
Photograph via snooOG

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Welcome to the Adobe Photoshop subreddit. This group is for general questions, tricks, techniques, troubleshooting and so forth.

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  • No Photoshop editing requests. Check /r/picrequests or /r/photoshoprequest instead

  • No spam. Posting content with the sole purpose of promoting your YouTube channel / website is not allowed. No URLs or social media handles in post titles.

Don't post Photoshop creations that promote real brands or products (such as advertisements, YouTube thumbnails etc.)

  • Low quality content will be removed. Mods can and will remove content that does not meet our quality standards, such as memes, face swaps, beginner/low effort/unoriginal edits, low resolution images or questions like "is this photoshopped?" or "What font is this?". For image identification see /r/sleuths and /r/RBI, for fonts see /r/identifythisfont

  • You can post content you have made with Photoshop as long as you have actually put some effort in.

  • Don't use the subreddit as a personal art gallery You can share your creations, but you must wait at least 10 days before posting more. You can share several works at once by making an album.

  • Also consider being an active member of the community by commenting on others' posts and helping users solve their problems.

    Digital paintings should be posted on a more relevant subreddit, such as /r/DigitalPainting

  • When posting your Photoshop creations, explain the process and context. Leave a comment shortly explaining the process of how you created your artwork / edit. Posting before/after pics is encouraged.

  • Also explain the motivation or context behind your work, or what you were trying to achieve.

  • Use descriptive titles. Posts with titles like "A composite I made", "Made this because I was bored", or "what do you guys think about this?" will be removed.

  • Don't humble brag with titles like "My first try at Photoshop, It's not much but I'm proud.". UPPER CASE TITLES and "Urgent!" posts will also be removed.

  • No Piracy. Posts and comments about DRM circumventing / file sharing of Photoshop or any other commercial software will result in a permanent ban.

  • No document forgery. Asking how to alter official papers, screenshots, ID cards, licenses, masking signatures and removing watermarks will also result in a permanent ban.

  • No NSFW content.

  • Be nice. Don't be rude, period. Try to follow the reddiquette

  • NO PHOTOSHOP REQUESTS!!! in case you missed it the first time around.

  • General

    • The cheapest way to get Photoshop is with the Photography Plan, which includes Lightroom and costs about $10/month depending on where you are. And yes, it's cheaper than getting PS alone (long story, don't ask).

    • Photoshop CS2 is NOT (and has never been) free.

    • Message the mods if you think you are getting blocked by the spam filter or have any questions, comments or suggestions.


    911,130 Subscribers


    best approach to make this text effect (non destructively)

    07:15 UTC


    Remove the guy the the white cutoff and clean up this photo for 20$ I wanna blow it up and frame it

    1 Comment
    06:57 UTC


    Film grain with transparent background

    Anyone know of a way I can make a film grain effect with a transparent background? I can only find how to do it with a solid background I.e using blending mode overlay or using filters. Both don’t work with a transparent background. Can anyone help?

    1 Comment
    06:31 UTC


    Logo recreation from photo

    Alright. So to start I have a bit of experience with photoshop/illustrator but nothing vast and it’s been 5+ years. I have a photo of a business card from my grandfathers company from the 80’s. That’s the only thing that has the company logo on it, I want to recreate the logo and get it put on a few hats for him and some family. Is this something I can feasible do myself? If yes what would be the best way to do it? Thank you in advance!

    01:52 UTC


    Omniman landing in the soccer field sinkhole

    00:54 UTC


    Gif Making: can I spot heal one spot and have it apply to all layers while making a gif?

    Hiya! I'm new to PS and gif making, but have managed to make a few gifs and have a general understanding.

    So, the video clip I'm using has text in it--the opening credits of a show, a name that pops up. Wondering if I can spot heal (or maybe another tool I don't know about) that text spot to get rid of it, and then have that apply to all layers of the gif, while still keeping it a moving gif? Is this possible, or do I need to go in and edit/spot heal each individual layer?

    Thanks in advance!

    1 Comment
    00:38 UTC


    Adding image into Video with photoshop?

    Can I put a graphic into a video and have it stay there? Like imagine a video let’s say I want to insert a smiley face, how do I do it?

    1 Comment
    00:17 UTC


    I find that rain is my favourite weather to experiment with

    23:52 UTC


    How to make this “slimy” text effect

    Just stumbled upon this and was wondering how can I recreate this text effect

    23:16 UTC


    PS focus stacking is terrible. What’s the best way to remove this blur?

    22:55 UTC


    Is there any way to repair a psp file? I lost all my brushes...

    So i just had a computer crash and lost all my personal custom brushes thanks to it, loading up photoshop just gave me a full blank page, no brushes.

    I checked the photoshop settings folder and saw that brushes.psp file was 800mb so there might be some hope but i like a dumbass opened photoshop and appended default brushes thinking it'd fix the problem after a restart but instead it just deleted all 800mb of brushes and overwrote it to the default 10mb brushes.

