
Photograph via snooOG

Candida, IBS, Crohn, etc



A place for those experiencing candida in any of its forms to come for advice, recipes, tips and the benefit of community wisdom and support. Getting a diagnosis of candida is confusing! The internet seems divided on nearly all fronts and finding conclusive advise on how to proceed with ridding yourself of this stubborn gut fungus sometimes seems overwhelming. We're stuck in a weird middle ground between western medicine and crystal healing where few experts dwell! We are each other's best hope.


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Stopping birthcontrol cause candida?

My reaccuring yeast infections started after a stopped with BC 3 years ago. Is it possible or is there any research on the relation between candida and BC?

15:05 UTC


stopped the diet :( rash is back

has anyone stopped the diet and then had to restart it again??

my main reason to do the candida cleanse earlier this year was rashes. the patches on my face especially, it was so bad it felt like my skin was burning off. over the span of a year before that I went to the doctor a lot and got wrongly diagnoses scabies, rosacea, etc..prescribed so many different things but nothing worked. finally I did a cleanse and candida diet and it cleared up almost instantly!! LOL

well I only did 10 weeks then went back to eating anything and everything lol my rash is back not quite as bad yet. but I suppose I'll do a cleanse again and try to stay on the diet for longer.

14:21 UTC


Candida and sinuses

I had an awful year with sinus infections and bouts of the flu. I have candida overgrowth so I suspect that my sinuses are affected by what I eat (I eat a lot of wheat). I know this because when I use antifungal spray in my nose, my symptoms go away after a while.

Is there anyone else here who suffers with sinus inflammation due to their candida overgrowth? Is going on a candida diet improve this situation?

10:17 UTC


is this die off? am i doing this right?

i just had a cup of bone broth and went to the bathroom and noticed the secretions coming out of my vagina. same thing happened with a cup of apple cider vinegar diluted with water. is this a good sign or ?? i usually get these secretions along with itching when i eat high amounts of carbs. (i have YI down there + oral thrush)

09:55 UTC


Holy moly my candida immune complex is insanely high

I had a baby 15 months ago and had a bad infection so I was on antibiotics for about a month long. Then i got another infection this past year causing more antibiotics... my functional Dr ordered this test to check a reason for some of the symptoms I was having might that might be due to this.

Well holy hell..I'm freaked out by this level. I don't even know what to do. Any help? Figured this is a good place to turn

04:26 UTC


Underweight with Candida

Im trying to keep this post simple, without further details: If I could get some ideas, like at least one 100% candida proof food that I can up in my diet it would be great! And no its not even meat bc all pathogens feed on iron. I can keep falling apart anymore by trying to eat clean while also staying away from even fruit. PLEASE HELP!

1 Comment
02:22 UTC


Underweight with Candida

I’ve been dealing w gut issues for some time, and going to different doctors. So far I have only been tested positive for candida, other stuff is still in the works. I found that Lactoferrin helps me and mechanism is by binding iron so pathogens can’t get it. I eat very clean and seems like my candida is not so much affected by rice or lentils, as it is by fruit juices. But also meet (via iron) seems to be making it worse. Fats raise my cholesterol as my liver is not the best. All of this leaves very little food choices. I don’t even mind not eating since my appetite is low but I do mind falling apart while trying to navigate candida. The only time i was able to gain weight in last few years was when i was chugging 2-3 l of orange juice every day. But it was horrible for my gut. I was kinda skinny fat. Now im just skin and bones. The thing is that i have indigestion so anything solid I won’t absorb as well. I also can’t tolerate dairy, I get acne. Basically there is no food for me and im just skinnier by the day. Can anyone offer any advice I would appreciate it. Thank you

Edit: end point of my post: If I could get some ideas, like at least one 100% candida proof food that I can up in my diet it would be great!

00:33 UTC


Confused with what I may have

Hi I’ve been dealing with this for past few months and keep going back and forth about what it could be in summary:

Had frequent sinus infections this year and then had a UTI which required many rounds of antibiotics to clear ( urinalysis confirmed it was e.coli not candida ) ever since then have had a white ish tongue and dry mouth with enlarged taste buds at back of mouth. Food often gets caught in dry mouth biofilm and creates creamy white stuff easy to scrape off and no pain in my tongue whatsoever. Additionally if had a feeling of a head cold for months . Just slightly lightheaded congested feeling like permanently coming down with the flu and often just a single blocked nostril when lying down (no mucus discharge at all) I got treated for thrush (nystatin wash etc..) but it didn’t help anything and have been on very strict candida diet last 2 weeks with no improvements . Could this all be candida or could it be something like a chronic mild sinusitis that causes head cold symptoms and dry mouth that resembles thrush ?

Worthier mentioning I don’t and have never had any digestive issues


23:38 UTC


Has anyone gotten rid of candida taking antifungals and eating healthy, but not cutting out sugar completely?

