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My gpa is 3.6,is it okay?

17:03 UTC


Akira Physics - Tippens Física Conceptos y Aplicaciones Soluciones P2.1 a P2.4 - Sleep Music

12:00 UTC


How to start studying

I don't know if there are cases similar to mine so feel free to tell me your experience. Not sure if this is the right place to post please direct me to a subreddit where I can get help for this. I did my O levels , did not get the best results but managed to get into a diploma course , mechanical engineering specifically , unfortunately hated it from the very first day and did not understand or bother to understand anything so I got kicked out.

Now I'm looking to do private A levels , Cambridge syllabus , but given the fact that I don't have proper understanding of the o level syllabus, it's difficult for me to start studying,plus its been a good 2 years, and i barely did o levels cause my prelims i failed almost every subject except english. I think the last time I studied properly was in 2020 , and now it feels very difficult when I start , but I still want to something great and cool in the future so... And ofc I have the interest in the subjects I do , or rather these subjects are the most I'm interested on and I admit I was good at them in the past ,but idk man shit happened so now I'm back to square one . Oh yeah and I'm taking a complete new subject ; biology So these are the subjects that i plan to do, Maths Bio Phy Chem My o level results I had a high B for advanced / basic maths And a low B for chem and physics Ended up failing languages and just passing history/social studies

I'm taking these subjects because while I'm not exceptional at them , I'm still better at them than others so please don't ask me to change my course of study.

I don't know how to start studying , I don't know what topics to start from , especially because it's been a while since I did these subjects/did them properly How can I start? Also another issue is whenever I start I keep restarting again and again because I have this mentality I want to do it properly but yeah because of how many times I restarted the first topic I'm bored of that too so I stop studying after like 5 mins. Also I'm doing it alone for now. So in short : How do I start studying for my A level subjects ?

06:49 UTC



There’s so much to be done. Assignments, video presentations, studying for finals…. I am making very slow progress and not wanting to study any longer

05:14 UTC


Been studying 70 hrs per month(along with a full time job) and seeing slow progress, how do I accelerate it?

05:00 UTC


Does anyone have advice for studying math or memorizing Q&A's?

My geometry final is in three days, and I haven't done any studying outside of the review the teacher has assigned. I've been avoiding studying, mainly because I don't feel like my current methods aren't helpful. The best way I have to study math is rewriting my notes and looking through the text book for threoms and equations I might have missed. I'm not entirely sure where to get practice problems that teach hasn't assigned, either, so most of my experience with working through this stuff comes from the nightly homework. I

The other final I'm super worried about is my science final, but I have more time (it's on the 27th). The teacher says that all of the questions will be from previous tests, and the class has the answers, but I'm not sure the best way of going about memorizing these questions.

03:08 UTC


I'm having trouble doing my school work

I'm currently a masters student. I've being struggling to do my school work ever since the year started. I can't even do my day to day tasks. I'm sleeping 13/24 hrs a day on days I don't have class ans I stay up the nights before my classes. I stay up late doing nothing. I'm not sure how to figure things out and put my life back on track. I'm not sure what I'm doing with myself. All I wanted to do was to actually study and be an academic weapon but now I'm struggling to wash the dishes.

I was hoping you guys could help me out.

I can't afford therapy.

1 Comment
23:17 UTC


Study tip 111. 4 tips to study in one hour 📚✅💯

How to Study in One Hour 🖇️

Before you start studying, make sure your study space is quiet and has minimal distractions (setting a phone timelapse is great for this). Organize your study material so you don’t have to interrupt your flow of studying during the one hour!

  1. Goal Setting ⏲️ (5 mins)

Define what you want to achieve in this session (ex. understanding a specific concept or memorizing vocabulary)

  1. Concept Understanding 🧠 (20 mins)

Go through your study material and focus on understanding over memorization. You can take quick notes or draw diagrams to visualize the ideas.

  1. Active Recall 📢 (30 mins)

Now use a separate study method to reinforce your memory (ex. flashcards or practice tests)

  1. Recap ✍🏼 (5 mins)

Summarize your learning and identify areas that require more review.

17:21 UTC


I can't study

Just as said in the title. I can't study. I've always loved learning new things, I actually quite enjoy studying, but When I need to study (or do something in general, but rn studying is the most important thing) I say to myself "alright, get up and study" and my body just doesn't comply. It doesn't matter if I'm on the phone or if I'm writing something, if I'm playing, studying, sitting and staring at the wall, my body just doesn't do it. it's exhausting, because tomorrow I have a math test, and my body just doesn't fucking move. As I said before it's not only that, but it also stop me from doing things I love. What can I do? (Ps. saying to 'stop using the phone' or to plan the day better is useless. I've tried anything, apps that block the phone, planners, anything. It just doesn't work)

15:35 UTC


Ask for Dissertation Help – Relieve Yourself

Today, let's cut to the chase.

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14:34 UTC


Finally 🥳

10:49 UTC


Zelda music for studying!

