
Photograph via snooOG

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

A subreddit for all those interested in undertaking The Great Work; Aleister Crowley's Thelema, members of Ordo Templi Orientis, Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica, A.'.A.'., and allied organizations. Also open to commentary and debate from those of other religions, philosophies, and worldviews. Check out https://thelemicunion.com/new if you're new to Thelema.

Love is the law, love under will.

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

A subreddit for all those interested in undertaking The Great Work; Aleister Crowley's Thelema, members of Ordo Templi Orientis, Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica, A.'.A.'., and allied organizations. Also open to commentary and debate from those of other religions, philosophies, and worldviews.

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Love is the law, love under will.


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KAPH: Fortune

Liber VII, Cap. 3.

  1. I was the priest of Ammon-Ra in the temple of Ammon-Ra at Thebai.

  2. But Bacchus came singing with his troops of vine-clad girls, of girls in dark mantles; and Bacchus in the midst like a fawn!

  3. God! how I ran out in my rage and scattered the chorus!

  4. But in my temple stood Bacchus as the priest of Ammon-Ra.

  5. Therefore I went wildly with the girls into Abyssinia; and there we abode and rejoiced.

  6. Exceedingly; yea, in good sooth!

  7. I will eat the ripe and the unripe fruit for the glory of Bacchus.

  8. Terraces of ilex, and tiers of onyx and opal and sardonyx leading up to the cool green porch of malachite.

  9. Within is a crystal shell, shaped like an oyster — O glory of Priapus! O beatitude of the Great Goddess!

  10. Therein is a pearl.

  11. O Pearl! thou hast come from the majesty of dread Ammon-Ra.

  12. Then I the priest beheld a steady glitter in the heart of the pearl.

  13. So bright we could not look! But behold! a blood-red rose upon a rood of glowing gold!

  14. So I adored the God. Bacchus! thou art the lover of my God!

  15. I who was priest of Ammon-Ra, who saw the Nile flow by for many moons, for many, many moons, am the young fawn of the grey land.

  16. I will set up my dance in your conventicles, and my secret loves shall be sweet among you.

  17. Thou shalt have a lover among the lords of the grey land.

  18. This shall he bring unto thee, without which all is in vain; a man’s life spilt for thy love upon My Altars.

  19. Amen.

  20. Let it be soon, O God, my God! I ache for Thee, I wander very lonely among the mad folk, in the grey land of desolation.

  21. Thou shalt set up the abominable lonely Thing of wickedness. Oh joy! to lay that corner-stone!

  22. It shall stand erect upon the high mountain; only my God shall commune with it.

  23. I will build it of a single ruby; it shall be seen from afar off.

  24. Come! let us irritate the vessels of the earth: they shall distil strange wine.

  25. It grows under my hand: it shall cover the whole heaven.

  26. Thou art behind me: I scream with a mad joy.

  27. Then said Ithuriel the strong; let Us also worship this invisible marvel!

  28. So did they, and the archangels swept over the heaven.

  29. Strange and mystic, like a yellow priest invoking mighty flights of great grey birds from the North, so do I stand and invoke Thee!

  30. Let them obscure not the sun with their wings and their clamour!

  31. Take away form and its following!

  32. I am still.

  33. Thou art like an osprey among the rice, I am the great red pelican in the sunset waters.

  34. I am like a black eunuch; and Thou art the scimitar. I smite off the head of the light one, the breaker of bread and salt.

  35. Yea! I smite — and the blood makes as it were a sunset on the lapis lazuli of the King’s Bedchamber.

  36. I smite! The whole world is broken up into a mighty wind, and a voice cries aloud in a tongue that men cannot speak.

  37. I know that awful sound of primal joy; let us follow on the wings of the gale even unto the holy house of Hathor; let us offer the five jewels of the cow upon her altar!

