
Photograph via snooOG

Exchange, request, or offer postcards!

Welcome, please read the following instructions on exchanges

Let's trade postcards! You have the option to exchange, request or offer a postcard.

Please keep in mind that each person is spending time and money, so make sure you reciprocate.

Mail your postcards within 3 days, or set a time-frame and honor that time.

Be descriptive in your posts. Here are some samples and the obligation rules for each type of exchange.

[Exchange] 5 from Washington DC.
Both parties are obligated to send a postcard. That means the poster is sending out 5 cards and each recipient is to send the poster one card.

[Offer Only] 1 from Oregon.
Sending out a postcard with no expectation of receiving anything.

[Request Exchange] Looking for a card from Japan.
Both parties are obligated to send a postcard.

[Request Only] Looking for funny postcards.
Request postcards without the obligation to return a postcard.

You could make [Thank You] post if you want, but there's a weekly thread for that.

Communication is key to a successful exchange.

Please edit your posts in the following manner to ensure good communication. Use reddit names only.
The poster should honor the comments as received when sending out several postcards.

Sample for posting:
[Exchange] 2 from Hawaii
Edit: Closed, Open or have one left.
Edit: 1. name sent, rec'd date or (never rec'd been 1 month)
Edit: 2. name date sent, rec'd date

Sample for replies:
Pm'ing would love a postcard.
Edit: 1. date, Thanks got your card
Edit: 2. sent yours date

If you find that these rules are not being honored please contact the mod.

More Helpful Info

International Addresses Format

When sending postcards, please include your Username.

Date your postcards, collectors love dates.

Be kind in your remarks on the back. Make it sfw.

Only give your private information in a Pm, don't make it public.

Offering NSFW cards are fine - as long as you marked NSFW tag on your post.

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Daler Rowney Langton W/C Postcard Pad A6 300gsm 12sht

How good are they as postcards ??? The front is totally blank so can draw etc but will the picture drawn fades away if rained on ???

As normally post cards are mailed as it is .

Anyone used to mail before ???

11:26 UTC


Trading LouPaper VIRGINIA cards for other states!

I'd prefer that they were sent from origin. I'm in Virginia but my postmark usually says NC.

I already have Ohio and Florida in my collection.

Update: Nevada, Colorado on their way!

00:45 UTC


[Request] My 11yo son and I are looking to exchange some postcards as part of our homeschooling. Will gladly send one back!

My 11yo son is homeschooling and we would love to get some postcards from around the world so we can study about the places/things.

We are Scouts too, so if you are into Scouting that's a double plus!

We will happily send return cards!

19:49 UTC


[request] Looking for birthday cards <3

EDIT: I already got so many lovely people offering to send me a card that you can save yours for the next person! I suddenly feel so much more excited about my birthday! 🥰 Thank you so, so much for everyone who showed me kindness today. It made a massive difference. 💌💗✨

Heyhihello everyone!

My birthday is coming up on the 20th of July (I’m turning 26, woah!), and since I don’t have any family or friends to send me cards, I was wondering if someone here would like to cheer me up with one? :’)

My birthdays are always a little difficult for me, but I’ve always loved receiving cards and have saved each and every one ever since I was a kid. Adding new ones to my collection would be really sweet. <3

Any card would make me the happiest, but if you want to pick one based on my interests, I really love art and museums, nature (especially insects), Halloween, illustrated cards, handmade cards, Tim Burton’s characters, and series/movies such as Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings and Star Wars! I also collect stamps, so sending the card in an envelope would be lovely but it’s absolutely not a must! 💌

Thank you so very much in advance and I hope you have a lovely day! 🥰

13:01 UTC


( Request ) (WW -> Germany )

Hi all! My sister is getting married in July and her two „best friends“ and bridesmaids just bailed on her and her wedding ceremony. We have no contact with our family due to abuse in our childhood so her circle just got smaler and smaler. I wanted to ask wheather you could send me postcards for her wedding wishing her best of luck and bright future and and and ☺️ and I will give it to her on her wedding day as a part of her wedding present. It would mean so much to her and me! I‘ll send my contact if you write me a pm ☺️ Thanks!

12:41 UTC


[Thanks] for the gorgeous sunset postcard!

1 Comment
02:21 UTC


Looking for a post card for my birthday of anything and anywhere to put in my journal !!

Hiiii !! My name is Lillie Rose !! I’m 22 on the 8th of July and I’d love a postcard from around the world as I don’t speak to my family and I’m agoraphobic with bpd( Ikr what a combo😂😂😂) I do journal and would love a postcard from anywhere !!! If not totally fine and have an amazing day🥰🥰 thank you for reading !!!!! Xxx

01:09 UTC


[ Request ] Want to exchange post cards

[ Closed ] 29/06/2024 11:53 PM

Self Intro : Currently permanently from singapore .

