
Photograph via snooOG

This subreddit is dedicated to a high-quality repository for information pertaining to KNOWING YOUR RIGHTS (specifically as an American citizen). This subreddit is also to a lesser extent involved with advocacy for policy change, educating citizens, and providing resources there of.

Welcome to Assert Your Rights.

We are a community dedicated to educating American citizens on the roots and origins of their civil and legal rights, the purpose of defending those rights in all circumstances, and properly and safely defending their civil rights. We are also a repository for current events and social trends, offering an aggregate of news worthy sources for review and discussion. We are not a 'fuck the police' sub reddit.

Posting & Submission Guidelines

  • No legal advice without citation. Generally speaking, legal advice is not suited for this forum. We suggest looking over at /r/LegalAdvice or consulting an actual attorney.

  • We demand civility. "Free speech" is not a shield to be a pick here - we aren't the US government and we can and will censor shit posting or trolling. Treat everyone here like you would treat a college professor, even if they're acting a fool or saying foolish things.

  • Vitriolic hate speech, calls for violence, untrustworthy sources (mods call), conspiracy theories, or "I hate pigs!" will likely be removed.

  • Effort should be made to post Videos with a title in this format: [TITLE OF VIDEO, APRX Date Filmed, [0:00]] - Absolutely no click-bait titles.

  • Check your ego at the door. You don't real life internet points by starting arbitrary fights on the internet. If you disagree with someone, explain why.

  • Use Linkflair when submitting. Flair is basically just color coding. Try to use it (protip: you can add it after posting)



  • Metadata+ (on iOS) -- tracks drone strikes in real time.
  • US Constitution App by RBWare - Exactly what it sounds like. It's the full U.S Constitution (AND MORE!) on your phone :)
  • Bambuser App -App that lets you record live and save off your phone!
  • Dumpster - Recycle Bin by Baloota - A "recycle bin" function for deleted objects.

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wHy DonT tEh PolIcE JusT UsE BeAN Bags & Tazer???

04:06 UTC


My wife was pulled over for a broken signal light and got body searched. Is this legal? Can anything be done about it?

My wife was just pulled over by a police officer because her signal light was stuck on. The officer made her get out of the car and did a body search, checked under the seat, smiled, and said "you're clean, you should get that light checked out." Is this legal, and if not, can anything be done about it?

14:49 UTC


Know Your Rights - with Civil Rights Attorney (2019)

01:25 UTC


Asserting Your Rights During Reorganizations - Progressive Oregon with L...

1 Comment
16:25 UTC


[False arrest] not illegal to film public areas - being suspicious not illegal or probable cause for arrest


I don't know much about the incident, but I know this woman was 100% within her rights. She did everything right, including not consenting to searches or answering any questions and (while not driving a vehicle) refusing to identify herself.

14:36 UTC


Good books to read about rights

Hey everyone, I'm trying to learn more about my rights and get more aware of how to handle police during encounters. What are some good books I should dive into that easily explain your rights as a citizen.

Thanks in advance.

1 Comment
02:04 UTC


False Trespassing

Today my oldest sister was given a no trespassing letter because a supervisor accused her of stealing. Police officers showed up to the store and made my sister and her boyfriend and their 4 month baby wait outside 30 degree weather. Upon reviewing the security cameras it was confirmed that they did not in fact steal anything. Police officer searched my 4 month old niece for the "stolen item" but didn't find anything. The supervisor told the police that she wanted them banned from the store either way even when nothing was found. The police handed my sister and her boyfriend a no trespassing letter that say "I (Insert Name) acknowledge that I am banned from set (Insert Store Name)" blah blah blah. My sister and her boyfriend did NOT acknowledge this letter nor did they sign with a signature confirming this. What are some things that can be done? Are they still banned even though the supervisor didn't directly tell them they aren't allowed back in the store? And are they still banned even though they didn't acknowledge this letter nor sign it?

I didn't know where to post this but thought this would be the best place.

05:52 UTC


How To Obtain a Specific Cop's Criminal History?

I wanted to follow up on this story to verify if the cop has been charged with any previous crimes or if he has had previous incidents involving excessive force or anything else out of the ordinary.

What is made public about law enforcement officers in the U.S. and how can it be obtained?

Cop's contact information (Rob Edwards)

1 Comment
18:57 UTC


Austin Police try to intimidate and discourage cop watchers from informing sober woman of her rights

18:43 UTC


Cop Watch Hating Austin Cops Continue to Violate Policy (Not Sorry For Cursing or Calling Them Pigs)

05:42 UTC


Question about wearing "jury nullification" t-shirt to jury duty.

I've been selected for jury duty for the second time in the past year and i would like to use this opportunity to exercise my 1st amendment rights and possibly educate those around me in the process. I know wearing a "fuck the police" shirt has been ruled constitutional in court, just want to know if there is any similar precedent involving jury duty.