  38. Again the inhuman voice!

  39. I rear my Titan bulk into the teeth of the gale, and I smite and prevail, and swing me out over the sea.

  40. There is a strange pale God, a god of pain and deadly wickedness.

  41. My own soul bites into itself, like a scorpion ringed with fire.

  42. That pallid God with face averted, that God of subtlety and laughter, that young Doric God, him will I serve.

  43. For the end thereof is torment unspeakable.

  44. Better the loneliness of the great grey sea!

  45. But ill befall the folk of the grey land, my God!

  46. Let me smother them with my roses!

  47. Oh Thou delicious God, smile sinister!

  48. I pluck Thee, O my God, like a purple plum upon a sunny tree. How Thou dost melt in my mouth, Thou consecrated sugar of the Stars!

  49. The world is all grey before mine eyes; it is like an old worn wine-skin.

  50. All the wine of it is on these lips.

  51. Thou hast begotten me upon a marble Statue, O my God!

  52. The body is icy cold with the coldness of a million moons; it is harder than the adamant of eternity. How shall I come forth into the light?

  53. Thou art He, O God! O my darling! my child! my plaything! Thou art like a cluster of maidens, like a multitude of swans upon the lake.

  54. I feel the essence of softness.

  55. I am hard and strong and male; but come Thou! I shall be soft and weak and feminine.

  56. Thou shalt crush me in the wine-press of Thy love. My blood shall stain Thy fiery feet with litanies of Love in Anguish.

  57. There shall be a new flower in the fields, a new vintage in the vineyards.

  58. The bees shall gather a new honey; the poets shall sing a new song.

  59. I shall gain the Pain of the Goat for my prize; and the God that sitteth upon the shoulders of Time shall drowse.

  60. Then shall all this which is written be accomplished: yea, it shall be accomplished.

10:39 UTC


Reciting Hymn to Pan

What is your opinion on reciting Hymn to Pan as a non initiated individual?

I have had two seperate life changing events happen to me after reciting it, not necesarily bad but traumatic.

I only recited it, high on drugs, kinda manic, no banishing or whatever.

08:00 UTC


Italian translation

Casa418.it —- official Italian translation of The Holy Books of Thelema from Italian O.T.O.

01:24 UTC



19:58 UTC


Crowley on the Duty of all Thelemites- Minute Thelema

17:03 UTC


Thelemic Tephilah

Hey all,

I would like to continue making Thelema and study a part of everyone's day, for those that would want to participate. The Thelemic Tephilah is another study project designed by James Eshelman from Temple of Thelema. I have no affiliation with ToT, they just have a lot of useful practices and resources our for free.

I have created a chat room for this on Reddit. I will begin posting there after the last day of the holy season.


17:02 UTC



Why is it that when you contradict your Superior or teacher, they immediately start mentioning the initiations, levels, ranks and then when u return that same energy to your Superior or teacher, suddenly u are the problem and why is it so exclusive, is that normal?

I've noticed for years since I started with the book of law, getting to know people in a community, a huge egos that adorns the community. And usually it thorns the community to pieces.How do you deal with this, and what is your opinion on it?

15:32 UTC


Nietzsche and eternal recurrence

I don't mean to annoy or offend anyone and I'm not shitposting, simply looking for opinions and insight.

I came across Neitszche's thought experiment of the eternal recurrence, and seeing as Crowley was such a big fan of Neitszche and considered him a 'saint' of Thelema, I thought i would ask what people here make of it.

Does it hold any plausible scientific weight? Was it just proposed simply as a thought experiment to make people really wake up to the idea of really being the Ubermensch and sieze their life and say yes to life?

"In infinity, at some moment or other, every possible combination must once have been realised; not only this, but it must have been realised an infinite number of times. And inasmuch as between every one of these combinations and its next recurrence every other possible combination would necessarily have been undergone, and since every one of these combinations would determine the whole series in the same order, a circular movement of absolutely identical series is thus demonstrated: the universe is thus shown to be a circular movement which has already repeated itself an infinite number of times, and which plays its game for all eternity"

As far as i understand/interpret this, if you were to die, you would be born again into the exact same life, with no memory, and you would live it again, exactly the same, and have everything that happened to you, happen again, over and over and over, for eternity?

Is that accurate? What do you make of it?

13:36 UTC


LAMED: Adjustment


O. Learn first --- Oh thou who aspirest unto our ancient Order! --- that Equilibrium is the basis of the Work. If thou thyself hast not a sure foundation, whereon wilt thou stand to direct the forces of Nature?

