
Photograph via snooOG

A psychonaut is a person who experiences intentionally induced altered states of consciousness and claims to use the experience to investigate his or her mind, and possibly address spiritual questions, through direct experience.

r/ReagentTesting (A must before consuming any compound)

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A Psychonaut is a person who explores activities by which altered states of consciousness are induced and utilized for spiritual purposes or the exploration of the human condition, including shamanism, sensory deprivation, and both archaic and modern users of entheogenic substances, in order to gain deeper insights into the mind and spirituality.

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I need trip advice (important)

So a few months ago I had two very bad trips, the first of which was due to a bad setting and dehydration (most intense experience I've ever had) and the second was on a very small dose of lemon tek. The lemon tek trip didn't have any visuals but it gave me really bad anxiety and I immediately decided to shower (which made it worse) I decided to later go on a walk to the park and smoke some weed (muhameds dispo to be exact) I started noticing these almost floater like patterns that looked like words and geometric shaped but they weren't typical trip visuals. It's worth noting I had bought about 3 dispos (Indica, Hybrid and a sativa) and was gifted 10gs of shrooms by the plug because he was late. I kinda had it in the back of my mind that they could've been fake shrooms because that was a lot to give away for a $100 purchase. I was feeling alright but I kept seeing those floaters and I got a headache. Ever since that trip I see those floaters Everytime I close my eyes, sometimes they're words and sometimes they're like digital number type patterns or a bunch of zeros and other numbers thrown in like a grid, they're always neon green, blue or red. I see them when I'm sober but they get slightly worse when I smoke weed and even just smoking weed makes me freak out. I've been plagued with heavy anxiety ever since. Sometimes I see the patterns without having to close my eyes, sometimes I see a red dot in my vision. I've been starting to think I might be developing schizophrenia and it's worrying me. I couldn't find any cases of anyone developing schizophrenia due to mushroom use but it might be that the weed pens could be laced as bud is very strong for me even after I've developed a tolerance for the pens. I've been wondering if maybe tripping in the right setting with a good mindset could fix things but subconsciously I think I'm just a bad person. I've done some very bad things lately that I don't want to get into and I'm wondering if I can ever trip without freaking out again. I've had some wonderful experiences off of shrooms and I'd hate if I'm never able to do them again. It is worth mentioning I am under 25 and I know it's bad so please don't focus on that aspect, im giving this insight more so you can understand my brain is still developing. Any advice? I know that's probably a lot. I'm just thinking a good trip would help reset my brain and get me back to normal.

06:42 UTC


So in computer terms, I’m guessing the process of achieving ego death involves looking at the raw system files and shutting them down until your in the hardware BIOS

That’s what I take from this. Your shutting down computer programs, and maybe looking at raw data, then ultimately you’re shutting the down the main OS til’ you’re just in BIOS part of your brain.

Is that a good way to frame it?

1 Comment
06:27 UTC


So, Ram Dass says in early lectures that some people go into “samadhi” and then choose to leave their bodies. My question: is there any documented instances of this happening?

06:17 UTC


Psychedelics in the second half of life and old age (2)

First: During an LSD or mushroom trip, you have to surrender to completely new experiences, which you can not control. You are forced to let go the control of your mind. On the journey into other dimensions, the ego "dies" and you open yourself up to the unknown - just like in the moment of your death. From my own many years of experience, I have come to the (provisional) conclusion that psychedelic journeys are basically exercises in "dying well».

Second: Fears can increase, when you get older, because life becomes more fragile. An empathogen such as MDMA allows you to look for a few hours without fear at things that would otherwise frighten you. The anxiety-relieving effect can go so far that you can accept all the limitations and losses that come with getting older.

Third: Unresolved, lifelong feelings of guilt can dissolve under the influence of psychedelics and empathogens and make way for a deep feeling of happiness and love. No one should miss this experience - especially in old age. (to be continued)

1 Comment
05:58 UTC


Some Israelis were trippin balls while the attack of Hamas.

