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Dealing with PTSD and/or having thoughts about suicide?
Military/Veteran Crisis Line - 1-800-273-TALK (8255) - Press 1 or text 838255 or click here for 24/7 confidential online support from a caring, qualified VA professional.
Military One Source - 1-800-342-9647
The Defense Center of Excellence (DCoE) - 1-866-966-1020
DStressLine for Marines, attached Sailors, and families when it's needed most - 1-877-476-7734.
Vets4Warriors - 1-855-838-8255
After Deployment A mental wellness resource for Service Members returning from deployment, Veterans, and Military Families - 866-966-1020.
Outward Bound Outward Bound offers customized outdoor trips/courses with curricula developed specifically for struggling veterans with specific health, social or educational needs-303-800-1957
Give An Hour GAH is dedicated to meeting the mental health needs of the troops and families affected by their time of service. They provide anonymous counseling to individuals, couples and families, and children and adolescents.
Emory Healthcare Veterans Program Free expert & collaborative care for post-9/11 Veterans who suffer from the invisible wounds of war which is funded by the Wounded Warriors Project & Emory University.
Organizations that help Marines/families when in need.
I've already thrown my name in the ring for 0211 but just in case I screw up the interview, I want to have two other MOS's that I can submit for. TIA for any tips/advice.
Not interested in any 03XX MOS's.
That's all. Don't be a pussy. Unless you're going sober. If so, congratulations. I'm proud of you. Happy birthday to all you retards. I hate and love all of you, but mostly love. I'll stop typing now before I say some retarded shit
I Love All of You.
I pray you boys and girls continue to be the baddest mother fuckers on planet Earth.
And when we leave the planet...God help the universe.
Semper Fi.
Title: Marine Corps Birthday Message
Category: Marine Corps Order No. 47 (Series 1921)
Author/Presenter: Major General John A Lejeune, USMC Commandant of the Marine Corps
Date: 1 November 1921
(1) On November 10, 1775, a Corps of Marines was created by a resolution of Continental Congress. Since that date many thousand men have borne the name "Marine". In memory of them it is fitting that we who are Marines should commemorate the birthday of our corps by calling to mind the glories of its long and illustrious history.
(2) The record of our corps is one which will bear comparison with that of the most famous military organizations in the world's history. During 90 of the 146 years of its existence the Marine Corps has been in action against the Nation's foes. From the Battle of Trenton to the Argonne, Marines have won foremost honors in war, and in the long eras of tranquility at home, generation after generation of Marines have grown gray in war in both hemispheres and in every corner of the seven seas, that our country and its citizens might enjoy peace and security.
(3) In every battle and skirmish since the birth of our corps, Marines have acquitted themselves with the greatest distinction, winning new honors on each occasion until the term "Marine" has come to signify all that is highest in military efficiency and soldierly virtue.
(4) This high name of distinction and soldierly repute we who are Marines today have received from those who preceded us in the corps. With it we have also received from them the eternal spirit which has animated our corps from generation to generation and has been the distinguishing mark of the Marines in every age. So long as that spirit continues to flourish Marines will be found equal to every emergency in the future as they have been in the past, and the men of our Nation will regard us as worthy successors to the long line of illustrious men who have served as "Soldiers of the Sea" since the founding of the Corps.
John A. Lejeune,
Major General Commandant
Y'all a bunch of degenerates but stand up to the scrutiny of this Corps so I call you all brother, Semper F'n Fi I'd kiss you if it wasn't gay.
Send nudes!!!
First off (bit drunk and been watching war movies). Back story--- joined Reserves from 94 to 00. Last 2 months of contract spent in LEO academy. Got married.
9/11/01 while working roadside detail had to go back to station to take a piss. Saw news coverage of plane #1. Saw live plane #2 crash. Left station and went back to detail and informed everyone of what I heard/saw ( detail was shut down within minutes).
Within 6 months my unit was activated.
03 had a child.
Tonight on the Birthday eve had an epiphany....I regret (broke down sobbing) not reenlisting. Never thought this deeply about it but always regretted not having the honor of actually serving.
Lying here now tears rolling down my face regretting not serving in combat.
