
Photograph via snooOG

A community of 3ds Max users. Feel free to ask for help, post projects you're working on, link to helpful tips or tutorials for others, or just generally discuss all things max.

A community of 3DS Max users. Feel free to ask for help, post projects you're working on, link to helpful tips or tutorials for others, or just generally discuss all things max.

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Atmospheres & effects

I'm trying to place a fire effect using the atmospheres & effects with a sphere gizmo. When I'm trying to check an image of a render I can't see any fire effect. But opening a new project and just trying to place the effect; checking the render would show up a fire effect.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

06:07 UTC


Where to start learning?


I’m finishing to study interior design and i want to learn 3DMAX. I will take a course on this but it only starts in October. Until then i would like to learn in YouTube or something. I think i will be able to get free license because im a student at the school where i will take the 3d max course.

I need to learn from zero to hero.

Thank you.

19:53 UTC


RAM or processor focus?

Obviously higher on both is optimal but, if it comes to budget, what should I beef up more? Side question, HP, Acer, or Lenovo?

19:00 UTC


3Ds Max crashes while running script

I need to run this code on multiple files. But sometimes it crashes and 3Ds Max closes ending my loop. I tried the try-catch statement but it didn't work.

Can anyone please guide me?

function turnToPoly = (
	for obj in geometry do (
		if isKindOf obj GeometryClass do
			local turnToPolyMod = Turn_to_Poly()
			turnToPolyMod.removeMidEdgeVertices = off
			turnToPolyMod.keepConvex = on
			addModifier obj turnToPolyMod

13:58 UTC


3ds max 2025 FloorGenerator

I just instaled 3ds max 2025 to learn the program for achitecture, but i cant find the FloorGenerator plugin for the 2025 version. Have you found any workarrounds for it to work? Should I just wait for the plugin update or should I instal the 2024 version in the mean time?

13:40 UTC


Pivot orientation is glitching!

Hi all, when i try to move an object and i hover with the mouse on the pivot, the orientation changes, lets say i want to move the object by Y (on top view), the moment i hover with the mouse on it to click it it changes to some other orientation like X. It happens on every option of the Reference Coordinate System. Sometimes it fixes itself after couple tries and sometimes it doesn't.

11:00 UTC


Merging Scene States

Maybe anyone knowing how to export Scene states in new scene?

09:54 UTC


Arnold and Super Spray Particle System

Can I use Super Spray Particle System with Arnold?

02:43 UTC


Why is my render taking incredibly long amount of time?

I'm using light mix in my scene, and can't choose irradiance map. My first render try took over 11 hours and still not done. With these settings:

Render elements: Vray back to beauty, light mix and vray denoiser.

width: 2500x1406

Image sampler: Bucket

Min shading rate: 24

Max subdivs: 10

I remember I still got low quality and I tried increasing the subdivs and edited some numbers, also increased subdivs in light cache I got the perfect quality but that doesn't help with the time.

I tried changing into: 6 max subdivs and 1000 subdivs in light cache...

When I reduce certain numbers, I get noise and lower quality (even though I'm selecting Vray denoiser) -also, does the denoiser work WITH the render process or Afterwards?-

What can I do to reduce the time and still have good image quality?

The main problem is the render time

I got confused about what the best settings are and No matter what I change it still takes a huge time.


noise after adjusting some settings to reduce the time (which got less, but still too long time)

14:03 UTC


Niche in a wall

I am totally lost, I try to make a small niche in a wall in 3ds Max. I am new to this whole 3d modelling and I find it super frustrating. My professor wants us to use wall making option instead of creating it from lines or boxes. And I tried boolean, which does something strange and makes the whole wall object like a part of the box I created to substract? But doesn't cut nothing. I tried proBoolean which just gives me "not a valid boolean object" notification and deletes the box. I have no idea how to do it. I looked for tips everywhere, google, youtube, but there is no info how to do it on a "wall" object.


This is what I want to recreate



This is what happens when I try boolean.

I just need some help how can I do this properly.

