NA, only started happening after the new update.
They have more camo percentage or what? I recall it was 2% for those poor mans styles.
I cannot for the life of me make this tank work. I feel like this tank is at it's best when it can be patient with it's shots and rack up damage slowly because it doesn't have the dpm/raw damage capabilities that other tier 8 tds have.
My gun mark has hovered around 94% and back to 90% and I just can't seem to play consistently enough to 3 mark it because of the commonly found quick games at tier 8 where you have little to no chance to do any damage because everyone switches to mindless brawling mode.
It doesn't help that the drop-off is huge and even doing 2k damage will still make you lose 0.3% MOE
Due to the gun being mounted at the front this tank SUCKS in close quarters, you'll commonly overswing your gun causing you to miss and worst of all when you're playing around teammates you'll bump into them/they'll bump into you when you're trying to aim at targets completely throwing off your aim
I feel I can play around all of the above and my average damage is a consistent + or - 2k but I still can't manage to 3 mark this thing
Oh and don't get me started on the people who will yolo rush you and with HE rounds throwing their entire tanks in the process
Is this a skill issue or is the tank just bad?
When do we get the Badge, style and other prizes
I was playing until the very end of the Mirny Babylon event, and when my last battle ended, the event was no longer there.
I would like to read through the reels I didn't get to see yet, is there a way to do so? If not, has anyone recorded and posted them somewhere?
I have made the last 160bulbs at 1:01 and the whole f*cking game mode ended
So i dont have the tank even tho i have played the whole day
I continue to get pounded in most games. What is the point of having a very accurate gun with a great rate of fire when I will typically get only one or two shots off before I am spotted and destroyed due to its short range.
Ищешь активный клан с дружелюбной атмосферой? В Steel Pride мы рады каждому, кто хочет играть, побеждать и общаться! 🎉
🕑 Набор открыт на 3 месяца – не упусти шанс стать частью Steel Pride! ⏳
📆 Важно: Приглашаем очень активных бойцов для участия в клановых манёврах с 4 ноября. Покажи свои навыки в масштабных боях!
или valeriy17
– всегда на связи! 🤝I was genuinely fired up at this performance, only to realize it was bots. I was wondering why my team was so damn clueless, but this explains it. Replay link in case anyone wants to see an IS7 abuse some bots and STILL LOSE.
Specifically the Kuromorimine style from the GuP event, I already have one on my Jagdpanther but wonder if I should get a second one with points to apply it to another tank as well. Is that even possible?
The game looks prettier! It looks pretty good not gonna lie. At a first glance the tank diversity is also pretty good so that's neat.
But my anger issues are back and I feel pretty much the same as when I left it. See I can get pretty competitive sometimes so I try to do my homework and see how I can improve. I learned weekspots, thought more on positioning and trying to anticipate the flow of the battle, all the basic stuff that you needed to break the 2k WN8 (is it even a thing anymore) back in the day. I put in work to be a bit better and try to have fun.
But the game basically felt like it was trying to punish me for it. The RNG was always bad, but I don't think it was like ...this? It also feels like I'm being punished for not pumping money into the game and buying the newest OP tanks.
I was in my Obj 277 spearing a charge on an emptier flank because I didn't wanna play peek-a-boo and the boring stuff heavies mostly do. My teammates spot a lone tier 8 TD. I'm thinking, "I should bully this guy". Nope, I peek and it's like he was expecting someone to do so, slaps me for 850ish. I target his lower plate, shell goes over and bounces. Um what? He's like in front me wtf u mean it went over?! No biggie, I have time to reload (10s) before he reloads again. Bro, he shot first. What. the. f*ck?! He has the pen, the alpha, the reload AND the armor. I basically got bullied myself and sent to the garage promptly. His name? Albert Ein It was a Grom. I only know about Honda Groms and they are cool. Idk wtf that thing was.
Then I got bullied by another tier 8 in my UDES 15/16. Brother 850 damage from a heavy that was as impenetrable as me hulldown? Wtf is that BZ whatever heavy?! And Cobra? What's that!? Literally second game with the UDES (after BZ schooled me) I got peaked by a Cobra and received an HE in the turret, 180ish no biggie. I aim on his engine for hopefully some fire/damage but then a second shot lands on me and does like 500+ UHM?!?! Alarms are ringing and I'm trying to scramble for cover and I get slapped by another 500 HE shot, all frontally. Autoloader? 500 potential with HE? Is that premium HE? I'm sorry for playing I guess?! Both of these basically threw their tanks to pen me with HE. Is UDES the new ELC? Also does everybody do 1 billion damage per shot nowadays??
