
Photograph via snooOG

Candida, IBS, Crohn, etc



A place for those experiencing candida in any of its forms to come for advice, recipes, tips and the benefit of community wisdom and support. Getting a diagnosis of candida is confusing! The internet seems divided on nearly all fronts and finding conclusive advise on how to proceed with ridding yourself of this stubborn gut fungus sometimes seems overwhelming. We're stuck in a weird middle ground between western medicine and crystal healing where few experts dwell! We are each other's best hope.


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Currently on my first couple days taking biofilm busters and antifungals. I keep getting random sickness like I'm about to vomit and my mouth fills up with saliva. Like quite intense, not just normal nausea. Headaches, dry eyes, aching, slightly painful muscles/joints. Is this die off? Is the vomiting also a normal part?

09:42 UTC


What amount of carbs per meal, do you experience good balanced energy?

I've been trying different meal variations out. And no matter how much I try to avoid carbs. I notice my body definitely needs it on a day to day matter. Because things like my muscles won't work properly, my hormones would feel off, digestion might slack a lil more and so on.

Like I've tried things where I've only ate nut butter and didn't have no carbs with it. And I would become a lil more calm. But also I would feel more dehydrated and notice my muscles become very weak if I didn't add some carb.

But at the same time, I have to figure out that right amount. Because those same carbs still cause issues like fight or flight manic behavior, brain fog, vision problems and allergy symptoms and so on. But it's like the trade off is having actual strength, just that my behavior can get very strange and I'm not a fan of that. Especially when I'm just very laid back and lowkey in general.

I probably definitely been eating way too much carbs, even tho healthy ones. Than I was eating in the previous months, when I was doing keto and carnivore diets. I was about to switch to plant based but not really sure now. Want to try a few different meal variations and see what performs best.

07:46 UTC


NSFW Candida overgrowth in stool?

07:01 UTC


preventing/disinfecting oral thrush

I had white patches underneath tongue for about a week and doctor said it might be oral thrush and gave me nystatin liquid to swallow for 2 weeks.

however, I am germaphobic and worried about spreading the thrush from mouth to other parts or body, clothes, or items like toothbrush or lip balm.

How should I disinfect these things? Is it possible to reinfect yourself with oral thrush from contaminated object?

1 Comment
04:31 UTC


How long of a weed break for immune system to heal?

Hi y'all! Dealing with a horrible persistent vaginal yeast infection for the last 20 months (🥲). I feel like I've tried everything and I'm feeling pretty defeated.

Recently, I read that weed is immunosuppressive. I've been a regular cannabis user for a number of years, but since I read about the immunosuppressive effects, I've stopped. I hope it's only a temporary break, as weed helps my sleep and anxiety.

So far, it's been five days, but I'm wondering if anyone has any insight into how long it might take for my immune system to catch up? Also, has anyone else tried this approach?​

I just found this sub and saw lots of other helpful advice, so was wondering if anyone might have thoughts on this.

Also, other things I'm trying right now:

-Two weeks of itraconazole capsules

-Candida diet -No weed, no sex :(

-Oegano oil/garlic/olive leaf blend

-Undecylenic Acid

-Saccharomyces Boulardii


-CBD (which I read actually may help fight candida!)

-Boric acid suppositories every night for three weeks (doctor's recommendation)

Any additional recommendations or advice are welcome!

03:09 UTC


Need some advice

I have been sick on and off for the last year with a host of symptoms. I don’t know if it’s all related to candida or not but I am currently being treated for it because I tested positive for it. It’s been the only thing to come back positive out of all my blood tests/scans (other than positive Covid antibodies). My doctor put me on Nyastin 500,000 IU 3x a day. I don’t remember how long he said to take them for and his office is quite terrible and never called me back with the answer. I went ahead and filled my script because it said 1 refill so I am on my 2nd month of the nystatin. Does this seem like too long or is that a normal length to be on antifungals?

Next question- I started to feel better almost immediately after taking the nystatin and felt great for 3 weeks but started up with a bunch of GI symptoms again after that. I got better again but it’s been up and down. I am very functional now but it’s still uncomfortable enough for me to not be able to ignore the fact that something is going on with my gut. I have some good days with no symptoms but alot of the time I have mild stomach and intestinal pains, stinging feeling in abdomen, loose stools, joint pain, brain fog, and sometimes my muscles feel like they are stinging as well. My question is do any of you have similar symptoms and do you think this could still be candida? I am and little discouraged because I would think the nystatin would be knocking it out by now and I am starting to wonder if my issues were really the candida or something else.

02:23 UTC


What order/spacing do people take their protocol in?

I am starting my long awaited treatment today! Unfortunately my doctor has retired after prescribing so I am left to my own devices for a bit because I’m not going to another expensive doc before I try this first.