  1. Know then, that as man is born into this world amidst the Darkness of Matter, and the strife of contending forces; so must his first endeavour be to seek the Light through their reconciliation.

  2. Thou then, who hast trials and troubles, rejoice because of them, for in them is Strength, and by their means is a pathway opened unto that Light.

  3. How should it be otherwise, O man, whose life is but a day in Eternity, a drop in the Ocean of time; how, were thy trials not many, couldst thou purge thy soul from the dross of earth?

Is it but now that the Higher Life is beset with dangers and difficulties; hath it not ever been so with the Sages and Hierophants of the past? They have been persecuted and reviled, they have been tormented of men; yet through this also has their Glory increased.

  1. Rejoice therefore, O Initiate, for the greater thy trial the greater thy Triumph. When men shall revile thee, and speak against thee falsely, hath not the Master said, "Blessed art thou!"?

  2. Yet, oh aspirant, let thy victories bring thee not Vanity, for with increase of Knowledge should come increase of Wisdom. He who knoweth little, thinketh he knoweth much; but he who knoweth much hath learned his own ignorance. Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? There is more hope of a fool, than of him.

  3. Be not hasty to condemn others; how knowest thou that in their place, thou couldest have resisted the temptation? And even were it so, why shouldst thou despise one who is weaker than thyself?

  4. Thou therefore who desirest Magical Gifts, be sure that thy soul is firm and steadfast; for it is by flattering thy weaknesses that the Weak Ones will gain power over thee. Humble thyself before thy Self, yet fear neither man not spirit. Fear is failure, and the forerunner of failure: and courage is the beginning of virtue.

  5. Therefore fear not the Spirits, but be firm and courteous with them; for thou hast no right to despise or revile them; and this too may lead thee astray. Command and banish them, curse them by the Great Names if need be; but neither mock nor revile them, for so assuredly wilt thou be lead into error.

  6. A man is what he maketh himself within the limits fixed by his inherited destiny; he is a part of mankind; his actions affect not only what he calleth himself, but also the whole universe.

  7. Worship and neglect not, the physical body which is thy temporary connection with the outer and material world. Therefore let thy mental Equilibrium be above disturbance by material events; strengthen and control the animal passions, discipline the emotions and the reason, nourish the Higher Aspirations.

  8. Do good unto others for its own sake, not for reward, not for gratitude from them, not for sympathy. If thou art generous, thou wilt not long for thine ears to be tickled by expressions of gratitude.

  9. Remember that unbalanced force is evil; that unbalanced severity is but cruelty and oppression; but that also unbalanced mercy is but weakness which would allow and abet Evil. Act passionately; think rationally; be Thyself.

  10. True ritual is as much action as word; it is Will.

  11. Remember that this earth is but an atom in the universe, and that thou thyself art but an atom thereon, and that even couldst thou become the God of this earth whereon thou crawlest and grovellest, that thou wouldest, even then, be but an atom, and one amongst many.

  12. Nevertheless have the greatest self-respect, and to that end sin not against thyself. The sin which is unpardonable is knowingly and wilfully to reject truth, to fear knowledge lest that knowledge pander not to thy prejudices.

  13. To obtain Magical Power, learn to control thought; admit only those ideas that are in harmony with the end desired, and not every stray and contradictory Idea that presents itself.

  14. Fixed thought is a means to an end. Therefore pay attention to the power of silent thought and meditation. The material act is but the outward expression of thy thought, and therefore hath it been said that "the thought of foolishness is sin." Thought is the commencement of action, and if a chance thought can produce much effect, what cannot fixed thought do?

  15. Therefore, as hath already been said, Establish thyself firmly in the equilibrium of forces, in the centre of the Cross of the Elements, that Cross from whose centre the Creative Word issued in the birth of the Dawning Universe.

  16. Be thou therefore prompt and active as the Sylphs, but avoid frivolity and caprice; be energetic and strong like the Salamanders, but avoid irritability and ferocity; be flexible and attentive to images like the Undines, but avoid idleness and changeability; be laborious and patient like the Gnomes, but avoid grossness and avarice.

