
Photograph via snooOG

Taxation is the most dangerous, morally reprehensible institution since Slavery.

Death, Surveillance, Cronyism. This is what your taxes pay for.

Mission Statement

Document that Taxation is the most dangerous, morally reprehensible institution since Slavery

Every subscriber counts.

I Would Rather Be without a State than without a Voice — Edward Snowden

#1 Pay your taxes, the men with guns mean business!

#2 Posts MUST be Anti-Tax

#3 Comments are unrestricted

#4 DON'T advocate Tax Protest

Those who recognize a small crime as such, but do not recognize the wickedness of the greatest crime of all cannot distinguish right and wrong.

— Mozi

Related Videos

Political Irrationality

Dylan Ratigan's Epic Rant

Top Marginal Tax Rates

Federal Income Tax

Gasoline Taxes

Taxation is Obsolete

I'm Allowed to Rob You!

The Jones Plantation

Story of Your Enslavement

Recommended Reading

Political Authority - Huemer

Tao Te Ching

Pretense of Knowledge

Machinery of Freedom

The Road to Serfdom

The Law - Bastiat

Anatomy of the State

Anarchy and the Law

Executive Order 6102

Executive Order 2015-04-01

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The recognition of the insuperable limits to his knowledge ought indeed to teach the student of society a lesson of humility which should guard him against becoming an accomplice in men's fatal striving to control society — a striving which makes him not only a tyrant over his fellows, but which may well make him the destroyer of a civilization which no brain has designed but which has grown from the free efforts of millions of individuals.

F. A. Hayek

Anarchism is not a romantic fable but the hardheaded realization, based on five thousand years of experience, that we cannot entrust the management of our lives to kings, priests, politicians, generals, and county commissioners.

— Edward Abbey

Act for the people’s benefit. Trust them; leave them alone.

Stop trying to control. Let go of fixed plans and concepts, and the world will govern itself.

Violence, even well intentioned, always rebounds upon oneself.

— Lao Tzu


415 Subscribers


Need help.

I'm a felon. It's been 10 years. They still try and tax me even though I can't carry a weapon to protect myself and my family, can't vote, own property, or get a passport. I shouldn't have to pay for these to be reinstated when they weren't able to be taken. I've put exempt on my w4 for these reasons. The 8th amendment. Article 1 section 9 No taxation without representation, tell me if I'm wrong.

23:30 UTC


I'll pay taxes when the US starts putting out lists of every single thing they spend the money on. Not gonna pay for some superweapon in area 51 without the people at least knowing about it. No more government secrets

16:49 UTC


income tax tax3100

20:46 UTC


Anti Tax Pins and Patch Project

Hello friends! I am producing some TAXATION IS THEFT patches and pins, but I need your help. All I need is a handful of donors and we can have these produced! $8 for a pin and $6 for a patch now, after its funded those prices will go up 2 bucks. If you dont have any money now, you can help by sharing the link or donate $2 i'll use it later toward future purchases. I waned to produce something we can wear and start provocative conversations with. I originally produced www.facebook.com/voluntaryismbracelets back in 2011, and this is my latest expirament in promoting libertarianism through merchandise.

If this is something you like to see, and want to see more of- please share it with liberty minded people and communities and lets spread the message.


12:50 UTC


Practical methods to cut out the IRS

Hi guys, here are some PRACTICAL methods to defraud the IRS.

  1. Use cash (and only cash)
  2. Use electronic currencies. Bitcoin is a start. Some others that are good are iota, verge, monero and zcash.
  3. Barter.
  4. Start a farm and become self sufficient.
  5. Create a nonclassical living cooperative. How does this work? The government taxes things like land transfer. Well, what if the land was never legally transferred and instead was loaned in perpetuity for a price in bitcoin? By considering each property a loan instead of a sale, one can easily extend a chain of ownership that prevents taxation for transactions. Because the payments are ina privacy currency like iota, monero, or zcash, the transaction is untraceable, off the books, and immune to audit. Furthermore, if the loaning entity is a smart contract written on the ethereum network, the courts can go fuck themselves. Code is law, and when private property is owned by a smart contract, all the rights of a property holder can be enforced.

Where can you learn about these concepts in more detail? /r ethereum for the smart contracts, /r iota and /r bitcoin and /r zcash for the alternate monies.

If anyone would be interested in pooling resources to buy a piece of land, and bind it to a smart contract, I would be down. By doing this and cutting out the irs we can live free of those assholes. Nobody makes any income, but everyone has enough to live, it would be a capitalist/ cooperative/ open commons society.

02:51 UTC


No one pays taxes.

We don't pay taxes. A payment requires consent. Taxation occurs regardless of your consent. You can't really consent to things that will happen regardlessly. Taxes are not paid. They are surrendered

Please stop saying that you, or anyone pays taxes.


1 Comment
13:47 UTC


Becoming an uffaffiliated conservative Amish Mennonite

I read on the IRS's website there is a condition where I can be exempt from paying social security because of my religious affiliation. Unfortunately there are no locations in my state, but i am curious about what it takes to prove my religious affiliation? I am willing to fly in to participating states, become inducted into their church, make a donation or essential anything i have to do. Can a CPA here explain more specifically what proof or minimum participation I need to be a unaffiliated conservative amish mennonite? Also to my albeit limited understanding, I am still allowed to use electricity and electronics within this denomination.

18:45 UTC


Opting out of Taxes?

rathbonezvizionz also has this gem on opting out of taxes, how taxes are exactly like slavery (probably worse). please feel free to comment where you think he is wrong or agree or follow!


17:20 UTC


Understanding Taxpayers

Hey everyone, I just wanted to jump in here and throw my two cents in, but it seems this guy I found says it better than I can!


17:09 UTC


where did all my money go?

The most ridiculous facts about taxes that prove the absurdity of handing over this much power to a select few

If you order a bagel to go in New York it’s tax free, unless it is sliced for you

In Texas, until 2003, purchases of 5 donuts or less were tax exempt, but 6 or more were not

Chicago’s tax on candy is five times the rate of normal food

Body Piercing and Tattoo Tax: Arkansas Taxes

Despite millions in profits and revenue, the NFL, NHL, and PGA Tour are classified as non-profits, exempting their earnings from federal income taxes

​ If you live in Alabama, you have to pay 0.10 for each deck of cards that you buy.

​Durham, NC charges a $10 tax for each pet you own that is spayed or neutered and $75 for each pet that is not clipped.​

read more at libertytruthbomb.com

1 Comment
14:07 UTC


Talks@GoldmanSachs: the Evolution of Bitcoin, Balaji Srinivasan

22:03 UTC


The Machinery Of Freedom: Illustrated summary (An alternative to taxation)

1 Comment
17:07 UTC

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