A place for adorable, blushy, cute, fluffy, gentle, giggly, happy, heartfelt, loving, peaceful, safe, silly yuri.
A place for adorable, blushy, cute, fluffy, gentle, giggly, happy, heartfelt, loving, peaceful, safe, silly yuri.
Please read the rules before submitting or your post may be automatically removed.
The official Discord server is currently not accepting new members at the moment.
1: All posts must feature wholesome yuri. Acceptable formats include anime clips, artwork, animation, comics, or manga screenshots.
2: No sexual/suggestive content or comments involving minors or someone who appears to be a minor.
3: NSFW submissions are allowed but must be tagged as such.
4: Memes are not allowed. Post them to r/yurimemes instead.
5: You may only submit media from Gfycat, Imgur, Reddit, Redditbooru, Streamable, or YouTube. Other domains will be automatically removed.
6: Include the name of the source series or franchise in your submission title. Failure to do so will most likely result in your post being automatically removed.
7: Include a link to the source of the artwork in the comment section of your submission. This rule also applies to crossposts.
8: Reposts from the last 6 months or from posts with more than 7500 upvotes are not allowed and will be removed.
9: All submissions must be flaired. Can't find one that fits? Consult the flair help page page for more information.
10: Spoilers must be tagged as such, see the spoilers wiki page for detailed information on what is and isn't a spoiler.
11: AI generated images are not allowed. However, AI-assisted artworks may still be allowed at moderator discretion.
12: Harassment of others is strictly forbidden. Age, nationality, race, gender, sexuality, religion, political affiliation, and economic status are all irrelevant here. We will not tolerate any kind of incitement to action against anyone, nor will we allow the posting of information that can be used to harm others.
13: Follow the Reddiquette and Reddit's Content Policy. We will not allow behavior that is against Reddit's rules, e.g. brigading, witch-hunting, vote manipulation, enabling piracy, flamebaiting, clickbaiting, text spamming, piracy or copyright infringement, or intentional rudeness.
14: The following will be removed at moderator discretion: posts of questionable wholesomeness, excessively long or low-effort titles, provocative content and comments, promotion of other subreddits, and spoilers.
< Full Rules Text Available Here >
Mark your spoilers in comments with the following code
[spoiler](#s "text to be hidden")
or >!some spoiler!<
It will be displayed as
spoiler or some spoiler!
Filter by | Safe Only |
Album | Kissing |
Caressing | Lap Pillow |
Carrying | Nuzzling |
Chin Holding | Official Art |
Comic/Manga | Petting |
Cuddling | Playful |
Cute | Pocky Game |
Handholding | Video/Gif |
Hugging | Wedding |
Kabedon | - |
u/ferthur's Character Identification Guide
Polyamory art resources for drawing and commissioning (posing references, recommended tags, etc)