22:50 UTC


3dsmax + Corona renderer

Where can I learn intermediate to advance 3d modelling in 3dsmax + Corona renderer? I’m looking for a course, I’ve tried learning through YouTube but not very successful

09:15 UTC


Scene load error - not showing all geometry unless I click it, it happend to me in all versions, currently in 2024. Normaly I fix it by restarting max 1 or 2 times but it's annoying. Anyone knows how to fix it? Thanks

10:52 UTC


Architectural Animation - An Animated Cinematic Film

09:03 UTC


Helmet looks very rough in render(vray) but looks fine in viewport.

09:02 UTC


Quicksilver render issues - 3ds max 2024


I recently upgraded from 3ds Max 2020 to 3ds Max 2024 and I'm encountering an issue with the Quicksilver renderer. Whenever I attempt to render, the application freezes, even though the same renderer with identical settings would complete in about 20 seconds on my laptop using Max 2020.

I suspect there might be a configuration issue. Could anyone assist me in resolving this problem?

I've attached a screenshot showing the stage at which 3ds Max usually freezes. The resolution is quite high, but as mentioned, it was not a problem with Max 2020.

Thank you in advance!

15:25 UTC


How to model this?

Hi guys, I see sth really cool in an evermotion file. Anybody knows how the geometry is done?Do they use some other programs and then retopology in 3dsmax?


15:15 UTC


Does anyone have this book and CD ROM?

I'm trying to find someone with this book and CD-ROM because I wrote a tutorial that was on disc and I'd like to put it on my website. Does anyone have it?


22:54 UTC


Pilgrim Clothes

I am looking for someone that can create a set of clothes for a Pilgrim that I will be 3D printing.

I will need a Jacket waist length and one Thigh length

A pair of pants like the photo

A pair of Shoes

Please contact me with an idea of costs and time from

21:00 UTC


Drag select is not showing a selection box

Im very new to the 3ds software and ive gotten an issue where wheen i drag select i cant see any dotted line selection box. Ive already reset my software to the default template. Im able to select stuff by drag clicking i just cant see the box of what im selecting

Edit: i imported my work onto a new session of 3DS max and it works now. Not sure why it was bugging like that

19:54 UTC


Importing animation as additive - Help Wanted

I wanted to produce a still pose from an existing object from a middle game, so I exported the animations it uses. However, for human faces it uses additive animation (all various face types are additive, for ease of work). Both are exported as .fbx. My idea was to import the baseline animation first, to then somehow usiny animation layers add the additive bits.

However, there are two issues I face. First, every time I try to import or merge the additive animation file with the baseline animation, it outright replaces the baseline, despite me selecting another layer. I can't quite figure it out. And second... I am only assuming at this point, but even if the additive animation were to be imported, it would move bones to the positions it has, rather than add the coordinates from additive to the baseline animation.

I don't quite know how to approach the situation; my skill is lacking. Any help would be appreciated. I'll provide any additional information that would be necessary ASAP.

18:46 UTC


Turbosmooth issue

Hello 3dsmax community!

The Turbosmooth modifier randomly renders this mess.

Is it common for Turbosmooth to have this issue? Should I abandon this modifier?

15:40 UTC


OSL code for retroreflective surface

i wrote some useful code to create a retroreflective material effect in OSL. you attach the output to the Normal map input of your material. don't expect it to work great in blender.

// This is a retro reflectance normal map shader
// For Arnold Materials you can plug the World space normal output directly into the Arnold Normal input
// For use with Tanget space shaders such as 3dsmax PBR shaders, you can use the Tangent Space output node, plug this directly into the normal map slot
// For blender Users , use the Blender world space output. BLender uses the same world space, but the Camera incident input is reversed for their implementation of OSL
// For blender users, the Tangent Map input may or may not work correctly, just mix your tangent maps using other nodes in blender(weakly tested at this time)
// this is version 1.0 of this shader, and uses a simplified normal map mixing method.
// this shader is a bit of a hack, it does not properly respect GI calculations or Caustics, it is useful for effects such as road reflectors
// You may do whatever you want with this code except copyright and sell it
// some remarked code is there for testing and can be safely removed
// this is version 1.0 of the code and it seems to work correctly at least for arnold, and PBR materials in 3dsmax

