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Asking parents questions, one at a time.

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Mother unclear on some aspects of

Male puberty

Specifically my youngest son who is mid early teens . He’s taller etc but not had any sign of the male changes that happen (hair / growth etc ) . He will see he’s different when around peers I suspect… and notice it . His behaviour has been wack , so I’m going to get him rested for bloods . I’m really worried for him tbh . And trying to not spiral , has anyone else come through this ?

1 Comment
12:42 UTC


Who's your favourite sonic character?

Mine mecha sonic he so cool bro

1 Comment
12:16 UTC


Feeling sad and guilty about what happened

I was trying to put my 14 month old to sleep. I had been trying for 45 minutes and he wouldn’t go down despite being tired and was resisting. I was feeling so angry and frustrated. He tried to put his finger in my mouth and without really thinking I bit it by accident. He started crying obviously and I felt so so guilty immediately and like such a bad mom. I guess I’m looking to see if anyone ever been in a similar situation. I feel so sad and guilty and like such a bad mom. Please help and be kind.

10:59 UTC


Caught vaping

(14m) 15 soon. I have been vaping for around 4 months now I never got close to being caught but today my father was cleaning my room in my absence and sent me a photo of a cartridge that I use to vape. Should I be honest with him and tell him I've been doing this for a while now. However I do not want to stop this brings me the relief to my stress and problems sometimes it's the only thing that keeps me sane. When my father texted me he wasn't mad, he was disappointed. I know he used to be a heavy cigarette smoke and started at the same age as me and was struggling with this addiction for about 13 years, he stopped when I got born to not teach me this habit. I feel like I betrayed my whole family mostly my father. I don't know what to do right now I'm on vacation without him but I come back in a week and I'm scared he will make this a big deal or just not talk to me. But for some reason I feel relief that he found out I don't know why. What should I do when I come back home?

09:00 UTC


How do I get my parents to let me date

Hi for some background information, I'm f (15), am a freshman in high school and I'm halfway through the year. So, my parents have always been quite strict with dating and school. For School, since I was in Pre-K I have always been an outstanding student. Starting high school last semester I finished with a 4.0 Gpa, taking all Honors or AP classes (excluding my PE and Drama Classes). My sister who is currently in college at a very highly ranked school dated when she was around my age. But the problem is, she dated when she was 16, but she had a August birthday so when she was 16 and a Junior in Highschool, she dated. What is frustating to me is that I will have to wait until my Junior year to date, when I will be 17. My parents are also very open with us, topics with us regularly like Teenage pregnancy and that sort of stuff. I also have been balancing 2 sports and club sports, as long as Drama. My sister, never did club sports, which my club sports take up around 30% of my time. I have told my parents this when they make the agrument saying that I would not be able to focus on school in a relationship. I understand that it may be alot to balance, but I'm perfectly capable of it. Another frustating thing is that when my friends will mention they have a boyfriend, my mom will ask them all about it. But for me if I even mention a guy who I think is attractive, she shuts it down. Saying my sister wasn't into boys so neither should I be. What was annoying is that I have a very close family friend, and she got a boyfriend, when her parents told my, my mom said I could date one of his friends (Soon after she broke up with him). My mom will also ask me about school dances and if im going with anyone, and I'll explain to her that for certain dances are just for couples, and then she will try to make me go, or ask why I don't just go with my friends who are dating and basically third wheel (Not her exact words but yeah). I just feel like I'm losing out on something, and I just wanna try it for once. I know I also should not be embrasses but my friends will tell me how they will hang out or get gifts or go on dates with their partner, when I haven't even gotten the chance to hold hand or even hug a romatic partner. Anyways Im sorry that was alot, its just a bit frustating and I have been holding it in for a long time.

1 Comment
08:15 UTC


Do you hate working with people a lot younger than you?

I’m just curious, especially if ur a mother. Do you hate if someone maybe a decade younger than you joins the team? Do you find them difficult to work with? Annoying even?

EDIT: Ty for the kind and real responses right now. For context, this question came into mind cause I was on a team of 6 total in the same large room with our own desks. All of them were early-mid 30s women who are all recent mothers. The one right behind me definitely disliked me but was 2 faced. I ended up getting fired yesterday and the things they mentioned just sounded like ageism.

