Pics of swingers doing naughty things. Upload your best! Upload often!
Pics of swingers doing naughty things. Post often!
1.) Post only pictures with consent!
2.) No selling, advertising or [OC] watermarks that aren't your username.
3.) Use /r/swingersr4r for hookups.
4.) Submissions must be of 2+ people, and not be mild. That includes albums--if you post an album with any single-person pics in it, the whole album will be removed.
5.) Please ensure your posts are high quality. If it's so blurry or close-up that it looks like a piece of abstract art, or if it's so low-res that it's barely bigger than the thumbnail, it will be removed.
6.) Please limit your posts to a maximum of 3 within a 24-hour period.
7.) Don't spam! We want at least mostly unique content for this sub, so please make sure that you're not posting the same content in more than 3 other subs.
Swinger Meeting Websites:
A list of all of them here.
Swinglifestyle - Largest in U.S.
SDC - Largest outside of U.S.
Kasidie - Younger, party crowd.
Swinger Subreddits:
/r/Swingers The main swinger subreddit
/r/SwingersGW NSFW - Post your nudes here
/r/SwingersR4R - Post your hookup requests here
/r/SwingerTravel - Sexy vacation stuff.
Imagine this! A group of friends, they draw out couples costumes out of a hat a week before Halloween, they don’t say who or what they are to anyone, they show up to the Halloween party, and whoever they’re paired up with is who they’re going home with that night. Sounds like a great time