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advice please

hey everyone, please help me. im so convinced i have a brain tumor. okay so a week ago, i noticed this head pressure. mainly when i get up, bend down, it's like a squeezing for a few seconds..and then i get headaches on my right side, does that mean that mean there's a tumor there ?! if it was big enough to be causing headaches on one side wouldn't there be more symptoms? the headache is mostly when i get up to do things. and head just feels weird when i stand up, like weird. lightheaded, fuzzy, pressure , and idk it feels tight by my nose. please reassure me this isn't a brain tumor. im making a appointment tomorrow and if it's to far im just gonna go to the ER but I'm terrified to sleep because I'm like what if I die in my sleep? how would I know if it's a brain tumor ??? I'm only 21. i have bad anxiety. this is so scary

05:40 UTC


Excessive thirst for 3 years with other odd symptoms developing

(From my friend’s mom who doesn’t have Reddit) My daughter (18F) has had excessive thirst for 3 years now. It wasn’t bad at the beginning but now it’s gotten so bad to the point where she has to get up a minimum of 3-4 times a night either to pee or to drink more water. It is not just dry mouth and we have already seen multiple specialists but no one can figure it out.

It’s not diabetes and her electrolytes don’t show an imbalance. She’s also had her thyroid and PTH tested and they’re in the normal range. However, whenever we get a new test done it shows she’s somehow dehydrated. I don’t understand how because she drinks an abnormal amount of water everyday.

A few weeks ago she all of a sudden became super nearsighted in one of her eyes to the point where it’s 20/80 and it’s slowly getting worse. This may or may not be related but it’s odd to come on so suddenly. One day she could see fine and now it’s getting worse.

Lastly, she also says that she has to drink close to 200-250 oz of water every day because if she doesn’t she gets hot flashes and is on the verge of passing out.

What other tests should we get done? Could it be an autoimmune disease?

Any responses would be greatly appreciated!!

05:21 UTC


Can dark chocolate lake you jittery and cause twitching ?

How long will this last after eating dark chocolate

03:06 UTC


almost passed out 4 times

Hi, I'm 19 (f) and as you can see in the title I almost passed out 4 times in the past hour.

Some background is that I went to a cardiologist when I was 15 for getting dizzy upon standing up and almost passing out a couple times that year. He did say I had a heart murmur but otherwise my heart was healthy but for the rest of it he said it was my hormones causing the episodes and that it would go away. I was cautious because he kept comparing my symptoms with dudes my age and how they have it worse (they get seizures purely from their hormones (his words)). But I accepted the answer nonetheless because he's a doctor with good reviews online. Over the past 4 years the symptoms seemed to be steady I had dizziness with standing and the occasional almost passing out. When I say occasional I mean it would only happen around 8-11 times a year. But lately over the past 2 months I've had a surge of symptoms including nausea and almost daily headaches. No I'm not pregnant nor can I be. I thought it was just my seasonal allergies acting up and just brushed over it. Up until like 4 weeks ago where the headaches turned into migraines and my occasional almost passing out episodes turned to once a week episodes. I once again brushed over it stupidly on my part because I was thinking it was just dehydration and or stress. Then come the past week and I realized I'm not getting any better and my symptoms just seem to be getting worse. I've had a migraine/pressure in my head all week and nothing seems to get rid of it. My nausea gets terrible in the mornings and right before I go to sleep. And I've almost passed out more times this past week than I can think of at this moment. Just over an hour ago I was in the shower (it wasnt hot, more so lukewarm) when all of a sudden I got dizzy, my legs felt weak, i could hear my fast heartbeat in my ears, and I felt like I was going to pass out so I turned off the shower and sat down then after a couple minutes it seemed to wear off so I went back to showering. It happened two more times after that and I decided I couldn't be in there anymore. It happened once more when I got into my room and so I've just been drinking some water and avoiding standing up incase it happens again.

TLDR- Symptoms I've had for multiple years seemily got worse the past two months and a little over an hour ago I almost passed out 4 times.

-dizziness upon standing (always but I've gotten used to it) -the occasional almost passing out turned weekly. -headaches turned to daily migraines. -nausea

I don't really know what to do and I'm afraid of just being told its my hormones once again. I'm not asking for medical advice I'm just asking what it sounds like and or if I should push past my anxiety and just go to another cardiologist. (also sorry for the grammar mistakes etc)

02:49 UTC


Head pressure

I am a 22 year-old American male wondering why I have this pressure typically in the front of my head about five months ago I was laying in bed and noticed that I had this pressure building up in the front of my head slowly like I was having a panic attack or something by the way, I have anxiety L O L but since Then it has been constant almost every day and more frequent at night and had a CAT scan ran on my frontal lobe or whatever is in the forehead area and thought it was just swelling of my sinuses or nasal's now mind you I just got done being sick when I had the CAT scan ran so I'm not sure How accurate that was but been having a lot of tiny flashes of light in my vision objects tend to look weirder went to my high doctor yesterday and they told me my eyes are fine and it sounds like I have migraines. Yes, it does get worse the more stressed out I am or if I have an adrenaline rush but at night time laying down or even putting any sort of pressure on my head whether it's the back or the side or the front the pressure increases and it's not pain it's just pressure so I'm here to ask if anyone has any assumptions on what it could be.

00:35 UTC


Sea water nasal spray for longer than 30 days


It is said that a sea water nasal spray shouldn’t be used longer thsn 30 days without interruption.

How likely is it actually that longer use would cause some issues?

Is it more likely if additionally the spray contains dexpanthenol or essential oils?


