Pics of swingers doing naughty things. Upload your best! Upload often!
Pics of swingers doing naughty things. Post often!
1.) Post only pictures with consent!
2.) No selling, advertising or [OC] watermarks that aren't your username.
3.) Use /r/swingersr4r for hookups.
4.) Submissions must be of 2+ people, and not be mild. That includes albums--if you post an album with any single-person pics in it, the whole album will be removed.
5.) Please ensure your posts are high quality. If it's so blurry or close-up that it looks like a piece of abstract art, or if it's so low-res that it's barely bigger than the thumbnail, it will be removed.
6.) Please limit your posts to a maximum of 3 within a 24-hour period.
7.) Don't spam! We want at least mostly unique content for this sub, so please make sure that you're not posting the same content in more than 3 other subs.
Swinger Meeting Websites:
A list of all of them here.
Swinglifestyle - Largest in U.S.
SDC - Largest outside of U.S.
Kasidie - Younger, party crowd.
Swinger Subreddits:
/r/Swingers The main swinger subreddit
/r/SwingersGW NSFW - Post your nudes here
/r/SwingersR4R - Post your hookup requests here
/r/SwingerTravel - Sexy vacation stuff.
Both bi here but I’d love to perform for my wife with a guy while the ladies watch. My wife has a HUGE tongue btw.
Discovered my wife prefers to play alone (lesbian)so how should I go about it? We’ve tried it before but things never worked out. I just don’t wanna sneak with men anymore cuz I’m really enjoying being with men. Like I wanna suck some dick while fucking her. I could really use help folks!