Currently into collecting post-cards & figuring how to send them ... basically trying to start a new hobby 😅

Note : As a fact : when its night time over here in sg , probably its day-time in the states or where-ever you guys are at ....

So.... to note probably when im posting on reddit , half of the world is asleep .

I will try to mail at least a few post cards to start writing ...

If anyone wants a post-card

( request here , i'll see what i have )

Exchange Post Cards Status : Available .

( will send out in batches )

Last Post card for this month - June for Exchange .

0/10 Left

Wait For July ....

06:37 UTC


Just starting out on the Post Card Journey

I would like to try and start collecting post cards or sending a few .....

How do i go about doing so ???

06:15 UTC


Share why you enjoy collecting / sending / receiving postcards! (research for my college capstone project)

Hello! I am a college student in the US doing research for my design capstone project, about postcards and the human connection that comes from sending written notes. I would be so grateful if you could reply or DM me your experiences with collecting / sending / receiving postcards.

  • How did you start collecting postcards? Why?
  • Are there specific types of postcards you prefer to look for?
  • Do you ever read what is written on the back of an old postcard? Does the writing encourage or discourage you from enjoying a postcard?
  • Do you send / receive postcards? Why do you enjoy it?
  • How do you feel about connections that are made through physical mail (postcards) vs. keeping in touch online today?
  • Do you collect new postcards when you travel? Do you send these?

These are just some ideas, I would be happy to learn about anything you have to share!

(p.s. I have made similar posts on other threads related to postcards, so I apologize if you have already seen this)

16:49 UTC


[request] looking to do an exchange [NSW, Australia]


Looking to do an exchange and will send back limited edition cards from Rural NSW Australia. Thanks in advance

Currently going through a cancer journey and I could do with some positivity.

07:12 UTC


[Exchange - WW]

Hello! I'm trying to get more postcards from abroad; does any one outside of the US want to trade?

If you happen to be in the US, there are several states I need too! Every state except: TX, NC, FL, NJ

Please send me a DM and we can exchange mailing info. :)

01:46 UTC


Looking for postcards from anywhere.[JP]

This month's exchange has stopped.

I am sorry that I have received many messages for exchange. I do not have so much time to write so many postcards. So I will send no more postcards this month. Next month before I go to a trip, I will create a new post for exchange.


07:25 UTC


Looking for post cards of anything from anywhere. Adding to my journal. [US]

Hello, my name is Adrienne, I am 25, and I’m from Mississippi. I’m disabled and live with my boyfriend and my sweet husky, Sophie. We recently moved into our own home, and with so much time on my hands, I’ve started journaling. I’ve added paper scraps, bits and bobs, cards, etc. just so many neat things. I wanted to reach out to Reddit and ask if anyone had any cards they would like to send? I would love to put them in my journal spreads while I’m dealing with my chronic pain.

Thank you so much. ☺️

01:28 UTC


Postcards from around the world

Hello everyone ! I am new here in this subreddit. My name is Eileen, I am 28 years old and I am working in a kindergarten with children from 3 to 6 years old. I started a project with the kids to learn about all countries and continents around the world. (like the culture, music, food, special holidays, games that children play there and so on)

Maybe there are some of you who would like to send a postcard with some informations about your country or just greetings for the children. It would make me and the children really happy and they could learn a lot of it!

This is a project that is close to my heart. I am happy to hear from you!

09:00 UTC


[Thank You] for the Disney card exchange


(Sorry I forgot before)

1 Comment
11:08 UTC


[Thank you] for the Disney exchange

Thank you u/Own-Drop-2962 for the Disney postcard exchange!

1 Comment
05:20 UTC


[Thank you] for the Chinatown Postcard

Unknown sender thank you for the Chinatown postcard! You signed your username but I can't make it out.

04:45 UTC


[Thank you] u/additionalpast9207

I appreciate the beautiful cards I received today. ☺️ I didn’t even realize how much I like postcards lol!

Thank you u/additionalpast9207 ❤️

1 Comment
21:08 UTC


[Thank You] Kiiiiiinda late gratitude

“I’m not late, I’m just in a different time zone.

1 Comment
02:56 UTC


[Thank you]

u/kimmyorjimmy Thank you for the beautiful Alice in Wonderland card and fun facts about the novel! I’m loving the tea party theme!

18:36 UTC

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