06:12 UTC


Police harass Waze user for reporting their speed trap (from /r/tifu)

02:40 UTC


New York governor to name special prosecutor for killings by police: "We will be the first state in the country to acknowledge the problem and say we’re going to create an independent prosecutor who does not have that kind of connection with the organized police departments," • /r/news

16:31 UTC


Can an employee be cited for a health violation that is the fault of the business?

I work at a very small store. There are only two other employees, and usually only one person is in the store. We're technically a grocery store.

Earlier today a health inspector came by and threatened to cite my coworker. She claimed that she could issue the health citation to my coworker, and it would be my coworker who had to go to court and pay any fines for it. She didn't give her a citation in the end, but the inspector did threaten to call the cops.

My coworker and I are just employees. We work part time and barely make more than minimum wage. We don't own any part of the store, and we don't have any control over what's in the store.

We didn't fail the inspection because things were dirty, but because we apparently don't have enough specified sinks to be hosting a cooking club every couple weeks.

So, can a health inspector actually do that? By working here, am I at risk for being cited for something that I can't actually control?

21:12 UTC


Speculative Fiction Thread: USA Time Line +30 YEARS. What do you think will happen to this country?

As some or none of you might never care, I'm a fiction author. I spend more of my time doing that than raging against the machine. this is just a passive hobby, not a dedicated life's goal of war against fascism. It's fun though.

Anyway, I'm wondering if anyone else has any "FUTURE TIME LINES" they'd like to share. I have dozens, but I'll share just one for example:

  • 2024, after a woman president we get a southern corporate shill.

  • The entire world basically knows the election was rigged. Those who support him do so for nonpolitical reasons.

  • 2025, the "Restore Community Initiative -- Meet Your Neighbors Today!" starts The first lady gives a comforting smile and displays her ads on youtube. The same year, the government also pushes "SEE SOMETHING? SAY SOMETHING!" on youtube et. al. (The way the CIA recruits on spotify today)

  • 2026, the first waves of a single party (Nazi) state taking shape

  • 2027 a domestic terrorist strikes. It's blown way out of proportion and polarizes the country further.

    1. Land slide "victory" for the same president. It is now entirely clear the whole system is a sham from the top down.
  • 2029 "LIBERTY PARTY" "and justice for all" turns very quickly into a fascist police state.

  • 2029 "Trusted citizen" accounts. you can have RFID in your car, that way it isn't literally "show your papers citizens!" They also use facial recognition.

  • 2030 ostensibly marshal law, without actually saying it outright. Federal cops being reported to by lesser state and local underlings. NSA now turned fully domestic

  • 2031 militia pockets similar to the waco/ruby ridge/tim mcveigh style stories pop up.

  • 2032 full on Nazi party. Civil war. People lighting the faces of dead bodies on fire to prevent facial recognition.

  • 2035 the full collapse of the last Empire.

  • 2040 assuming we make it that long, the dawn of 3 new countries. Just looking at a map today, you can tell where those lines will break (approximately)

  • 2045 the world can hopefully move the fuck out of the dark ages. No more empires in the traditional warring sense.

  • 2050 the technology boom and collapse has passed and with it comes a totally different generation of ideologies that really have less in common with the ones we do today than we can even imagine. The way we can't really imagine cave men or ancient Egypt or nazi Germany they'll say "those poor bastards. I'm glad we're doing okay"

Then in another 100 years the cycle will probably repeat. Who knows.

That's to the best of my ability to speculate the most realistic outcome of our future if things keep hurdling out of control the way they are. The people in Germany circa 1930's will have a lot more in common with the fine folks of USA circa 2030 than they will to the fine progressive folks of Norway and all that.

00:57 UTC


[Discussion] Make Police Unions Carry Liability Insurance to Force Bad Police Out

This is what I like to see. People who aren't just mindlessly bashing police. We all hate them, but until someone proposes a solution, it's just angry peasants being angry against the king and his horsemen.

From /r/news top level comments:


[–]/u/0rangePod [+1] 928 points 16 hours ago

I've posted this elsewhere: Make police officers carry liability insurance.

The worst offenders will quickly be priced out of their profession. I'm a contract trainer, and I have to carry $1m in liability insurance. Costs about $400 a year.

[–]/u/Aon_from_accounting 487 points 11 hours ago

Let me pivot this and say, make their unions carry the liability insurance per each officer in the union, and the cost shared via union dues. That "blue wall" will fold real fucking quick when those union dues have to go up to compensate for the assholes giving a bad name to everyone else.

05:54 UTC


Sidebar Redone

I don't think anyone really cares, but I redid the sidebar. It's certainly more fascist and widescope than it was...Oh well.

I still need to work on the CSS and making a wikipage for link aggregating.

If anyone has any cool new resources that popped up in 2015 (I've been entirely inactive in the FTP community or whatever this is called...since like 2014) let me know.

I'm also looking for interesting ways to naturally grow this sub without being abrassive or spamming.

There is HUGE discontent I see everyday on /r/news and I don't want to clone their feed, nor become BCND.

I've always shot for Quality over Quantity, but quite literally I'm the only one submitting here (and I get why :P).

21:27 UTC

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