We're all friends here, just talking shit. You want some this?
If you are linking a thread, you must link the start of the battle and not just the thread.
If the comment you're linking to requires some context, just add "?context=10" to the URL. /r/bestof explains this best. For a detailed explanation on why this is important, please see this thread.
NSFW entries must be labeled as such, don't want anybody getting in trouble, and always follow reddiquette.
If you want to request a battle, put the two usernames in your title please. You can request to challenge somebody by just putting your own name in the title and whoever you are challenging.
If you interrupt a battle, your comment will be removed, & you will be banned, without warning.
The most important rule: Have fun and battle on!
Using mobile here is a slow go. Use of RES or the redditEnhancementSuite while visiting is the preferred suggestion.
Snoo image credit to /u/Smithereens1
Thanks to /r/bestof for the context link.