
Photograph via snooOG

Welcome to /r/althistory, the alternate history subreddit! Here you can discuss alternate history matters, whether they be books, essays, TV shows, movies, or podcasts.

Common Acronyms and Phrases:

  • AH stands for Alternate History.
  • WI stands for What If.
  • OTL stands for Our Time Line, history as it happened.
  • ATL stands for Alternate Time Line
  • POD stands for Point Of Divergence or the point at which a fictional timeline diverges from OTL.
  • ASB stands for Alien Space Bats, referring to alternate history so implausible it would have required the intervention of "alien space bats."
  • ISOT stands for Island in the Sea of Time, the S.M. Sterling novel which popularized the idea of transporting people and places to a different time period. ISOTs are, by their nature, always ASB.
  • DBWI stands for Double-Blind What-If, where OTL history is examined from an AH perspective. ex: "What if the Soviets put the first man in space?" asks a character from a timeline where the USA put the first man in space.
  • The butterfly effect, where small changes accrue over time to significantly alter events.
  • Counterfactual histories, the scholarly version of alternate history.
  • Wank, refers to when a nation is made unrealistically powerful.
  • Scew, the opposite of a wank.

Related Subreddits:

  • /r/HistoryWhatIf: An alternate history subreddit dedicated exclusively to answering traditional what-if questions.
  • /r/AskHistorians: Direct any questions about actual history to this excellent sub.


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What if it had been the Europeans who were infected with disease when they came to a America instead of the Native Smericans?

1 Comment
11:22 UTC


What if the Fertile Crescent was a Sea?

How could this have impacted history, cultures, languages, climates/the weather, technological developments, social dynamics, economics, demographics, politics, geography/geopolitics, prehistory, protohistory, civilizations, religions, plant life, animals, fashion/clothing, cuisines, writing systems, etc?


In this alternate timeline: Mesopotamia wouldn't exist, Carthage/the Phoenicians would not exist, the Babylonians & Assyrian civilization wouldn't exist and the Levant wouldn't exist so Sumer and other civilizations there are butterflied away, Egypt would be more isolated from Middle East except for the Hejaz region in Arabia and the North Arabians & Western Iranians would have developed shipbuilding/boatbuilding as well as fishing cultures. Perhaps some North Arabians would have become the Vikings of this ''fertile crescent'' sea or Crescent Sea... Anyways, I can some Arabians raiding into Egypt and occasionally establishing new Dynasties there and there might be more Arabians too in this alternate Sinai as well. In the Bronze Age, instead of Indus-Mesopotamia relations we would see Indus Valley-Dimun relations instead especially with maritime trade being more prominent. The piece of land that connects Arabia to the Iranian Plateau (let's call it the ''Kuwaiti Corridor'' would be a place for technological and cultural exchanges from mainland West Asia to the Arabian Peninsula to happen and perhaps a Battle of Thermopylae-esque battle might happen at some point there once an Expansionist Iranian Empire like the Achaemenid Empire arrives and clashes with the Arabs in a series of wars I would call the ''Perso-Arabian Wars''. The Monotheistic Abrahamic Religions would either be delayed or just never exist at all, so the Jews would either for example reside in Arabia or be butterflied out of this timeline. Also Southern Anatolia, the Indus Valley and Western Iran would be predominant as centers of civilization

09:47 UTC


What if India was given Dominion status during the interwar era?

So I know a lot of people are saying that the reason India wasn't given Dominionship was because of a combination of greed and racism. However, given the growing sympathy for the people of India, the post-war economic recession Britain was going through and the sacrifices India had made in WW1, what if India was given Dominion/Home Rule status on the grounds that they had earned it for their contributions to the British War Effort and that it was becoming to expensive to maintain as a colony? What conditions/factors would be necessary to make this scenario possible?

And if it is possible how would Dominion status be implemented? Would it be gradual or an immediate process? Would the Indian princes get any say in the new government [Like their own House of Lords]? Would reforms be made to the Indian Civil Service (ICS)? And how would the new government be structured to represent India’s various cultures and religions?

02:06 UTC


What if the Itza Mayan Kingdoms of the Peten Basin and Belize became British protectorates? How would they develop economically, socially, and politically under British rule?

So in the OTL, the Spanish conquered the last of the Mayan Kingdoms of the Peten Basin (Ex: Tayasal) and Belize in the 16th century.

But what if the British placed the Mayan Kingdoms of these regions, under their protection? And in return they would provide logwood, mahogany, and other agricultural products? How would they develop economically, socially, and politically under British rule?


