this sub is for advice about specific dating situations not general debates. posts about relationships longer than 6 months post go to r/relationship_advice or if you are married post to r/marriage
Ask and offer advice for specific dating situations. Not discussions on the state of dating or generalized situations. Established relationships longer than 6 months posts should go to r/relationship_advice This is not a hook up sub This includes: - Meeting people & starting conversations - Flirting & expressing your intentions - Creating meaningful connections
I’ve recently started talking to this guy who is pretty cool. We haven’t been out on an official date or anything we haven’t even met up, we used to go to the same high school but never officially met only seen each other in passing. He found me on Facebook about a month ago. We talked for about a week and then we both kind of just stopped talking. He recently texted me again and we’ve been talking for maybe a week. He’s a super cool guy. He communicates really well but the only thing is that if I don’t reply for a few hours from being busy he’ll text me “I miss you” and yes of course this is sweet and flattering but my past relationship this guy completely love bombed me. Bought me flowers introduced me to his parents within the first month and then turned out to be an a**hole who was very controlling. Now I’m paranoid and I’m thinking maybe these I miss you texts are some sort of lovebombing or he’s manipulative. Am I just overthinking the situation or is this a red flag?
Hello you guys I’m back. I(20f) listened to the advice you gave me and tried my absolute best. I had a big set back when I found out that slept with best friend(roommate at the time) last year our freshman year and I just found out about it. He’s(20M) been blocked and we haven’t communicated at all but he knows that I know and is apparently mad at me because I wasn’t supposed to find out. I personally think I’m nothing to him but according to his friends I’m his first everything, he’s just being dramatic about the situation and doesn’t want to take accountability which is why he won’t be a man and face me, and that he actually does feel sorry for what he’s done. My thing is he felt sorry why haven’t I gotten an apology, why do this to me and hide it if you’ve hurt me already . I was the first girl to meet his parents and the first girl to ever be seen with him public here while at college but we broke up May because he’s not ready for a relationship even though we were together our whole freshman year. I came to ask what do I do? How do I heal. Do I block him on everything? Im heartbroken because I’ve had nothing but pure intentions and I’m constantly being betrayed while not even being with him. I just want my heart to stop being so heavy. I love him so much but I understand that I can’t hold on to him if I’m being treated like this it’s the new year and I don’t want to carry old hurt in the new year. Any advice? Part 1 is on my page
We both like each other, we like the same things and we have the same interests. It's like me and him are on the same wavelength. It's so funny it's like we share a braincell.
Anyway, this week I found out that he used to smoke cigarettes. Then he told me that he smoked one cig like the other day ago because it was his coping mechanism and he had a really bad day. He was sober for 10 months before that day.
The thing is, I am repulsed by cigarettes. I hate cigarettes because I have asthma and also because it's just a preference. If I'm friends with someone who smokes, it's fine for me. But more than friends? I don't think so. So now I'm conflicted. I don't want to leave him because I really like the guy, but at the same time, I HATE cigarettes. I don't know what to do. Both of us talked about it and he said that he won't smoke as much as he used to. But he will smoke from time to time. He doesn't smoke near others because he's aware of the effects of second-hand smoking. But for me whether or not you smoke near me, I still don't like it. Then, we got into an argument about it.
Now I have no idea what to do. Please give me your thoughts on this situation. Much appreciated!
My girlfriend moved in with her daughter, doesn’t clean the house sit on her phone all day saying she’s getting a job well she asked old men sugar, daddy’s for money on TikTok goes on WhatsApp apps and has chats with them she gets a lawsuit for 30 grand pisses through it in a month and a half buying Coke. What should I do? Should I get rid of her or should I stay with her? I love her and that’s the only reason why I’m stuck with her this long.
if he makes that point clear, whether flat out spoken or in a less direct way, but just as unmistakable
or could it be also the other way around, not mysterious enough anymore, the secret is gone
Ok, so I (M28) met up with a childhood friend and her fiance a week ago. We're sort of family friends who reconnected a year or so ago after not seeing each other since childhood. The idea was that we'd meet in town and catch up. What I didn't realise is that this friend was bringing her (newly single) twin sister along. She hadn't told me and I wasn't quite sure how to interpret her presence, although it almost felt like a (very pleasant) surprise double date.
