
Photograph via snooOG

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With over 350 different turtles from a wide range of environments, it is impossible to give generalized advice on care.

We strongly encourage you to take your time, do your research and choose a species you feel competent in caring for in the long term.

Care sheets can be found for most readily available species by utilizing your favorite search engine.

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Tikki likes to bask on me.

06:10 UTC


Dead Turtle

Today, I lost my 4-month-old diamondback terrapin. I am devastated beyond words. Losing my pet feels like losing a family member, and what's even more upsetting is not knowing what I did wrong. He kept his eyes closed and did not eat, so I took him to the vet. The vet treated him for worms, gave him injections, and inserted antibiotics. When they brought him back, he was not moving. The vet assured me he was just in the process of recovering and advised not to put him in water for 24 hours. However, when I checked on him after work, he had not moved at all. I discovered that he had passed away and when I contacted the vet, they could not provide an explanation. Despite multiple requests, I have yet to receive any further information from the vet about what they gave him. I desperately want to understand what happened and how to prevent it from happening again before considering getting another Turtle.

04:00 UTC


Mississippi Map Turtle Shell Worries

1 Comment
02:55 UTC



The bigger one(F) keeps biting the smaller one(M). Should I shift it to another place or let them be?

She doesn't bite when I'm around, only when she thinks she's'nt being observed.

03:40 UTC


Help me and my turtles!

So a little under two months ago me and two freshly hatched red eared sliders met in an enclosed, walled job site I was working at alone. They were stuck inside the work zone and were most likely laid as eggs in the wood chips that had been delivered into the site and hatched out that same day! Anyways, they're invasive at the lake I live at so I decided to keep em! I had never owned turtles before and never really thought much of them, but it really felt like fate brought us together since it was literally the day before my bday. We share such close birthdays together!

Now that I just moved, I got them an upgrade to their tank. They've been in a 25gallon plastic storage bin till now. I just got them a 40 gallon glass tank which should be a nice upgrade for them as it seems like a lot more horizontal space for them to roam. I have a concern about all my hardscape. I have never set up a tank this big before and am wondering if it's safe to place these heavy pieces in there without some kind of buffer? If so, what would you all recommend as some kind of substrate to help protect the glass and also give my turtles some freedom to dig. It should be safe for them, but also preferably nothing that'll make the water too dirty! Any ideas? Also any advice is much appreciated. They will only be in this 40 gallon for a few months as I planed on beginning my first serious project tank for them quite soon. Will be minimum 75 gallons and I'll have them in there for the next year until I get them something bigger. Kinda diving head first into this hobby so would love any cool tricks or advice for creating the best habitat for my turtle bros.

vid to them chillin with me: https://imgur.com/a/zSMYgCV

23:16 UTC


concentric diamondback terrapin breeders?

Does anyone know of any reputable concentric diamondback terrapin breeders, also the average price for one? I also ask price bc I know there are many subspecies, but also see the price varies greatly for the same subspecies based on seller and know from experience many sellers vaule profits over the animal and have no problem overcharging you. Also I keep seeing that many people claim to have captive bred ones, but will have reviews and complaints from other places saying they are not captive bred but were poached/wild caught.

00:06 UTC


I just found a tiny black worm

It was lying on a basking rock and about the size of my pinky nail. Very tiny. I just upgraded the turtles tank this past weekend and he hasn't ate since. Could he have worms causing him not to eat? All he wants to do is bask now, but I thought it was just bc of his new environment.

22:28 UTC


My softie yawning

21:09 UTC



Wondering if there is anything I can do to help the water clarity in our tank, we put the water conditioner in it, clean the tank, and clean the filter. The water isnā€™t terrible, but wanting to get a crystal clear! We also run on well water if that matters.

19:18 UTC


Can someone identify this turtle?

Got this turtle some hours ago gifted by my aunt and I have no idea what kind of turtle it is. I'd appreciate it if someone can identify it.

19:16 UTC


What does this look like to you? Should I be concerned?

So, through a previous relationship I acquired my exā€™s 3 turtles. He wasnā€™t able to maintain consistent care due to out of state work and fluctuating housing. I had absolutely no experience with turtles when I became their primary caretaker but have been doing my absolute best to educate myself on proper care for them. Today, I noticed that one of the girls (I believe she is 3-4 years old) had this spot on her shell that appears to be a partially missing scute? It initially stuck out while she was swimming around because the light kind of reflected off of it. It is not bleeding. She allows me to touch/poke it without showing any discomfort. It does not appear to be fleshy at all. It is kind of hard like the shell, but the appearance is different. Now, over the course of the last week Iā€™ve been doing alot of research regarding the quality/condition of their shells and found that they may have some retained scutes due to not have enough uvb. Iā€™m working on figuring that out but suggestions/advice are appreciated. She is still eating and interacting with myself and family as normal. Just very concerned that this could potentially be shell rot or something else. Open to any and all advice. Can provide additional pics if necessary!

17:24 UTC


We have a turtle pond at my university (Austin, Texas). Whatā€™s up with this guyā€™s shell? Is this a healed injury or a certain species trait?

16:21 UTC


This came up in my fb memories

I thought yā€™all would appreciate it lol I will always stop to save the turtles!!

16:15 UTC


Turtle Gender

Is this girl or boy?

1 Comment
15:55 UTC


Update: sheā€™s dug more holes

Sheā€™s dug three more holes and Iā€™ve been informed sheā€™s laying eggs. But itā€™s so out in the open. Could she be doing this to fool predators? To fool me? She sees me in my car drive right next to the nests when Iā€™m leaving my house. Surely sheā€™s smarter than that and wouldnā€™t lay them so out in the open when thereā€™s woods a few feet away?

15:49 UTC


I Think My Turtle Drowned.. *TRIGGER WARNING, DEAD TURTLE*

Ernie was completely fine yesterday, he ate and he was swimming around, I woke up this morning and he is dead. I think he got stuck inside of that hide and drown, but he has that large swollen spot on his neck. Iā€™m certain that it wasnā€™t there last night. What could that be, and do you guys think he drowned..? I found him in that exact spot when I woke up, and he has since been moved and is now in a shoebox. It looks like he is trying to get out of that hutch. Thatā€™s the only option I can come up with.. heā€™s in a 75 Gal right now and we were going to get him a stock tank later on this year once we move. Iā€™m just so confused and heartbroken.

15:45 UTC


Desert Tort question

My in- laws live in Ca and have a desert tortoise. They are planning to move to Southeast Tx soon. Will the tortoise be ok in this very hot humid environment? Any advice/info would be appreciated!

1 Comment
13:38 UTC


Need help to improve my greek tortoises enclosure

Hello, as the title says, I am looking for pieces of advice about how I could improve the enclosure of my tortoises. It is a 3 meters long and 2 meters wide enclosure with 3 fruit bearing trees and these turtles are native from Tunisia and live in their enclosure here in Tunisia.

Recently I've been thinking about moving my tortoises from their smaller enclosure to a bigger one but before that I want to make sure they have the best living conditions as possible however i've met several challenges when trying to do so.

I've tried to plant as many plants as possible in the past however they either trampled or ate the plants. I have also been thinking about changing their hide spots but i'm not sure which hide spot would be the best suited for them.

Thanks again for reading ! I hope my bad english doesn't cause too much troubles


1 Comment
12:23 UTC


How you doing šŸ¤£

Et is always ready to take off some fingers at any chance she gets šŸ˜…

12:10 UTC


Red Eared Sliders

Since red eared sliders are native to the South and South Eastern parts of the US, is releasing sliders back into the wild ok if you're in it's native area already?

10:17 UTC

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