  17. So shalt thou gradually develop the powers of thy soul, and fit thyself to command the Spirits of the elements. For wert thou to summon the Gnomes to pander to thine avarice, thou wouldst no longer command them, but they would command thee. Wouldst thou abuse the pure beings of the woods and mountains to fill thy coffers and satisfy thy hunger of Gold? Wouldst thou debase the Spirits of Living Fire to serve thy wrath and hatred? Wouldst thou violate the purity of the Souls of the Waters to pander to thy lust of debauchery? Wouldst thou force the Spirits of the Evening Breeze to minister to thy folly and caprice? Know that with such desires thou canst but attract the Weak, not the Strong, and in that case the Weak will have power over thee.

  18. In the true religion there is no sect, therefore take heed that thou blaspheme not the name by which another knoweth his God; for if thou do this thing in Jupiter thou wilt blaspheme HB:Heh HB:Vau HB:Heh HB:Yod and in Osiris HB:Heh HB:Vau HB:Shin HB:Heh HB:Yod . Ask and ye shall have! Seek, and ye shall find! Knock, and it shall be opened unto you!

1 Comment
10:51 UTC


Tri-key Study #3

The solar gods as they relate to Thelema are named in the Book of the Law in verse III:35:

The half of the word of Heru-ra-ha, called Hoor-pa-kraat and Ra-Hoor-Khut.

The interpretation of the verse by Aleister Crowley, is Hoor-pa-kraat is the passive form of Heru-ra-ha, and Ra-Hoor-Khut the active form. The conclusion can be contradicted a number of ways, starting with Hoor-pa-kraat, 'Horus the child', not being a passive god of silence as concluded by the Golden Dawn, and ultimately Crowley. Horus the child was quite active in Egyptian myth, standing on crocodiles and taming the most dangerous animals.

Neither of the last two names consist of half the word of Heru-ra-ha, which is an obvious reference to his name. The sentence, 'The half of the word of Heru-ra-ha' contains 26 letters, the Tri-key gematria value of HERU, which is exactly half of the letters in Heru-ra-ha, and the gematria value of the word SUN, thus suggesting the gods named in the verse are the solar variety. To wit:

HERU = 26 = SUN
RA = 14 = EAST
RA-HA = 23 = RISE


HOOR = 19 = DIE
PA = 25 = WEST



04:24 UTC


Starting in Thelema

I have been hearing a little bit from everywhere about thelema but I have yet to find a way to start my life in thelema hopefully some of you are able to help me on how to do it, I would like to learn about it more deeply and how to implement it in my life and hopefully how to become an initiate. Thank you:)

02:41 UTC



01:29 UTC


Babalon Before The Bible- By Horizon Lodge

15:56 UTC


What exactly are the practices taught to discover one's True Will and how exactly do these practices lead to the discovery of one's True Will?

I realize this information is probably out there in some form, but to be honest I don't really know how to find it. If you could point me in a direction which could answer my specific question I'd be grateful. Or even better if you could answer the question in the comments I'd be even more grateful. Thanks.

15:55 UTC


MEM: The Hanged Man


  1. Verily and Amen! I passed through the deep sea, and by the rivers of running water that abound therein, and I came unto the Land of No Desire.

  2. Wherein was a white unicorn with a silver collar, whereon was graven the aphorism Linea viridis gyrat universa.

  3. Then the word of Adonai came unto me by the mouth of the Magister mine, saying: O heart that art girt about with the coils of the old serpent, lift up thyself unto the mountain of initiation.