Spanish conquest of Petén - Wikipedia

Nojpetén - Wikipedia

18:26 UTC


Where does Earth restart from?

If civilization was destroyed due to ice age, nuclear winter, disease or the internet, which countries would bring civilization back first?

17:58 UTC


What if the Island of Great Britain didn't Exist?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Britain (What if the Island of Great Britain didn't Exist today?)

POD -A geological event, perhaps a catastrophic earthquake or a prolonged period of intense erosion, could have caused the landmass that is now Great Britain to submerge beneath the sea in prehistory.

Without Britain; Spain, France, the Netherlands, Germany and also Ireland would be more powerful in European geopolitics and global politics, so perhaps France would be the first European country to industrialize. I am not sure if Ireland would be a prominent colonial power on par with the British, but I do think they would have more influence of course on the world plus they would likely follow Celtic Christianity. Portugal wouldn't exist and France would unify earlier without the Hundred Years War. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celtic_Christianity

14:16 UTC


Completely hypothetical post WW3 map im working on for a writing project

Have near to zero knowledge of the actual socio-geopolitical climate of most of these regions just went my own route here. Been doing a lot of world building in my free time and wanted to get some peoples thoughts on this one.


00:42 UTC


What if the Kingdom of Mutapa survived and Modernized?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Mutapa (Have Mutapa survive till the Present - The Mwenemutapa endures until today) To survive and hopefully thrive: Mutapa would need to adapt by completely consolidating it's political structure to avoid infighting/civil wars in the future, maintained control over it's gold mines, adopt guns and cannons on mass, avoid vassalage to the Rozvi Empire, beat back the Portuguese and diversify it's economy for example to include agriculture, trade, and potentially manufacturing. With a strong economy and strategic location, Mutapa could have become a dominant force in Southern Africa. Mutapa might have evolved into a constitutional monarchy, balancing traditional leadership with modern governance. Mutapa just like the Ethiopian Empire would also be a hotbed for anti-colonialism/anti-european imperialist resistance in the 20th century which would increase it's prestige on the continent of Africa role in promoting pan-African solidarity and cooperation. Mutapa would have largely preserved it's traditions and perhaps it could also focus on education and human development so that it could have a highly skilled population and a strong knowledge economy in the modern era. Also a longer lasting Mutapa Kingdom or Mutapa Empire could or would have revived the tradition of stone buildings and constructed impressive cities, now known as 'zimbabwes', throughout it's territory like the Rozvi Kings did - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rozvi\_Empire#Technology\_and\_economy.

How cold history, politics, technological advancement, international relations, economic development, demographics, etc be affected in this alternate timeline? https://eu4.paradoxwikis.com/Mutapa

11:33 UTC


What if the Maratha Confederacy centralized, survived and Industrialized?

In this ATL, the Maratha Confederacy is able to maintain internal sociopolitical stability, beat back the Afghans permanently and it undergoes an Industrial Revolution and fully industrializes with earlier precedent from the Mughal Empire's economy. How could this have affected the Indian Subcontinent's socio-economic development, history, international relations, cultures, demographics, politics, etc? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maratha_Confederacy / https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proto-industrialization / https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_the_Mughal_Empire#Industrial_manufacturing

This would make Maratha India one of the most technologically advanced societies & one of the most militarily powerful as well on Earth, maybe they could have re-conquered Bengal and South India from the British/French/Portuguese/Dutch too unifying at least most of South Asia. Perhaps it would also sell mass-manufactured goods to China, the Middle East and Europeans.

23:30 UTC


My alt Just WW2 and could war

Hi guys i want to propose a althist scenario and take some of your ideias(be Warned this is my First althist scenario so It Will suck,also i'm not a Native english speaker so pls forgive any misspelling)so everything starts in 1920 right after The Treaty of Versailles is signed and everything in this alternate Versailles is The same except that Germany(Weimar Republic)was allowed to conduct a referendum on Weather or not Austria should Join Germany,with overwhelming austrian Support for The annexation,so The (Weimar Republic(w.r)succesfully annexates austria,except that Italy and expecially France(and somewhat poland and czechoslovakia)Begin to get anxious about This alternate anchluss and a militarist regime starts to gain away in France and in 1925(led by Phillipe petain) They launch a coup and Win and They Ally themselves with facist Italy(Italy is also anxious since They Control South tyrol witch contains germans)and They form The Axis,so anybody got any ideas on where to follow next up?

