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Can someone please help me with my OOPS assignment idea?

I am in my first year of engineering, all i have learned till now is C. So we got an assignment to create a word doc on any topic of our own wish related to 'OOP', i forgot about it and i have submission 2 days later, i dont know where to start, can anyone please guide me?, someone suggested me to do it on encapsulation as it is very similar to structure edit: sorry for the typo 'oops', just my habit kicked in

1 Comment
14:11 UTC


Created a new Coding account will be posting consistently

Hope you all like it and suggest ways to improve myself

link to channel: https://www.youtube.com/@BugSlay

14:10 UTC


Setting a general template for a class of buttons in WPF

Hi, I've created a class of button and want to apply a style to every button within this class. However, I'm a beginner with C# and XAML, and so I'm quite clueless as to how to create a style template that can be applied to the class as a whole, then built upon individually. Each of my attempts hasn't resulted in any build errors, but when the program is run, the button is just displayed in the default format.

If possible, I'd be really grateful for any suggestions as to what I can do, thanks!!

14:03 UTC


Is programming really for me?

I've been pursuing a Computer Information Science degree since last fall, and I'm starting to lose motivation. This degree would be my second, and I started coding because it piqued my interest, and seemed like a good career change opportunity. I don't code for fun, I don't work on side projects. The extent of coding I get done is almost entirely schoolwork (and now work) based.

I recently landed a job as a Data Analyst and I get to code a bit at work which is satisfying, but I find my motivation for school and coding is gone. I worry that I wasn't in love with coding, I was in love with the idea of adding skillsets until I found a new job. How can I find out if coding/software development is truly for me?

13:40 UTC


Best Way to Start Mobile App Development as a 3rd Year CS Student ?

Hi everyone! I'm in my 3rd year of CS and looking to dive into mobile app development. I have moderate experience building web projects using React, Node, and Express. What would be a good tech stack to start with for mobile apps? Any frameworks, tools, or tips you’d recommend for a beginner? Appreciate any guidance !

13:30 UTC


Why is game written in Assembly faster that game written in other compiled langauge?

I saw a video about RollerCoaster Tycoon video game that is written Assembly, where the video creator stated that it's very fast due to this. If all compiled languages that are compiled into machine code and note some intermediary code like Java bytecode, why there are differences in performance between them?

13:23 UTC


Please help, Coursera says my answer is incorrect.

I'm doing course from University of Michigan on Coursera, about API in Python.
Task is to get plus code for "University of Arkansas". In example they give "South Federal University" and plus code is "6FV8QPRJ+VQ". My code gives out the same thing. Yet my answer about "University of Arkansas" is incorrect.
I know my code is full of flaws, I just need the answer.
Here is my code(I use PyCharm):

import urllib.request, urllib.parse
import json, ssl

# Heavily rate limited proxy of https://www.geoapify.com/ api
#serviceurl = 'https://py4e-data.dr-chuck.net/opengeo?'
serviceurl = 'http://py4e-data.dr-chuck.net/opengeo?'
# Ignore SSL certificate errorsa
ctx = ssl.create_default_context()
ctx.check_hostname = False
ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE

while True:
address = input('Enter location: ')
if len(address) < 1: break
address = address.strip()
parms = dict()
parms['q'] = address

url = serviceurl + urllib.parse.urlencode(parms)

#print('Retrieving', url)
uh = urllib.request.urlopen(url, context=ctx)
data = uh.read().decode()
print('Retrieved', len(data), 'characters', data[:20].replace('\n', ' '))

js = json.loads(data)
js = None
if not js or 'features' not in js:
print('==== Download error ===')
if len(js['features']) == 0:
print('==== Object not found ====')
# print(json.dumps(js, indent=4))
lat = js['features'][0]['properties']['lat']
lon = js['features'][0]['properties']['lon']
print('lat', lat, 'lon', lon)
location = js['features'][0]['properties']['formatted']

#print('Retriving', url)
data = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read()
#print('Retrived', len(data), 'characters')
js = json.loads(data)
plus_code = js['features'][0]['properties']['plus_code']
print("Place code = ", plus_code)
# print(json.dumps(js, indent=4))
# print('Place id', js['results'][0]['place_id'])
#University of Arkansas

12:52 UTC


Help with protection against CSRF and XSS attacks

builder.Services.AddControllersWithViews(options =>
    options.Filters.Add(new Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.AutoValidateAntiforgeryTokenAttribute());

If I have this code in my Program.cs-file ^^. Will all my Controller-methods automatically be protected from CSRF and XSS attacks by default? Or do I have to add:


... infront of all my methods?