From 29 Palms to Fallujah; from Camp Lejeune, to Marjah; I served with the finest group of degenerates this world (and the next) has ever known. You are the most wicked, perverse, nefarious bringers of mayhem, and for it, I love you all. May the liquor go down as easy as your mothers. On this day of our birth, I toast to you “To the Devils and Demons with which I do battle, may They never give me peace!”
til Folkvangr - Semper Fi
Ooh rah love you guys!!
At work til 630am, so gotta keep it DL. Hope you all left whiskey, pipe tobacco and Motrin out for Chesty!
Specifically East Coast brothers and sisters.
To all of you on the West coast/Pacific who have to wait 3+ hours, get fucked.
Still, happy birthday to yall too. Love yall
I'm 7 beers deep and starting the gauntlet HAPPY MARINE CORPS BIRTHDAY ( got work tomorrow night so I'm doing it now)
On this, the eve of the Marine Corps birthday, we laid our dad to rest. In his 27 years of service, he served in Vietnam twice as a door gunner with the Ridgerunners starting in 1967, was a drill instructor at MCRD San Diego for 5 years as the literal Gunnie Highway, drank the water at Camp Legune and retired as a major. He raised us three girls with nicknames far more colorful than can be written here and taught us cadence lullabies (something about Eskimos being cold) . We doped him up with morphine and tried to hold his hand in his last days hoping to keep him comfortable. As we tucked him in, he uttered his final words "Get your goddamnned hands off me you sons of bitches."
Well I’m nearing the end of my contract, I really do love my job and I feel like reenlisting is what I want to do but then again I have the thought of my parents in the back of my head, as they continue to grow older I feel like I miss out on precious time with them. I’m not asking for anything specific just looking for some advice I guess.
Miss the clowns, not the circus… Happy birthday to all of you crazy ass motherfuckers!! Stay Lethal, stay Belligerant, and get hammered!
TLDR - man wrote a book about Woody Williams that Williams didn't like.
I was looking for something else when I ran across Williams v. Rigg, 19-cv-00423 (S.D.W. Va. Sep. 9, 2021) -
Rigg self-published the book in controversy entitled Flamethrower: Iwo Jima Medal of Honor Recipient and U.S. Marine Woody Williams and His Controversial Award, Japan's Holocaust and the Pacific War (“Flamethrower”). (ECF No. 47 at 4.) This book is currently being offered for sale on Amazon.com. (Id.)***
Williams became aware of additions to the manuscript which called into question his military actions during the Battle of Iwo Jima and the legitimacy of his Medal of Honor. (Id. at 8-9, ¶ 31.) Plaintiff alleges these statements are “defamatory and misleading.” (Id.) Plaintiff then requested the return of his personal materials, including handwritten journals, photographs, and any other materials provided to Defendant and also demanded that Defendant refrain from any unauthorized use of any drafts of the book that Plaintiff had not approved. (*Id.*at 9, ¶ 32-33.) Further, Plaintiff revoked his consent for Defendant to use his name, likeness, image, personal stories, etc., in connection with the book. (Id. ¶ 34.) Plaintiff alleges that Defendant refused to return Plaintiff's personal materials and went ahead with the publication of the book without Plaintiff's permission and without allowing Plaintiff the opportunity to review and comment on any further drafts. (Id. at 10, ¶¶ 35-36.)
I have no idea why someone would question the award of a Blue Max, especially after talking to the recipient. And why do it 70 years after the action?
4.5 stars on Amazon. The Amazon reviewers include some notable senior Marines.
So here I am, drunk on the eve of the greatest day known to man… and I have to ask. What is the most preferred beverage of marines to celebrate this most auspicious day?
Do we bring in the day with beer? To go straight to liquor? Both? When I call up my junior guys… do we take shots over FaceTime?
God damn. What do you fancy motherfuckers drink today?
Happy Birthday Devils!!!
I've seen all the good movies so all I'm left with is the bad ones. I kind of like some of the bad ones just because it gives me something to make fun of, every now and again they hit a cringe nerve and I love it.
What's some of your favorite worst Marine movies. I need to cue some stuff up for the next watch.