So I have been prescribed -nilstat/nystatin (working upto 6x a day in divided dose) -probiotic Floramyces 1x a day -probiotic probiomed 1x a day

  • l glutamine powder

-collagen powder

I’m not sure if I should take the probiotics at a really different time to the nilstat, or if I should take both probiotics in the same hit. Any insight would be helpful :)

22:52 UTC


Cinnamon Bark

Hey all! First time poster here. I have been down with the “long covid” for a year and a half…but that’s an umbrella term for many illnesses developed after our immune system took a hit after a couple covid infections.

I have the suspicion this might be systemic candida, and started taking just a couple days ago, a Cinnamon Bark supplement.

I honestly have been feeling slightly better, like I am actually attacking something that’s been hurting me for so long. It’s also too soon to say, but I can feel my body responding well to it.

Only reason I suspect a bad systemic candida is because that thing has been in my life since I am a child, and my tongue is chronically white no matter how much scrapping I do daily.

Other symptoms are way too much gas trapped in my colon, chronic bloating, brain fog, chronic loose stools, muscle pains, fatigue after food intake and overall feeling of malaise.

Just wanted to know if anyone tried this supplement on here? I couldn’t find record of it, except taking plain cinnamon, but that’s not the same as bark.

22:08 UTC


SBIs: An Amazing and Versatile New Gut Health Tool with Brian Kaufman, RN

Because of the common root of gut dysbiosis, inflammation and poor nutrient absorption, Serum Bovine Immunoglobulin (SBI) Powder has been game-changer in conditions as diverse as SIBO, IBS, Candida, Crohn's, colitis, H pylori, malnutrition, leaky gut, cancer, HIV, eczema, psoriasis and C Difficile. Learn about the origin of this dairy-free, plasma-derived supplement that selectively binds pathogens, and the clinical trials using it with Brian Kaufman, RN of Proliant Health & Biologicals on The Perfect Stool Podcast with host Lindsey Parsons, EdD: https://link.chtbl.com/theperfectstool-Reddit


19:52 UTC


SF722/Undecylenic acid set me way back

After trying SF722 last night I could feel my oral thrush getting way more painful and my sinuses started killing me. For context I seem to have candida in my sinuses, especially right side, that traveled down my mouth and into my gut after living in a moldy environment. Since this morning I have been having nosebleeds in my sinus which is a symptom I haven't experienced since leaving the house.

17:03 UTC



Does anyone know of reasons I should not take seamoss? Heard its good for the gut, macronutrients, and even antifungal/antibac properties too.

15:47 UTC


Need to hear success stories

I don’t think it’s any secret that those who fix their Candida don’t come back and update, it’s hard to only hear the bad side. Needing to hear some success stories, I’m sure I’m not the only one! Please share below!!!!

I have an endoscopy on Monday, hoping to get some answers.

15:02 UTC


Prescribed Fluconazole, can I smoke weed?

I was prescribed Fluconazole for oral thrush for 14 days. Last couple of days, I've smoked weed and have taken the antifungal without much thought but I'm wondering if there's any danger to doing this?

14:55 UTC


Experience with probiotic suppositories?

I went in for a bikini wax earlier this year and the next day woke up with a raging yeast infection, come to find out it’s candida. I’ve been on an antifungal for a few months, on the diet, done boric acid suppositories, oregano oil, you name it- nothing is helping. What I came across on this subreddit (from a few different users) is that apparently inserting a high strength probiotic down there seems to clear up the candida real fast! The one mentioned specifically if Fem-Dophilus® - 5 Billion CFU Vaginal & Urinary Tract probiotic (mind you, this is an oral probiotic).

Is this common practice? Is it safe to just release bacteria up there like that?? Just seems a bit risky to me.. if anyone has any thoughts on this, or experience with vaginal probiotics please share

14:53 UTC


Is craving salt a thing with die-off?

So, I’ve been eating WFPB for about ten days now, as well as eliminating gluten, dairy, processed foods, added sugars, nightshades, etc and while my body is still adjusting to the changes, I’m feeling pretty good.

I haven’t begun the kill phase with hard-core antifungals yet, but I think I’m beginning to have die-off symptoms? (Is that possible since you can’t kill candida by starving it?) All I know is for the last few days I’ve noticed I’ve had increasingly intense cravings for salt. I’ve been trying to increase my water intake and I know craving salt can be a symptom of dehydration. But I also know that drinking too much water can upset your electrolyte balance. I’m concerned that my increase of water is making me crave salt for electrolytes and I’m concerned my craving for salt means I’m dehydrated and I should actually be drinking more.

But I’ve also read that craving salt can be a sign of adrenal fatigue. So my question is, could this be die-off and I’m craving salt because my kidneys are overworked trying to be rid of it? If so, should/could I be taking some sort of binder to help them out? Or does candida not die like this and this is this more likely an electrolyte issue?