  4. But I remembered. Yea, Than, yea, Theli, yea, Lilith! these three were about me from of old. For they are one.

  5. Beautiful wast thou, O Lilith, thou serpent-woman!

  6. Thou wast lithe and delicious to the taste, and thy perfume was of musk mingled with ambergris.

  7. Close did thou cling with thy coils unto the heart, and it was as the joy of all the spring.

  8. But I beheld in thee a certain taint, even in that wherein I delighted.

  9. I beheld in thee the taint of thy father the ape, of thy grandsire the Blind Worm of Slime.

  10. I gazed upon the Crystal of the Future, and I saw the horror of the End of thee.

  11. Further, I destroyed the Time Past, and the time to Come—had I not the Power of the Sand-glass?

  12. But in the very hour I beheld corruption.

  13. Then I said: O my beloved, O Lord Adonai, I pray thee to loosen the coils of the serpent!

  14. But she was closed fast upon me, so that my Force was stayed in its inception.

  15. Also I prayed unto the Elephant God, the Lord of Beginnings, who breaketh down obstructions.

  16. These gods came right quickly to mine aid. I beheld them; I joined myself unto them; I was lost in their vastness.

  17. Then I beheld myself compassed about with the Infinite Circle of Emerald that encloseth the Universe.

  18. O Snake of Emerald, thou hast no time Past, no time To Come. Verily Thou art not.

  19. Thou art delicious beyond all taste and touch, Thou art not-to-be-beheld for glory, Thy voice is beyond the Speech and the Silence and the Speech therein, and Thy perfume is of pure ambergris, that is not weighed against the finest gold of the fine gold.

  20. Also Thy coils are of infinite range; the Heart that Thou dost encircle is an Universal Heart.

  21. I, and Me, and Mine were sitting with lutes in the marketplace of the great city, the city of the violets and the roses.

  22. The night fell, and the music of the lutes was stilled.

  23. The tempest arose, and the music of the lutes was stilled.

  24. The hour passed, and the music of the lutes was stilled.

  25. But Thou art Eternity and Space; Thou art Matter and Motion; and Thou art the negation of all these things.

  26. For there is no Symbol of Thee.

  27. If I say, Come up upon the mountains! the celestial waters flow at my word.But thou art the Water beyond the waters.

  28. The red three-angled heart hath been set up in Thy shrine; for the priests despised equally the shrine and the god.

  29. Yet all the while Thou wast hidden therein, as the Lord of Silence is hidden in the buds of the lotus.

  30. Thou art Sebek the crocodile against Asar; thou art Mati, the Slayer in the Deep. Thou art Typhon, the Wrath of the Elements, O Thou who transcendest the Forces in their Concourse and Cohesion, in their Death and their Disruption. Thou art Python, the terrible serpent about the end of all things!

  31. I turned about me thrice in every way; and always I came at the last unto Thee.

  32. Many things I beheld mediate and immediate; but, beholding them no more, I beheld Thee.

  33. Come thou, O beloved One, O Lord God of the Universe, O Vast One, O Minute One! I am Thy beloved.

  34. All day I sign of Thy delight; all night I delight in Thy song.

  35. There is no other day or night that this.

  36. Thou art beyond the day and the night; I am Thyself, O my Maker, my Master, my Mate!

  37. I am like the little red dog that sitteth upon the knees of the Unknown.

  38. Thou hast brought me into great delight. Thou hast given me of Thy flesh to eat and of Thy blood for an offering of intoxication.

  39. Thou hast fastened the fangs of Eternity in my soul, and the Poison of the Infinite hath consumed me utterly.

  40. I am become like a luscious devil of Italy; a fair strong woman with worn cheeks, eaten out with hunger for kisses. She hath played the harlot in divers places; she hath given her body to the beasts.

  41. She hath slain her kinsfolk with strong venom of toads; she hath been scourged with many rods.

  42. She hath been broken in pieces upon the Wheel; the hands of the hangman have bound her unto it.

  43. The fountains of water have been loosed upon her; she hath struggled with exceeding torment.

  44. She hath burst in sunder with the weight of the waters; she hath sunk into the awful Sea.

  45. So am I, O Adonai, my lord, and such are the waters of Thine intolerable Essence.

  46. So am I, O Adonai, my beloeved, and Thou hast burst me utterly in sunder.

  47. I am shed out like spilt blood upon the mountains; the Ravens of Dispersion have borne me utterly away.

  48. Therefore is the seal unloosed, the guarded the Eighth abyss; therefore is the vast sea as a veil; therefore is there a rending asunder of all things.

