Backstories for gifs provided in comic or image form. Is funny.
Behind the scenes of gifs. Explain the context of a gif.
The comment that started it all. - From this imgur.com submission
1. Post images and gifs to help explain the backstory of one of the gifs.
2. All submissions must be original content made by the submitter. Reposts should be reported, and will be removed.
3. Upload images separately on imgur. Use the blog album format. When posting a link of the album, use the album link and not the gallery link (so imgur.com/a/, not imgur.com/gallery/).
4. Tag NSFW gifs with a NSFW flair. Some NSFL is allowed but we don't accept gore, violence, death, etc..
5. Be polite. Follow Reddiquette. Be cool as a cucumber.
If you see a post that is breaking the rules, please report it by clicking on the report button.
If you think your post is stuck in the spam filter, message us and leave a link to the comment thread so we know which one you are referring to.
The mods reserve the right to remove posts/comments at their discretion.
Crude MS paint drawings leading up to a gif are encouraged! Check out the original post
Or request one /r/Makemeagif
/r/reallifedoodles <--New