This sub is for .gif/.gifv/silent .mp4 images that contain a subject matter of mechanical origin.
Post .gifs of mechanical things. Preferably with perfect loops, but it doesn't have to be.
Preferably post your gif on imgur. Gfycat or direct gif links (ending with .gif) from reliable sources are also allowed.
Common reposts (submitted more than 4 times), reposts younger than 6 months or in the top 100 of all time will be removed. Check if a gif has been posted before by clicking here from your post's page.
The mods reserve the right to remove posts/comments at their discretion.
Didn't know this Sub existed. Ill post my work throughout the next weeks. You can find everything on www.thangs.com/RuvenBals
Found this beautiful cycloidal gearbox on the scrap yard. It made by the brand Sumitomo. Any ideas what to build with it?