And some people of this community just shittalk about Israel. Congrats, that shows how antisemitic these people are. I thought these people would know better.. shame on these people.

03:13 UTC


Trip Underlying Meaning

This is going to be rough to try to explain but while tripping I thought of a movie. (Crazy what a split second on shrooms can be sober) It is similar to The Truman Show but for today’s society.

Movie starts by following a 20 ish year old male through the day. It shows him checking his phone, browsing social media, and watching music videos.

As the music video finishes the camera cuts into the set where the video was recorded. The singer sings the last note and you hear the producer yell “CUT”

The singer says “how many fucking times is this dude going to watch this video today. I don’t think I can do this anymore.” The camera cuts back to the main character sitting on his couch getting ready to put on a movie. He decides on an older movie. O Brother Where Art Thou.

The camera cuts to all of the actors rushing to the set while the movie shows a loading screen. Everyone takes their places and the movie starts. Ect ect

The basis would be that everything this main character watches on a device has to be live acted for him. A total random thought but felt the need to share it. I think the mushroom was trying to say that everything we do has an impact on someone that we don’t realize.

1 Comment
02:56 UTC


TIL thousands of people were high on LSD, MDMA, etc. at a music festival in Israel while Hamas attacked & killed festival attendees.

01:03 UTC


Psychedelics and Relationships Survey

Greetings r/Psychonaut community!

My name is Isaac Cavazos and I am a student researcher at St. Edward's University. I'm researching psychedelic experiences and the effects they may have on our relationships! I am sharing this project with you all because of your attraction to altered states of mind, and some of the people in this community may have used entheogens to facilitate such experiences. Because of this, I believe that some of you may meet one, or possibly all, of the survey criteria and have an interest in the current study. The following text provides more information on the study but the flyer is much nicer to look at as well.

In this online survey, you can expect questions that ask about your substance usage, your most recent psychedelic experience, and your interpersonal relationship quality. This project aims to define the influences of classic and non-classic psychedelics and plans to contribute to the formation of alternative psychedelic therapy models with our conclusive data.


  • 18 Years or older
  • Had a recent psychedelic experience within the past year
    • Psychedelics limited in this study to either psilocybin (magic mushrooms), LSD/Acid, or MDMA/Ecstacy/Molly
  • Had a family member, romantic partner, friend, or someone else with you during this recent psychedelic experience


  • Please review all three criteria markers to determine your participation eligibility
  • Survey is entirely anonymous and conducted online through Qualtrics
  • Takes ~15 minutes to complete

Thanks for taking the time to read about our study. Take a look at our flyer for a comprehensive outline of our survey and feel free to email me with any questions: icavazo1@stedwards.edu

Survey Link: https://stedwards.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8wE1mgxYYNz3P2C

Best wishes,

Isaac C.

00:26 UTC


3g syrian rue + 2g shrooms + fat bong rip(need help)

i was good and fine but now after ripping the bong its way too much what can i do???? anyth i can take to kill the trip ither than benzos??

00:19 UTC


Bad Trip

So I went on a bit of a bender last weekend staying up super late and drinking taking shrooms all weekend and around lots of people not having the time I thought I would have had. Likewise for the past four days my vision has been a bit off everything is fuzzy and sort of bright if that makes any sense, and mentally I’ve been kind of down. Just curious if anyone has experienced this as I’ve never had a sort of hangxiety last this long.

