A community dedicated to the discussion of all material related to Tsukihime Remake and the original Tsukihime.
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Be sure to take the monthly reader's survey at https://sevenseasentertainment.com/ It's the best chance we have at getting the manga reprinted!
Does it take place after tsukihime or is it a different timeline or something?
Give Us A Tsukihime Anime With Shiki And Arc Together in the end like the manga.
And Give Artoria The Fate Route Remake She Deserves With Last Episode
I was looking around for some screenshots of the remake and I found this post of almost 10 years old. https://www.reddit.com/r/Tsukihime/comments/32b2ym/a_small_album_of_some_remake_artwork_including/
Now I'm curious; was the remake really that long in development and perhaps, are there some resources that talk about the development process of the tsukihime remake? I would love to read them.
I have never read OG Tsukihime, but I do understand that Satsuki's fate depends on the route, and that there has been talks of a theoretical "Yumizuka Route."
Why did she reappear in Ciels route towards the end? In Arcueids route, it can be implied she was turned, and subsequently killed by Arcueid or Ciel (based on what i've read on her Wiki). However in Ciels route she reappears, as if she was never turned to begin with. Does this have something to do with Arcueid killing SHIKI earlier on in Ciels route? I figured she'd suffer the same fate in Ciels route, so was surprised to see her return to school.
I finished 10th day of Ciel route and I learned that there is a certain bad end I could get by choosing a specific amount of aggresive choices beforehand. How many bad choices I have to choose to get that dead end during my first playthrough?
Regarding the Nanaya massacre in the remake's prologue, I have not seen much discussion about how the killer is specified to have a weapon. The original Nanaya massacre had Kouma Kishima "ripping" and "tearing" apart the remaining Nanaya members with his bare hands. There's still too much we don't know, but I just wanted to see everyone's predictions as to who the perpetrator is in the remake!
(She's really proud of it and it's showing it to y'all :3)
So recently i completed the tuskiheme remake and wanted to explore far side of the moon before red garden but because i have already watched the first 2 routes im not interested in rereading them, i tried YouTube playthrough but the fonts are really bad. So far i found the website version to be the best one but can i somehow get access to a save file that has only completed first 2 routes? (their was a import/ export save option). I did discover an unlock all options but i would rather experience routes the way intended instead of being confused by extra options. Im aware that im suppose to go akhia then his ui and kohaku at the end