A place to post all things dealing with the paranormal or unexplained. We want to believe there is more out there, and here is where you can try to convince us.
A place to post all things dealing with the paranormal or unexplained. For skeptics and believers alike, our hope is that this sub will be a haven for reasoned debate about unreasonable circumstances.
1) Be mindful of the difference of opinion. Elitism will not be tolerated. We ask that everyone please be respectful of others; remember that people can have differing views without resorting to anger.
2) Downvoting based on personal feelings frowned upon. Anyone who brings respectful debate should feel welcome here.
3) We accept articles, videos, podcasts, pictures, self posts, and all other typical forms of submission. Please make sure submissions are something that will provoke thought or interest. You do not have to believe the story is true to submit it.
4) If you submit original content (OC), we ask that you only submit true experiences that have either happened directly to you or someone you trust. Please do not post realistic fiction or otherwise made up stories. If you're trying to find a place to submit your realistic fiction, please refer to /r/NoSleep.
5) Potential supporting/debunking threads/comments are always welcome.
Please use flair! Types of flair you can use:
We thank you. Now do your best to make us believe!
Friends of Want to Believe
If you would like to talk about a link exchange please contact the moderators. If you are looking for something to listen to please check out another friend of the subreddit "The 45th Parallel" :
Stitcher Feed: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/bentley-michaels/the-45th-parallel?refid=stpr
(VIDEO) Was a 'GLIMMER MAN' Recorded on Trail Camera Near Ruby Falls, Alberta? https://www.phantomsandmonsters.com/2024/10/video-was-glimmer-man-recorded-on-trail.html - In a recent video provided by the Voyager Overland channel on YouTube, the host captures what appears to be a possible 'Glimmer Man' on a trail camera.
Ohio Deer Hunter SAVED BY 'ANGELS' After Shotgun Accident? https://www.phantomsandmonsters.com/2024/10/ohio-deer-hunter-saved-by-angels-after.html - On the opening day of deer hunting season in Ohio, on November 26, 1984, Kyle Maynard was out with his parents, his younger brother (Sam), and a family friend (Joe).
10-12 FOOT TALL BIGFOOT Shrouded in Heavy Fog, Vanishes in Rural Tennessee https://www.phantomsandmonsters.com/2024/10/10-12-foot-tall-bigfoot-shrouded-in.html - Mike, an ex-military man, was on his front porch in rural Tennessee on a bright and sunny day when he heard a loud roar/growl. The next day, he observed what made the sound.
I AM A REPTILIAN/HUMAN HYBRID! https://www.phantomsandmonsters.com/2024/10/i-am-reptilianhuman-hybrid.html - I received this statement several years ago from an individual who claimed to be a reptilian/human hybrid being. What are your thoughts on the information provided?