Cats bundled up into a purrito roll.
1. Only content hosted with Imgur, Gyfcat, or directly from the official reddit app are allowed.
2. Any content that may have resulted in a cat getting hurt will be removed.
3. Only CATS rolled up in a blanket or towel are allowed on this subreddit. Any other animal will be removed.
4. NSFW posts are allowed, but MUST be tagged. NSFL material is not allowed.
5. Off topic posts will be removed.
6. Any disrespectful posts and comments will be removed.
7. Please avoid reposting, however, reposts of posts older than 6 months may be ok.
8. Tucked in kitties are not purritos. Kitty must be wrapped up not simply covered up. The blanket/towel must be wrapped under the cat to form a purrito. This is not a purrito.
To combat spam, /r/purrito requires posters to have at least 5 combined karma (Post + Comment) to be able to contribute. If you have any issues with this, please contact the moderators.
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Left is at 9.5 months old, right is at ~10 weeks
Even when he’s not grumpy, he still looks like a grouch
My friend doesn’t have enough karma to post, but here is their new little felon, Tiberius Cornelius.