They are really lovely girls, but I don't know either of them that well and it kind of felt like a double date. We all got on swimmingly and as this girl was there with her fiance, it naturally started to feel like a double date. That said, it wasn't explicitly contextualised as 'a double date' or anything, just friends catching up at Christmas.
Dgmw, it would have been nice enough if it wasn't a double date, however, I'm thinking about asking this girl out on a date uno-a-una and don't want to spoil our friendship or make it awkward for our mums who are really close friends.
Ok, so I (M28) met up with a childhood friend and her fiance a week ago. We're sort of family friends, and the idea was that we'd meet in town and catch up. What I didn't realise is that this friend was bringing her (newly single) twin sister along. She hadn't told me and I wasn't quite sure how to interpret her presence.
They are really lovely girls, but I don't know either of them that well and it kind of felt like a double date. We all got on swimmingly and as this girl was there with her fiance, it naturally started to feel like a double date. That said, it wasn't explicitly contextualised as 'a double date' or anything, just friends catching up at Christmas.
Dgmw, it would have been pleasant if it wasn't a double date, however, I'm thinking about asking this girl out on a date uno-a-una and don't want to spoil our friendship or make it awkward for our mums who are really close friends.
Ok, so I (M28) met up with a childhood friend and her boyfriend a week ago. We're sort of family friends, and the idea was that we'd meet in town and catch up. What I didn't realise is that this friend was brining her (newly single) twin sister along.
I don't know either of them that well, and it kind of felt like a double date. Dgmw, it would have been pleasant if it wasn't a double, however, I'm thinking about asking this girl out on a date uno-a-una and don't want to spoil a friendship (or make it awkward for our mums who are really close friends).
Hi all. Hope everyones new year is doing good. This post involved me 21M and 23F. Long story short, she manipulated and used me which sounds like an insane claim but she admitted it herself near the end. While she did say just casual at first months ago, she admitted to using. She did a 180 and demanded relationship treatment in which I was dumb enough to fall for due to her clinginess and love bombing. She asks for dates but then complains about them not being good enough, to being rude, then going back to hot and being clingy.
It eventually got to a point where she would act cruel and insult me either straight up or indirectly towards my maturity and intelligence. One night, she makes a confession to having strong feelings but I see past it. That same day, she makes the same exact confession to someone else through various posts. In addition, Im now finding out she brutally emotionally cheated on her ex. When I tell her why I didnt feel it was genuine, she lied about it love bombed and then got defensive/accusatory.
This prompts me to want to break it off but I felt so dependent to her clinginess and pull back method. Around our last hangout, she sleeps over and shes very short and quiet until she wants to sleep with me. After I do that she continues to insult me and act very rude. I say something defending myself and she acts sad, when I check to see if shes okay she starts smiling and laughing. This was enough for me to finally take action one day (4 days ago). I stupidly let her now I see through all shes doing but not directly enough. Either way, she sees im not useful as I see whats going on and she cuts it off.
I feel so gross with myself seeing the obvious signs such as her smiling after manipulating me, her lies, and her essentially admitting to using me for my body. Any advice helps!
I (F30) have been dating a guy (M35) for about 3 months now. Our dates have shifted from fun & full of energy to mellow & relaxed. To me, things have been going well, until he suddenly stopped initiating all contact (i.e., no more good morning/good night texts, asking about my day, random check-ins, making plans to see me, etc.) From what he's told me, he has been very busy, travelling, and sick.
I have been the only one initiating contact the past three weeks, thinking he just has a lot going on. He responds quickly, but conversations are somewhat dry.
What bummed me out is that he spent time with his friend's for NYE, but didn't even hint at wanting to see me (even though its been 3 weeks since our last date). Sure guys hang out with other guys when sick and maybe hanging out with friends is less pressure than going on a date, but I can't help but feel I am making excuses for him.
Why would a guy respond to a girl's messages, but stop initiating conversation or want to make plans? Should I just move on?
30 year old male. I've never been on a date. And it's not for lack of trying. I've been turned down 100% of times I've asked a woman out. I've also never been asked out before.
