area?

16:49 UTC

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