02:07 UTC


What if Saudi Arabia used their Sovreign wealth funds to diversify their economy in the 70s and the 80s? (FAR Timeline)

In For All Mankind, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia falls into civil war as a result of fusion energy replacing fossil fuels. But then I remembered that Saudi Arabia has a Sovreign Wealth Fund called the PIF and the . A Sovereign Wealth Fund is a state-owned investment fund that uses it surplus revenues, or in Saudi Arabia's case its extra revenue from the sale of oil, to invest in the stock market, commodities, real estate, and other industries. In the OTL, the fund was used to expand the country's oil industry. But what if they saw the writing on the wall and used the PIF to diversify their economy instead? For example, instead of expanding the oil industry they could invest in space tourism and space mining. They could also expand their finance industry and invest in real estate, stocks, and sports teams among other things. How would it affect their economic development?

11:19 UTC


What if the usa had Muti parties?

21:36 UTC


What if North America and South America swapped Locations?

How would this affect history, cultures, languages, technological developments, social dynamics, economics, demographics, politics, geography/geopolitics, prehistory/protohistory, civilizations, religions, plant life, animals, fashion/clothing, cuisines, writing systems, etc be changed? etc? I was inspired by this video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUhgOyKByWY (Alternate History: Swapped Continents)

North America would become a predominantly tropical and subtropical continent, with significant portions covered by rainforest and savanna. And there would be more rainfall and temperatures would be generally higher. Perhaps a massive North American tropical rainforest would exist like the Amazon rainforest of our world. Meanwhile, South America would be more temperate and colder with the continent having glacial regions in the North of South America that is closer to the Artic.

20:52 UTC


What if the Oyo Empire became an Expansionist Gunpowder Empire?

(''The Great Alaafin strikes forward'' alternate history)




What if the Oyo Empire became a gunpowder empire like the Safavids or Ottomans with muskets and cannons? The Oyo Empire starts manufacturing their own guns and cannons led by a Nader Shah-calibre Alaafin which rapidly expands the Oyo Empire to encompass all of Southern Nigeria and Central Nigeria plus all of Benin/parts of Niger & Burkina Faso. How could history, politics, international relations, etc be affected in West Africa while preventing any revolts from Dahomey from occurring? This Alaafin adds artillery units fully into the military of the Oyo Empire and drilled musketeer units as well.

17:44 UTC


What if Sri Lanka was a Rich High-Income Nation today, in the 21st Century?

How would history, politics, international relations and economic development be like? In this timeline, Sri Lanka became a rich high-income country after ww2 being dubbed the ''South Asian Golden Lion'' with the country experiencing a post-war economic miracle like Japan due to proper economic management and the government of Sri Lanka's industrial policies. This also transforms Sri Lanka into the Taiwan of South Asia in terms of technological advancement. I am guessing this could also mean that Sri Lanka would be a generally neutral nation in global politics to secure it's access to both Chinese, Russian and American markets for trade kinda like Singapore. Considering that it was comparable to Japan in terms of economic development, I think it being a High-Income country is fairly probable.



16:28 UTC


What if the Caspian and Black Seas swapped Locations? [ASB]

What if they switched places? How could histories, politics, demographics, international relations, animals, plant life, etc be affected by this? The Black Sea would be completely landlocked while the alternate Caspian would be connected to the Aegean Sea and Mediterranean sea.

11:35 UTC


What if Australia and the Caribbean Islands switched Places? [ASBWI]

Alien space bats, what if scenario -

how could history, animals, plant life, demographics, international relations, climates, and politics, animals, geography, etc change? In terms of geography; Australia: Tropical and subtropical climate, with high humidity and frequent rainfall. The Great Barrier Reef would become a Caribbean feature, while the Outback would be replaced by lush rainforests and islands.