12:14 UTC


Is there a leetcode like set of problems with a smoother difficulty curve?

I'm luckily not interested in using leetcode to get a job, I did like just hopping on once or twice a day and solving a small problem for a short amount of time.

My issue with leetcode is the difficulty ranges from 'this is a trivial problem' to 'oh if you know this trick its easy i guess, but who would know something so esoteric?', for example:


is classified as an easy, but if you take a look at the solutions / commentary, I think the sentinment agrees this was far from easy, I found this out after about an hour+ of sinking into the problem.

Either way, what I'm asking for likely doesn't exist, but would be neat if it did.

12:10 UTC


Question about storing data

I'm trying to store many mp3 files into a website's database. Is there a more efficiency way to do this?

12:06 UTC


PRNG in X: Getting used to a new language's essential syntax.

Hi there! I'm mostly a C and x86_64 assembly dev who's been dabbling in Rust, but I had a random idea - write a very small project which I'm very familiar with, an LCG PRNG, once in a bunch of different languages.

A PRNG, if you don't know already, is a pseudo-random number generator, and is essentially a group of algorithms which define how computers generate "random" numbers. Note the quotes and the word pseudo because they aren't really random - they start with a seed value, which is often the time, then generate the next random number based on that, the next one based on that previous one, and so on. LCG, or linear congruential generator, is a very very simple algorithm for PRNGs (see the wikipedia page here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear\_congruential\_generator).

My concept is this: A very very simple program, a PRNG, implemented in various different languages (so far: x86_64 NASM assembly, C, C++, Rust, Java, Go, JavaScript, and Python), which makes for a very easy way to learn the syntax. No heavy commenting besides one at the start of the file and at the start of each function, no huge explanation, no complicated concepts of the language. Just the essential syntax.

Hopefully this is useful to at least one person. Please note that I am not an expert at all these languages, and as I've said near the start, most of my knowledge is in C and Assembly, meaning that some of the implementations in other languages may not be perfect. If you see something wrong, feel free to leave a comment or open a pull request.

Here's the link btw: https://github.com/UnmappedStack/PRNG-in-X

Sorry if this sounded spammy, that genuinely wasn't the goal and I believe I have complied with all the server rules.

11:51 UTC


Youtube API "Precondition check failed"

It was working at one point, and all of the sudden it's not working anymore. I am not sure what changed, maybe I did something

Can anyone help me?

I am using the api to add videos to a youtube playlist

googleapiclient.errors.HttpError: <HttpError 400 when requesting` [`https://youtube.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/playlistItems?part=snippet&alt=json`](https://youtube.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/playlistItems?part=snippet&alt=json) `returned "Precondition check failed.". Details: "[{'message': 'Precondition check failed.', 'domain': 'global', 'reason': 'failedPrecondition'}]">

This is for a brand channel

1 Comment
10:52 UTC


How do i make Programming fun and my addiction

hello there this may sound idoitic but for some reason i am not finding programming engaging and im getting lazy over it. I have good knowledge over some of the programming language like C++,C, python and little bit in java. so can you suggest me to make programming more addicting for me i want to make it my addiction..

10:34 UTC


is it possible to create DATA STRUCTURE CONCEPTS from scratch without prior knowledge?


Edit2: I've worded many parts of this post in a bad way, so now this is basically my conclusion/decision to hopefully clear up my question.
--How should I go about creating my own implementations of "data structures, methods, and algorithms"
before learning them?--
the main purpose of my post was to figure what I wanted. I thought I wanted to learn basic functions in C to try recreate data structures.
I've now come to realize that I only want to create my own implementations of existing data structs, algorithms, and methods.
I've decided to roughly to follow idea 2, and along with some suggestions/guides from others.

Yapp (this is just me yapping)
honestly the rest of my post from here has become a mess and confusion to anyone trying to read and know what I'm asking. I'm considering restructuring the whole thing to clean it up but that will probably make it worse.
I have my answer now and my post is [SOLVED] so I will just leave it alone.
thanks to everyone for the help, and suggestions. my wishes have been fulfilled and my gratitude shall be.., for as long as I remember.

Edit1: After reading some of the replies I have a better idea of my question
-what fundamentals (in C or other lang) like pointers, memory allocation, etc..
do I need to know to try create my own implementations of common data structures.

