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Guidance for AI

Hello! I am a high schooler interested in AI. I really want to learn it/more about it but I don’t quite know how to start or what to learn. Can someone please guide me on how to start this learning path? For reference: I also liked to code and I can code in Python, C++, and Java

Anything would be appreciated! Any links, general advice, anything Thanks!

22:59 UTC


CS Bootcamp in Africa

21:07 UTC


Programming ||

Hi, I am trying to take some comp sci courses online and was wondering if anyone knew of any online courses for programming II. I did part of it during the semester but had to drop it due to my course load being too heavy so I was wondering if anyone knew of any that were self paced so I could finish it faster.

20:27 UTC


I'm a bit lost.

So I've just finished my 1st year as comp science major and I did good in general. I was practically forced to choose this major so I don't really have any coding background since I wasn't interested in the first place, but now I am and I don't plan on changing my major. I have a long summer and I'm honestly trying to see how to expand my knowledge to gain some experience and skills I can use in real life situations. I would really appreciate some advice on what and where I should focus and what I should really do in general because I'm lost. Should I just go and start self studying maybe from youtube or find other courses from other universities? I was originally planning on studying my next year's materials but I'm not really sure aswell. I'd like to also add the fact that in my first year we are given only 2 comp science courses ( introduction to comp science & C) and the rest is mostly math like real analysis and algebra. So I don't really have any qualifications or skills to apply for anything right now atleast in my country.

Thank you all.

18:21 UTC


Companies when Hiring recently graduated students

Hi ,I am currently studying CS in college (3rd year),and I am learning JavaScript at home, Someone told me that when I graduate from college and get my first job the salary would be low because I have no experience in the field, I want to know what to do to get some experience which is necessary and considered by companies when hiring recently graduated people, what should I do ?

13:57 UTC


C++ variadic template situation absolutely vexing me.

13:51 UTC


Need angela yu 100 python challenge or google flutter

Hello guyz i really need the code coupon of angela yu google flutter or 100 python challenge So how can i get the coupon code 🤔

1 Comment
06:04 UTC


Resume tips for landing AI and Data Science jobs

05:35 UTC


Computer Science book for beginners

I'm looking for C programming books for beginners but in depth, I already have math based.

05:34 UTC


Book recommendations to refresh up on comp sci topics.

I'm a recent grad and I recently got hired onto a full time job. While I feel competent as a programmer, I don't think that I have the best foundation in other areas such as DS, operating systems, etc. What are some books you'd recommend reading to refresh on some of the topics that are taught in school, or some more 'advanced' topics as well.

1 Comment
02:41 UTC


self-studying finite math

i already took discrete mathematics @university and was wondering how to approach kenneth rosen’s textbook. some of the topics in the book have been covered in class, but most of the content is based on the introductory sections. it is quite lengthy of course and i’m curious as to how i can read it properly. if you guys have went thru it, what did you guys do?

14:41 UTC


How to configure VS code for debugging ssh connected remote environment

Hey everyone, I'm having a lot of trouble trying to get a nice debugging environment setup for vs code. I'm a software engineering intern fresh out of school, so I'm not too familiar with the tools and can't seem to figure it out. I ssh into a remote docker for work. My vs code environment is connected to that and works well, but I've not been able to have any success setting up the debugger. If anyone could please guide me in the right direction as to how to configure, I would be so grateful.

1 Comment
13:13 UTC


Importance of Discrete mathematics. Rate 1 to 10.

Recommended me some youtube channels

11:05 UTC


Need course recommendations!

Looking to be a software engineer but need a course that covers key fundamentals etc… would be appreciated!

10:37 UTC


Is this a possible carreer path?

I start my CS uni studies in this year fall, and I want to become a Kotlin developer (Android, Linux) with AI specialization (KotlinDL). Is there any carreer path where I can work as the mentioned role before and I mainly work with Linux?

09:05 UTC


Refine my learning plan(self taught)

If anyone could refine my plan below that i have split into 3 sections would be appreciated!

Unit 1

Programming in Python, Human Computer Interaction, Information Management (Data Modelling & Databases), Fundamentals of Computer Systems

Unit 2

Java Programming, Object-Oriented Software Engineering, Algorithms & Data Structures, Networks & Operating Systems, Algorithmic Foundations, Web Application Development

Unit 3

Advanced Programming, Algorithmics, Database Systems, Interactive Systems, Networked Systems, Operating Systems, Professional Software Development, Programming Languages

23:57 UTC


What's the next step for me ?


I'm programming for years now using Python and I've never thought about web dev because I thought it wasn't for me, I was completely wrong.

I started web development a week ago, starting with the basics of HTML and CSS before diving into JavaScript (My previous knowledge in Python makes me progress very fast).

In the last 3 days, I discovered the amazing power of API's and I made a weather website where you can enter an address or any location, then the Google Maps Geocoding API put it's coordinates in the Openweathermap API to display the weather of this place, I also used the Google Maps Static Map API to display a map of the location.

I think I will soon add the Google Maps semi-automatic filling in the input area, but I would really like to get into another project, I'm actually studying engineering and I really like science, mechanics, environment, automation and AI and I'm fascinated by the fact that you can mix all of these to do great things, so I would like to know if you have any ideas of projects I can get into, and technologies I could be interested in ?

I'm also always working by myself because I have a hard time finding people who share my passion and envy to learn and create stuff and I would really like to start working with others, so if you'd like to connect, or to recommended me maybe some communities, it could be useful to a lot of people and I would really appreciate it,

Thank you for reading me :)

22:46 UTC


🎉 My New Sorting Algorithm Visualizer Built with Svelte! 🚀

Hey Reddit!

Remember that mesmerizing video of sorting algorithms at work? If not, check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPRA0W1kECg. It inspired me to create my own sorting simulator using the Svelte framework!

It's still a work in progress, but I'd love your feedback. Try it out here: https://mszula.github.io/visual-sorting/

If you like the project, please give it a star on GitHub: https://github.com/mszula/visual-sorting

Thanks, and happy sorting! 🎉

21:56 UTC


Is P vs NP worth researching on as a A level student?

I recently got interested in the P vs NP problem while browsing the internet. I'm currently doing my A levels and planning to apply for computer science courses at universities in London. I want to read some books about it, but I'm not sure if it's worth the time. I've seen mixed opinions about its usefulness for university studies and in general.

Any advice? Should I just stick to traditional comp sci instead of theoretical?

If it is worth studying, any book recommendations on it?

15:34 UTC


Packet routing, forwarding and switching

Hi, can anyone explain the difference between packet routing, forwarding, and switching? Sometimes it feels like they are used interchangeably in books.

1 Comment
14:21 UTC


Should i learn DSA practically or theoretically?

When i look at most online university courses for algorithms it's mostly theory. In our uni the instructor just used java and taught us in a practical way how to code it; nothing about induction correctness etc. So should i go back and re-learn it? is it worth it what advantages will i get?

12:28 UTC


DSA course

1 Comment
15:52 UTC



I have started in this course it was fun at the first 2 project then when it reached the (ALU) design I was confused And not able to start at the project and I feel the video on coursera Platform not enough any help or resources to keep going in course !??

01:12 UTC

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