I've gone through all the cliches: asking a woman in a nightclub, asking a woman at a bar, asking a woman at a hobby meetup, asking a woman taking the same class, asking a woman at a friend's party, asking out a close friend. nada
I'm worried the lack of dating experience at my age is going to scare people off. What am I supposed to do?
Some context. I'm a bartender who has no problem meeting women. Women will ask my coworkers about me and are told "don't expect anything serious he has a line out the door."
So when I tell you the level of chemistry and compatibility are incredibly rare please understand I do not say that lightly. Any other woman I would not give it a second thought.
Met this girl on her 30th birthday almost 2 weeks ago. Surrounded by guys and she made it a point to continue including me. By the end of the night she asked me to get her number. The chemistry was off the charts.
We have been talking a little here and there as she was out of town that following week. This weekend we made plans for Saturday. We talk on the phone mostly. Multiple times it's been over an hour and a half calls. I'm extremely picky about women that I choose to date. This person has me smitten. Finishing each other's sentences, making the same obscure references at the exact same moment, laughing uncontrollably, same desires from life, same interests and hobbies etc. Every time I learn something new about her it's even better. We even have fucking pet names.
Before the end of our last call i asked her a personal question and she said "let's save some questions for the date. Everything seems perfect and I'm really into you but I just want to make sure we don't meet up sober and there is nothing there." I agreed and we got off the phone a little later.
New years eve was the next day and we texted very little. She is honestly not a big texter. Takes a long time to respond and doesn't hold convos well through text. So no response after 4 that day. The next morning I get a happy new year text. I asked if she got to eat her grapes at 1 yesterday and no response since.
Ready for the real big turn? I have a friend who is very good friends with her and her ex. They dated for 3 years. Recently they have been hanging out again platonically. This friend assures me that this woman is very secure in what she wants and wouldn't be sleeping with her ex if she is interested in someone else. However, I'm not stupid and I'm pretty sure they probably slept together new years.
Best case, she has anxiety about the date or is saving her energy for the date. Most likely scenario is that she's committed to rekindling a flame that supposedly died out 6 months ago.
So basically my question is, how do I proceed? Her friend says I shouldn't reach out and let her contact me. I'm experienced enough to know that. Our date is Saturday though. At some point I do need to reach out to confirm. How do I go about it?
Do i text or call? What do I say? I have a lot of experience with women but never this love at first sight stuff. It's freaking me the fuck out.
My boyfriend M 36 and I F 40 are celebrating an meniversary today 9 months … instead of mtg me for a casual date he cancels to reschedule to Saturday because the Georgia game starts at 4pm ? Ugh 😣 Plus, I introduced him to one of my siblings and he has yet to introduce me to his friends or family?! I recently have been having PTSD after being released from the behavioral hospital and things feel different between us now. I am questioning if he is secretly embarrassed and is reluctant to introduce or have the level of excitement he had so much of the situations turn towards him since I was gone for two weeks!? Plus we lost a baby while I was in the hospital and I didn’t get a positive pee test until 7 days later due to stomach pains I was sent out to rule out appendicitis… I am angry and hurt and therapy is necessary… how do I handle this situation ?
Over the period of time I have dated men to who being non chalant was unattractive but the for others it helped me get them obsessed. I want to know what exactly pulls a man away in terms of talking/responding timeline in first 2 months.
Me [19M] My crush [18F] , I’ve a crush on her , She kind of likes me too and gives me hints, And she knows I’ve a crush on her, But the problem is that she still hasn’t moved on from her ex boyfriend, So what should I do? Should I date her and help her move on? Or should I leave her alone ? Or should I wait? Her ex and her don’t talk because her ex have completely moved on from her but she hasn’t
Sorry if this isnt the place to post it but im not sure where else to go. I (17F) broke up with my ex boyfriend (16M) in november last year due to many reasons such as him not talking to me or taking an interest in me (unless it was sexual), constantly fighting, never spending time together anymore and me begging him to just treat me like his girfriend. One big event that helped me finalize my choice was at a school event( his school, not mine) instead of spending time with me, he constantly wanted to just dance with his friends. Now, whats the problem with that right? Well you see, he saw his friends everyday at school and we barely saw each other once every two weeks. I knew he didnt care and it showed right on his face...
