A subreddit for the discussion of Euphorbiaceae species and hybrids, especially succulent varieties. Euphorbia, Croton, Jatropha, etc!
A subreddit for the discussion of Euphorbiaceae family species and hybrids, especially the Euphorbia genus succulent and drought-deciduous varieties.
/r/cactus /r/succulents /r/orchids /r/indoorgarden /r/gardening
Picked up a huge amount of Euphorbia Engens cuttings from marketplace last week. I'm not super familiar with how long it takes for these to callus over to be planted. Any advice?
As the title says, I thought that this might help with info and it would be great if it was indexed in search engines since there is little information on uncommon Euphorbias on the internet. Please add to this list the species you know or have experience with.
Here is my list so far:
Euphorbia Platyclada - Confirmed by llifle.com
Euphorbia Ramena - Confirmed by Arid Zine
Euphorbia Milii - Confirmed https://garden.org
Euphorbia Primulaefolia - Confirmed by llifle.com and Arid Zine
Euphorbia Suzannae Marniere - Confirmed by llifle.com
Euphorbia Leuconeura - According to countless growers
Euphorbia Viguieri - According to https://tulear.blogspot.com/
Euphorbia Ankarensis - Confirmed by llifle.com
Euphorbia Cyathophora - According to countless growers
Euphorbia Aeruginosas - According to some growers
Euphorbia Polygona - According to some growers
Euphorbia Schizacantha - Confirmed by llifle.com
Euphorbia Godana - According to some growers
Last month, I got some pencil cactus (Euphorbia tirucalli) props. At the time, I misidentified them as a mistletoe cactus (Rhapsis sp.). Stupid mistake, I know.
As they are now starting to take root, I'm trying to decide if it's worth it to keep them in my house. We own three jerk cats—a kitten (who shows curiosity towards my plants, but has been responsive to my redirection from chewing), and two adult jerk cats who love to chew.
From what I've gathered, the only toxic part of the plant is the caustic sap. After one of my cats decided to gnaw on a few of the props (luckily most made it), I thought that I'd put myself in their shoes (paws?). I made the tiniest cut and tasted the milk. Other than the metallic taste and the slight burning sensation on my tongue, I concluded that it wouldn't kill them, and belonged in the same category as my aroids—"Not Fatal, But Definitely Irritating".
However, I still have my doubts. Do any pet owners have this plant indoors with success? Or is it better if I rehome the babies? I don't want to endanger my animals, but feel like some "toxic" plants are mild enough to warrant keeping.
What do you guys think?
Hello all could somebody guide me in the right direction please. I'm thinking of combining these two in the bigger pot. The one in the nursery pot has grown quite a bit and I fear the other may have been placed in too big a pot as it hasn't grown a whole lot. Are these sturdy enough to be moved out of their pots anytime or should I wait for spring?
Euphorbia nivulia
I found this 3ft Crown of Thorns plant at an estate sale today. It was in a tiny pot. Repotted in very sandy loam soil and River rocks. It was super tricky to pot it by myself, but I got it done.
I have no idea what the color of the blooms will be, red perhaps? In Zone 9B.
Just wanted to share how many babies this thing had 😳 I don't know what to do with them all. How does the parent plant look? It was very brown around the base. I barely watered it in the 4 months I've had it so i don't feel like its rot, its nice and firm. I stripped it of all the old peat moss soil it came in for a more gritty mix.
I know the ones in the smaller, square pots are e. spiralis, but I'm not convinced the on in the larger, round pot is. Any ideas?
I posted this in r/cacti and got told off.
i dont feel like ive fully understood euphorbias yet and while i can tell they prefer a lot less heat than cacti i kind of like this scorched look. very desert very fierce. will it be ok long term or should i move old girl into some shade?