
Photograph via snooOG

A place to discuss all things triops!

(brine shrimp, fairy shrimp, clam shrimp, etc. also welcome)

We are a welcoming and open community of triops-keepers with an aim to share, educate and promote the responsible care of triops (and other short-lived aquatic fauna).

Welcome to /r/triops!

This is a place where you can discuss anything about Triops.

If you want to know how to prepare your first hatch, what to feed them, or anything else, feel free to ask! We're glad to help. If you've got anything interesting to share, please do so. If you've got a current hatch running, we'd love to hear about it. Pictures and videos are especially welcome!

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Monthly Question Thread. Ask anything! | December 2024

This is an auto-post for the monthly Question Thread.

Here you can ask your questions, so others can read the answers and learn. :)

Check the Wiki and the FAQ before posting.

There is an up-to-date wiki on where to buy eggs.

For past threads, Click Here.

04:00 UTC


Triops and plants?

Getting into triops keeping and want a planted tank. What are some easy aquatic plants to keep alongside my triops?

04:27 UTC



Hey guys, I am wanting to star t my own triops tanks to look cool next to my shrimp tank, and I am wondering where you guys source your eggs, any suggestions welcome!

13:19 UTC


Three old but very happy Triops Granarius going about their daily life. It's incredible to think that these are the oldest known freshwater crustacean species to still exist and that I get to watch them live their life from the comforts of my room.

15:16 UTC


Is Toyops a reliable company that sells triops eggs to Australia and what do I do if they get seized os it even possible to ship canciformis eggs or any other eggs other than australenis

03:39 UTC


Name of this sand?

Does anyone know the name for this kind of Sand I really wanna buy a 2lb bag of this stuff for a Triop Tank I’m getting ready to set up and I’m wondering what its name is

16:36 UTC



I need help finding a good tank to start

1 Comment
23:19 UTC


New to Triops

I have a huge fascination with anything that has a shell and swims in water. Recently I read up on the triops lifecycle and wanted to buy a kit for a jar I was going to put some neocardinia in. But I also have 4 other tanks two of which are communities. I was wondering about triops as community animals and how they interact with other fish and shrimp before I bought a kit as ive read some conflicting information on the subject. Thanks in advance!

17:13 UTC


Just my newest hatchlings (longi) enjoying some cucumber

22:09 UTC


Glue residue

I bought my tank ready to start my triop journey. It’s 24L but I don’t plan to let them have all that space until they’re big enough.

The problem is- when I bought the tank (brand new) they had some card board stuck to it and I didn’t see it had been stuck down by tape, peeled it off and it’s left residue. I’ve tried water and a scrubby style thing to see if I can get it off but it’s not budging.

I’ve read triops can be quite sensitive (as all fish can be) at certain life stages to chemicals/ nasties in their water. Just wondering if I’m over thinking it or if anyone has any fish safe ideas of how to get rid of the residue?

09:34 UTC


Just moved in my newest hatchlings (triops longicaudatus)

It's my first time trying a bigger sand, as the previous very fine one was just constantly in the filter, clogging it up and all over the plants and so on. I hope they won't have any issues with it. Thinking about adding a glass with fine sand, but can imagine it won't stay there. Anyone with experience in this regard? Also I worry about one of the 5. I put the biggest in first and temperature was always around 22 degrees. But the night was unexpected cold and in the morning it was lying on its back a lot and swimming in saltos. Put the heater in for constant 23 degrees. Aquarium is 2 or 3 months old. Snails, plants and pump in. It's stomach always seems more or less half empty and I often see it lying on its back. The other 4 I put in yesterday, one day later, and they seem to do fine so far. In-between the first one acts very normal. I doubt it's shedding as it shed right after placing it in as usual. I am so afraid the first night got cold and now it's doomed to die :( It is like this for 24h now.

08:33 UTC


My 6 day old Triop died today…

My Triop died today and I want to find out the reason and how to stop it in the future. My Triop kept swimming upward on its back and floating downward without moving its gill feet. My hatchery consists of Fairy shrimp (6-8) and Tadpole shrimp (2), my water parameters are: PH 7.5, KH 80mg/L, GH 80ppm. The hatchery has a air stone 24/7 which is always supplying the shrimp with air. I did notice that the Triop had a bit of grey stuff on its gill feet, maybe it was a shedding issue? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

08:09 UTC


What started your journey in Triop care, and how long have you had yours?