// Nick

shader Rertro_Reflector_Normal_map

	// normal map to retro mixer

    color clr = color(0.5, 0.5, 1)[[ string label = "Tangent Normal Map"]],  // Input parameter: Color for computation
    float Mix = 1.0 [[ string label = "retrorflectivy mix amount)", float min=0.0, float max=1.0 ]],
    output vector wsnblender = 0.0[[string label = "Blender World Space Normal"]],
    output vector WorldSpaceNormal = 0.0[[string label = "World Space Normal"]], // Output parameter: Vector to be returned by the shader
    output vector TangentSpaceNormal = 0.0[[string label = "Tangent Space Normal"]],
    output vector TanGentSpaceNormalUSD = 0.0[[string label = "Tanget remapped USD node"]]
	// Compute cc based on the input color
    vector cc = (clr * 2) - 1;
    // vector mixedWS = mix(A, B, clamp(Mix,0.0,1.0));    
    // vector Sn = N;  // Set Sn to the normal N
    // Calculate Tangent and Bitangent
    vector T = normalize(dPdu);  // Tangent vector
    vector B = normalize(cross(T, N));  // Bitangent vector
    // hack that smooths out normals, but is not completely accurate
    T = normalize(cross(N,B));
    B = normalize(cross(T,N));
    vector cam = -I;
    vector camBlender = -cam;
    vector Tn = normalize(dPdu);
    vector Bn = normalize(cross(Tn,N));
    // magic redefineing Tn from N, and Bn that makes things smooth for some reason
    Tn = normalize(cross(N,Bn));
    Bn = normalize(cross(Tn, N));

    // Create TBN matrix
    matrix TBN = matrix(
        T.x, T.y, T.z, 0,
        B.x, B.y, B.z, 0,
        N.x, N.y, N.z, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 1
    matrix TBN2 = matrix(
        Tn.x, Tn.y, Tn.z, 0,
        Bn.x, Bn.y, Bn.z, 0,
        N.x, N.y, N.z, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 1
    TBN2 = transpose(TBN2);
    //TBN2 = transpose(TBN); yes I know I could have just used 1 matrix, and transposed it, but i was doing some debugging

    // Transform cc to world space
    vector ccWorld = transform(TBN, cc);
    vector mixedWS = normalize(mix(ccWorld, cam, clamp(Mix,0.0,1.0)));
   // Transform for Tangent Space
    vector camTan = normalize(transform(TBN2, cam));
    vector mixedTS = normalize(mix(cc, camTan, clamp(Mix, 0.0, 1.0)));
    color mixedTSC = (mixedTS+1)*0.5;
    // Mix for Blender world space and transformed Tangetspace map. Blender camera vector backwards.
    vector mixedWSBlender = normalize(mix(ccWorld, camBlender, clamp(Mix, 0.0, 1.0)));
    // Assign the transformed vector to the output parameter
    WorldSpaceNormal = mixedWS;
    // color mixedTS = mix(clr, camTan, clamp(Mix,0.0,1.0));
    TangentSpaceNormal = mixedTSC;
    TanGentSpaceNormalUSD = mixedTS;
    wsnblender = mixedWSBlender;

14:57 UTC


2024 Maxscript Error -- Need Help

This sub helped me write a script that worked fine in Max 2023. Since updating to Max 2024 it has stopped working. The script creates a modifier that points the object's normals toward a selected node. Any help is very much appreciated!

Here's the code:

plugin simpleMeshMod Retroreflector
	classID:#(0x6ce99f6f, 0x315dd71d)

	local compilerParams = 
		compilerParams = dotNetObject "System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters" #(
			getDir #maxRoot + "\\bin\\assemblies\\Autodesk.Max.Wrappers.dll",
			getDir #maxRoot + "\\Autodesk.Max.dll"
		compilerParams.CompilerOptions = "/optimize+"
		compilerParams.GenerateInMemory = true

	local compilerResults = (dotNetObject "Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider").CompileAssemblyFromSource compilerParams #("
		using System;
		using Autodesk.Max;
		using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
		using Wrappers = Autodesk.Max.Wrappers;	

