Here we honor those brave men and women that died fighting the rebel scum.
Regards from the Imperial Center on Coruscant, bustling center of tourism and industry. We uphold the highest standard of living here, for all our Imperial Citizens.
Unfortunately, there are certain terrorists out there who want to destroy your way of living and quality of life. We must oppose them at all costs. Each and every one of the citizens of Alderaan knew this when they were harboring these terrorists. Thus, extreme measures were taken.
We will do whatever is necessary to protect our citizens from threats both within and outside the galaxy.
Consult the wiki for additional information.
Other Destinations of Interest:
Long Live The Empire!
I just found this Subreddit, and I am in love already. I have been preaching from the mountain tops that the Empire are the good guys.
Now, to the point; I need ammunition to defend the Empire from those who would slander it. I already am aware of how Alderaan was harbouring terrorists and how our glorious leader, Sheev, was a perfect man, but other than those few main points, I'm running out of material and no one seems convinced...
So, to give you all a chance to rant and to help my struggle in convincing the Anti-Imperials of the world to see the error of their ways, what arguments do we all have in support of the Empire?
I want to draw the Imperial Palace on Coruscant, so I need some detailed reference pictures. Can anyone please help me?