
Photograph via snooOG

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Platform similar to Poshmark to sell on ?

I’m an artist looking to sell online. I’m very familiar with the way Poshmark works, and I find it the easiest. I also like how there is no listing fee and the fees only only come after you sell. I also am unsure of exactly how to package and ship my work so if anyone has any tips that would be great however, I’m sure that something I can just figure out. Thanks so much.

1 Comment
00:02 UTC


Does anyone know where I can get good pose references?

Lots of my OC artwork just consists of a character stood in a coloured background in different poses, but I've ran out of pose ideas. It'd be nice if I could find somewhere to get some new references?

Thanks if you comment anything, I have a more cartoony and less realistic style by the way 👍

22:42 UTC


Leftover paint?

What do you guys do with your leftover paint? I find that often when using acrylics I mix way too much paint and I never know what to do with the leftovers. I use cheap walmart paints but I still don't want to waste them, what do you guys do?

22:10 UTC


Looking for this brush (and similar), and what's the type called?

Hello. I'm looking for a more textured brush to use for my digital paintings, because I feel more comfortable using textured brushes. Here is the one I'm looking for, or at least similar to it - look at the edges of the rabbit (silhouette edges, although the brush is almost everywhere): The Rabbit and the Girl by guihuahuzi on DeviantArt

also, whats this type of brush called? Ive tried googling stuff like "textured painting brush rough digital" but nothing I found is similar

1 Comment
22:06 UTC


How do you develop a cartoon style ?

I have my own art style and used to be really into drawing cartoon characters in the style of adventure time but its been a really long time since ive drawn that. I want to make up some kind of a cartoon style where its easy to do things like speed sketches of people that look accurate to their features but still simplistic.

How can i develop a cartoon style? Any tips or experiences?

20:51 UTC


Are there any resources that explain Balance in Art?

Pretty much the title.

07:59 UTC


Advice on schooling?

Unemployed and directionless, I've been thinking of going back to school.

I'd like to pursue either concept art (for video games, television etc) or storyboarding (for animated shows). My art is admittedly more on the cartoony side style wise, I believe I'd be great at storyboarding. Concept art, I need to improve on realism, shading, color, etc. This is where I think furthering education may help.

My community college offers a 2 year course called visual art.

I understand breaking into the industries I'm interested in favor portfolio work over degrees, but I'm wondering if pursuing that associates degree would be worth it? To brush up on fundamentals, learn new techniques, get connections and make friends. Or am I better off saving the money, and practicing alone as I have been?

I'd really appreciate any advice and or leads. Thank you!

04:04 UTC


Drawing time

How long does it take you to finish artwork? I'm in art school right now and I'd say it takes me about 6 hours to get to a level of detail I'm satisfied with. (across most mediums except painting) But when I look to my classmates they've created things that would take me multiple 6 hour days. So I label myself a "Slow artist" despite noticing that I can also work faster than some of my other classmates and that this is all relative.

I just want to know the average for other people.

05:27 UTC


I don't know what to do with my useless ocs

So I have a habit of getting an idea, making OCS, then abandon said idea because I remember I already have 2 solid main stories going on and I don't need them.

It seems I'm more interested in writing for and drawing the OCS rather than actually doing anything with them. So now I have a bunch of OCS and I can no clue what the hell to do with them.

Maybe I should just give them people but on the other hand I'm kind of attached to them and I'm worried I'll miss them.

20:32 UTC


Recommendations for Korean pen(cil)s

Hi there, This might be a bit of a weird question but I'm looking for good Korean or maybe Japanese pencils and/or pens for drawing!

My bfs birthday is coming up and he loves drawing and mentioned that Korean pen(cil)s are so good and he would love to own some! I did a bit of research on Google but couldn't find promising results, so now I'm asking here and hope for some good feedback!

Is there any reputable "it-brand" from Korea (or maybe Japan, since they have amazing cartoon film studios) that sells high-quality pens and pencils for drawing?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

20:23 UTC


In regards to artistic courses, which would you recommend?

So I'm a 17-year-old student who's been practising for 5 years and is considering doing an art course in the UK. However, this will require me to take out a student loan. I've been researching online and opinions on art uni's remained mixed. What I want to focus on is improving my technical skills because in all honesty my current art -- isn't that great because I haven't had the time to practice. In this past month, I learned more about art than the past 3 years simply because I have more time in the summer holidays.

What I'm seeing is that in regards to technical skills you could probably learn that without art uni doing supplementary workshops online and at other uni's. But then what should I study? I'm being told to study what the current art industry wants however I have no idea what they want. Concept art isn't useful, 3D art is the way to go, animation is useful etc. My passion is illustration however I'm more than happy to focus on animation or 3D art forms depending on the needs because you can learn illustration apart?

Part of me recognizes that I tend to overcomplicate things and worry too much, so I think that now is probably the best time to make stupid mistakes and deal with the consequences. But can I deal with the consequences, I don't have the resources to get into art school without getting a student loan. Can I deal with student debt?

