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Dealing with PTSD and/or having thoughts about suicide?
Military/Veteran Crisis Line - 1-800-273-TALK (8255) - Press 1 or text 838255 or click here for 24/7 confidential online support from a caring, qualified VA professional.
Military One Source - 1-800-342-9647
The Defense Center of Excellence (DCoE) - 1-866-966-1020
DStressLine for Marines, attached Sailors, and families when it's needed most - 1-877-476-7734.
Vets4Warriors - 1-855-838-8255
After Deployment A mental wellness resource for Service Members returning from deployment, Veterans, and Military Families - 866-966-1020.
Outward Bound Outward Bound offers customized outdoor trips/courses with curricula developed specifically for struggling veterans with specific health, social or educational needs-303-800-1957
Give An Hour GAH is dedicated to meeting the mental health needs of the troops and families affected by their time of service. They provide anonymous counseling to individuals, couples and families, and children and adolescents.
Emory Healthcare Veterans Program Free expert & collaborative care for post-9/11 Veterans who suffer from the invisible wounds of war which is funded by the Wounded Warriors Project & Emory University.
Organizations that help Marines/families when in need.
How do you do it. What’s the magic. Fucking hungry and wishing I had me some ham and cheese omelet (one of the few good things from the chow hall - hope it’s still as good)
Y’all are gonna make fun of me for this. I come down to Camp LeJeune every so often to pick up liquor and other items from the PX. Now, I’ll pay one of you chow hall card holdin silly wankers $20 and a bottle of liquor for a fucking Gas Chamber sandwich from the chicken shack. I’ve really been fucking fiening for one. If I can get one of y’all motivators to DM me, I’ll let you know the next time I’m heading down y’all’s way.
I got out mid December and I’ve been on the hunt the past few days for an apartment after living with my dad since I got out. From my understanding most places want to see your last three paystubs to make sure you can afford it but I’ve only been working for about three weeks and my dumbass never thought to build my credit while I was in so that’s a fuck up on my part. I’ve got over 22k in the bank and more coming in so I know I can afford what I’m looking at but I’m not sure how they’ll see it. I’m touring one tomorrow then applying if it’s not to bad so I’m just wondering how I should go about it. Like could I just smack 6 months rent on the table and hope that they trust I’m good for the rest or am I fucked until I’ve been working for 2 months. How did you guys do it?
If you were to volunteer for recruiting duty and be given the choice to go anywhere you wanted, where would that be and why?
I can think of a few good places. Maybe somewhere close to home where I can be close to my friends and family. Or someplace where I'd imagine myself planting my feet when whenever I'd get out. If I could go anywhere, maybe I'd go some place where I hear the recruiters only come to work twice a month because they effortlessly make mission every month.
Where would you spend your golden ticket?
Any boot recommendations for rucking /everyday?
Had a question for any of the Marines who have just got out or have been out for awhile. Friend of mine in Cali just got out and is now homeless. He says he's fine and will get VA benefits soon. He's going a long distance across the US to stay with a friend. It seems from messaging he has a real positive attitude about the whole thing, but he says it happens alot. I'm an aviator O side so I'm years away from even being able to leave, so I wanted to get some perspective from the E dogs out there. Does this happen alot in your experience? Is there anyway I can help?
Can you ship Your car to Okinawa japan if your pcsing there I Haven’t been there in over a decade.
I got out recently, and I’ve been drinking more and more. It helps me sleep and helps not making me feel like shit. I think I’m done for now, but I hate knowing I will always go back to it.
I propose we form a satirical secret society on top of our already weird secret society, wrapped in a secret society of seriousness that only we know the jokes to. He have to act like it’s sacred, but inside we know that it’s all just BS and just an excuse to drink and have our First Annual Meeting of the Smoke Circle at the new Tun Tavern.
What are the rules?
We wear poncho liners as boat cloaks. Always wear boot bands… just in case. “By the Blood of Chesty” like Aloha is used. Strippers…
Got word we have a surprise PFT Wednesday for CGRI. Haven’t really been training for PFT yet. Anybody have some last minute tips or tricks? Am I cooked ?
Hi, I recently got out of the marine corps. I am getting a few calls from marines on IRR duty. Any personal experiences from the IRR? Pros-cons? Things to beware of. Anything helps, thank you.
