
Photograph via snooOG

For questions, news, and discussion about batteries, cells, chargers, charger/inverters, power banks and UPSs.

For questions, news, and discussion about batteries, cells, chargers, charger/inverters, power banks and UPSs.

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  • Replacing a battery / battery cell in a product
  • Battery, power bank, or UPS design help
  • Repairing batteries, power banks, UPSs, or BMSs
  • News about new battery technologies
  • Discussion and questions about cell chemistry
  • Optimal usage of batteries
  • Cell, battery, and BMS recommendations and comparisons
  • Pictures or cells, batteries, power banks, UPSs
  • Education and safety about batteries and related technologies

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  2. Submissions must be on topic
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Battery capacity question

Hey, I'm looking at a battery online. It's the CSB HRL 12390. The specs say it's a 12v, 390w battery, rated at 100ah.

How does that math work? I would have thought a 12v, 390w battery was 32.5ah. What am I missing?


16:34 UTC


Na+ solar charger setup

Greetings folks, I would appreciate some advice/suggestions on how I can set up a solar charger mainly for cameras but also for some low voltage sensors. I would like to use sodium ion batteries so they can take a charge in the winter here in CT, US. I can solder a bit and have a 3d printer so ideally I can use an inexpensive charging board to create custom little battery packs based on voltage and ah needed. Cheers.

1 Comment
16:29 UTC


Advice on battery and Buck-Boost converter for a Bluetooth Speaker

I am desiging a battery powered bluetooth speaker and I need some help to figure out which battery to use and how to use with a buck-boost charger. Ideally I'd like to use a USB type C connector to charge it (optionally with Power Delivery, depending battery itself). Right now, my µC and DAC need 3.3V to operate while the power amplifier for the speakers need 12V. The 3 voltages (including 5V from USB VBUS) is what is troubling me. I don't know which battery to use and to create both 3.3V and 12V from it. Any advice on this ?

If needed, here is the gitlab repo: https://gitlab.com/OHW-Speaker/open-hardware-speaker

1 Comment
13:16 UTC


Best Battery type for long term storage and occasional high current output?


I have a Project where Id use a Motor of around 100W, that would probably be used 3 times a week for about 10 seconds.

Since the current requirement would be quite high, disposable batteries are unfeasable.

Currently Im thinking about using a 2S LiPo Battery and keeping it in the 40-60% charge to reduce possible damage to the battery.

The battery would always be indoors, therefore room temp and dry.

Is there any battery type that would be better for for my use case?

11:33 UTC


Poor performance of Varta rechargeable batteries in camping lamp


We use a hanging LED camping lamp (1300 lumens) powered by four Type D batteries (Energy Class A). In winter, we typically need light for about 2-3 hours per night over two days. At first, we used non-rechargeable Amazon Basics batteries, which worked fine—one set of 4 lasted the full two days.

Then, we switched to Varta Rechargeable Akku D batteries, but they take forever to recharge and perform poorly. After just 1.5 hours, the light becomes too dim to use.

Why is this happening?

09:49 UTC


Any good budget high capacity AAA batteries on aliexpress? Im brazilian and options are very limited

I lost most of my Eneloops I bought in the US so I have only a pair. They last like over a week on my keyboard so when they go out I actually have to wait to get 'em recharged. I need some more pairs so I don't have to wait for batteries to recharge and Eneloops here in Brazil cost well over 30 dollars for 4 pieces!

06:35 UTC


USB-PD solution for charging a wireless keyboard battery.

Hello, I am a complete amateur when it comes to this stuff, but I am currently designing my first keyboard with ErgoGen and KiCad and I was wondering if using a 37000 mAh battery (like this one is fine, and if I could use a USB-PD solution for fast charging the battery instead of charging it through the microcontroller.

I would want to either use a pre-built contoller dedicated to charging the battery and managing power delivery to the nice! nano, or I would have a manual switch that would switch between the nice! nano and charging board.

Sorry if this is a stupidish question.