Anyway, there was a lot of incidents where i just begged him to treat me like his gf and we broke up, and he took it easier than i thought. He said he's been wanting to break up for a while, but everytime i told him during fights that if im making him unhappy that he does have a choice to not be with me and everytime he said he DOES NOT want to break up. But now he said he didnt love me since end june to like july when we came back from a holiday with his family? What? When i asked how he could do certain stuff with me he said it was "purely physical"... huh? And he said he's happy being single. What?
I still miss him and ive been sorta noticing him hinting to being bi? he did say he was questioning in the beginning of our relationship but when i asked later he said he was straight. I was 100% supportive of him but now on reddit he says he's closeted? I just don't understand. Is that why he was unhappy in our relationship? did he feel the need to be someone he wasnt?
There's many other things as well and im more than happy to give more context or answer questions but this is all i could think of. Im just trying to figure out how to get over this when i feel like i miss him so much and it hurts incredibly when i think about us and our memories together.
Hey guys, just reaching out because I’m almost certain my one year relationship has just come to an end. I wasn’t with a narcissist at all, but I was with someone who I ended up sacrificing my core values for. I’m a 26M she is a 28F. She had a kid before meeting me; I didn’t. She felt and still feels like my soulmate. I couldn’t ask for a better connection between the two of us. I always knew even growing up that I envisioned my partner and I starting/creating our first child/family TOGETHER. And I went against that value because I was & am so in love with her. But you worded it perfectly in the video: UNSETTLED! Like every time I try to get over the circumstances once and for all it keeps coming up as a problem to me internally! Something I deeply wish wasn’t at hand even though the child and I get along fine. It’s not what I want for myself. However I kept pushing through it; “sacrificing in the name of love”. But resentment was starting to grow as time went on. The last straw that recently broke the camels back in my estimation is her family revealing how toxic they actually are first hand. From cutting each other off, to namedropping every favor they’ve done for one another in the heat of argument, and being plain unreceptive and disrespectful to me as their daughter’s significant other. I can’t nor will I tolerate it, and I damn sure won’t bring my child-to-be into an environment/family like that. My family isn’t perfect but it is so loving, welcoming, understanding and emotionally mature in comparison. And that’s the type of family I want to marry into as well. But it sucks because I truly love her. But it’s like I’m constantly the collateral damage to the life she’s created and the life she comes from, but she’s the beneficiary to the life I’ve created and come from, and it’s too imbalanced in those regards…
I guess I’m just looking for any insight, words of encouragement, or would LOVE to hear if anyone has or is going/gone through something similar
There's this girl in my life. We started dating in spring of last year. Things started hot and heavy, and it became overwhelming. I tried to walk away but she insisted we stay in each other's lives. Slowly I've been able to peel away from this relationship, but there's still a hold. We've met up as just friends recently and its been nice, catching up on life etc. But recently tried to make plans with her and she flaked repeatedly. This NYE she showed up at the bar I go to religiously. She lives nowhere near my neighborhood and I just had this feeling she did it on purpose to "run into me". Is she just manipulating me?!
I (44f) met this guy (50m) who's great. He's really ticking all the boxes, and we have a lot of chemistry. We've seen each other 3 times so far and I feel very drawn to him but he has a bad case of halitosis (bad breath). We haven't kissed yet, and I'm dreading it because I can smell it from across the table at the cafe. I really don't know what to do. At my age, the dating pool is limited and he's really great. Like I doubt I would ever meet anyone else like that, I sure haven't in many years. But I don't see how I can bring this up, it's a horrible thing to say, and I don't understand how he doesn't notice it herself and do something about it. He seems to have impeccable hygiene besides that. I'm at a point where I might just walk out because of that. I can't postpone kissing him anymore but I can't get myself to do it. Any advice? Anyone ever had a similar experience?
So, I’m not a religious person, but in the last years I’ve accompanied my mother to one she attends every now and then. And she’s been always there, I always liked her, but now I feel it stronger, like I really have to try it.
But that has me thinking, since it’s an Hispanic church, would her father let us having a relationship? How should I talk to her.