Do we have to cut out carbs, sugar, etc… completely?

22:57 UTC


Is acid reflux part of this?

How do we fix this

21:39 UTC


It's oral thrush?

The tip of my tongue is tingling, feels numb, is red, and the fungiform papillae are enlarged. There is a coating all over the tongue (hairy). When I smoke a cigarette, the symptoms worsen. Is this oral thrush?

1 Comment
21:21 UTC


How long did it take to see improvement on Fluconazole for oral thrush? Dosage?

1 Comment
20:17 UTC


Does anyone get this with die off?

I get insanely acidic painful stomach usually from candida. Causing slightly breathing problems

Was fine for a few weeks and my doctor got me on some new natural stuff and I doubt I ever asked, do you guys get an extremely painful almost on fire stomach

Can’t just be me

19:43 UTC


Neem leaf has helped me so much

Out of all the supplements I've tried, Melia Supreme has helped with fighting Candida the best. Been having flareups all day, finally arrived in mail and instantly feel things calming down. My Naturopath goes by it, but as always, everyone's body is different so I do recommend consulting a professional.

1 Comment
19:11 UTC


Where to start?

Hi I am new to this sub. I need advice on where to go and what to do. I have had oral thrush for probably 15 years. I also have ADHD and CPSTD and I have a feeling Candida is related somehow. My biggest symptoms are chronic fatigue (since forever), itchy butt and scrotum, dandruff, and CONSTANT sugar cravings. I gained about 25 lbs in the past 2 years.

I am fairly certain I have candida, however, I am taking a blood test today and a stool test soon. I am lost on where to start and what to do. For those of you who have seen massive improvement, what would you recommend?

17:25 UTC


Is this Die off?

100% have candida issue that has spread wildly. I've managed to get ontop of most of my skin issues with the exception of some swelling, but my bowel movements are crazy.

Whenever I exercise or have some specific foods its like I could lift off the toilet because of substance and also wind. Very loose but not sure if this is caused by inflammation or if this is a part if die off. Generally eat enough fibre. Can occur when I feel hydrated or not.

16:52 UTC


Die off

I think my worst symptom seems to be die off. I feel like I’m hungover some days which is debilitating. Anyone else have this? Have you found anything to help with this ?

I’m currently doing candida cleanse and taking antifungals and biofilm busters. My symptoms of die of have been persistent for years and have not changed side starting the diet. I am hoping they subside.

I’ve taken activated charcoal but it doesn’t seem to work. When Im desperate to function I will take half an aderall which my psychiatrist has given me to help with the extreme fatigue. (No lectures on this please - I only use 5 mg and take when I absolutely need to function and not be in bed) I would love to find a binder to take that helps. What do you recommend?

13:49 UTC



For those of you who take binders, what do you recommend? Chlorella can be taken daily while things like activated charcoal are taken as needed. What did you find to be most effective? Activated charcoal doesn’t seem to do the trick for me.

1 Comment
13:42 UTC


Dutch test

Has anyone had this done and how was it helpful for Candida treatment?

13:25 UTC


Do you think it's candida

It been 5 months since I feeling like shit my symptoms are type 5 stool that sinks with morning urgency and I poop 2-3 times in morning, brain fog, fatigue and ringworm and I don't have other symptoms like abdominal pain, gas, bloating or food intolerance, I can eat everything even high sugar foods without bloating or gas and I suspect it's either dysbosis or candida

11:44 UTC


Can this be Candida?

I have doubt that i have candida in my gut. Can this be candida thrush? I don't have any other symptoms but i am feeling extream fatigue and shortness of breath while exercising since 4 months. I have done most of the tests and all are generally fine. My friend met me yesterday and suggested me to test for candida, as he had candida last year and had the same kind of thrush on his tongue and he also felt the same.

Also my total IGE levels were 747 but my doctor said it's fine. He said you might have an allergy but this usually doesn't cause fatigue.

I am a fitness freak and love to exercise, i used to go on long 4-5 hour rides, and 2+ hour runs regularly. But now i can't go and do any kind of exercise for more than 10min.

09:18 UTC


Turpentine Enemas??

Lots of testimonials regarding the use of gum spirits of turpentine. Has anyone tried this for lower intestinal colonization?

1 Comment
03:55 UTC


Kombucha is the answer!

I am so pleased to report that my gut health is improving and that awful Candida is likely dying off! For years I have been so so tired and I never knew why. Then I researched and learned Candida was likely to blame. I continued to do my research and I was going to try the carnivore diet (still might) but accepted the fact that it could be a while before I could afford that.

I wish being fatigued was the only symptom but unfortunately it’s not. I suddenly experienced food intolerances for the very first time in my life. 3 months after having my first baby I could no longer eat anything without the worst stomach pains I had ever felt, nausea, diarrhea. It was hell. And I was breastfeeding! I went on a low fodmap diet and found that I could no longer eat onions, beans, and cabbage which sucks because I love all of those foods!