I kept trying to decompress and chose different tanks to play, that I find fun to play, but it feels like in every game I meet a strange frankenstein-esque chunk of metal that either has no weak spots, or uses the cannon of the gods. Sometimes maybe both? And they all seem to be premium or 'reward' tanks. There was a tier X Pz something something mobile heavy tank that just didn't seem to have a front plate?? Bro what even happened in like the past two years????
I have the account since mid 2013, I spent a lot of time, energy and money on this game, but I'm too old for this nonsense. I feel like they are doing too much frankly. I left the game because it was bad and frustrating for me at the time, now I feel like it's gotten worse in 2 years. Shame really, I found tanks really cool.
I've set the flair to "Shitpost" only because "Rant" was not present.I'd consider adding it, I'm sure it would be pretty useful for such a game.
Basically title. I really wanted to get my hands on the waffentrauger event, but didn’t manage to. Now I’m sitting here stewing wondering when and if my next opportunity will come. Thanks for your time have a good day all.
This new option appeared on my home screen today. Any insight from anyone?
Okay guys, as promised, I managed to get the 3rd MoE mark on Obj. 257 as I said in a previous post.
byu/Any_Branch2549 inWorldofTanks
This tank is excellent, if you are new and don't know how to do Reverse Side Scraping, well, you will learn, as everyone knows the armor on this tank is too trollish.
It has good mobility, good ammo, both gold and standard.
For new or not so good players, this tank will make your life impossible to kill.
Right now I am in the top 10 in NA with Obj. 257
My next mission before my vacation from work runs out?
Now I don't know if I should get the second and third MoE mark on the pudel, E50 or E100.
Pls just STOP using XVM. I have stopped counting the games where teammates that use it see there are mostly red players in the team and throw their tanks away on purpose because in their opinion there's "no way we can win this".
Just in my last game one guy in ELC came along and did just that. Cried about losing before the battle begins because all team are tomatos. He proceeded to suicide his tank. Everyone was pissed and reported him (as it should be!). His game stats: 45% winrate. It is a self fulfilling prophecy.
There are too many idiots around using xvm as an excuse to play bad or not at all. Imo WoT should prohibit the usage of this mod. What do you think?
i thought the website stated november 2nd for store tiems and and 4:30 pm est for the event
I've been playing anything but SPGs for a while now and want to try them. I don't plan on playing them often cause I know how they are viewed, however it's something different and would be interesting to play.
I'm mainly wondering the pros and cons of each line? I know the American line is mostly "big gun do big damage" but what about German? Maybe Russian? Like, what's the pros and cons of each?
I ask these questions because there seems to be little to no info online about them all. Can't find any info on them that isn't years old. Hopefully someone can help despite the general views the community has on SPGs.
I tryed to open up wot a few minutes ago to play a few games but it wouldn't let me join the server. It kept kicking me out and saying that the account had an active session at a diferent server than the one I was trying to log in to. At first I thought that it was a conection issue because I have been having a few conection issues in the last few months but I was suspisious. I decided to go to google and go to WoT player statistics and search my account and as expected my account's last battle was just a few minutes ago. I quickly changed my password and managed to log in. He only played 3 battles but still I have this terible feeling. I cant explain it. It is so weird, I feel like somebody touched something that is mine without my permission. It's such an odd feeling and I honestly hate it. I feel like I am never going to get these three battles back. I don't even know what to think. I obviously know that I am overeacting and I also wrote a ticket to wargaming but omg what a way to ruin my day.
Q1: I got these paints from GuP skin from the token store. Can I use them on other non-GUP 2D styles?
Q2: It looks like Ooarai is the only skin with this feature; Kuro's skin is fixed. Is that correct?
Q3: How can I use GuP decor on other skins? Does it have to be Custom Style->Camo?
Sooo as i dont have a place to get my anger off of me ill start here. Well… other than peoples DM in wot.
The thing is im trying to get the new tank that sucks. Well and the teammates or should I say group of imbecils? Id go for the second.
Its so hard to get anywhere, i play 20-25k every game and i still die on 3rd or 4th round. Even tho i can do ehatever i want if i have bots in my team (a bot is better than those) i still cannot get anywhere