
Photograph via snooOG

A compilation of crowdfunding train wrecks.

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    129,192 Subscribers


    [Hypershell] Ai Exoskeleton- Backers start to demand refunds

    1 Comment
    04:46 UTC


    [Tarot AI] A project trying to make a tarot-reading AI chatbot. The writing is absolutely unhinged, rambling, and complaining about the author's failures at university.

    13:52 UTC


    [ASICQuantum/TalentScope AI] More shitty AI-generated projects, neither providing anything to show how far along their product is, no prototypes for anything, but a lot of buzzwords.

    07:35 UTC


    DishKnob, not directly shitty but for a promo movie that focuses on security the most basic feature for that is missing


    This looked interesting as I assumed it would be a timed knob so set it for a time when time end it alerts you and automatically switches it off.

    But its just a timer with an alarm that looks like a knob and can be used as a knob. so its a expensive 48 alarm timer that looks like a knob nothing more nothing less.

    Why replace your knob with this as it does nothing other than having an alarm timer at a handy place.

    15:28 UTC


    [META/Paladyne Dark World/Ravenswood/Bankruptcy Crisis] Three gaming projects, two AI generated, one made by a person, all of them awful for different reasons.

    15:39 UTC


    [THE SPIDER] A poorly thought-out IP-infringing game project with AI-generated text blurbs and a terrible sales pitch.

    16:01 UTC


    [CyperPRO] A hacking device

    Campaign is still ongoing but the creators make suspicious claims about the capabilities of the products, in addition to refusing to refund the backers who want to leave the project and has stopped providing updates about the project's progress. It's started to resemble a lot of failed projects/scams I've seen before


    Edit 2: typo

    Notice that last time I requested a refund, about 8 months after the campaign had ended, I received it literally less than 30 minutes later. There is no reason why a refund request should take more than a day or two

    18:55 UTC


    Modue - the entirely 3D rendered physical interface

    Edit the following day: It appears from the photos at https://www.instagram.com/modue that this is in fact legitimate. Just very glossy, which gives it a 3D look when videoed/photographed in a lightbox. I stand corrected, and pleased.

    Original post:

    Hopefully this is just naivety and them wanting to show a polished product, but it strikes me as extremely suspicious that they claim to have a working prototype and yet none of the videos or photos show the actual physical product - they're all clearly 3D renderings, or suspiciously shiny, polished products that people are interacting with.



    06:58 UTC


    [Gravcore Energy] A man trying to combine centrifugal force (which isn't real) and magnetomotive force (which is unrelated) to create anti-gravity (somehow moving the centrifugal force outside of a centrifuge) which will generate massive amounts of power (somehow). Also, perpetual motion.

    15:21 UTC


    [Juno - Like a Microwave for Cooling] Does Scott Stein and Cnet have some culpability with the scam?

    Jan 5, 2020. Scott writes an article about Juno stating that "seemed to really work." article also lends a lot of credibility to Matrix Industries.

    January 7th, 2020. Scott and CNET upload a video to their YouTube channel that is pretty much just a commercial for Juno and Matrix.

    Coincidentally, the Indiegogo campaign begins in January 2020 and raises $271,301 by March 6th. Last update on the campaign was May 3, 2021. People have been left in the dark for years. Comment section shows people begging for updates or refunds for the campaign.

    I've been unable to find any follow up articles about this project from Scott or CNET. Not sure how this dude considers himself a journalist. It looks like Juno took close to $300k from backers, many of whom were probably influenced by the article and video coverage from Scott.

    You would think that the ethical thing to do, especially if you were concerned with your credibility with consumers, would be to do some sort of follow up- especially since Scott not only met with Matrix at CES but also visited their facility in person. If anyone could help find out what is going on with the contributions of the 944 backers who ended up spending $289,451 and received Jack shit, maybe it would be the journalist and website that helped give Matrix and Juno the credibility in the first place.

    Unless the gift was part of the plan.




    05:22 UTC


    Be You Chair Scam

    Since Amazon blocked the reviews I figured Id come here and keep it real short, real simple.

    I ordered my chair 3 years ago for $350.
    The chair broken after 6 months of use. I am a small person. (5'7, 125lbs)
    The hydraulics failed on the left armrest and main basin.

    The chair is gimmicky. You will use 1-2 positions, if that.

    The chair will not fit under your desk properly. It is insanely wide, bulky, heavy, and the arm rests are enormous wings (which will break, btw)

    They are now selling this chair for $1,000

    Its genuinely so seldom that I hate a product and a company this much. I wish them a merry bankrupt.

    03:44 UTC


    More and more copies of other projects

    Been seeing this more and more lately one is successfully funded and then another goed up with almost the same item and an insanely low target goal. Time for Kickstarter to actually do something with the money the get oaf all these scam projects lately

    Inventable ( original ) https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/inventable/inventable-a-kid-safe-power-tool-for-cutting-cardboard/

    Supcutter ( scam copy ) https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1154298676/supcutter-the-powerful-and-safe-board-cutting-tool

    20:04 UTC


    [META] Trying to identify an old failed gaming Kickstarter

    EDIT: It was Super Retro Squad. Thanks to hoewrecker.

    I remember last reading about this in 2017/2018 or so. Unfortunately I don't remember too much specific info (e.g. genre), but I do remember a few things.

    • Was done during the heydey of gaming Kickstarters (2012 to 2014)
    • Founder completely miscalculated the costs for development.
    • I seem to remember they raised about $150K - $300k, but I could be off on this. For some reason I don't think it was under $100 K. May have been more than $300 K too.
    • Founder seemed genuine, but very inexperienced and naive. This may have been his first "real" game.
    • I maybe misremembering, but the founder may have made simpler flash games or something similar before this KS?
    • Went silent for a while after KS was complete.
    • Founder had a plan were money would be used to buy a house so all devs could live there to lower personal expenses (!).
    • Only ever released two "in progress" videos? There was much more communication via text, but also long periods of silence?
    • First one was more of trailer I think.
    • Second one was the founder fooling around in an internal tool. For some reason it reminded me of a builder tool for platformer maps? This video was not well received at all.
    • There was a lot of drama surrounding the project, it wasn't niche for what it was.
    • Was fully shut down in 2016 or 2017?

    I know this is pretty vague, but I can't have made this up. And I do remember it being somewhat of a big deal in early to mid 2010s (in the scope of indie video gaming kickstarters).

    07:43 UTC



    Actually brought this one, and was like this ain't funded but day before someone put it the £5000 they needed. And I got it 12 days later so hmm. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/stuffnsnooze/stuffnsnooze-a-stuffable-travel-pillow/description https://www.kicktraq.com/projects/stuffnsnooze/stuffnsnooze-a-stuffable-travel-pillow/#chart-daily

    14:28 UTC


    [ELECTRIC DATING] A 4 million dollar project with no app and a website already taken by a dating site with the exact same name.

    [ Removed by Reddit in response to a copyright notice. ]

    14:21 UTC


    [Shiny SLANDER] Turns out there's an anti "Shiny Happy People" documentary that's raised 1% of its goal in 5 months...

    19:35 UTC


    Oaxis Streaming service.

    Hey! It’s been 5 years now since the kickstarter. I wanted to see if anyone who was unfortunate enough to back the project; either got a refund or an update?

    I hate the thought that one of the biggest animators for kids cartoons just scammed people and got away with it.

    15:58 UTC

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