If not art school then where should I go? What would be a reasonable thing to focus on that gives me time to do art on the side with intentions of leaving that career? I recognize the UK often requires a foundation year, should I worry after I've done the foundation year?

1 Comment
19:35 UTC


Red acrylic paint that isn't streaky? (3D print painting)

So I like to paint 3D printed models for fun, it's nothing serious as they're just my friend's misprints. It's just practice for me and a fun way to pass the time. I use a Rustoleum primer/sander coat because it takes the paint well, and then FolkArt acrylics because they're cheaper but not completely horrible. However, the pure red they sell ("engine red") drives me crazy. It takes 3 or 4 coats to get it solid, and even then it's still a mess. Are there any brands that sell a better acrylic red, or just other types of paint that work better on 3D models in general? I keep thinking it'd be nicer to use something with a less-goopy consistency.

19:34 UTC


Painting in gouache, dont know if i want to switch to oils

I am starting with gouache and only have permanent white and jet black and am trying to mix several shades of gray, say 10%, 20%, 30%, etc and then apply them to my pencil outlined object. However, by the time i am done mixing my colours are dry on the palette also it takes a lot of paint from my tube to get even more than a handful of opaque strokes. They are hard to mix, maybe im not using enough water, but i want opaque. I am using a regular dry palette. If i wet them again with a wet brush they dont apply opaquely, but semi transparently. I dont know what to do. I am considering trying something slower drying, like water mixable oils.

17:41 UTC


If art is subjective then why do artists write descriptions?

Very new to the art world. Naturally I'm dabbling in intuitive abstract painting. No formal training.

This q has been burning a hole in my brain. I tend to write short descriptions for my paintings but I worry once the viewer (theoretically) reads it they will feel 'wrong ' in how they interpreted it initially, without the context. Sometimes I even feel like I've stripped them of some sort of freedom or something. Like telling instead of showing.

How does the artist's meaning of a piece and the viewers subjective meaning balance out? And if an artist infusing meaning/emotion into their art is so important (especially in abstract work, from what I've read), then wouldn't the fact that a viewer should be able to extract their OWN meaning make the point moot?

17:38 UTC


what are the fundamentals of drawing faces ?

I always hear that people should learn the fundamentals so that you can break the rules and stuff like that but I'm very confused on what are the specific rules for drawing faces? What should I practice if I'm trying to learn that?

17:33 UTC


Ways to separate layers of gouache?

I'm working on refining my painting process and was looking for ways to protect previous layers of gouache from reactivation. I know that acrylics wouldn't reactivate, but I'm just not as good with them. I'm very new to both, but the permanence of acrylics scares me a little bit.

I've tried Krylon Workable Fixative, but it repels water, so it won't work with new layers if they're too wet (I tried with acrylics too). I'd like to create a new surface that will accept more water media while protecting the previous layers. Is that possible?

Edit: I'd also like to mention that if I was working purely with gouache, there would be no problems. But, I'm working with colored pencil as well, and so I need a new surface that has some tooth in order to protect the gouache from getting gouged by the pencils.

17:29 UTC



Apparently my hand hurts more inert than it does being moved. When I draw, basically no pain unless I strain it stretching lol. I suppose my body is telling me my hand needs to be used because using my hand to operate a mouse had me waking up with hardly any pain the next day.

Has anyone had this experience? I’m trying to get back into the groove without injuring myself again and exercise my hands enough to finally have them stop hurting randomly.

17:27 UTC


Started painting again after 3-4 years of not making any art.

It's so terribly strange starting all over again, but it's also extremely rewarding. I'd love to he your stories about falling in love with art again!ar

17:06 UTC


Is it wrong to trace my own art?

I have a traditional drawing which im really afraid of colouring. Would it be wrong to trace and colour it digitally?

16:02 UTC


Professional comic artists: how fast do you work and how do you schedule your time?

I never published before, nor drew or wrote a full book before, only a few pages here and there.

I am now given the opportunity to professionalise my craft (as in: potentially get my comic published as a book)… and I’m a bit worried! I want to do it and do it well. I don’t want to disappoint the people who believe in my potential.

But I have one and sometimes two other jobs, and I am not the best at managing my time and energy! I am scared that I’m also too slow at drawing.
I know it may vary a lot from person but I want to hear it all! So here are my questions:

  1. How long does it take you to complete a page on average?
  2. If you’re also writing, how long does it take you to write or figure the story out?
  3. How long did it take you to draw a full album?
  4. Did you have other jobs, and if so, how did you make it work?
  5. Did you still have free time while drawing your comic?
  6. What mistake do you wish you could have avoided?
  7. To your knowledge, is there an average productivity level (in terms of time/page) that’s agreed upon in the comic album publishing world?
15:09 UTC


Lf Critique


I'm working on improving my anatomy by doing studies (both real life and of artists I like) but I just can never figure out what to do with backgrounds, and I think it makes my art really bland. I draw comics and occasionally add in backgrounds, but even then there's something unsatisfactory to me about them.

Anyway, even though I am working on my anatomy, if you notice what exactly makes it look off (especially my faces, they always look weird to me </3) please tell me!!

