Welcome to the ukulele community! All are welcome. We are helping and encouraging one another to achieve ukulele greatness.
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Hello. I'm a guitar and banjo picker who just bought a ukulele so I can take something to play on backpacking trips. I'm practicing my chords and scales, picking up some muscle memory in my left hand and so far it all seems pretty straightforward ... but maybe too straightforward?
For my right hand technique, other than fewer strings it seems like I can just borrow techniques I know from other instruments. This leaves me wondering — are there any ukulele techniques that are unique to the ukulele? When I learned banjo after guitar, I had to completely re-learn how to use my right hand. What are the things ukulele players do that only ukulele players do? Are there songs every uke player picks up as a right of passage? Who are the ukulele-est ukulele players?
Or, am I on the wrong track here, is the ukulele's whole thing how accessible it is?
I would like to change my strings to Low G Worth Brown from High G Worth Clear. The nut slot for the G string looks too narrow for the low G to fit. Not sure if I can press the string in, or if I need to file the slot to be a little bigger. Is it okay for the low G string can rest on top of the nut instead. Is this an easy DIY project or something to bring into a music store?
Thanks in advance.
What does everyone use to protect their hands/fingers they strum with? I’ve played on and off for a while but in recent months I’ve taken to playing every day and I’m noticing my nails on the fingers I interchangeably strum with are breaking. I usually keep a nail or two on my strumming hand longer than the rest so I’m not hurting my fingers while strumming, it’s easier for me to use my nail as a makeshift pick. I’ve tried clear nail polish but it chips away and doesn’t seem to do the trick. Someone suggested putting super glue only on the ends of my nails where the damage is to keep it from breaking further but I’m hesitant.
Personally I don’t like to use a pick as I find it makes it more difficult to play my properly so what can I do to stop my nails getting broken?
How on earth is the c string lower than the a string. Im tuned high g
I’ve played bass guitar for most of my life, but when I picked up the ukulele, it completely changed my relationship with music and created an unbreakable bond with my son. We are the ShawTime Duo from Brooklyn, NY.
Is there any reason a ukulele cannot have all wire wrapped strings?
Is there a series of strings that has all wire wrapped strings?
I’ve found a series that has G and C wire wrapped, but none with E or A wire wrapped.
so i am looking for a good baritone ukulele but i dont have much knowledge to which brands are good or not since i got my first and only (soprano) ukulele on amazon.
i love the idea of guitar tuning on an ukulele and also just the ukulele being bigger in general really much so i wanted to buy an baritone next so i wanted to ask if there are any baritone ukuleles that meet the following requirements:
-19-21 frets
-with tuner (optional)
of the price im not sure rn but it would be good if its max 200-300$
Hi we are ShawTime Duo from Brooklyn, NY.
I got a good grip on it and I wanna jam tonight
EDIT HERE HERE, AN EDIT EDIT, HERE. HERE, EDIT I gotta wait till next weekend to get fucked up again to get into the music writing but I'll be listening to all these songs all week and I'll be better able to make the videos after that.
KEEP EM COMING. I'm gonna be listening to music anyways.
And I'm gonna start out with the songs I like more, rather than who was up voted more or who posted first
Here are two examples of me doing what I am.promising you to do https://youtu.be/iZrLFaqs0kQ?si=MCsHieCC4_HZFpwz https://youtu.be/ebJpJoVTU08?si=gCFHh-fg_sh2bbUl
I'm having a hard time learning these chords because it's hard to contort my fingers to play them. Are there any tricks to play them or is it just muscle memory? Although I said that about G major and I can play it now! Will I ever learn these chords? (First time playing a stringed instrument, although I sing and play piano. I've been playing ukelele for about two months now.)
Hello, I’m trying to dive back into the ukulele, I’m looking for a good book about it. Ideally it’d have both exercises and songs. Does anyone know anything like that?
Hey guys. So i've been playing Ukulele for about 5 years. Pictured is my favorite uke that I own. I'm not sure why he's my favorite, I have ones that sound and play better,it wasn't expensive but it's the one i tend to grab when ukulele shreddery needs gettin done.. idunno, it was my first tenor uke i guess and from the moment I tied a low g string on him, he's been the favorite.
By the way, I saw a thread about naming ukes in this subreddit.... the pictured tenor ukulele has a name, and that name is Ukeiano Pavarotti.
I am practicing wonderwall and there is this transition from E to B which is frustrating because of two issues:
Do I just need to practice more or am I missing something?
Hi i wanted to know if there is anyway i can find a battery trayfor my luna ukulele online that is on sale?
I will be very happy if you'll check it out and maybe put a like 🩷 https://youtu.be/mRV06IvPFaE?si=2vO4VMRxlUXppjgn
A unique arrangement of a classic tune - not sure I quite do it justice, but it was fun to learn!
I've had guitar for a while and always fancied getting a Soprano Uke. As a starter Uke i'm just after something which has a decent sound and reasonable build quality without spending hundreds on.
On YouTube I saw the Flight TUS-35. It seemed to have good reviews about the sound. It's made from plastic and marketed as a travel uke which I don't really need. Quite cheap and might be enough to get me started. The body looks a bit bulbous compared to the flat back of wooden instruments.
I saw on here the Kala Makala MK-S as well. Reviews seem to be quite good and it's a little more expensive.
I'm thinking one of these would be ok to start on? Any other suggestions?
I was thinking about buying online. There aren't many music shops selling Uke where I am and the idea of walking into a shop knowing how to play a few chords and pick out an instrument fills me with anxiety. However, I understand that you're likely to get a better quality instrument and setup via the physical shop route? I got an electric guitar from online and it seemed fine (as far as I can tell!).
Thank you in advance.
When looking at a staff, playing the B note (on the 3rd line from the bottom of the staff), I place my finger on the 2nd fret of the A string.
Now, when the b presents under the middle c (so below the staff), where does the finger go?
(My book shows the exact same position)( This can't be right?)
Imagine sending a letter with hope, only for it to be returned unopened and stamped with words "Return To Sender". I've added the chords and lyrics onscreen so you can play and sing along with us! #ukulele #playalong #returntosender
Longshot, but does anyone have he sheet music from, Dream Music Factory - FINAL FANTASY / Ukulele Solo Collections. https://shop.d-music.co.jp/2_139.html
Seems to be out of stock everywhere. I've found some YouTube videos of the songs but no music. And reverse engineering will take ages...
It gets better as the video goes
So I've been playing during the last few days and I already got a blister on my thumb from plucking. I got it because Im learning some finger style version of this song and there are some parts where its easier if you use your thumb.
What do you do in this situation to recover without stop playing? Use some kind of cream or bandage?
When I pluck 2nd fret of C string there is a sort of chirping (only way I can think to describe it) that happens at the beginning of the reverb. Has anyone ever had this happen/know how I could fix it? Only happens on the 2nd fret.
Edit: Happens when I play it acoustic, have never had it connected to an amp yet.
Hello everyone
Student here that wants to engage in a new hobby which is starting to play the ukulele, more specifically a baritone one for its richer sounds. I would like some recommendations from you all about some good yet affordable uke's. I would set a max budget at 140 maybe even 150.
Furthermore, besides just recommending a certain uke, are there certain types of specifications I need to look out for? For example: materials, amplifieable or not , ect
If you have questions to me that could help the search, ask them also!
Thanks a lot in advance