22:58 UTC


Trying to gauge how serious

Hello! My in-laws are in their 70s, and they always tend to underplay the severity of any health issues. They don’t want us to worry. But I am wondering if I should be telling my spouse to buy a plane ticket over to where they are… how serious is this? Obviously I know you don’t know all of their health details, but in general, please share any thoughts. So my father in law caught a flu, which then developed pneumonia. Now he is in the hospital to have fluid removed from around his heart and from his lungs. Is this common? Or is this something that should be EXTREMELY concerning?

Thank you for any thoughts!!

21:55 UTC


Is it possible to know years later if someone was pregnant and had a miscarriage?

I am so sorry if this seems like a dumb question or this is not the best place to ask, but the question is eating me alive. Years ago, after not having my period for 2 months I made a pregnancy test at home. The result was positive. I was on the pill but didn't take it every day so efficacy was in question. First month of no menstruation I thought it was stress, second month did the test. I was terrified and didn't went to a doctor. A couple days after making the test while I was still freaking out I had a sharp abdominal pain and started to bleed heavily. I promised myself if it got worse I would risk it and go to a hospital. That was not the case. The bleeding stopped during the next day but the pain remained even if not as strong as before. I stayed a couple days in bed and basically got back to a normal life. I was still terrified not knowing what to do, no support so I just tried to pretend nothing happened. That included continuing on the pill because if I stopped someone would notice and there would be serious trouble, I was in a bad situation. In the next months my menstruation came back on the days of interval in the pill. The question is eating me alive: was that probably a false positive or I was pregnant and miscarriaged?

What would be your opinion on this? Is there a way of a doctor to confirm years later what happened for sure? Some exam or something?

1 Comment
21:44 UTC



Hi, My best friend has two moles on her breasts, both are on the aerola, one is closer to the nipple and is somewhat large; The oreo is small and is at the bottom not so close to the nipple. I was worried because she also has one breast larger than the other. Is this normal?

1 Comment
21:26 UTC


Backwards Immune System

To summarize, I (f, 35) feel like my immune system is completely reversed. As a young kid, I don't remember getting sick more often than average. However, since late adolescence, I noticed an uptick in my falling ill.

It started with getting strep throat frequently, which came to a head when I was 17, and got strep, mono, and tonsilitis at the same time, resulting in hospitalization. After that, they removed my tonsils.

At the same time, I noticed that I began getting full body hives frequently. Red, bumpy, itchy skin all over for seemingly no reason. I changed to hypoallergenic everything - soap, detergent, anything topical, etc. I'd never had any allergies when I was a kid, but in my late teens, developed an allergy to cats, dogs, dust mites, perfume/scents, topical anything, detergents, grass - you name it. And these allergies seem to be getting worse over time. Started with a little tickle in my throat, but now it's sneezing, crusty, itchy, swollen eyes, respiratory issues, throat swelling, hives/itchy skin.

Since then, it seems to be getting worse. If exposed to any illness, I nearly always get it unless I've had the vaccine recently (covid & flu for example). When I go to any social event, I usually fall sick afterwards.

I just don't want to live like this anymore. I'm scared to socialize. I avoid taking my children places if I think it will be crowded. I have to constantly cancel plans because I'm sick.

Does anyone know if there is a condition that causes this overreaction to environmenal factors, while also suppressing immune response to viral/bacterial infection? I'm stumped and doctors I've seen have said it's just how my specific body works (it's genetic).

Is there anything scientifically proven to help with boosting immunity? My research says lifestyle changes - which I've already implemented.

Thank you!

16:10 UTC


Advice on what to do when my fiancee passes out

So my fiancee if her heart rate gets too high or she accidentally hits her head she’ll pass out. Do I need to try and wake her up or just let her come around on her own? I can get her to wake up by lightly raising her eyelid, I’m not too certain I should keep doing that because the past couple of times she hit her head I tried that but her eyelids are clamped shut with her eyes rolled back into her head. It’s never really a hard knock to the head, soft knocks will cause it, do I need to try and wake her up if she passes out or just let her come around? She always wakes up but the time is always a little different and each time it always scares the absolute hell out of me when she passes out.

1 Comment
04:06 UTC


How rare is Colon cancer in age groups 20-39?

Everywhere I look I always hear about how it's rapidly rising but some people say it's still very rare. What's everyone's thoughts? I'm a 26/ y/o male with a few symptoms Sometimes spots of blood on toilet paper after a few wipes Change in bowel habits for over a year, back and forth from diarrhea to loose stools. I have scheduled a consultation with a gastro dr in the meantime I was hoping for a little peace of mind and hopefully to hear from a doctors perspective. What's everyone's thoughts? And is colon cancer still very rare for my age group?

02:53 UTC


mother says "it's just hormones" but I think she's wrong.

I (14F) have been having "dizzy spells." I don't know what else to call them, but it's much more than a dizzy spell. Back in september, i was standing in line for a food truck with my mom and suddenly felt super hot and sweaty (it was only around 60°, which was cold for that time of year). My mom said to go sit down on a bench in the shade so I did. Suddenly my vision went dark. It wasn't black, as I could still see, but it was more like I was wearing a pair of sunglasses. I got super dizzy and nauseous too. My mom tells me I was rocking back and forth on the bench. She told me that she was calling my name over and over, which i didn't hear. I stood up and I blacked out, woke up on the ground a foot or two in front of the bench.

Since then, it happened a week later, again in november, and again in february when i thought it was over. Each time, it lasted around 10 minutes (ish).

Got blood tested and nothing came back. It wasn't blood sugar. It wasn't hunger because i had eaten that day just an hour or two before. It wasn't anything wrong with my heart. My mom eventually gave up and said it was my period or hormones (i wasn only on my period the first time) Any ideas?


  • symptoms: heat flash, dark vision, dizziness, nausea, blacking out

  • not a blood sugar or heart problem

00:20 UTC

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