I will be learning them in my own time I would just like a rough list of which functions and concepts are used to make the data structures without learning the data structures themselves.

original question:

I know what I want but I don't know the right question but basically..

I want to try and create data structures (in C),
Without learning them or following a tutorial.

so no prior knowledge on how to make them but I know generally what they are (lists, arrays, dicts, ...) and the basic methods (append, insert, delete, etc..).

Sort of like re-inventing the wheel,, maybe?(idk).

If anyone (that's learnt data structures and such) thinks this is a fools errand and has an alternative suggestion they think is better please write. I'm open to suggestions and not absolutely set on this path.


I will be searching for materials and thinking of ways to do this. I'm just posting in here because it will be a lot easier for someone who already knows the structure and insights of data structures to tell me what is needed before I learn the data structures.

Idea 1

My first idea of navigating this is to learn the things you need to know to make/write data structures..
(pointers, the stack, and functions that work with those)
I don't know much of the things (functions, structures, etc) needed to write them,
because learning about those would probably include learning a data structure which I want to try
create myself without prior knowledge.

I will do some searching for those after this post.
- then choose a data structure and see what it does on the surface, basic input and output
and try to recreate the 'inner' code for the data struct and then the methods for that struct

Idea 2

learn 1 or two of the basic data structures then look at a 3rd one and how it works but not how to implement it.
and create my own implementation
and what it does from a surface level perspective and try to recreate the inner workings .


-some may think it's 'better' (more efficient) to just learn them and focus on how to utilise them. But this is just something I think will be fun..

If anyone would be so kind to humor me. I would be much obliged. ;)

side notes

programming is a hobby for me. I've briefly learned the basics of python3, and have done a handful of scripting projects(AHKv2). So I'm not really worried about trouble learning the fundamentals of C but more-so focused on knowing what I need to learn.

I am considering to do the same with sorting-algorithms and the like. if anyone has any comment on that but I think I'll save that for another time/post.

09:32 UTC


App lap

Is there anyone here who knows App Lab and can create an app for me?

1 Comment
09:16 UTC


Learning outside of iOS development

Quick about me:

I am a self taught iOS developer and my main focus was learning about the massive apple frameworks and the language itself. I had no desire to do anything outside of iOS, so I spent all my time there.

I landed my first role as a junior iOS developer and boy do I regret not learning the computer science part of it. I knew nothing about CI/CD, the minimum on JavaScript, databases, networking, etc.. I still handled the job well and got by, but unfortunately is out-of-state developers were part of the mass layoffs.

I have an opportunity now to develop these skills before I go back in the workforce, but I do not know where to start. Any suggestions would be much appreciated, and any other experiences from iOS developers out there that might help. Thank you.

p.s. is it normal now for juniors not get much help from the seniors? I thought that was the point of being a junior.. a little mentorship. They told me those days are done..

09:12 UTC


Another begbeginner in programming

I hereby salute you dear coding veterans. I would like to know what type of advice you would give to someone who would like to start coding 1- The tools that he can download (for free if possible XD even for the courses with certificates) 2- The mindset he needs to have and books he may read 3- The skills he should have beforehand 4- What he should more importantly start with

I know you have read such posts a million times but I do really need your help since I really would like to learn such a skill as I've always found it impressive and would like to give a huge shot

08:58 UTC


Should someone with a good job start to learn programming?

Well as the title says I’m 24 years old mechanical engineer, I currently work within my major so far it’s good fair payments etc, Since my graduation project has been ML related I got briefly introduced to python which i liked alot, I always read articles when I have the time about AI/ML/DATASCIENCE etc Is it worth it to self-learn those things with only 2-4 hours on my hand or will i be too late for the field by the time I get good at medium level concepts? or is there any other approach?

08:16 UTC


Guys who teach programming online...

If they are good at programming and claim that they can make you a "master" at a certain concept, why they try so hard to make you buy a course instead of going out there and actually using their skills to get a real/more interesting software developer job... No hate tho just genuinely curious.

08:12 UTC


I want to know. What exactly is a Framework ?

Hello everybody.
I'm a beginner in programming. I did some novice web development in my life but nothing crazy. I like to watch web development related content, and one word I hear a lot is "Framework", followed by examples such as React, Laravel, Next.js, Spring, etc...

I have several questions regarding that :

  • What's the main purpose of framework ?
  • What happened if we code a project without a framework ?
  • What's the difference between a Front/Back-end framework and meta framework ?
  • Are there frameworks for a framework ?


