/r/WeatherGifs is a sub for gifs and videos of all naturally-occurring weather-related meteorological phenomena.
/r/WeatherGifs is a place for naturally occurring weather-related meteorological events.
If you have some weather qualifications and want special flair denoting that you can read more about it here.
Videos of actual weather only
No radar content, no CGI, no animations. Real weather videos only
Direct link to media required
No crossposts from other subs, links to news articles or anywhere on reddit. No youtube.
Regarding Reposts
We reserve the right to remove any submission at any time. Please avoid common reposts.
Be nice
This includes weather gatekeeping. Please follow proper reddiquette and site rules. Any racism or hate will result in an immediate ban.
/r/WeatherNews - New 📣
Few times I got to see such continuous lightning. This storm came all over the Rio de la Plata and a small part of it hit the city of Maldonado and Punta del Este (Uruguay). As it went towards the east, it left this great lightning show.
I was surprised by this beauty when I popped out to run errands this afternoon. It was so big/close that I couldn't fit it in a single photograph, so I took several videos. The secondary rainbow formed while I was watching. Still stunned by this, and I completely blew off my errands, lol.
I used to stand under my awning and film the sky in slow-motion video mode for hours just to get shots like this. Storms and the gas prices are the two biggest things I miss about living in Texas!
I captured the video from a plane window over Italy. The video has been slowed down 2x.