I know the real problem it’s if she likes me or not, but I feel that my lack of beliefs would be a problem too, even if she liked me there would be many things in between, Is this doomed even before it even started?
Given the scenario, it's so difficult to match wavelength with someone, then comes the distance, when you finally feel the vibe with someone, either they're busy or you're. Then there are ones who cancel it at the last moment and ruin for you, all the energy and time, that itself is very limited when you're working. Is it only me or it sucks for everyone?
TL;DR- Seeing someone for 4.5 months, and communication started getting weird/abnormal. When I asked him about it, he said he had things going on. I said to let me know if he needs space so I don't overwhelm him. He says he doesn't owe me anything and that he wants to figure things out on his own.
I (27F) had been seeing a guy (28M) for 4.5 months. We matched on an app, but already knew each other from college, so there was a preexisting relationship (we weren't 'friends' but we knew each other/mutual friends). We hit it off right away, and I started falling for him quickly. I asked him about 3 weeks in, and after we'd gone on a couple of dates, what he was looking for stating explicitly that I wanted a relationship (in general, not asking him for a label). He said the same, and said he wanted to take it slow though. I said that's great, usually I'm slow to get physical with people so I was happy to hear that. Weeks keep going by, we talk daily and see each other when we can (both working many jobs, busy). By the third or fourth time, we hook up. Very consensual, he didn't pressure me and I didn't pressure him. He actually made the first move, which was great.
About 3 months in, I bring up the exclusive talk. I mainly wanted us to be physically exclusive because I don't sleep w multiple people at once and I don't want a partner doing that, even if we aren't "boyfriend/girlfriend" for health reasons. He said "I understand", but never said he wasn't (or was). I didn't press it, but I believed him to be a good guy and assumed "i understand" meant he agreed to those terms. Probably my first mistake, but I like to think the best of people. He stated he had too much going on to be fully present in a relationship, but that we could continue seeing each other in the way we had been. I was fine with that, so I agreed.
Now we get to month four-ish. Occasionally, he's leaving me on "read" for 5+ hours even though he's active on socials multiple times and viewing my stories/etc within that time. I'm used to him not replying for a few hours, but not actively reading and not replying when he clearly is on his phone. I never mentioned it. It bothered me, but not enough to make it an issue yet.
At the 4.5 month mark, he had come over to my house (his idea, he asked to spend the day with me). We had a great time, we played a board game and watched a movie, followed by hooking up (as with every hangout since the first time we did it). He left in a pleasant mood! I said "lmk what's going on the next few days!" and he said he would. That night we talked like normal until around 7-8pm. No red flags.
The next day, he didn't get back to my text from the night prior until like 12:30, even though he was home and on his phone. He didn't answer the question I had asked him either, which was super weird. He just sent me a selfie. I replied pretty shortly after and then he didn't reply to that until the next day at around lunch again. At this point I'm confused because he has never done this, and we left on good terms two days prior. I reply to a snapchat message he sent, and then again he leaves it on opened for like 6 hours, and doesn't reply until really late that night. By this time, I assume he's over me and doesn't want to talk to me because this is really abnormal.
I sent him a text asking if everything was okay and that I enjoyed getting to see him that weekend. He doesn't reply until hours later, and basically says he has a lot going on that he's trying to sort out. I said I was a bit upset that he had been ignoring my texts for a weird length of time, and to just let me know if he needs space as I don't want to add to his plate accidentally. He replies the next day saying he doesn't owe anyone an explanation on where he is or what he's doing, and that I'm overwhelming him and I need to leave him alone so he can figure things out on his own. I was really hurt and confused by this text (it was long, and much more wordy than I'd post here). On one hand, he's advocating for space which I appreciate because I want to give it when needed! On the other hand, I'm confused as to why he didn't tell me upfront two days prior that things were overwhelming and he needed me to leave him alone. I never pried for more details on what was going on or asked him his whereabouts ever at any point. I cant give space if I don't know it's needed, and I feel bad that I brought this up not knowing how overwhelmed he was feeling.
Was I in the wrong for asking him to have told me this prior to me bringing up the abnormal ignoring of my texts? I would've pulled back had I known. I haven't heard from him since and it's been a handful of days. He hasn't even read my final text where I apologized and said that I'd wished he had told me to back off earlier.