04:24 UTC


Mismatching batteries for a laptop power bank

Im really new to this, sorry if there is any mistake,

So essentially i have two laptop batteries, one is 11.55V spread through 3 cells (3.85v each) and then another one which is 7.6V spread through 4 cells (2s2p? to make 3.8V each) can i mismatch them to get >20V in total? from my calculations all the cells should hover around 3.8 to 4amps

01:51 UTC


12v battery reconditioning or replacement of anode/cathodes

I have a decent opportunity to make some decent change for the company i work for by either reconditioning or rebuilding about 300 truck batteries. I know its not that huge but i have the time and probably enough knowledge to do so and could use the spare change. I currently rebuild all our tool batteries, and a bunch of other stuff. But the one thing i am stumped on is the plates. I cannot for the life of me find them for sale anywhere. But i also heard you can clean them and re install. If anyone has any information on a good way to do that i would love to listen to that. But i was under the impression that there was a coating on them and they werent just lead? If they are just lead i have the equipment cast them if its easier that way. Idk if anyone has anything that might point me in a direction i would greatly appreciate it. Theres hardly any information on this online it just appears the people in india are the only ones doing it

01:02 UTC


Laptop Replacement Battery Issues

I recently installed a new battery in my Lenovo Thinkpad p1 gen 3. I got an OEM Lenovo battery from laptopbatteryexpress.com

When I first installed the battery I got an error upon bootup shown below:


I pressed Esc to continue and the laptop booted just fine. For about a week the battery was working great, charging fine and holding charge.

Then I noticed an issue where when the battery was plugged in: it would not charge nor discharge, rather it just stayed constant at whatever percentage it was at. For example if the battery was at 30% it stays at 30%, even after being plugged in for hours. If I unplug it and discharge it to 25% then plug it back in now it would stay at 25%.

The first time this happened, I just went to sleep and when I woke up it seemed to have fixed itself and charged to 100%.

Then it happened again about a week later. This time it did not fix itself, even after reboots. I then tried shutting the laptop down and pressing the power emergency reset hole (which disconnects the battery) on the back of the laptop with a paperclip. When I did this I got the same error message upon boot up:

0271: Check Date and Time settings.

0251: System CMOS Checksum bad - Default configuration used.

However, the system began charging again back to 100%, this seemed to fix it.

The next day, the same issue happened again. I ran a Lenovo diagnostics tool for the battery and these were the results:


I pressed the power emergency reset hole, got the same boot error, and it began charging.

I know how to temporarily fix it, but obviously this is annoying having to do this every time this happens. Any suggestions? Anyone experienced this or know what the error message means? Is the battery faulty? The company I bought it through has a 1 year warranty. Should I just return it?

Related note: when I first ran geekbench CPU benchmark after installing the battery, I got an error about the benchmark being invalid due to a timer error.

This benchmark result is invalid due to an issue with the timers on this system.

I think this might be related to the CMOS checksum boot message? However, when I just reran geekbench, this seems to have gone away...

00:35 UTC


UPS using car battery exist?

Rather than buying a UPS with an integral battery included, as delivered, are any available where you source your own car battery and then connect that up to the UPS controller?

00:02 UTC


What's a good step-down converter for taking 7.4v 2s lipo to 5v while handling 15a max?

I can't find anything that can take at least 7.4v while handling a lot of current, only 12v. Maybe I should make some custom resistor thing? Please help!

21:21 UTC


I want to put 4 li-po batteries together to make a rechargeable 12V super battery


These are li-po batteries salvaged from disposable vapes, and I assume I can connect 4 in series to make a 12V battery - I don't mind if it's not exact.

Usually for my electronics projects I use a TP4056 charging module to charge my li-po batteries, could I use one to charge all 4 li-pos in series?

I read online - although I didn't fully understand - that I need a BMS (Battery Management System) - and I also read that li-po batteries usually already have one built in - would I have to remove those first?

I'm quite new to this, I would appreciate if someone could explain what I would need to do to make a 12V rechargeable battery, and I can figure it out along the way!

14:08 UTC



Hey would be great if somebody help me decide which powerbank would be the best for traveling and all day usage i gonna take it on airplanes so I would take a 20000mah powerbank would be enough. I have samsung 23 Ultra most important part would be faster Charging and Safety would be nice if you could help me 🫡

1 Comment
04:28 UTC


Rechargeable AA recommendations...preferably with built in USB C

So I'm looking to find some batteries for emergency needs that can be charged and ideally the kind that have the USB c port on the individual battery.

I have read that these don't charge off a wall port? Is that true?

It would be nice if I could plug them into the same USB cable I charge my flashlights and other things with.

Their main use would be out and about and charging them off a little battery pack, so that's most important.

Able to do both charging methods is ideal.

02:45 UTC


~2mm thick cards similar to Air Tags. How dangerous are they?


There are a series of cards you can find on Amazon and other sites (search for "find my card" -- the "find my" referring to Apple network integration) that contain Lithium Ion and LiPo batteries that have approximately 100mAh and, in many cases, some level of wireless charging ability.

They're advertised as being suitable for use in wallets, but wallets bend often, and so will the plastic-encased lithium battery inside it.

I'm curious what people's thoughts are on the safety profile here.

01:37 UTC

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