23:58 UTC


Library of Knowledge

Any book lovers notice tons of mushroom related books and ornaments in the libraries? Barnes & Nobles has a ton! Fun to see fungi has its place in our libraries. There are books, recipes, notes, decorative pieces, puzzles, and more! Topics ranging from gourmet to the psychedelic experience. Very cool. (Amanita rules the mushy world of arts.) 🍄❤️

22:59 UTC


differences at all in microdosing lsd and psilocybin?

im wondering if anyones tried both and realized differences in any form, im going to be trying both for microdosing and wonder if the subconscious effects could translate from what i experience on higher doses. for example being more intune to emotion and feeling on mushrooms versus me being more pragmatic and in depth thinking about thjngs on acid . Havent heard many people talk about it

1 Comment
22:39 UTC


Want to do a heroic dose , but have no friends to trip sit me

i live somewhere new, thousands of miles from “my” people, i know a few people but no one i feel comfortable with to even let them know i do psychs (plus they dont seem like theyd accept of it, let alone understand to trip sit) i havent been doing too great but not as bad as i may feel, its one of those moments again in my life and i havent had a heroic trip in a while, before every heroic trip ive ever done was tripsat by my ex and now i cant even look to a friend or anyone really for a tripsitter. Im not new to tripping completely alone, but not on heroic doses (3.5g’s and 250ug alone many times but never more) I know im still going to do it sometime in this coming month even if i dont have a person around, anyone have any experiences with heroic doses fully solo that went positive? i understand it can be much more personal and honestly all i want . I want to really dig deep. Any advice you’d give if i were still going to go through with it even if yo reccomend not to?

22:26 UTC


2 things that I feel can help while tripping, as-well as after, at least I hope…

Idk if anyone has thought about this. But based on what I’ve read, is it a good strategy to leave notes for yourself?

But before that, I have an idea for a playlist, or a long recording that loops relaxing music.

But every 5-10 minutes, you have a voice(either yours or someone you know) explaining that you’re just tripping. “You took shrooms and you’re not crazy. Things will be back to normal soon, don’t fight. You’re in your bed and everything is ok.

As for the notes, leave a note on your ceiling saying “you took shrooms and this is just a trip”

Then a note that you leave yourself for after the trip saying “this is you from 3 hours ago, you took shrooms and everything feels weird right now but you are still alive. You wrote this note”.

Could any of that help?

21:25 UTC


Magic mushrooms?

I’m completely new and never tried a psychedelic of any sort. Really want to start and venture deeper into it. I wouldn’t even know where to start about dosage or hell, where to even find them? Are they legal in Colorado? Didn’t know if I could just go there and buy them? Anyone have any other way of finding a reputable grower? If that’s even the best word to use haha

21:11 UTC


Please be careful

This will be mostly a copy from a r/shrooms post I just made. Yes I was a dumbass. Yes I could've prevented this. But take my story as a cautionary tale so it atleast could do some good.

This'll be a lot of reflecting and before you comment "what a dumbass, not surprised this happened" I sadly have to agree that I was a dumbass and I got burned

My story started in late June / July of 2023 and I was 19 at the time (crazy it was only 9 months ago lol). I finally started to delve into shrooms, and since I had a lifelong depression at this point, I knew the good it could do me. Within the first 4 trips I delved on, about a week after one another, my lifelong depression was gone. I was struggling NOT to smile, and I felt genuine emotions for the first time.

The problem comes in where, through all this great, positive change, came my bad habits coming back to haunt me. I had always a trouble of taking more more and more when it came to substances, as previously unknowingly coping with my depression, and while I was finally happy, that mentality stayed. Soon I was doing 4g. Then 5g. And since these shrooms gave me essentially my life back, what would I have to fear? They have been so good to me after all.

Then one night, September 22nd, I took 6g with some weed. I thought i was ready, and I knew to let go. I dont remember much from the trip other than the 3 events:

  1. forgiving a past friend for something terrible they did to me
  2. Feeling very overwhelmed and getting on reddit to cope, not panicking or anything terrible, just overwhelmed
  3. hearing a "NOOOOO." I am unsure if this was another noise i heard and conflated it into being a no, but I interpret as such and at the time it really spooked me.

However next morning when I woke up, my depression was fully back. I was no longer happy, I no longer felt emotions, I felt every heartbeat. Part of me hoped this was a temporary feeling, and I was still just processing. But as of me writing this on May 1st, the depression still lurks with me. I have the exact same hobbies, same diet, even same workout routine, but just am depressed again.