07:55 UTC


What should i cover to do good on C programming exam

What should i cover to do good on c programming exam

Tomorrow 10am is my exam and i have covered syllabus till 1d array and basics of string and this Is syllabus

Final Examination Information Duration – 2 to 2:30 hours Format – Closed book in two parts Part-I (50% weightage) MCQ –covers the material from the whole course. Negative marking (+3, -1 for each question) Part-II (50% weightage) Questions in the form of writing short codes, fill in the blanks, compute the output of the code fragment, find error in the code, and a few descriptive questions. Topics:

Pointers, arrays, strings, relationship between pointers and arrays, array of strings, 2-d arrays, pointer to pointers. Structures. Functions, command line arguments, recursion, linked list. File handling, bitwise operators, function pointers, dynamic memory allocation

I’m planning on covering syllables first from college wallah playlist….should i?? And I don’t have any source for questions or should i just focus on covering syllables

07:34 UTC


AI for learning

I saw a post about breaking down problems while learning instead of just looking at the answer or using AI to solve problems. So I had an idea and asked code tutor on chat GPT to give me a problem and I solved it with pseudo code. Just typing it out and getting feed back for mistakes. Obviously typing on your phone code is a pain, the pseudo code makes it easier, and it’s good practice.

1 Comment
07:20 UTC


As someone in college aiming to specialize in AI what should I do?

I just need some sort of guide because I feel overwhelmed with the amount of stuff available on the internet. Just a basic idea on what al I should learn and prioritize in a time frame would be very helpful. Thanks

07:11 UTC


Can't solve certain types of problems no matter how much i try to think

How to get good at recursions and backtracking questions? like the ones where you generate some particular permutations and combinations based off some conditions already given cuz there's no way i can picture every step in my brain

07:10 UTC


Struggle to Make Projects that Aren't Actually Used

I really struggle to make projects if they aren't actually used by real people.

I've made a lot of Roblox games because they actually get played, which is a huge motivator for me. I want to make projects that aren't games though, like apps and websites. Problem is, it feels like these are much less likely to get real users. And there is a lot more responsibility and money involved in those.

This is really demotivating for me. I just have a hard time making things without having a real user experience. Any advice?

06:51 UTC


Actually centering a plot using Matplotlib

I've been starting to learn Python and working on some data science, and the problem (more like a nice thing to have) is that when I create plots using matplotlib.pyplot they are actually not centered.

What I mean by that is that the box that contains does not have the same number of pixels/same space around all the 4 edges of the picture.

A MWE of that is this:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x = list(range(10))

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(x, x)
ax.set_xlabel("X axis")
ax.set_ylabel("Y axis")

If you check the number of pixels between any of the edges and the black box containing the data you can see that by default is not the same. I tried looking around for a way to fix that but what I've found is really complicated and out of reach right now.

It seems like it should be something that could be expected to be implemented. So is it there a short implementation of something like that?

05:26 UTC


Java for Aspies?

Firstly, I am autistic. I've tried to learn java from more “traditional” languages (C# & Python), but I just can't understand java and OOP in general. I just want to learn enough to make Minecraft mods (Minecraft subs told me to post here instead), so does anyone have anything that could help me understand java? My main problems are with general OOP and Javas buses.

04:28 UTC


Does anyone else do this?

I’m learning to code through a course on udemy and when the instructor tells me to try to tackle a coding problem by myself, I immediately look at the solution then type the code by memory… when I get stuck again, I go back to the solution and back to the task. I even practice on previous coding challenges; doing them by memory, but I don’t look at the solution because the coding makes sense.

Is this an effective or ineffective way to learn programming?

04:22 UTC


Is code crafters good for learning?

So I came across https://github.com/codecrafters-io/build-your-own-x?tab=readme-ov-file#build-your-own-git and part of me wants to get into it and start doing a boat load of projects in my free time but these are all just tutorials... wouldnt that just lead me to tutorial hell?

I'm wanting to make projects to help me learn more about programming but feel these are all just tutorials and I wont learn as much as if I when off and tried to do it all myself. Just loaded up a IDE and tried to make a CML game with out following a tutorial..

I dont know im conflited.

02:46 UTC


need advice

I’m looking to start the 100 days of code by replit course, i am preparing for interviews in about 4-5 months. after i finish this course, what courses should i start? I want to build as much full stack knowledge as possible and of course acquire skills in the languages i will be learning. Thanks!

02:34 UTC

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