07:48 UTC


Parent and moving out advice

I’m 23 (M). Currently I’m broke and recently jobless. But right now my parents are treating me like I’m 13 when I’m trying my best to be an adult. I NEED to move out as soon as I find a job to keep in tact the relationship I still have with them. How would you guys handle moving out if you were in my shoes or what is some of you guys’ advice?

06:35 UTC


I think my parents really dislike me

No matter what I do and how much I please them they are grateful in that moment but then a new day arrives and it goes back to treating me like nothing. They treat my siblings so much better for example if they are sick my mum never tells them to do any chores, she lets them sleep all day, she gets their medication. When I'm sick I get told to do more housework, get my own medication even when I ask her if she can get it for me she says no. But when she's sick i get her medication for her mind you I'm the youngest and I do the most for my parents. I'm also quite religious but when I bring up something about Islam even with proof. They say I don't even believe in Islam, I don't know anything about Islam and that I'm stupid and should reread the Quran etc. just because what I say doesn't align with their interest I'm stupid and not religious. There's so many other things I could say that are much worse. I just feel so unwanted and unloved by my parents. I'm currently 21, not married and the only way I can get away from my toxic household is by getting married. But they don't even approve of the boy I'm with. They don't want to let me go I'm just so stuck. I cry every single day and I think one day I'm going to blow at my parents. I've been dealing with this for 10 years now

1 Comment
06:09 UTC


How concerned should I be by my 3yro's sleeping habits?

Since she was about 2yro, my daughter has insisted on having both lamps in her room fully on (she's not even okay having them dimmed) to sleep, she absolutely screams and has a melt down if we try to turn them off. It's been over a year now and we've made no real progress in that area. But a few weeks ago my daughter decided she no longer wanted to sleep in her bed. She instead makes a pile of toys and books directly in front of her door (blocking entry) and sleeps in it on the floor. She moves her pillow and blanket to the floor with her. She refuses to get into bed and when asked about it just says that she wants to sleep with her stuff, it doesn't seem like there is anything wrong with her bed. I've tried to get her to lay in bed if I pile stuff around her, but she won't even lay down in the bed anymore. She refuses to get in it.

How concerned should I be about this? Is this something she's just going to grow out of and I should let it go, or should I try to be more insistent that she sleeps in her bed?

05:19 UTC


Defiant 5-year old

Hi there! My 5-year old (soon to be 6) is driving me BONKERS!!! Nothing is easy, everything is a challenge.

Example 1: She won’t let me brush her hair. Now she has several giant knots. I try and she runs away. I tell her how beautiful her hair is and how she should take care of it and she could care less.

Example 2: She won’t let me help her brush her teeth and it is always a battle to get her to do it herself. She just had 4 cavities filled.

Example 3: she hates getting dressed for school in the morning and will take her clothes off right after I put them on (and she loves school, she is just torturing me).

I have tried positive reinforcement when she cooperates hoping that will make her want to do it more, but nope… the days of cooperation are few and far between.

I have tried bribing her to brush her teeth (like we can watch any movie she wants and eat popcorn in bed kinda bribe). That might work once a week.

I have tried the reward star chart with a prize after she fills up the week, she lost interest after 1 week.

She is so challenging and I feel the blood boiling out of frustration. I dread mornings because they are such an ordeal. I try to stay calm but after 15 min and always running late, I always lose my sh**!

It is not like I can hold her down and force the toothbrush in her mouth or lay on top of her to brush her hair… she is 5… she is too big for that and forcing her to do things just sets her into either a rage or extreme tears! There is no reasoning with her, even when I try to very calmly.

At first I thought this was a phase, but it has been 7 months of this behavior and no improvements. My husband and I are just frustrated with her all the time.

Any advice from parents who have been in the same boat? How do you survive this?

04:48 UTC


Is my mom too protective or am I just being a teenager lol

So I'm 16 and my girlfriend is 17. I'm a lesbian and so is my girlfriend, my mother knows that and is supportive! She does give me privacy but I still don't feel as free as I want to be at this age. When my girlfriend comes over my mom is constantly checking on us, doesnt let us go under the covers, or even hug/lay with eachother. I want to actually be with my girlfriend and spend time with her one on one without constantly being smothered by my mom, even if me and my girlfriend do anything it's not like I'm gonna get pregnant either.

