Buildings that look evil, ominous, and that which could be the home of a supervillain.
Buildings that look evil, ominous, and that which could be the home of a supervillain.
the thread that started this sub
The building that started this sub
Friday On Friday we have Fictional Fridays where non-AI generated fictional buildings, such as paintings, renders, or drawings are allowed. We still allow real evil building images as well on Fridays.
On-topic submissions are real photos of real buildings. Fictional buildings (drawn, painted, rendered), excluding machine-generated (AI), can be posted on Fictional Fridays (12am-11:59pm GMT).
Buildings should look evil regardless of lighting condition and shooting perspective. Do not submit what cannot be seen naturally.
Buildings should look evil regardless of owner or tenant. Must be evil on the outside, not the inside.
If you can identify the building, please do so.
If you are not able to identify the building, say so. You can put "No ID" in the title.
We can disagree with each other cooperatively. There is room for aesthetic-based opinions.
There is architectural and engineering context and information. We can address this professionally.
No discrimination against people, including but not limited to gender, sex, sexual orientation, race and ethnicity, nationality, age, disability, religion, economic status, housing status, and language.
Cooperate to build this community. No harmful behaviors including but not limited to doxxing, stalking, commercial promotion (spam), karma farming, electoral interference, and disinformation.
Moderators reserve the ability to maintain community health and safety.
This subreddit was, for all intents and purposes, practically completely unmoderated for at least a year (probably longer though). This caused major issues to arise in the subreddit with spam, unanswered modmail, frequent reposts, rule-breaking posts staying up, and user complaints about these going unaddressed.
Going forward, the following changes have been made and are now reflected in the subreddit rules:
Images of real evil buildings only, except on “Fictional Fridays” (12am-11:59pm GMT) where painted, drawn, and rendered fictional evil buildings are allowed to be posted but this excludes AI generated images, which are fully prohibited on any day of the week.
Buildings must be “evil on the outside, not the inside”. Just because a corporation or person may be morally “evil”, does not mean a building owned by them is suitable for r/evilbuildings if their building is mundane. Who the building belongs to is irrelevant to if it fits the nature of r/evilbuildings.
We understand that not everyone will be able to name every building in every image posted. But if possible, please ID the building in the title. If you do not know the name of the building, include “No ID” or similar in the title.
No excessive editing to drastically change the appearance of the image to appear more “evil”. Minor editing is fine, but if the building wouldn’t look evil at all if it wasn’t edited, it was edited too much.
While this subreddit has not been a major source of such issues, there will be a much stricter enforcement against any form of bigotry not limited to, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, etc. and violating this can lead to a permanent ban.
Stricter measures have been put in to prevent the spam issues from the past from occurring again.
Thank you all for your feedback and we are happy to bring this great subreddit back to life for all.
/r/evilbuildings was temporarily closed down to posts and comments due to having no moderators. The subreddit is now under new moderation and posts and comments can be made again.
As the new mod team, we want to hear what you want to see in the future of this subreddit. If there are any major issues or concerns about the content, rules, or anything else with /r/evilbuildings, feel free to tell us here.
We are actively tackling some of the glaring issues with the subreddit that have formed as a result due to it being unmoderated for an extended period of time. We are open to making changes suggested by the community as well.
We are glad to bring this great subreddit back and want to see it reach its best potential, and you can tell us what you think would make for positive changes.
Made a short cut through a churchyard and came across this