
Photograph via snooOG

This is a subreddit for artists to link their stores, sell their wares, and connect to people looking to purchase original art or hire artists for commissions. Buy art and get custom work from thousands of original living artists from around the world. Everything from paintings + photography + illustrations + graphic design + crafts and more . Free and easy to post and no fees for clients or artists!

This is a subreddit for artists to link their stores, sell their wares, and connect to people looking to purchase original art or hire artists for commissions. Buy art and get custom work from thousands of original living artists from around the world. Everything from paintings + photography + illustrations + graphic design + crafts and more . Free and easy to post and no fees for clients or artists!

Facebook Group

Click to see Commissions - Artist For Hire - Artist Store - Looking for/Want to buy

If you have any issues during the buying or selling process, please message the Mod team. We may not be able to help resolve the issue at hand, but we can certainly ban people that are scamming others and make sure no one else has the same issue with the same person. Treat each other with respect.

FLAIR There are currently 5 options for posts in this subreddit. You must use one of these labels in the TITLE of your post.

[commission] - You are looking to HIRE an artist for a project. Please give as much information as you can about what you are looking for.
Price, size, medium, usage/rights, visual examples of work you are looking for, and when you need the work by are all good starting points.

[artist for hire] - You are an artist offering your services for patrons. Please make it clear what you are offering.

[artist store] - for linking to your shop filled with original pieces and prints made by you, the artist. Small collectives and Galleries are welcomed but please PM the mods first. - No mass produced products or resellers are allowed.

  • ARTISTS - Please directly link to a page in the comments rather than putting a url or username in the title. Making other users manually have to type it out means your work will reach less people because no one will put in that extra effort. Posts that have urls in the title text will be removed.

[looking for/want to buy] - searching for a type of piece, but not exactly hiring for a commission. Generally for something that has already been made.

[testimonial] - trial basis - this is your chance to review your experience as a buyer/seller in this sub. Show off the final piece of the art you commissioned. With instances where you feel you might have been scammed, please still engage the mods first before posting.

If your post does not fit in one of these options, please post instead in the stickied general discussion thread. This includes Kickstarters and any site where you can not directly buy the product.

After You Post

  • If you have a new account or throwaway account, and are looking to hire an artist for a commission, please message the mods. All artists posts MUST wait 24 hours before making a submission to advertise.

  • For Artists - You can not post links to direct images without also linking to a shop in the comments OR a description of how to buy. You are welcome to post additional sites, crowdfunding campaigns, and social media in the comments of your post. You should make it as easy as possible for viewers to get your information and go to your page or store.

►►► Please refrain from posting more than every 2 days. If you have a lot of work you would like to show off, please make an imgur album with links. ◄◄◄


Due to the nature of this reddit there is a high number of posts that get caught by the spam filter. If you have made a post, but are not seeing it anywhere, please message the mods and let us know it is missing. We will be able to approve it from the filter.

This sub has a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for art theft Report it when you see it and include screen captures and links to original source if you can.

Related Communities


1. Spamming - Spamming your links or off topic comments excessively will result in a removal or ban. If you constantly post only your own links without any other account activity, you are considered a spammer. Look at Reddit's FAQs for more information.

2.Inappropriate post This subreddit for aspiring and accomplished artists to link their stores, show off their wares, and connect to people looking to purchase original art. If your post does not follow that, it does not belong here. ❌ No kickstarters or resellers allowed ❌ .

  • Artists Co-ops and galleries that work with artists are welcome. Make it clear that you are SELLING/FOR HIRE/STORE or BUYING ! Self promotion is 100% allowed here - Give us your links!

3.Harassment Treat other users with respect. This is not a critique space unless the poster asks for it.

4.Art Theft Stealing art that has not been created by YOU or stealing money from users will result in a permaban. If you have an artist working for you, you must pay them.

5.Spamming the sub Spamming your links excessively will result in a removal or ban. Posting more than one post every two days to fill up the front page will not be accepted. This is a subreddit based rule.

6. Bad title formats- Urls, usernames, and spammy titles ARTISTS - Please directly link to a page in the comments rather than putting a url or username in the title. Making other users manually have to type it out means your work will reach less people because no one will put in that extra effort. It looks bad and it is ineffective. Posts that have urls in the title text will be removed.

7.Fiverr is bad business Fiverr is a middle man website that does not need to be linked in here. They take 20% of all sales before payment processing. All links will be removed.

8. Posts must contain purchase info. Posts need to include purchase information, either in the form of a store link or pricing info with contact information. This is not a crowdfunding community or a place to only promote your youtube channel or socials. All social links and portfolios are encouraged as long as you're clear that you're selling the piece featured, linking to a shop, or offer your time for commissions.


130,180 Subscribers


[FOR HIRE] Taking emergency comms until 19th of July.

I am a writer who has a little over 3 years of experience with an extensive portfolio. For the time being, I am cutting costs of my writing to the minimum of $40 per 1k words for a minimum word count of 3k words (maximum 10k). $35 per hour for RP.

After this, I will likely go on hiatus to re-evaluate myself and consider my options. Until then, feel free to entertain the idea of taking me on as an author you can trust to do their hardest to deliver decently written content.

What I like to write: Femdom, BDSM, Non-con, Domination, Fetish outfits, Cross-dressing, Situations involving the whacky and extraordinary including superpowers.

I will not write NSFW content involving the under-aged.

I can also write scripts and articles.

Have a gander at my portfolio!

Femdom (When girls are in charge.)


LGBT (The queer side of things.)


Misc (Some nichey stuff.)


Non-Con (When no isn't taken for an answer.)


Vanilla (Not too far from hand holding.)


Contact me through DM here, proxyzeezgmail.com, or proxyzee on Discord.

23:30 UTC


[FOR HIRE] Commissions available for Character Design, OC’s, DnD and Illustrations | 1/3 Slots | DM me!!

1 Comment
22:48 UTC


[For Hire] 2d & 3d Artist Illustration/Minis /Figures /Game /toys

1 Comment
20:57 UTC


[FOR HIRE] Commissions open!!! I can make characters in any size in pixel art and more!!

20:47 UTC


My photo art is open

Salut à tous,

Je suis un photographe pro passionné par l'art et j'ai récemment lancé ma boutique en ligne sur Gumroad où je propose mes sets de photos uniques. Chacune de mes œuvres est le fruit d'un travail minutieux et d'une véritable passion pour la photographie.

Je serais ravi que vous jetiez un œil à mes créations et que vous me donniez vos avis. Voici le lien vers ma boutique : danzayan.gumroad.com

Dans mes sets, vous trouverez une variété de thèmes et de styles, allant des paysages enchanteurs aux portraits captivants. Mon objectif est de capturer des moments uniques et de les partager avec vous à travers mes photos.

N'hésitez pas à poser des questions ou à me donner des retours sur mon travail. Votre soutien et vos commentaires sont très importants pour moi et m'aident à m'améliorer constamment.

Merci à tous pour votre temps et votre intérêt !

18:45 UTC


[FOR HIRE] Commissions Open! I will bring your imagination to life :) DM me!

1 Comment
16:55 UTC

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