I don't plan on reaching out because that's the opposite of what he wanted, but I also really wish we could just talk through this. I have told him before that I want him to tell me if I'm ever "too much" and he said he appreciated my effort when I said it. I'm just super confused and honestly sad about how this ended. I'm assuming he's done for good and won't talk to me again, which really sucks.
So I met this girl at the gym, first we talk between breaks, nothing too serious or anything until one day she asked for my social, after that we trained together a few times and all those time we finished the training and walk around talking for hours (almost 10 hours straight) until we finally kiss, after that we decided to go out in a date where she kissed me first but to the end of that date she told me she wasn't attracted to me so... I'm so confused like why do you kiss a guy you don't feel attracted to? Do I talk to her or just straight move on?
So I reconnected with girl I had gone out with a couple times 3 years ago. We went on a date a month ago. Date was good, ended with a kiss. She also drove an hour to come see me. But I got the vibe that she had just gotten out of something. Since then I’ve texted a couple times but we haven’t been able to set a date. She doesn’t initiate she hasn’t made any sort of effort to plan anything. The last time I texted it was last minute and she said she couldn’t make, I offered an alternative which she didn’t even respond to lol
I’ve been thinking about her quite a bit and am debating reaching out again by calling. She is a horrible texter. Even years ago she wouldn’t confirm dates or respond unless you asked a direct question. I’m fine if she doesn’t want to see me again but I would prefer a clear rejection so I can move on. It’s like she’s breadcrumbing me. Any advice???
35F met 35M. So I met someone new on a dating app. They seemed perfect to me, everything I ever wanted. I had been in a long term relationship and in the end it ended in disaster, with me being left hurt and rejected, and left for someone else. It took me around 18 months to fully say I’m over it, and a lot of introspection of how I allowed someone to treat me so badly for so long. But I digress, I met someone new on a dating app, we met, he seemed to really like me, I really liked him. I informed him I was guarded, I was shy, and I had had my confidence knocked in a major way. I know this came across strongly in my interactions with him, but I was honest. He made out strongly that he liked me, and in the beginning was attentive and reassuring. But he started to slow fade on me, I could feel it, I had been on the receiving end before, and I knew. I called him out on it, 2/3 times, not in a confrontational way, but just an open honest conversation, as I was trying to understand him, and protect myself from hurt. I was informed each and every-time that everything was ok. However the behaviour continued. In the end I had to ask again and I was informed there was no spark for me on his side, a 4 minute conversation and I was let go, on Christmas Eve I might add. He never got to know the real me, I was so nervous, so guarded, I think it would of been so different if he had given me a chance, I was just getting over my nerves. I wanted to be flirty, I wanted to be forward but when your confidence has been rocked to the point of oblivion it’s hard to act that way, but that’s where it would of been in the end, he never gave me a chance. He never got to know me. So now I’m full of regret, full of hurt how he slow faded me and full of anger that because some absolute moron from my past turned me into someone I wasn’t and I screwed everything up. Really, what I want to know is why do people tell you they are really happy with you, they like you, and then slow fade you and disappear. We had a lovely day together last time we saw each other, and he said so himself, 24 hours later I was discarded, it’s so hard to pick yourself up sometimes after behaviour like this. I just wish he had given me some time to see the real me, I came across indecisive, boring and flat, when I’m actually bubbly, a little crazy sometimes and up for a good laugh. All my friends who know me well tell me it’s his loss because he didn’t know the real you, but I just think it’s all my fault :( any tips on how to feel better ? I should add we met about 7/8 times, he made loads of plans with me, and then changed them and didn’t see me, I was looking forward to it all. I was told I didn’t ask enough questions, but I let him do his own thing and didn’t pry, again my previous relationship dynamic coming into play, I didn’t even register I was doing it. I wanted to know everything about him, get to know him better and I genuinely believe it could have worked if I had just acted differently. Ahhhh so full of regret right now.
TL; DR why do people say they like you, are invested, then slow fade you.
I (30F) matched with this guy (37M) with who I had a great time talking to.