I'm still not allowed to even download apps or games myself without having everything with a password. Im not allowed to hang out with friends unless my mom has the contact info of every one of the parents. I don't know if I'm just being dramatic or I'm at that age of being "rebellious" but I see myself as a good kid, and I do want to explore more stuff with my girlfriend too (we've been together for 2 years and known each other for 7 years) and I feel like I can't do that because of my mom.

I know she's just caring for me and watching out but it gets annoying lol. I try to tell her about it but she gets really angry and says that she is just looking out for me. And I do want to start to do stuff like just volunteering for things or getting into sports and getting out but she just won't let me do anything and im starting to feel bad because am I just asking for too much from her? I feel like she just doesn't let me most of the time because she herself doesn't want to and I feel always shut in.

Can I get a parents perspective?

02:17 UTC


Do you think having children is worth it (for them) if you end up divorced?

01:56 UTC


My 9-Month-Old’s Growth Drop after starting solids. Has anyone experienced this?

The title says it all, my baby is now 9 months old, and her growth percentile has dropped significantly. At 6 months, she was in the 50th percentile, but now she’s in the 15th. Her GP was concerned, and we’ve already got a referral for a paediatrician, but I can’t stop stressing while we wait.

She’s breastfed, and since starting solids, I’ve focused on iron-rich and high-fat foods—kangaroo meat, salmon, prawns, chicken thighs, avocado, and plenty of fruits. We’re doing BLW, and for snacks, I usually give her full-fat yoghurt mixed with grounded cashew or almond and chia, hemp, or flaxseeds.

Has anyone been through something similar? Would love to hear your experiences

00:05 UTC


What is a sentence you’ve had to say to your kid that you doubt anyone else has ever said?

I just had to say “please don’t put ketchup in your belly button”. I feel like this probably not the first time some on earth has said this but it can’t be that common. Right?

22:50 UTC


15 month old is making my eye twitch with her sleep schedule

I am really stressed out, I don’t know what to do! My daughter won’t go sleep earlier than 1 am, maaaybe 12pm, and im seeing posts from other parents asking is it okay that their baby goes to sleep so late and it’s 8 freaking pm.. what I wouldn’t give for that! She’s always had this problem, is it me as a parent doing something wrong?? She’s definitely not getting her recommended amount of sleep because I wake her up at 10am hoping she will go to bed earlier the next night… NOPE most days she naps 40 minutes, so that’s what, she’s sleeping 10 hours?? She’s got rings under her eyes, her mood seems fine but how do I get out of this rut, I’m so upset and tired, I just don’t know what to do, to who do I ask for help??

22:16 UTC


Private School Transportation

I am thinking of enrolling my 14yo daughter in a private high school since the education she is getting in her public school is not meeting her needs. Unfortunately, the private school in question is a 40 minute drive from our home and does not offer buses. Other than getting lucky with a carpool, how are people finding drivers to take their kids to school? Spending 3 hours a day driving is not an option for me, since I work full-time in a demanding job.

19:50 UTC


Can I have some advice please

I am 23 with disabilities if I go on the pill will the doctors say about it in front of my mum I really don’t want her to know

19:27 UTC


Was what happened to me as a 4 or 5 year old appropriate?

I , 27 Female, was maybe 4 or 5 years old. I grew up with a cool dad. He never touched me inappropriately. The only thing he's ever done as a kid that some people couldve found odd is just rest his hand on the back of my underwear sort of on the inside near my butt as he was sitting down & giving me a talk. Like a bonding moment. I was like 5 or 4 & would run around the house in my underwear. Other than that , I never found it odd. It wasnt something that was hidden , like , it was just something out in the open. Even my mother was aware. I didnt feel uncomfortable. But At one point later down the line, my brother (12 or 13 at the time) did the same thing to me while he (brother) was talking to me one day (I was still around the age of 4 or 5) & I didnt like it when he did it for whatever reason. So, I told my mom that my brother did that & she told me to tell my dad the exact same thing that I had told her. At the time , I didnt realize that my mom wanted me to indirectly let my dad know that I didnt like that gesture from my brother .. but , after that, my dad immediately stopped resting his hand on my underwear.

Is it possible that my dad thought it was an innocent gesture & wasnt thinking about it sexually until I became uncomfortable once my brother did it --& that's why he stopped? .

19:06 UTC


Help please

10 month old put dogs deer antler in mouth. Luckily it was just a second and I caught it, but are there any potential dangers for it being in his mouth for that short of time? I washed his mouth out but am still worried. Any help please?