Fast forward to a few weeks ago. My husband and I decided to give kombucha a try again. We had tried it a year or two prior, but neither of us could stand the taste. When we tried it this time, we were hooked. So hooked, that we just kept buying it. I’d say maybe 3-4 per week at first, then we slowed down since it’s expensive to maybe 1-2 per week.

About a week ago, I was suddenly so exhausted and was having horrible gas. I do have a 2 month old a 2 year old so I thought nothing of it. And I had been eating a lot of food with my trigger foods (along with digestive enzymes). I figured the kombucha + constantly consuming the enzymes owls likely the cause of the gas. (Wrong btw)

Well a few nights ago, I made a meal that contained onion powder in it and forgot to take the enzyme. I know this is tmi, but onion is my worst tolerated food. The other 2 will cause gas and bloating, but onions make me feel like I’m going to die of diarrhea and stomach pains.

I was so surprised when I only had gas and pain. That’s it. No diarrhea or nausea. So it hit me that the kombucha had been healing my gut by killing off the Candida! I had experienced some die off and now I’m at the other end seeing results.

Today I was so full of energy. I played hard with my toddler and I cleaned my house a ton. And I got horrible sleep last night! I don’t think I’ve felt so energized since I was a kid! Now I’m hoping that drinking this powerful drink will allow me to eat the foods that I love. I’m going to give it more time (so I plan to update) before I try eating those foods without the enzymes but I am so hopeful now!

I hope this can help someone who feels hopeless. I was there 2 years ago and I know how dark everything feels.

02:59 UTC


Oral thrush due to hiv?

I have oral thrush for months. It’s not as bad as it was but still it’s there. I’ve tried everything under the sun. Does it mean it could be HIV?

22:43 UTC


Anyone have experience with oral Amphotericin B?

Compounding pharmacies can create oral capsules of Amphotericin B.

Which according to the literature works locally in the intestines.

The poor oral absorption is a feature not a bug given the myriad of effects Amphotericin B has when given in its usual IV form, and vs. Nystatin can be a more powerful intestinal candida antifungal.


21:32 UTC


Topical antibiotic vs chronic yeast infection

I've been using a topical antibiotic for acne twice a day for the past six years. For the past four, I've struggled with chronic yeast infections. Since learning about Candida, I've learned about the connection between antibiotics and yeast infections. I think the oral antibiotics I took as a teenager (doxycycline) are the root of my issue. But now I'm wondering if the topical (clindamycin skin cream) antibiotic could be strong enough to affect the rest of my body.

Can topical antibiotics cause chronic yeast infections in the same way oral antibiotics can? Has anyone encountered any research about this before?

Edit: some research supporting the link between clindamycin and vulvovaginal candidiasis issues https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK519574/

But other sources say topical clindamycin is used to treat BV … https://www.drugs.com/mtm/clindamycin-topical.html

And a super helpful Evvy article with lots of hyperlinks https://www.evvy.com/blog/antibiotics-and-yeast-infections

18:58 UTC


Trying out Sac B

i hope it brings relief. i have some kind of severe dysbiosis going on. it's been constipation for years with funky stool, skin problems galore, fatigue, brain fog, chronic sore throat, and mental health issues since all this began. i pass what looks like mucus or candida in every bowel movement. 25 years of this! i have tried everything. all antimicrobials (natural & prescription) have only made it worse. going to switch gears here and try to rebuild...gently. took 1 Florastor pill today. will gradually increase to recommended dosage if i can, and then evaluate. i need to catch a break here. anyone here have experiences to share?

17:19 UTC


Do i have to be worried about test results candida albicans ltt test is higher than 20 ? also my spit test seems not normal



this is my LTT blood result doc said candida albicans is high but when i google normal candida albicans levels it says range is normal between 1-20 also my spit test does have some strains when ever i do it please help i have symptoms had mold toxicity for 2 years can't sleep have no energy at all , serious hair loss and rashes on face also my face is puffy swollen compared to before ,can't lose weight either...

long thing short is i don't feel normal for last 3 years i believe it is mold toxicity but i am not sure if i am still detoxing or this is some sort of fungal overgrowth that keeps feed on whenever i eat carbs i just don't get better just have a stable bad condition last 1 year even tho i expect to get better in time i don't...

15:52 UTC


Hives/candida acting up after being intimate?

Hi! I have been struggling with chronic hives for 6 months now and feel like I finally have a hold on them by being on the candida diet. (I think my hives are coming from candida overgrowth?). But I’ve noticed that every time my hives get better for a bit, as soon as I have sex with my boyfriend I am covered in hives the next morning. It happens every single time. Has anyone else had this problem? Does anyone know why that might be happening?

1 Comment
15:28 UTC

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