In December I tried DMT for the first time and had an ACTUAL bad trip that was hellish (story on profile if interested) so I'm extra confused on how my depression was reinstated on not even a truly bad trip.

Anyways, if you've read this, thank you for getting this far. I guess this is me just ranting into the void and hoping theres some magic fix but I know its not the case. I fucked around, I found out. Its a cruel joke seeing how beautiful this world is to having it all be taken away. And now I fear, with this "expectation" that shrooms can "fix" me, that I'll never get there again. But I know I can't give up and I will be happy again one day.

TLDR: Shrooms fully got rid of lifelong depression, then 3 months later I brought it fully back after a 6g trip. Please be careful with high doses

If anyone has any advice I'd love to hear it

13:14 UTC


The mushroom speaking

Does anyone else have the mushroom speak to them like McKenna insisted it does? Also I thought about this and came to the conclusion that if the mushroom really was its own intelligence and knew the English language, it would be able to tell you a word in the dictionary that you’ve never heard of if you asked it to, then you would be able to look it up in the dictionary to see if it’s true. Does this prove if it really is its own intelligence?

20:20 UTC


How different are the visual effects produced by LSD and mushrooms?

I ask, as someone that has only tried mushrooms so far

19:54 UTC


Being one with everyone is such a beautiful dream. Just imagine.

Imagine if we could all lay down and look at the sky together, holding hands. Full of euphoria and bliss. Everyone on earth. No fighting, nothing but love. Free as the air we breathe. We can go anywhere, see anyone and know that you love that person and they love you. Imagine people sharing the world together. This is so beautiful to me and it makes me a little sad that that’s not the world we live in, at least not right now. I really hope one day people open their minds and see that loving is a beautiful thing. One day.

19:17 UTC


I think I might have psychosis (Help)

I am aware of what this sub is, and for context, these symptoms happened after taking around 800 MG seeds, then 300 a week later.

I'm seeing, when I look at grass, it moves like I'm tripping. I just feel really out of it, and there's a bit of color vibrance too.

Any thoughts?

19:00 UTC


"The Psychedelic Experience" book by Timothy Leary

Who use it for their trips and what's your opinion on it?

17:33 UTC


Looking for a sponsor for ChemLogix . DM me!!!

17:23 UTC


300ug tab but…

No visuals or long trip, I ate the tab this morning around 10am hoping for a good day just to have a good afternoon feeling on top of the world I felt everything I should do from lsd just didn’t have any visuals

I did trip on 2g lemon tek a few days ago could this be why I didn’t get any visuals today

17:08 UTC


LSD: Cosmic experience


does anyone knows how much was high dosages that: Christopher M. Bache (LSD and the Mind of the Universe: Diamonds from Heaven) took in his session?

How much did Stanislav Grof took when he was describing his LSD experience: "...Consciousness was just catapulted out of my body and uh you know I lost the research assistant I lost Clinic I lost Prague I lost the planet and I had the feeling that I cease to to exist in the form in which I knew myself I was just extinguished but I somehow became uh everything there was I was kind of nothing and everything at the same time ..."

16:07 UTC



Anyone using sassafras? Wondering about the benefits. Is it similar to Kanna?

1 Comment
15:14 UTC


MDMA alone for personal development

It's been 6 years since I had a psychadelic experience. I've previously done shrooms four times and LSD twice. MDMA(Ecstasy) twice a long time ago

I feel like I really need to ground myself and need some spiritual guidance. I'm not present anymore and for the past years I've focused on CAREER, LOOKS, WOMEN, "IN THE FUTURE I CAN FINALLY LiVE IF I WORK HARD NOW" mindset etc.

However, I have a very strange job and work in psychiatry and feel like if I do shrooms and then come back to work and see people in psychosis, panic attacks and self harm it would be very weird for the healing and reflection part of the experience. I feel like I need a longer break, another lifestyle / job before I trip.