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

08:54 UTC


Methylene Blue for Intestinal Candida

I am trying to figure out the Methylene Blue dosage in mg that would eliminate intestinal candida?

I did my best to research but there is no reference to a specific dosage for this issue.

Any one has experience using Methylene Blue to eradicating cate intestinal candida? What was the dosage and how long did it take?

Many thanks in advance.

08:37 UTC


Alcohol and coffee question

Hey guys! Pretty sure I have candida and Im prepping up to go on the candida diet in a couple of days and I’m ready for it! I’ve read that alcohol is a big no for the diet and some say coffee and chocolate too, but I was wondering if I make a keto good quality margarita with monk fruit and make sure my coffee and chocolate is 100% mold free if that is okay to have those things in moderation? Or is that just a no go and I need to stay away from those things? Thanks so much :)

03:24 UTC


PPIs, stomach acid, and candida

A few years back I was on PPIs for 9 months, which contributed greatly to a worsening Candida overgrowth by lowering stomach acid and allowing bad microbes to flourish.

My question is, your stomach acid production eventually goes back to normal, right? Like, the acid suppression is not permanent?

Anyone else have PPI use as a contributing cause?

02:23 UTC


Hopefully someone else can relate to my candida meme

00:50 UTC


Is Ultra GI replenish by Metagenics okay to have on candida diet?

I’m a vegan and I feel very restricted on this diet! All I eat is vegetables and nuts/seeds/avocado. Grains make my candida flare. I’m losing a ton of hair like this too because I’m clearly becoming malnourished (can’t eat meat or fish because of a histamine reaction to it). I’ve had this medical food Ultra GI replenish from a while back and it’s basically a meal replacement. It doesn’t have anything that stands out as problematic, but I’m scared to make my flare up worse. I called Metagenics earlier and all they could tell me was to refer to my physician.

These are some of the ingredients: Pea protein isolate, bamboo fiber, isomalto-oligosaccharide, rice protein concentrate, 2’-fucosyllactose powder, gum acacia, flaxseed, olive oil, L-lysine HCl, L-leucine, medium-chain triglycerides, silica, L-valine, etc… sweetened with monk fruit

I’ll post the link to the product here too. If anyone could share their thoughts that’d be great!!


1 Comment
00:44 UTC


Question on symptoms

Hello everyone I'm new here so don't judge me if I sound not educated on candida. I have been experiencing digestive symptoms on and off for years and now it's gotten unbearable and after researching I thing there is a good possibility it's candida but wanted to compared symptoms

-Overly bloated 24/7 -Sense of fullness or stuffness with little even sometimes no food

  • Very bad indigestion (burpiness)
  • problems swallowing food especially very solid
  • constipation
  • anxiety
  • brain fog

Does this sound potentially candida or am I over analyzing?

21:35 UTC


Is this oral candida?

16:27 UTC


Is this candida in my stool

Is this a candida die off ?

15:34 UTC


is Liposmal Amphotrecin B safe ???

1 Comment
15:07 UTC


Throat culture negative??

About 1 1/2 weeks on Diflucan and Candida protocol. Just had a throat culture and it’s negative for yeast, I still feel like I see oral thrush on my tongue. Any ideas?? Did I clear it?

14:57 UTC


Advice is appreciated

Sometimes I read other people’s stories and it makes me feel like I’m making up my issues.

I have had a chronically white tongue for years now, had no idea it could be candida I thought my tongue just accumulated waste easily. I can’t really brush it off but I do my best then dip my tooth brush in Activated Charcoal powder, scrub, leave for 5 and it’s pink again. HOWEVER, it’s always back by the morning. I noticed it was always way worse after dairy/coffee.

I started dealing with dandruff, which has cause me to lose a lot of hair. It’s been years struggling with this as well. I’ve tried washing more, washing less, oiling, anti fungal shampoo to no avail. There’s always a layer of gunk of my head that comes back the next day. I swear it smells like cheese when I scratch my head and smell my finger (gross I know)

I’m 25 and still have acne especially after gluten and dairy. I’ve been on the candida diet super strict for 6 weeks now taking oregano, biofilm busters, raw garlic, candida cleanse, pau darco, activated charcoal and just this week started Diatomaceous earth and spirits of turpentine.

I never get super bloated from food or have crazy stomach problems. I have been constipated from childhood, go every 2-3 days (didn’t know that was bad until recently)

The point is my symptoms albeit chronic, seem so much milder than everyone else’s but I’m experiencing no die off, and no change in symptoms. People with way worse conditions report such significant changes. I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong. Any advice would be great (I was planning on probiotics and kefir and l glutamine once some die off had occurred but I haven’t had any yet so I don’t want to waste those supplements just to kill them with my other ones)

14:53 UTC


What do you think guys about my tongue

1 Comment
12:25 UTC

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