    I thankfully copied the 800mb brushes.psp file before and have it sitting on my disk, is there any way to repair it?

    I have a system restore point set but it doesn't backup photoshop settings, i've tried some file recovery softwares and apparently they don't work too well with SSD's and overwritten files.

    At this point repairing the psp file is the only option but searching online for such a thing brought up no results so i don't have much hope just have to start over.

    22:50 UTC


    I need advice on this logo

    So my friend asked my to make a logo for his ig fitness coach account. So ge wanted that logo had his initials(MV). So I tried to make M like a dumbbell and V extended on top of M. Oh and M letter’s poles(?) are like fists, tried to make it like minimalistic strong arms. I really need advice to make it more appealing/stand out and look nice to an eye. Any tips would be a very big help for me!

    22:38 UTC


    Removing the top and bottom x pixels from an image

    I have a bunch of images that are a bit too tall, but in order for them to look correct I need to chop the top 25 and bottom 25 pixels off each one. I've been doing it manually but it takes just about forever, so I was wondering if there was a way to more quickly do this with PS or some other tool.

    21:43 UTC


    Filter/overlay on shadow?

    So I want to add an overlay on top of a text created with the text tool, but its shadow is not impacted by the texture. How can I make the overlay affect the shadow as well?

    1 Comment
    20:37 UTC


    Need help with file compression

    Hi! I’m needing some help.

    When I am editing a photo in Lightroom and then click edit in photoshop and do what I need to do in photoshop, then go to save the photo it takes a originally say 19mb image and turns it into 1.9mb if I want it to be a JPEG. What am i doing wrong?? I don’t want it to be that small. Hope that makes sense I’m so lost

    20:17 UTC


    Generated Fill is missing when I choose a selection

    SOLVED: I although i have the latest version of photoshop installed I was being re-directed to an older version of Photoshop that does not have AI generative fill when i selected "Edit In Photoshop" while in Lightroom. I un-insalled that older version to avoid confusion


    typo in subject: generative** fill

    I am not sure what im doing wrong, I select an area and get this pop up but not the generative** fill. I dont even have the option under EDIT.. i just have selection options. Any thoughts?

    i have photoshop 25.9.1


    17:57 UTC


    Why can't I use the brush tool in 'select and mask'

    Hello all. It seems like there isn't a way. Which just seems really weird. Like I would simply still use my soft brush while pressing x to switch pallets, like I was doing in my regular workspace

    17:45 UTC


    How to make photoshop use exact same reference image

    Hi everyone,

    I am very new to PS. I am using beta version and trying to change a bed cover by choosing with lasso tool and then selecting a reference image. When i click create, PS give me some results with look like images. But i want it to use the exact reference image. Can you please help me about this issue? Thank you.

    17:44 UTC


    im new to photoshop. How can i make the best removal for people in the background?

    Im new to PS how would I make a clean removal of people in the background of pictures?

    17:28 UTC


    Editing favorites when saving

    Hey all,

    I'm running osx and photoshop CC 25.0.0

    When going to open a file in photoshop, the dialogue window opens up and on the top left is "favorites". I would like to change this list but can't seem to figure out a solution. How do I alter that list?


    16:52 UTC


    How could I remove the dirt streaks on these walls?

    I'm a novice at PS, I tried tweaking the curves and playing with brightness/contrast. Any tips?


    15:15 UTC


    How can I easily but realistically overlay an object onto another picture?

    Ideally I'd like as simple a way as possible to overlay an object on another picture but in a realistic way.

    Any programs other than Photoshop that can do this and if not what's the best way?

    Essentially I want to add some greetings cards to a mantelpiece and make it look like they're actually there alongside other cards.

    14:21 UTC


    Photoshop beginner did this for fun

    I am a photoshop beginner who loves football/soccer.Lamine Yamal is a player that is very exciting so I decided to do this edit.I was just wondering how does it to look to you guys?I am still learning about photoshop so don't be too harsh

    13:38 UTC


    :( DOE free subscription expired

    I have been using doe account for Adobe products for almost a year now and I do most of my work there but all of the sudden I wake up one morning and this is the message I get. does anyone know what's happening? Will doe take the license away from us forever or this is just a bug?

    13:26 UTC


    So I'm kind of new to this whole photoshop thing, the first time I found out how to use it, I had a bit of fun with it and made this...

    13:00 UTC


    Gradient map affects all layers not just text (clipping removes effect)

    Im an absolute beginner so I'm not sure how I can fix this. My background is solid white. I created a text and added a gradient map but it then changed everything else as well. I tried clipping the map to the text but then the effects of the map went away. I want to be able to move this changed text (with the map effects) to adobe illustrator so I can use it if that makes sense?

    I appreciate any help I can get <3 (I also read that the beginning or end of the gradient must be white or black but that completely changes the map of course)

    without clipping

    with clipping

    12:34 UTC

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