		class MeshNormals {
			public static void SetNormalsConvergencePt(IntPtr mesh_pointer, IntPtr point3_pointer) {
				var mesh = (IMesh)Wrappers.CustomMarshalerMesh.GetInstance(string.Empty).MarshalNativeToManaged(mesh_pointer);
				var pt = (IPoint3)Wrappers.CustomMarshalerPoint3.GetInstance(string.Empty).MarshalNativeToManaged(point3_pointer);
				if (mesh.SpecifiedNormals == null)
				using (var normals = mesh.SpecifiedNormals) {
					if (mesh.GetFlag((uint)mesh.NormalsBuilt) == 0)

					for (int face = 0; face < mesh.NumFaces; face++) {
						for (int faceCorner = 0; faceCorner < 3; faceCorner++) {
							var vtxPos = mesh.Verts[(int)mesh.Faces[face].V[faceCorner]];
							normals.SetNormal(face, faceCorner, pt.Subtract(vtxPos));
	local meshNormals = compilerResults.CompiledAssembly.CreateInstance "MeshNormals"

	parameters main rollout:params ( centerObj type:#node useNodeTmValidity:on useNodeOsValidity:on ui:pbCenterObj; _dummy type:#maxObjectTab tabSizeVariable:on)
	rollout params "Parameters" ( pickButton pbCenterObj "Pick Object" autoDisplay:on; )

	on modifyMesh do if isValidNode centerObj do
		meshNormals.SetNormalsConvergencePt mesh (centerObj.pos * inverse owningNode.objectTransform)
	on postDisplay obj do
		if classof obj == Editable_Poly do
			deleteModifier obj (obj.numModifiers)
			local ca = obj.custAttributes["A Simple Normal Modifier"]
			if ca != undefined do
				obj.custAttributes.delete ca
	on attachedToNode node do if isValidNode node do
		append this._dummy (NodeTransformMonitor node:node)

It ran fine in Max 2023, but when I try to run it in Max 2024 I get this error:

-- Error occurred in anonymous codeblock; filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2024\Plugins\Retroreflector.ms; position: 2072; line: 48
-- MAXScript Scripted plugin local init Exception:
-- Runtime error: .NET runtime exception: Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\vfupllhf.dll' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
-- MAXScript callstack:
--	thread data: threadID:25244
--	------------------------------------------------------
--	[stack level: 0]
--	In filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2024\Plugins\Retroreflector.ms; position: 2073; line: 48
--	------------------------------------------------------
--	[stack level: 1]
--	called from top-level
-- Error occurred in anonymous codeblock; filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2024\Plugins\Retroreflector.ms; position: 2072; line: 48
-- MAXScript Scripted plugin local init Exception:
-- Runtime error: .NET runtime exception: Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\1ftmhw5k.dll' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
-- MAXScript callstack:
--	thread data: threadID:25244
--	------------------------------------------------------
--	[stack level: 0]
--	In filename: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2024\Plugins\Retroreflector.ms; position: 2073; line: 48
--	------------------------------------------------------
--	[stack level: 1]
--	called from top-level
14:20 UTC


Copying within an object

Is it possible to copy selected faces, without having to drag them? i need the copied facesd to be excactly where they are copied from, however , when shift+alt+drag, im moving the mesh around.

So in short, is it possible to copy selected faces, without translating the geometry?

12:53 UTC


Changing one value in an Instance?

Hello 3ds Max community!

In an attempt to make an semi automated process of asset creation I am creating 2 models one of them being a high poly and another the low poly using an instance so everything I do to it is replicated to the low poly. However for the effect I am creating the low poly needs to be subdivided once with TurboSmooth and in the high poly it needs to be TurboSmoothed with 5 or more iterations. And they need to be in the middle of the instance stack for this to work. Is there a way to disconnect this one value from the Instance? Or do I need to do this manually with parameter wiring?


Found a solution! Instead of instancing the whole object you instance per modifier, add an modifier to the stack that you want that isn't instanced. And paste the other modifiers as an instance afterwards.


00:45 UTC


Recent files in 2024

Does 2024 have a recent file window when it starts up like screenshot from 2017?


1 Comment
15:12 UTC


How to make details like this?

Hi guys, I see this detail in an image looking really nice. Anybody knows how it is done? Maybe blend material by using distance texture?


18:19 UTC

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