We ended up meeting and he seemed a little nervous, he drove me back home after. He kissed me on both cheeks. I was suggesting a kiss before leaving, then he said he wasn't ready. I said fair enough and wished him good night. Everything seemed fine the next day when we restarted texting.
We kept texting, exchanging photos and voice messages over the holidays, even during the trip to see his family 6 hours away.
Then our last exchange was flirty and fun, but it's been 5 days since he last replied to my texts. And I saw him being online as well during these times.
I am so sick and tired of these situations, I can count of both hands the number of times I've been ghosted in the past 2 years. I know this behavior most likely has nothing to do with me, but it is starting to affect my self esteem big time. It's also lowkey making me hate men. That's not who I am and I logically know not all men behave like this.
Not going to share all the details, but we went on a few dates before Christmas, and due to our availability, we were both extremely busy throughout the holidays, but both agreed that we would resume after the holidays. We have been keeping in contact every day and plan on seeing each other very soon.
My question is: On what date is it ideal to ask if they are seeing someone else, or are exclusively seeing only you?
Like myself, I am talking to others during this time but have not met another potential candidate. This one we both seem to align with each other well, and mainly because of our interests, it is a perfect match; those are hard to come by.
I bought a new jeans and this girl I like, complimented it three times. Though I feel that's too soon to figure out if she has any feelings for me but yeah I am working on it. She's a tough nut to crack. She is cheerful, full of energy, bold, outgoing and crazy or say goofy...and a lot. Sometimes even I feel boring about myself. I am trying, i am trying. I don't know how to get her ...it's hard but I am trying to create a good connection first so my chances of pulling her increases. There's a lot to add but it will be too long for you to read.
So I (22F) met him(25M) on hinge around mid October last year and we took a break after a month but we have been together since November. He’s always been the one to ask me out on dates and he’s the one who wanted exclusivity. We hang out pretty often, have sleepovers, grocery shop and cook together, we’ve somewhat had meals with each other’s friends.(it’s all so couply) I’ve met most of his friend group. During the Christmas holiday, we spent almost every day together. And there were two days he couldn’t see me and he came to see me after he arrived home from his gathering so late.
For new years, we kinda had a talk of how we will spend it and he said his friends might go to a cabin and if not he’ll be with me. My main friends are out of town this year so I didn’t have a big celebration planned but I had two invites that I was considering but didn’t really want to go. I told him I don’t want to spend nye with him as an afterthought and that it should be intentional so then he invites me to the cabin and then I hesitate because it’s weird to go. He agrees and says ‘oh if I bring you, what would that mean?’ And he then says ‘what are we doing? we do all these things that people in relationships do’ and asks me what I think and I said ‘yeah we do all those things but chose to ignore the big thing that’s looming over us and it’s silly’ and then he said he’s scared and that he’s not sure if we will work out. ????? Like we’ve been fine so far??
Th cabin trip got cancelled so we just spent nye and New Year’s Day together. It’s really confusing me and hurting me. But I also really like him so I’m scared to bring it up and get a clear answer.
Why is he like this? What should I do?
There is a girl in my masters I am quite unsure what I am on. We are in the same group of friends as well. In some moments, I recognise she is staring at me when I look away or that she cares about me with small gestures. Also, she is always a bit different when she talks with me than talking with other women/men. She also likes to disagree with me. Anyways, couple weeks ago I kinda ask her out do something with me, she said yes but told me she is busy the next days and I should just text her. I have done that and she responded to me again, that she is quite busy that week. I responded her we can go out the week after and she ghosted me.
Okay, I stepped back and moved on. 3 weeks later, I asked another girl friend during class if she wants to come shopping with me because I need to find a present for my mom and I knew she is creative and good at that. The girl I am interested in heard that and invited herself to go with us. At that evening, she texted me that she forgot to reply the last time and she apologised for it. So I went with the two of them. Tbh that day was more a friendly vibe and they talked more with themselves than with me.
Now we are both home for Christmas and texted a bit, but we never had a deeper conversation, more about what's up etc. I am not sure what I should think about that. I don't know if I just overthink , if it's real signs of interest, if she just hates me or doesn't care at all about me.
I am between being straight forward about my interest, taking it slow or just giving it up.