The Ball gift from Marine Barracks Subic Bay in 1975!!! Too cool!!!
If any of you out there were there then and would like this, dm me. But. If you are not at least 68 yrs old don’t bother!!!!
Where are my spooky gurus and story tellers? Who else employed this technique to keep them on their toes on watch? I used to tell messed up stories from back home and about Staff NCOs that came and went and what they did to make us miserable. Anything I could think of to keep them going while half asleep. What stories did you tell?
Can anyone drop their experiences and/or information on the FAST companies? Deployment cycles, training, duty stations etc. Not finding a ton of information online and in previous posts. Looking at possibly pursuing FAST as a B Billet. Currently a Lt looking at Captain, 0203. Appreciate all the responses.
Hello, I have been a lurker for a couple months now as my dad was a Marine. Can someone please explain the difference is between marine recon, marine raid force, and marine special purpose force? Thank you!
I’m marrying a local in Okinawa and PCSing to mainland in the next few months. Is there a way to get our household goods moved through the marine corps without having done a tour conversion in Okinawa?
I EAS’d from the infantry a year and a half ago and I fucking hate my job. Yes, I now have the luxury of quitting and finding a new job without going to jail, but that’s not quite possible right now in my area where there’s basically no job market.
I do cushy desk work, the job itself isn’t terrible, but the work atmosphere is absolute cancer, which to me, camaraderie plays a much bigger role than the difficulty of the work.
I’ve worked under some salty mother fuckers who’ve stacked bodies, and these twats who are my age are demanding basically that same respect :/ I’m not a dick, but they get real upset when I talk to them informally.
I feel like a boot at my first victor unit (minus the hazing.) The dickheads in middle management have superiority complexes because they went to community college for two years. If it weren’t for the fact that I’d go homeless I’d tell them all to eat a bag of dick cheese, but other than going back to the Corps this is the only thing keeping me afloat
Good afternoon Devils, I was popping around on MOL this morning putting a leave request in and noticed my EAS date changed from 2030 to 2025, I’m currently in my schoolhouse and was wondering if it could be because of that or perhaps it’s new procedure for reservists? Did a little research and MARADMIN says it can happen if your reserve unit is being disbanded under the 2030 plan and you’ll be honorably separated. Any insight is appreciated
Gene coutu, 2nd battalion 4th marines. He served 66-67
Rah Marines, for those of you who don’t know, the Tun Legacy Foundation is reopening a rebuilt tun tavern for the 250th Marine Corps Birthday. (more info at www.thetun.org)
For those who have been to the memorial, is it still up? Everything I’ve seen online is ambiguous as to whether construction is taking place at the Tun Tavern Memorial.
Photo courtesy of National Park Service, Thomas Stone National Historic Site, January 6, 2019
On May 18th, 1977 during the Morning Formation of my fighter squadron, the Warlords, our Commanding Officer told us that there would be the premier of a new space-based sci-fi film at the Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort base theater,that it was free, and we should all be there.
I was seated 3RD row center! After the Colors were presented, a gentleman with all shoulder length curly black hair wearing a charcoal pinstripe suit, walked to center stage, nervously wringing his hands in front of a theater filled with uniformed Marines, and cautiously introduced himself as George Lucas, that they had worked very hard on this film for years and here are the stars Harrison Ford, Carrie Fischer and Mark Hamill, and we hope you enjoy the movie.
Star Wars rolled, and we were all blown away!
After the movie, those of us on shift went back to work. I was in the middle of the hangar working on an F-4J Phantom II aircraft with the Radar package extended, and my Commanding Officer, LtCol R.N Patrick, pointed at my nose with his right hand and yelled, "YOU'RE WOOKIE!!" I'm 6'3" tall, my hair and moustache at the bleeding edge of the regulations, and my last name is pronounced almost the same... I did the only thing appropriate; I snapped a salute and yelled, "AYE AYE, SIR!"
And that's how I became WOOKIE 48 years ago. 🤣
Okay so I’ve pcs’d before and and I’m about to again but I was wondering if we get ptad at the next unit to move in which is ten days are we able to get ptad to move out and take your pcs leave. Like for example no earlier than date: march 1st nlt: April 1st Can I take ptad 10 days before march 1st to move out. I cannot find anything about it online