15:09 UTC


Has anyone used Castle Arts colored pencils?

I keep seeing ads for this brand and I’d never heard of them before this week. They keep advertising a “harmonious” collection that looks cool and now that I keep seeing it I kinda want to try it. I guess that was their goal. lol. Anyway, has anyone used this brand before and if so what do you think of them?

1 Comment
15:03 UTC


Being scared to draw fanart for a toxic fandom How do I get over it?

Hi! I'm an artist who draws for several fandoms whether like sonic, or mario, fanart for pretty much most media, and you know its great to draw fanart for fandoms that used to be toxic like sonic or even undertale nowadays but there are fandoms that I am kind of scared to draw fanart for mostly fandoms relating to gacha games like genshin impact knowing and having their fans be vile over the stupidest things possible like with how the character is drawn or character interactions are drawn

and the game with the terrible fandom that I wanna draw fanart for is cookie run, I won't talk much about it but I will tell you that the fandom is pretty and pretty infamous and toxic, as they will get angry and witch hunt and harass innocent artists over the silliest things possible, witch hunts, doxing, and drama is just an average day for them it gets even worse, but this fandom is basically known for being really toxic, and thats what stops me from drawing fanart for cookie run, and I know some few friends who feel the same as me too they mostly hangout in places like twitter and reddit sometimes tumblr too

I was wondering how can one remove the fear of getting rid of drawing fanart for a game or tv show that has a really toxic fandom? I thought of just drawing fanart and muting notifications when I post it, people there again are known to be vile, just to tell you how things are, help would be appreciated!

14:49 UTC


Burn out, art block, warm up techniques and tips

I used to draw everyday, the desire to be great is what fueled me and my motivation, then after many years I peaked and unfortunately I think in my head I was like "yep that's good, I'm satisfied" and then I stopped drawing. Except for depre**ion and work I think what also caused my forever art block is my perfectionist trait, when you do your best art piece it won't always mean that every next one is going to be just as great or even better. The feeling of failure turned out to be so discouraging that I (subconsciously) stopped doing art, or at least I think that's what happened.

Now I really want to be back in the game again but I don't know how to start without getting that feeling again. Has anyone of you ever experienced similar thing?

Except for an open discussion I'd like to ask for some of your favorite warm up techniques and how do you approach doing art after a long break when feeling rusty and insecure.

14:23 UTC


Which language should i learn as an artist?

In college we have to choose between french/spanish/german/italian. I was wondering which one is the best for someone who studies fine art and already knows polish and english.

09:28 UTC


When and how should you draw from your wrists, elbows or shoulders?

My questions are simple but I can‘t seem to easily find discussions that go into even a little more detail or nuance about the particulars of drawing from different parts of your arms. In a professional setting, should you ONLY draw from your shoulders? Is it considered the most professional and favorable part of you arm to train? or is there more to it than that?

Is it good to be able to draw from all 3 anchors for different kinds of details? is there even moments where you might do something in between, like flicks of the wrist while motioning with your shoulder at the same time? Does it change anything if you’re drawing digital vs. traditional?

I’ve always been completely against learning to draw with my shoulders because it felt uncomfortable and the first person to ever try to teach me was an art teacher in high school who was kind of a bully and rather condescending towards his students, which made it hard to trust his advice as wholly helpful. Better late than never I guess, but because I didn’t develop any mindfulness about arm posture/technique as a child, I have practically no experience drawing from anything but my wrist.

If you have any tips or insights, especially if art is your profession, I’d love to hear them.

13:27 UTC


Artist abandon their artstyle can I adopt it instead

Artist change their style and distance themselves from it, can I adopt it and put my own flair on since the original artist no longer uses that style and deleted all art that has it

13:00 UTC


Bedtime Inspiration

Do you ever just lay down, about to fall asleep and suddenly a piece comes to your mind? Like on whichever medium you work with (or maybe something new), it just shows up and you can see it in your mind and you're like, "holy crap, I need to draw that asap!" BUT you know you can't at the moment for whatever reason (work soon/too tired/ect). What do you do? Sometimes these ideas come to me as I'm about to fall asleep and some of them I still remember but some, I don't anymore which sucks. How do you manage with this?

10:33 UTC


Just hit 50+ views on my second video on my art channel

That's it

I know it's a small number but damm I feel so proud of myself 🙏🏼

10:14 UTC


Can I make art without experience.

Can I call myself an artist when I don’t know what I’m doing most of the time. But sometimes the work I do just sometimes works. I have good taste because I admire other peoples work a lot through Pinterest but I didn’t make a lot of art that’s why I’m not good. But because I look at other peoples art a lot I have develop some basic ideas of the proportions, colours, etc. of how it works. That’s why when I gave my ideas to the lecturer he always agrees with me EVENTHO I DONT MAKE ART LIKE 95% of my life. But now that I’m a graphic design student I think my work is genuinely not that bad… surprisingly. Most of the time idk what I’m doing. But if I look at my work then if it works then it works. Weirdly.

09:53 UTC

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