  49. Yea, also verily Thou art the cool still water of the wizard fount. I have bathed in Thee, and lost me in Thy stillness.

  50. That which went in as a brave boy of beautiful limbs cometh forth as a maiden, as a little child for perfection.

  51. O Thou light and delight, ravish me away into the milky ocean of the stars!

  52. O Thou Son of a light-transcending mother, blessed be Thy name, and the Name of Thy Name, throughout the ages!

  53. Behold! I am a butterfly at the Source of Creation; let me die before the hour, falling dead into Thine infinite stream!

  54. Also the stream of the stars floweth ever majestical unto the Abode; bear me away upon the Bosom of Nuit!

  55. This is the world of the waters of Maim; this is the bitter water that becometh sweet. Thou art beautiful and bitter, O golden one, O my Lord Adonai, O thou Abyss of Sapphire!

  56. I follow Thee, and the waters of Death fight strenu-ously against me. I pass into the Waters beyond Death and beyond Life.

  57. How shall I answer the foolish man? In no way shall he come to the Identity of Thee!

  58. But I am the Fool that heedeth not the Play of the Magician. Me doth the Woman of the Mysteries instruct in vain; I have burst the bonds of Love and of Power and of Worship.

  59. Therefore is the Eagle made one with the man, and the gallows of infamy dance with the fruit of the just.

  60. I have descended, O my darling, into the black shining waters, and I have plucked Thee forth as a black pearl of infinite preciousness.

  61. I have gone down, O my God, into the abyss of the all, and I have found Thee in the midst under the guise of No Thing.

  62. But as Thou art the Last, Thou art also the Next, and as the Next do I reveal Thee to the multitude.

  63. They that ever desired Thee shall obtain Thee, even at the End of their Desire.

  64. Glorious, glorious, glorious art Thou, O my lover supernal, O Self of myself.

  65. For I have found Thee alike in the Me and the Thee; there is no difference, O my beautiful, my desirable One! In the One and the Many have I found Thee; yea, I have found Thee.

12:51 UTC


Not a Thelemite, just interested in the general occult; The link between Choronzon, the fabric of reality, and psychedelics...

Choronzon was described by Crowley as a demon who was the antithesis of being, one who is without self, the shapeless void screaming out different obscene form trying to become reality.

Now, one could argue that Crowley himself at the time was under heavy influence of drugs. Deliriant tropanes and cocaine can make for a hell of a synthetic visual experience, and this was a common theme of Crowley's.

Now, i delved psychedelics, and heavy drug use in general for a solid 15 years of my younger life, 8 of which was extreme and i can honestly say i;ve experienced every substance there is out there aside from obscure modern opioid/benzo/cannabinoid/cathinone research analogs. Anything available pre-2012 has gone into my system on more than one occasion.

Psychedelics outlasted everything else. Ibogaine itself got me clean off hedonistic and recklessly abusable substances in 2015, and i've continued being involved with the plant medicine side of things, even facilitating for into the hundreds at this point transformative and healing experiences with ibogaine, ayahuasca, and mescaline. Lsd and mushrooms have their space, but aren't in the same wheelhouse for me.

Anyways, what im getting at, is on multiple flood/breakthrough experiences, i;'ve expwerience reality as an amorphous blob of shapeless shadow/smoke. Tendrils of conscious chaos that contain all object creation blossoming forth screaming for corporeal form then crashing back into it's self abyss. To me, i always took this to be the absolute primal being and energy of reality being expressed.

This isn't isolated. This is a feature of any and all psychedelic states once one goes far enough. Years ago, i found out that supplementing heavy cholinergic compounds (choline being your neurotransmitter that forms memory) in otherwise blacked out psychedelia from over the top dosing allows one to retain full lucidity and memory of these experience that one would otherwise entirely blackout from intensity.

Each time has ended up in me meeting this chaotic "non-being" that is all "beings."

The more i learn of the Choronzon mythology, the more it makes sense that this is a potential answer. This isn't some standard visual, this is a visual, tactile, audible, sensory filled experience of seemingly non-self consciousness that's otherwise indescribable to me.

