Posts images and videos of stuff on cats.
1. Only content hosted with Imgur, Gyfcat, or directly from the official reddit app are allowed.
2. Any content that is showing an injured cat or may result in an injury will be removed.
3. Only stuff on CATS are allowed on this subreddit. Any other animal will be removed, unless said animal is on your cat (However, please refer to Rule 2).
4. NSFW posts are allowed, but MUST be tagged. NSFL material is not allowed.
5. Off topic posts will be removed.
6. Any disrespectful posts and comments will be removed.
7. Reposts are allowed, however, they can only be done after 6 months of the previous post (We really encourage OC).
8. Please post dressed up cats to /r/CatCostumes. Hats are the only form of clothing allowed on StuffOnCats.
To combat spam, /r/StuffOnCats requires posters to have atleast 5 combined karma (Post + Comment) to be able to contribute. If you have any issues with this, please contact the moderators.
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Don’t let the judgey looks fool you, he was purring the entire time!
She is my sweet girl
The queen of bowls