
Photograph via snooOG

For questions, news, and discussion about batteries, cells, chargers, charger/inverters, power banks and UPSs.

For questions, news, and discussion about batteries, cells, chargers, charger/inverters, power banks and UPSs.

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  • Replacing a battery / battery cell in a product
  • Battery, power bank, or UPS design help
  • Repairing batteries, power banks, UPSs, or BMSs
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  • Discussion and questions about cell chemistry
  • Optimal usage of batteries
  • Cell, battery, and BMS recommendations and comparisons
  • Pictures or cells, batteries, power banks, UPSs
  • Education and safety about batteries and related technologies

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21700 6S / 18650 6S Battery packs?

I'm a tinkerer, I stumbled upon these battery packs which might be useful for some personal projects of mine. Problem is, I cant... find much documentation on them?

Example link 1

Example link 2

From what i understand, when stacking these boards the primary BMS board manages the charge of the stacked boards via that ribbon cable - how many of these could you conceivably stack? Would it be simple to attach a solar charge controller to these, and if so, would the charge controller need to work with lipo or do these boards just handle that? It would be nice if i could use an existing lead acid charger with it. Also, if anyone knows where the documentation is, or has comments on these i'd appreciate it.


18:24 UTC


9V battery recommendations

Opinions requested for long life battery for electronic locks.

14:12 UTC


Can anyone explain why my 3.7v battery is passing the current from one side to another and both are live

10:53 UTC


How can i measure state of charge of lithium (LiFePO4) batteries?

12:25 UTC


What does rusting in the lithium ion batteries indicate while its charging for too long.

I used couple off old batteries(probably a year old) from broken electronics parts that dont function in my power bank. They do carry voltage, but they started to rust in the terminals while charging, and don't fully charge.it also does'nt help that i solderd the batteries(i know i am a monster, and i belong in hell for doing this, but bear it with me now, cause i dont have a spot welder🙃) what seems to be the case here?

1 Comment
11:49 UTC


"small USB-C UPS" to keep Travel Router alive?

Hi, when I am traveling I use a Travel Router (which is powered via a 4A/5V USB-C). I was looking for a solution that would allow me to use the router at home and on the go without a cut in power. I tried this with the Anker 737 Powerbank, which I can charge via my USB-C In at any power outlet. The issue is that in the moment I unplug the power-plug from the outlet, the Powerbank the power transmission is interrupted andd the router shuts down :/ Hence I am wondering if there is either something that I could plug between the Powerbank and the travel router that would bridge this outage, or if there is a different power bank that might do the job. I looked as well into USPs, but they are usually very larger do not seem to support USB-C and I read that there are some problems with lower voltages as well. Any help is much appreciated :)

10:02 UTC


12v car battery can it be saved?

I have this old 12v car battery been on the car for around 5 years if not more, alternator runs fine as far as I know

When the car is left for a day or two of without driving it only reads 10 volts, what if I take it out the car and fully charge it with a battery charger then once it's at 100% I put it back in the car

Can this possibly fix it or it once it's back on the car it would drop down again in a day or two?

07:26 UTC


Battery parameters for performing Newman P2D model.

I am beginning a project on BMS where I have to perform thermal simulations on a battery for heat generation while charging/discharge. I am a beginner to this domain as well. I am seeking help to find out all the parameters required for Doyle-Fuller-Newman Model (DFN). How and where can I find the data for a 21700 cell?

06:15 UTC


Can I leave AAA batteries in the charger when it's unplugged?

I have this small cheap AAA battery charger. Can I leave batteries in it when it's unplugged or will that increase the battery drain rate?

I only have a few spares and don't recharge very often, so it's a convenient holder for me, but not sure if leaving them against the terminals has an affect or not if it's unplugged.

23:28 UTC


Batteries for portable oxygen concentrator

We bought this oxygen concentrator and it came with no batteries, we can't return it. I can't find just the batteries online, no idea where to even look. Are these common or can anyone point me in the right direction?


22:00 UTC


Could it be possible to power something like a fan with an EV battery?

What i mean is, could a EV battery (maybe one that is not able to serve as a battery anymore to a electric car, due to some sort of wear and tear, but that is still functionable) power one or many other small circuits?

Im thinking of something to some project, but i have to say im pretty unexperienced/ignorant in anything related to batteries, that´s why im wondering if it could be possible

21:16 UTC


Charger for rechargeable batteries

I am looking for a charger for rechargeable batteries. Nothing too fancy because I only want to charge 4 AAA batteries. I use 4 AAA batteries for a wall mounted mirror. They only last 1 month. So 4 batteries per month means 48 batteries per year. I was thinking of the Panasonic Eneloop BQ-CC 55: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01G4T230U?ascsubtag=F0401HZT1BS0D3XQ1XR2Q0HSEKK3M&linkCode=gs2&tag=thewire04-21.

I read the reviews on these sites: https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/best-rechargeable-battery-charger/


18:52 UTC


I have a vape that is malfunctioning. Where can I put it so that it doesn't burn my house down?

It got wet and is now constantly firing it has 70% battery. I don't wanna chuck it the bin, but I'm not keen on leaving it in my house until I can get to the recycling centre.

What do I do to keep it from burning my house down in the mean time?

18:33 UTC


Any battery experts in the house?

I posted my main question below but I really want to chat with someone who knows about rechargeable lithium ion batteries.

16:29 UTC


Watch battery.

I have a cute little watch that I found in my grandmother's jewelry box. She left this to me once she passed. I'm trying to find out the battery size I need for it. It's an etc women's quart watch with the number 8566 on the back. Can anyone help? I would like to wear this because it was hers.

12:56 UTC


How to make sure my xblocker don't be battery optimized

I have app to block porn, xblocker app is great but it's easly bypass without battery optimization so if do you have a phone name wich this app can run easily.. i heard about Samsung Galaxy s21 that offer ( apps never sleep) option anyone can test the app if he can bypass it in this phone.. ps : I'm talking with addicted perspective so don't answer by simple instructional tips ..

15:25 UTC

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