I'm not some burnt out person event though i have the history i do, i've been relatively clean since 2016, hold master's in pharmacology and a PhD in neuroscience specialized in addiction neurobiology.

In chased this field because of my own past, and wanting to understand my brain, but the psychedelic experiences i've had on top has undoubtedly made me chase down answers for this aspect of it all too.

If anyone here would have any comments, insight, or rebuttals to this, i would be most interested to hear what you say.

If you read this all, thanks for letting me ramble, just genuinely interested in this concept.

10:35 UTC



05:59 UTC


Thelemic Perspective on Life and Death- Minute Thelema

Delve into Thelema’s views on Life and Death, highlighting its perspective on existence and the afterlife. Thelema sees life as an opportunity for growth and discovering one’s True Will, and death as a transformative continuation of the soul’s journey. We’ll explore Aleister Crowley’s teachings, presenting life and death as parts of a continuous cycle. Tune in for an insightful look at Thelema’s take on life's and death's roles in our spiritual evolution.

93 93/93


01:42 UTC


Hilary Clinton does “Satanic Aleister Crowley rituals.”

So, I’ve seen some posts on the conspiracy side of the internet claiming that there’s evidence that Hilary Clinton has been doing Satanic Aleister Crowley rituals.

If all she’s doing is the LBRP and Resh, I’d be kinda underwhelmed and disappointed.

Maybe she does the occasional LBRH or the Star Ruby as well?

Which ones do you think she does?

If anybody in this sub is down, maybe we can join her in her pursuit of K&C

00:37 UTC


Thoughts on Qabalah?

Wassup y'all, I hope everyones commitment to the great work has been going profusely well, It's definitely a rocky road at first and extremely complicated but as I evolve my knowledge and understanding further I am noticing a tremendous difference in my life...I am making this post to gain an understanding of what other peoples experiences with the Qabalah in relation to Thelema have been like....I've just started reading Qabalah texts and it's a little confusing trying to put the theology of Thelema and Qabalah together as a beginner, I'm just looking for more insight into how the 2 of them are similar and/or different. Is the Tree of Life the only similarity or is it deeper than that? I find that both religions resonate with me deeply and I like how the theology isn't based on pure faith, it can be understood even more clearly through proven facts from science, physics, astrology, psychology and nature itself.

22:08 UTC


Where to find the information about Thelema's gatherings, events? What is the best forum/online community after Lashtal.com (and r/thelema)?

21:09 UTC


NUN: Death

Liber Arcanorum

  1. A, the heart of IAO, dwelleth in ecstasy in the secret place of the thunders. Between Asar and Asi he abideth in joy.

  2. The lightnings increased and the Lord Tahuti stood forth. The Voice came from the Silence. Then the One ran and returned.

  3. Now hath Nuit veiled herself, that she may open the gate of her sister.

  4. The Virgin of God is enthroned upon an oyster-shell; she is like a pearl, and seeketh Seventy to her Four. In her heart is Hadit the invisible glory.

  5. Now riseth Ra-Hoor-Khuit, and dominion is established in the Star of the Flame.

  6. Also is the Star of the Flame exalted, bringing benediction to the universe.

  7. Here then beneath the winged Eros is youth, delighting in the one and the other. He is Asar between Asi and Nepthi; he cometh forth from the veil.

  8. He rideth upon the chariot of eternity; the white and the black are harnessed to his car. Therefore he reflecteth the Fool, and the sevenfold veil is reveiled.

  9. Also cometh forth mother Earth with her lion, even Sekhet, the lady of Asi.

  10. Also the Priest veiled himself, lest his glory be profaned, lest his word be lost in the multitude.

  11. Now then the Father of all issued as a mighty wheel; the Sphinx, and the dog-headed god, and Typhon, were bound on his circumference.

  12. Also the lady Maat with her feather and her sword abode to judge the righteous. For Fate was already established.

  13. Then the holy one appeared in the great water of the North; as a golden dawn did he appear, bringing benediction to the fallen universe.

  14. Also Asar was hidden in Amennti; and the Lords of Time swept over him with the sickle of death.

  15. And a mighty angel appeared as a woman, pouring vials of woe upon the flames, lighting the pure stream with her brand of cursing. And the iniquity was very great.

