like r/listeningspaces for plant people or r/houseplants for audio people or r/drunkhifi for people with even worse spending habits
like r/listeningspaces for plant people or r/houseplants for audio people or r/drunkhifi for people with even worse spending habits
ATC SCM7s NAD 368 BluOS-2i Pro-ject evo debut REL T/Zero MK III
Music and plants go together, at least at my house. What your thoughts 🤔
Set up a second listening spot. Felt it met the plantfi criteria!
Tried to get the lighting right around everything. It’s my favourite corner of the house.
Make room everyone, the outside houseplants need to come back in soon!
Low lights + plants + some records. There are more plants in the room, around the other speaker mostly, too lazy to take more photos tho :-)
At "The Compound" near Anaheim & Redondo in Long Beach, CA. A drink and some sweet music was a welcomed retreat from an otherwise mournful week for my wife and I.
Just discovered this sub, my lady loves to keep the beauties alive and bumping!
I never really liked these Klipsch speakers, (JBL guy) but I threw together this listening space with an elac sub and Dayton audio tube amp and it really rounded off the harsh edges of these speakers. I really dig em now. Nice midrange, decent bass the highs are forceful but not fatiguing. Birds of paradise that came back from Hawaii hangs out here temporarily :P
Yes I want to move the door to the middle
Was told to post this here. I’m loving the setup I hope you like it too.