  • Caribbean: Temperate climate with four distinct seasons. The islands would become arid and mountainous, with deserts and scrubland replacing beaches and coral reefs. These islands, now located in the Southern Hemisphere, would experience colder temperatures, especially during winter. Their tropical ecosystems would likely be disrupted, potentially leading to changes in biodiversity.
  • Australia - Kangaroos, koalas, wombats, and other marsupials would likely struggle to adapt to the Caribbean's tropical climate and predators. Conversely, Caribbean animals like iguanas, parrots, and monkeys might thrive in Australia's temperate climate. The continent, now situated in the tropical Atlantic Ocean, would experience significantly higher temperatures and humidity. Its arid interior could become more lush, while coastal areas might face increased hurricane activity.
  • The history of Australia would be significantly altered. European colonization could have occurred earlier or later, depending on the availability of resources and the perceived value of the land.
  • Economics:-
  • Australia: The Australian economy would likely become more reliant on tourism and agriculture, with a focus on tropical fruits and crops. The mining industry might be less significant due to the lack of mineral resources in the Caribbean.
  • Caribbean: The islands might have developed a colder climate economy, perhaps focusing on industries like fishing and mining. Their political relationships could be more closely tied to Southeast Asia and South Asia (the Indian Subcontinent).
11:11 UTC


If Germany had of won WW2, would they have gotten the AK?

Hey everyone, Its a bit of a weird question but one I've been pondering for awhile. If Germany won the second world war and occupied Eastern Europe (Russia) Would Mikhail Kalashnikov still designed the AK or would he have been killed? Furthermore, would Hugo Schmeisser simply continue the development of the StG-44 and Mikhail Kalashnikov never get the chance to present his final rifle?

Personally, I don't think Mikhail Kalashnikov would design a rifle for Germany given that he would have been named an enemy of the state and considering his personal experience fighting in the battle of Bryansk.

Interested to hear your opinions. Thanks.

1 Comment
04:40 UTC


If the Byzantine Empire survived, how would it be affected by the Age of Discovery?

So I have been wondering, if the Byzantine Empire, one that had its 1025 borders and Armenia, was able to survive past 1453, how would it be affected by the Age of Discovery?

I mean I imagine that the Western European Kingdoms (Catholic) would seek alternate routes to Asia rather than rely on land routes that were monopolized by Kingdoms with religions (Orthodox and Muslim) that they were at odds with.

So assuming, this still happens how would the Byzantine Empire be affected? Would they:

A) Fall into decline, and eventually be absorbed by a Muslim dynasty/Kingdom?

B) Fall into decline, and eventually be absorbed by the Russia?

C) Shake this off and replace Austria as the Dominant power in the region.

11:13 UTC


What if the Native Americans had a Napoleon-like Military and Political Leader?

What if the Native Americans had a Napoleon-like military leader to resist European colonization? How could this have impacted history, cultures, languages, technological developments, social dynamics, economics, demographics, politics, and geography/geopolitics? A Napoleon-like figure could have consolidated disparate Native American tribes into a powerful, unified force, making their resistance far more effective. Employing Napoleonic tactics, such as rapid deployment, concentration of force, and decisive battles, could have significantly altered the course of European colonization. A successful resistance could have led to the establishment of a powerful Native American empire, potentially spanning portions of North America. A strong, centralized leadership could have fostered a sense of pan-indigenous identity, strengthening cultural ties across different Native American tribes and First Nations. Furthermore, a more successful resistance could have altered the demographic landscape of the Americas, with Native American populations remaining larger and more influential. For instance imagine if Tecumseh* was such a Napoleon-like military figure. In conclusion, the hypothetical existence of a Napoleon-like military leader among the Native Americans is a fascinating thought experiment. While it is impossible to say definitively how history would have unfolded, it is clear that such a figure could have had a profound impact on the course of colonization, the development of indigenous cultures, and the overall geopolitical landscape of the Americas. I have always found this to be a very interesting alternate history scenario. might be viewed as a ''Native American Emperor'' as well. I think this alternate history would also make Tecumseh's brother's ''Purification'' religious movement more legitimate in the eyes of the First Nations and Native American peoples of North America. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tenskwatawa
I think this is pretty interesting, even though it's sadly unrealistic for the Native Americans/First Nations. But yeah, what do you guys think would happened? The country he founds could be called ''Confederacy of Lalewethikani'' and let's say it's people (citizens) would be called ''Tecumsians'', while such an important figure would be viewed as a Jesus-Napoleon hybrid person. I am guessing his conflicts with the Europeans would be named ''Tecumsian Wars''.


22:02 UTC


What if the Tamil Tigers won the Sri Lankan Civil War?


The most immediate consequence would have been the establishment of an independent Tamil state, Tamil Eelam, in the northern and eastern parts of Sri Lanka. This would have fundamentally reshaped the political map of the Indian subcontinent. The victory of the Tamil Tigers would have solidified Tamil identity and culture, potentially leading to a resurgence of Tamil nationalism in other parts of the world. Also the international community would have faced a difficult decision regarding whether or not to recognize Tamil Eelam.

19:15 UTC

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