So I'm thinking of having a MDMA session for myself to meditate, reflect and treat it like a shroom trip because MDMA is milder and easier to control and with shrooms and acid it takes me weeks to "recover" mentally.

Any thoughts or experiences?

14:56 UTC


Should you microdose leading up to a heroic dose? or start microdose after

I have a lot of experience with many different doses of mushrooms and lsd. Ive had my heroic doses but its been a long time and a lot has changed in my life, i havent been aligned with myself and simply need to start getting back to my self. I'm planning on starting microdosing again and also am soon going to be doing a heroic dose in an organized manner with intent. Ive had trouble implementing my experiences in the past. Would you reccomend i microdose for a week or two leading up to my heroic dose, then continue with microdosing, or go start with a heroic dose and try microdosing from then onwards afterwords for whatever reasons come to mind for you. (in this case i am talking about shrooms, but i would like to have some lsd based replies aswell, please specify which ones you have experienced with microdosing and heroic doses and which your comment is referring to)

13:58 UTC



I’m fairly experienced when it comes to chemically playing with my consciousness, but I’ve never met any anthropomorphic deities, or representations of human gods in my journeys. Any wisdom that I am able to receive seems to come in the form of epiphanies and seem to bubble out of the collective universal unconscious rather than our mythology. But in the Jungian archetypal paradigm we understand that our mythology is borne of the consciousness and not created independently from it. So my question is, what would be the ideal hypothetical psychopharmecutical cocktail be to elevate to that level of receptivity? Taking parenthetically theoretical ;) suggestions

The only time I’ve felt I was strongly in the presence of another being it was some sort of alien-feeling insectoid consciousness that barged into my living room uninvited while I was smoking a home blend of changa. It was only visible in my minds eye though and there it was manifested as a concentrated brownish, greenish inwardly spiraling fractal with purple and black accents. Scared the shit out of me, I literally recoiled and threw my hand over my face to try and hide because it was pure “what the fuck, somebody’s here”. It was just here for observation though, and while I am very comfortable being a research lab rat, I felt uncomfortable under that cosmic microscope. Does anybody else have any experience?Any guidance from those with more developed spiritual practices?

13:18 UTC


Thoughts on psilocybe semperviva/subtropicalis?

For those that have tried them, I'd love to hear your thoughts. I find them so vastly different than what I experience with cubensis.

Visuals are totally different for me. More static, not as much imagery as cubes. The headspace itself comes with less anxiety on the come on and during the trip. I honestly find spacious qualities of LSD or mescaline in these mushrooms. It isn't a "show" as much as cubes are for me. The internal trip is more relaxed and illuminating, very euphoric and gentle.

I have nothing against cubensis, I've had countless incredible experiences with them througout my life. I'm just noting some initial differences I observed from the handful of times I've taken semperviva this last year.

I haven't really felt the presence of an other as I do with cubes. I expected a different specie to be somewhat different of course, but these were a completely different compound and roadshow for me. My last experience gently settled me into a deep state of concentration where I was observing the all the interconnected parts and phenomena of my mind in a way I never had before. Words start growing thin here, but it was something else.

I'd say they're very much worth seeking if you haven't tried them. They seem to be getting more popular among cultivators and seem to require the same methods used in cubensis cultivation.

I've taken them as dried fruits (.5g and 1g sessions, as well as tincture, roughly 1g worth)

10:45 UTC


Virola theidora - red virola - nyakwána

So I can buy red virola bark or I can already get prepared virola powder which is called "nyakwána", it was used in old rituals by the Yanamoni people, they would inhale or "snuffed" it into their nasal cavities and it apparently contains high concentrations of DMT and 5Meo dmt.

So naturally I was wondering if any people here use these interesting seeds and herbs that were used by Shamans. Especially red virola bark/virola theidora and the finished product is nicknamed "nyakwána"

If anyone has experience with this substance or knows more about it and it's concentrations of 5meo and DMT because all I can find is "high" concentrations.

1 Comment
09:30 UTC

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