14:07 UTC


Summer Hustle: Earning Money as a Student

13:27 UTC



Yo guys, so I noticed that I have been on my phone too much therefore avoiding HW. From next week I have to start studying for exams and I don't wanna constantly think of using my phone or act use it instead of studying. I have a study routine that works rlly well but I do t want my phone to stop me. Pls don't give me advice like Focus modes and Forest. With forest U can just leave the appp and with focus U just cancel the session..

13:06 UTC


No way I’m retaking exams 😭😫

1 Comment
10:22 UTC


Do you think AI tool that can summarize everything is cool?

05:51 UTC


Meinung zur Gesellschaft?

Hallo an alle!

Ich führe aktuell eine internationale Studie zu dem Verhältnis von Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen zu Politik, politischem Aktivismus und dem eigenen Aufwachsen durch.

Es dauert nur 10 min und ihr habt die Chance, einen 25€ Gutschein zu gewinnen!

Ihr könnt teilnehmen wenn ihr zwischen 16 und 25 Jahre alt seid.

Ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn möglichst viele von euch mitmachen!

Ganz lieben Dank!


21:55 UTC


It’s safe to say that I was not the one of the baddies that could ace an AP exam without studying 😅

1 Comment
17:15 UTC


How to deal with textbook specific questions on exams?

Greetings, I am in university, and some courses at my University tend to have their multiple choice section pertain to only content that that can be found in the textbook.

Of course, an intuitive answer would be for me to just read the textbook, and I'm fine with that, however, as the year goes on, responsibilities, and assignments increase it becomes hard to consistently read each chapter of the textbook. What strategies do you guys use to deal with these types of questions, or is the best thing to really just guess?

1 Comment
16:48 UTC


Study tip 110. 5 tips to stop getting distracted ✅⬇️

How to stop getting distracted & stay focused! ⬇️ 🤓

  1. Shut down your phone completely 📵

This is the simplest and easiest solution to poor focus. When you find yourself getting distracted by your phone a lot simply shut it down or put it in do not disturb while you study.

  1. Utilize timed study sessions ⏰

Whether it’s a Pomodoro set or just 45 minutes of interrupted studying, using a timer is effective because the time constraint makes you less likely to stop studying.

  1. Avoid distracting places 🚫

This includes your bed, living spaces, and even cafes. Your setting has major influence on your productivity and focus, so avoid places with the potential to distract, especially busy or social places.

  1. Use music and noise to your advantage 🎶 Sometimes it helps to have sound to get you in the zone. If you have a hard time focusing use music without words- lofi beats, instrumentals, white noise, or alpha waves are great!

  2. If you can study without your electronics try it! 📚

If you really struggle, try printing out materials or using a book to study instead. This won’t work in every situation but it does eliminate a major distraction.

19:47 UTC


Figuring out how to pull an all-nighter while studying can be a real challenge.

I gotta exam tomorrow but I'm not even done studying yet. ANY ADVISE??

17:56 UTC



How to..?

I know this sounds absurd but can somebody give me a walkthrough or guide me on how to actually study ?

I genuinely don’t know how to actually study I have absolutely no idea on how I have been surviving these many years too

Like every time I sit on my desk to study I have a hundred questions like

Do I take notes ( which takes a lot of time & also its just a copy paste of our book…I know It has helped me several times to remember info but…its not possible to copy paste everything from book nd no use also right )

or just read the book

Do I read silently or loudly

Should I be studying or sleeping or snacking

Nd hell lot of other doubts

Somebody please help me out Im looking for someone who can Actually help me out please guys

I know I might sound dumb but when I ask u about how u study u might also go blank

And like how to process the information in head If for instance u read from a book What exactly do u do ??

I want to jump into people’s minds and explore

14:16 UTC


Best Study Music to Boost Your Brainpower

12:36 UTC


Is 50 days enough to study 70 lessons for the finales

08:36 UTC


I try to study but every time I sit down I just start feeling like kinda depressed, heavy and tired, every time, I can't get anything done.

I try to study but every time I sit down I just start feeling like kinda depressed, heavy and tired, every time, I can't get anything done.

I don't know if this is the place to ask these kind of questions, but every time I try to study or do any schoolwork outside school I just get this feeling of depression (not comparing it to actual, clinical depression, just the closest word I could find), fogginess, and I can't ever take the first step to start, and this happens always, even when I try to think about why I should do this beyond the due date and the vague premise that I will need it in the future (which I believe, but is just too distant and untangible to be really convincing at the moment), all my thoughts are "fuck, I don't want to do this", "que paja" (I'm not sure of an english translation of this, maybe 'what a slog') and "please just kill me so I don't have to". Currently on 5th grade, in the weird way americans have of organizing these, I believe that would be either 10th or 11th grade.

If you want to call me lazy and/or stupid, don't you worry, I do that job for you every single day already :)

Just honestly looking for some advice on this.

02:00 UTC

18:11 UTC

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