1 Comment
18:40 UTC


What’s your family’s homework routine look like?

I posted this in r/ADHDparenting except I didn’t get a lot of feedback, so I’m casting a larger net.

Hey all!

My children (10/4th-ADHD, 7/1st-AuDHD, 7/1st-stuck in referral purgatory) all thrive on routines. Our homework routine hasn’t really been that solid. After dinner, we sit in my bed and work on it while their dad does bathroom routine with them 1 at a time. Homework isn’t an overwhelming amount, but it is getting more challenging for the 10 year old. [Tip to get them to read assigned books if screens motivate… Download the book from the Libby (library US) app, shared it to my kindle, and then I shared it to his tablet.]

I’m doubtful that this routine will be beneficial in the long run though. It is a nice way to wind down and it is a great bonding time though. I also like that it doesn’t take time away from them being home and decompressing from school. I just don’t know that it will be enough time for my oldest to actually complete homework in the future. I like to implement routines early, so they get used to them before the routine becomes a must have. You know? I have ADHD too, so it really helps everyone lol.

So what does your homework routine look like? How old are your kids? What does it look like on days your family gets home late? What’s the vibe during this routine? Is there anytime for your kid(s) to decompress from the school day with the routine?

16:19 UTC


How often do you guys take your kids to doctors?

Im wondering cause my mom has been bragging a lot recently about how she almost never took me to a doctor. Im an adult now but havent gone in at least 8 years. I think last time I was 11 and went to urgent care but I barely went before that either. How often do you take your children and teens to see doctors?

11:48 UTC


My 3.5-Year-Old Doesn’t Respond to Greetings—Should I Be Worried?

My son is 3.5 years old, and I’ve noticed that he rarely responds when people greet him. At preschool, when his teachers say hello or goodbye, he acts like he doesn’t hear them. Even when other kids or adults say “bye-bye,” he doesn’t respond.

At home, he’s talkative and expressive, so I don’t think it’s a speech issue. But in social situations, he just ignores greetings completely. I’m not sure if it’s shyness, a phase, or something I should be concerned about.

Has anyone else experienced this with their child? Did they grow out of it, or did you do anything to help? Would love to hear your thoughts!

08:01 UTC


Single parents. If the other parent got past their bs and wanted to develop a relationship with your kid would you be happy about it?

My dad got sober and we have been developed a good relationship. My mom is all for it but some of her other friends who are single parents say they would be pissed if that happened. I'm gunna keep working g things out with him but I'm curious if my mom being supportive is weird. Also I am 26 and my dad came back around when I was 20

07:54 UTC


Newborns: how to switch from daytime to night time sleep?

Our 3 week old seems to be more awake during the nights and sleeps a lot more during the day.

Any advice on how we can help her get accustomed to sleeping at night and be awake during the day?

Tips, stories, suggestions are welcome please 🙏🏼

07:32 UTC


How do you move with a toddler & two working parents to a place with no support network?

Basically title. We're trying to move out of state, and the logistics are so daunting. Daycare took over a year to get into here, I can't imagine starting over. And we have no support network anywhere. We've both always worked and make livable, but not substantial wages.

how do you do the move itself? Driving 9 hours with a two year old seems wild!

There's just so many logistics all of which are complicated with toddlers.how did y'all do it?

02:39 UTC


Has your child ever done this?

Hello, I’m not asking so much as a parent but more so as someone who went through this in childhood and I’m still wondering if it is normal or if this happened to any of your children because I can’t seem to find any satisfactory answers.I just thought that a space for parents may have some answers for me.

When I was about 10 or maybe 11 if we want to push it I started having some very bad crises over having to wake up. So bad in fact I still remember them vividly and I can recall the physical pain they caused me. I was never a morning person if you will, only started enjoying early mornings as an adult but these instances were quite different from any sort of ‘ugh five more minutes’ sort of days.

I remember for a long span of time I would be woken up and my body would immediately start hurting, my chest would construct hard and I would immediately start to feel like my body was going rigid and I had no strength to move it, it’s hard to explain especially after so long, but I felt awful, like being suffocated and my muscles would ache as if I had strained them. Then I would beg in tears my parents to let me sleep some more, I often tried to win myself a bit more of snuggling in bed as a child but these attacks were accompanied by an urgency and an amount of pain that I honestly still can’t understand well.

