The home for ALL Star Wars memes!
Welcome to the home for Star Wars related memes
Rules 1. All Posts must be related to Star Wars
All Posts must be related to Star Wars Either the subject of the meme or the imagery of the meme must be related to Star Wars. This can include gifs, picture memes, etc.
2. No upvote or share begging Do not plead for upvotes or request a particular meme to be forwarded around the internet.
3. No posts from recently created accounts. No posts from recently created accounts. If you are new to reddit do not post a meme that is not OC. If the meme is OC and faired as such your meme may be allowed. Automod will remove posts from accounts with less that 500 comment Karma
4. 90 day waiting period for Reposts. Cannot post a meme that has already been posted within the past 30 days. If reporting a repost please include link to last time posted or u/repostsluethbot in the comments.
5. No low pixel posts No reposts of memes containing difficult to read text and or blurry images. This rule applies even if your post is about the lack of pixels in a meme.
6. No poorly cropped posts No meme cropped in a way that cuts off part of the image or text to make the post seem original in an attempt to undermine or thwart repost detection. This applies even if you are trying to make a joke about poorly cropped memes.
7. No Spoilers for new media. Any posts pertaining to streaming shows or new movies must have a Spoiler tag and be labeled as a Spoiler for the pertaining show or movie. Tags will be required for all Star Wars media that is younger than fourteen days for streaming and sixty days for movies.
8. No Polls No images of Star Wars related polls. No memes of polls. No memes of "I love democracy." or "This is how liberty dies." below polls.
All Daily memes asking sub members to vote on anything by either top comment or external voting methods must be approved by mods.
9. No links No Links to YouTube videos, Instagram accounts, merchandise websites, or any other site outside reddit.
10. No Harassment, Hate Speech, Bigotry, Body Shaming, Vulgarity, Inciting Violence, Baiting, ect. No racist, sexist, discriminatory, or Harassment posts or comments. No threatening users with violence or suggestions for others to commit violence and or self harm. No fat posts. No Sexiest posts, no butt posts, no anti woke/woke posts done in a manner that encourages inflammatory comments, No anti LGBTQQIP2SAA post or comments. No "Just stating facts" comments in order to justify racist, sexist, or discriminatory remarks. No post featuring scenes from pornographic content.
11. No "I got order 66" memes No photos of receipts, order numbers, shipping labels, etc that happen to be order 66 in real life.
12. No spelling errors in title or inappropriate Flairs. No spelling errors in title or inappropriate Flairs. All words in the title of posts must be spelled correctly and post must be flaired appropriately. No emojis in title.
13. No Name Calling of any kind. No calling people stupid, idiot, or any out of universe insults. Even if they called you one first.
14. No Content Bashing or Character Love posts. No meme stating a negative and or positive personal opinion of a project or a character. Memes that make a joke pertaining to an in universe statement or scene is allowed.
15. Only one post a day. Do not spam sub with multiple memes within a short time period.
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