  16. Then the Lord Khem arose, He who is holy among the highest, and set up his crowned staff for to redeem the universe.

  17. He smote the towers of wailing; he brake them in pieces in the fire of his anger, so that he alone did escape from the ruin thereof.

  18. Transformed, the holy virgin appeared as a fluidic fire, making her beauty into a thunderbolt.

  19. By her spells she invoked the Scarab, the Lord KhephRa, so that the waters were cloven and the illusion of the powers was destroyed.

  20. Then the sun did appear unclouded, and the mouth of Asi was on the mouth of Asar.

  21. Then also the Pyramid was builded so that the Initiation might be complete.

  22. And in the heart of the Sphinx danced the Lord Adonai, in His garlands of roses and pearls making glad the concourse of things; yea, making glad the concourse of things.

09:24 UTC


Well, I feel stupid 😁

So all this time reading Crowley as he used the term higherself, holy guardian angel, and Genius, I had always thought he used genius in line with the psychological model as an aspect of the self, like Einstein was in touch with his genius, the best part of himself where he excelled. 30+ years and I learn that genius is the singular of jinn and also means guardian spirit or guardian angel and it is in the dictionary as such 🤣.

Learn something new every day, I mean contextually the idea remained to find your purpose, but I just always thought it was an out for steadfast adherents to the psychological model instead of another word for a spirit or that it was related to jinn at all. That we use the singular for jinn to describe exceptional ability, in fact implying that their skill is supernatural is kind of interesting. Or that it is yet another esoteric term normalized or commercialized like logo.

Just one of those things I never looked deeper into because I thought the definition was obvious and modern as few words are 😁. Just had to laugh at my own ignorance and share my "uh duh" moment. Not quite as good as aha! But it will suffice 🤣. So many rabbit holes.

23:16 UTC


How has your regular practice changed since starting down a Thelemic path?


Over the years I've strayed away from daily meditation and Asana practice. But I've added on anointing myself in abramelin oil daily and doing a Reguli ritual in the morning before my day starts with an occasional reading of a chapter of one of the holy books.

How has your practice changed?

20:08 UTC


Thelema recovery

Does anyone have experience with applying the principles of Thelema to the 12 steps?

18:47 UTC


Our Man in Cefalú

Do you know what it takes to get to The Abbey of Thelema? Pure Will.

17:59 UTC


What are the Essences of Each Sephirah?

What are the essential qualities of each of the 10 Sephiroth, and/or where can this information be found? Specifically, I'm seeking some keywords that illustrate the essence of each in order to apply to apply to interpretations for the Minor Arcana.

Beyond the rough English translation of each Sephirah e.g. (Kether: Crown, Chokmah: Wisdom, etc) I've found this information to be either absent or in scant inconsistencies (between different authors) and/or redundant overlaps with other Sephirah.

Whereas I could just not be comprehending enough, I have read and have not found satisfactory information for this in the following books:

Chicken Qabalah (Otherwise a great introduction to Hermetic Qabalah)

Understanding Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot (Another good book by LMD, but oddly this seemingly fundamental information seems lacking considering it should be an integral part of establishing any meaning for the Minor Arcana)

777 (I usually get this book suggested when I ask this question. If the info is there, site page numbers, because I haven't found it. Yes, there are correspondences, but correspondences are not what I'm looking for. What rock , angelic Choir, animal, etc are not the essential character of the Sephiroth, they are categorized correspondences)

776 1/2 (See reasons above)

Liber Theta

The New Golden Dawn Ritual Tarot (Chapter 1 is probably the best streamlined explanation of how the ToL and Tarot relate, but again, this information—the essential qualities of each Sephirah expressed in a few keywords—isn't really there.

The Qabalistic Tarot (Surprisingly absent)

Living Thelema (Chapter 1 is a good introduction to Qabalistic principles, but again, this information seems absent.

I read DF's Mystical Qabalah years ago, so I'd have to read it again to disqualify it as well.

I want to be wrong about this, so please point this out if I've been foolishly blind to this information in the books I've already read.

10:50 UTC

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