Did you start as a child? A teenager? An adult? What made you think " HEY, Those questionable looking creatures would make perfect pets for me!" ?

14:19 UTC


Would triops be a good school "pet"?

I am the leader of an aquatics club at school, and a random kid came up to me and asked if the club could get triops because they thought they were cute. I was wondering if people think that would be a good idea? Would the babies be able to survive the weekends? Maybe the adults surviving a one week break? Any tips would be great too if they are able to be at a school :)

02:33 UTC


Little cutie

Triops Are sooo cute

01:58 UTC


Triop breeding

Has anyone made their own Triop sub species yet from selective breeding. I’m very curious because I wanna try to make my own sub species of these little buggers

01:56 UTC


Is Seachem prime okay for water changes?

Sorry if this has been asked a million times. I've always wanted to Triops since I was a kid, and bought a kit off Amazon impulsively.

I've done some skimming, and I know spring water is good for them, so I got two gallons of spring water, but when those two gallons are gone, could Seachem Prime be okay as an alternative or will using spring water be a must the entirety of having them?

1 Comment
16:36 UTC


Triops hatching without drying eggs

I was planning to get rid of my aquarium since last triop died yesterday, but today i noticed hundreds of little triops swimming in aquarium. I didnt dry the eggs so i was surprised. Is this common? I thought its almost impossible

11:18 UTC


not sure what went wrong with my red triops

i used arrowhead bottled spring water, soaked then dried an oak leaf in aquarium water, added a mineral rock from the kit as per instructions. after 24 hours a bunch hatched, but then the next two days i noticed most were dead or stuck and dying at the bottom. it’s day three of having the the light on 24/7, water temp a constant 75 degrees. there are a few new hatchlings but i’m not sure if i should feed them since they are still just bouncing? should i be removing the dead ones? should i attempt a water change? dry the remaining eggs and try again? or just and see what happens and feed whoever’s still alive in a day or two? probably going to turn the light off tonite because it’s causing algae in my aquarium.

18:35 UTC


A boy & his triops

TLDR: No hatchlings for 2 months from triops kit. Where can I purchase the most viable eggs?

I got a Smithsonian triops kit for my 9yo nephew, followed the instructions to a T and nothing hatched after 2 months. He's so broken hearted. I have no idea how to grow these critters and could really use some help on the following:

  1. Where can I get the most viable eggs?

  2. Do I need a lamp? I live in Connecticut, USA and it's winter here. But I keep them in a bedroom that's stays around 68°F.

He loves critters. Hoping I can get some hatched for him in time for Christmas. Thanks for your help making his holiday special ❤

06:25 UTC


They keep hatching

So, I posted about not throwing out a try too soon.

I also had another tank with my old eggs in that I thought didn't work. Just figured I flood that tank again after drying it out when I also put water in the other tank.

Same as the other one. Suddenly they started hatching after 2 weeks. I had bought a new light for hatching purposes. Cheapest I could find. Seems to be the perfect light. Whenever I make the smallest water change or refill the condensation new ones hatch. Just like 2-3. I'm now at 15.

I can't keep that going. It's starting to get really dirty in there but I don't want to kill new hatchlings. I already use tap water so its harder. Anything else that won't kill the ones that already hatched without getting new ones?

I have to refill as there is not much water in there in general. Should I maybe just fill it up completely and then leave it alone?

My end tank only has 20 litres and can't hold that amount.

It's funny that I had the exact issue of them not hatching before that new light vs now they won't stop 😂

13:53 UTC


Triop Multicolor

19:46 UTC


Triops Next Generation

18:54 UTC


Always check the tank before emptying

Wanted to empty a tank where nothing hatched. Stood there for 14+ days. Almost drained it, when I suddenly noticed a 3mm triops inside 😅

Definitely a late hatchling for sure.

Guess I'll wait longer now before discarding a "failed" attempt. Usually I empty it after 7 days.

1 Comment
08:23 UTC


Just want to to know before buying

Will triops survive/thrive if I just spread triop eggs on a small pond made by:

  • digging a hole, placing pond tarp on the hole, and then placing sand above the pond tarp.

To make a pond that only fills up on rainy seasons but doesn’t quickly dry up? Or will they not be able to breed or would lack food? I live in the philippines where rainy season starts in may to october

10:54 UTC

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