My parents would obviously get very irritated with this behavior and they would pull me out of bed usually by force. At some point I remember them looking at me with some worry, my mom would tell me I was still getting used to the hours changing, but when we switched back and had another hour change the crises persisted. This gives me a sense of how long it went on.

I can’t tell if my memory is blowing this out of proportion since I can’t find any resources taking about similar fits in tweens, and I don’t remember it being a particularly stressful time in my life so I ruled out the chance of it being panic induced.

I couldn’t have been younger than 9. Sorry again if this is not the right subreddit but I was curious to know if anyone had experience with similar things with their own children, just out of pure curiosity, I just had been very distressed by memories of these things happening and it seems a very strange thing to remember, it could also be a warped memory of time throwing tantrums over having to go to school so if that’s the case I already apologize lol!!

EDIT: grammar and spelling

01:15 UTC


Did you struggle to be excited about your baby before birth?

So, right now our life is generally difficult. Money isn't coming in like we need, we are behind in everything, and living with some family who don't want us here to get back on our feet.

Basically, baby number 2 came but made me so sick I was regularly in the hospital for IV fluids since I couldn't keep anything down. That whole debacle made us fall behind because I missed more work that I could afford. On top of that, the landlord decided to sell the house and the lease resign was only an option if we agreed to a 50% increase, which of course we couldn't afford. Then right after, our daycare prices TRIPPLED. It was a perfect storm, and here we are.

Husband and I had protected sex 2x after the birth of baby number 2 and got pregnant once again. I looked into options, but my state is very red. I found out I was pregnant at around 12-13 weeks. To get an abortion would mean I would have to find a Dr out of state and pay out of pocket. By the time we would be able to do that, it would just be way further along than I would ever feel comfortable with. So not so much an option.

Adoption was a thought, but we talked it over and decided a struggle now is worth having a together family later.

Anyway, not like I need to explain that to all of you guys. But idk, I just don't feel excited about this baby. I just want to be excited for him. But every time I think about it, all I can think of is the hardship we are going to deal with. I'm worried about how I will chase around my 4 yr old and 1 yr old with a newborn. And how I will pay for everything. And how we are just going to go right back through all the hard baby stuff again without any family nearby who will help when we really need a break.

I want to be excited about this kid, but so far, I just feel nothing but dread for the day he's out. I want to be happy and looking forward to the cute things and the snuggles and all that. But the overwhelm from how hard its going to be just really ruins it.

I find myself loosing patience with my children now. Usually I'm able to ground myself because they are only small a short time, and this phase will be gone soon. But now, it's like there's an entire extra year of it all just looming. It's like there is not a light at the end of the tunnel anymore. I know we will get through this tough moment, but then there's going to be so much more to come. Just starting over. And being present for my other kids will be put on the backburner. And our finances are going to take even longer to figure out. If we even can.

Idk if this is a vent or what, but idk what to do. I want my baby to be cherished from the beginning but al I feel is dread. I would hate myself if I gave him up and separated him from his brothers. But I just feel so awful I'm not excited for him to be here.

Idk what to do.

23:37 UTC


Any book recommendations for middle schooler experiencing bullying?

My friend’s son is experiencing bullying from a girl in his grade. They are 12-13 years old. The bullying has been reported to the school, parents notified, counselors involved etc.

In support of my friend, I am seeking any book recommendations for someone in his situation. I personally would like to read the book to empathize more with what he might be facing at that age/mindset. I don’t intend to pass along any unsolicited recommendations to them, or overstep in any kind of way.

I am not looking for a book for a parent whose child is being bullied, but if you read one you feel strongly about recommending I welcome it.

If there’s any other background info that might be useful to have in offering recommendations, please let me know! I will edit or respond via comment.

Thanks in advance!

20:17 UTC


Newborn Question

Hey! I just brought home my newborn baby on Friday and we are first time parents so still learning the ins and outs. We opted for no bath at the hospital after birth (it’s not really a thing they do in California in general unless you ask). Yesterday when I was changing her into an outfit I noticed that her armpit kinda smelled like toe jam….has anyone else experienced this?! I was sort of concerned because it was a different smell and I didn’t know if I should contact our pediatrician or if since her stump fell off I should just give her a bath. All advice is appreciated ☺️

19:23 UTC


When did you drop the night time diaper? What age? How?

19:19 UTC

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