
Photograph via snooOG

News and happenings in and around Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

News and happenings in and around Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


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Newest 3 Posts from /r/PhillyList

Refreshes every 30 mins. Visit /r/PhillyList for more!

  1. Selling 2 Bonnie Raitt Tickets!
  2. Looking for a 3rd roommate - South Philly - $667/m - Rowhouse end with a yard!
  3. Anyone women want to sell your worn socks?


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The list is out for the pilot schools that will be year round in 2025-2026.

I'm waiting to see this actually happen.

00:02 UTC


What ever happened to the Sneaker Truck guys at 20th & Oregon?

Haven’t seen them since before The Pandemic.

19:13 UTC


Looking for a lap pool in Center City. Any recommendations?

Preferably one that I can just pay for a day pass when I want instead of a membership. But a membership isn't out of the question. Closer to Broad, the better. Thanks!

18:02 UTC


Otherworld, NE

Does anyone know what's going on? There are nearly 35 Servpro trucks and all the doors to the venue are open.

17:36 UTC


Dog poop bag disposal drama

I’m on the side of “I wish poop bags went into the home owners trash can but Im happy it is being picked up,” in the general conversation. If I dont get my cans back within minutes there will be dog poop bags. A freshly emptied can means a whole week of it festering in my yard. Anyway, I finally witnesses someone doing it on my block. He chucks it into an open trash can left out from garbage pick up then walks to the next house to go in!!! The next house! He was already home, just take it to your garbage! 2120, your fancy new planters mean nothing to me now. May your home be relentlessly infested with mice and ants. (Not about to confront anyone unless it was my can, dont take this post too seriously yall)

16:48 UTC


Issue with USPS

Since the start of this year, any sort of mail that looks like it is a card (aka, has money or a gift card in it) has not made it to my mailbox. Cards from family members (some with checks, some without) and invitations have all gone missing. If it was one here and there, fine, but it’s been like 8x so far this year. And I just had to cancel the replacement credit card I ordered because surprise, surprise it never made it to me.

I live in a building with a secure lobby and the only way to access a mailbox is with a key. At first I thought maybe some items were going to the wrong units, and maybe people in my building are just shitty people but I don’t know. There’s a pattern for sure because my bills and junk mail are always there waiting for me.

I’m not sure if this is the right forum, per se, for this but I’m curious if anyone else in my neighborhood (Fairmount) is having a similar issue.

16:19 UTC


Does our local news even care anymore?

At first, I assumed it was a typo of the block number, but nope... happened much further southeast in North Philly.

16:16 UTC


Rt 48 Busses stuck on Brown St

There are currently 2 rt48 eastbound busses stuck on Brown St. One at 26th, and the other at 25th.

15:37 UTC


Billy Penn and City Hall

13:56 UTC


What the fuck is this?

We all know it's bad. But what the fuck?

03:05 UTC


My car broke down and I spent my afternoon stuck on the south st. Exit of 76

To the 5 Philadelphians that stopped to check if I was ok - you rule ❤️

To the ~30 or so who weren’t paying attention and queued behind me and pulled out your phones - you provided me with some comic relief but pay attention

And yeah probably could have moved myself off the exit the road but I was decently safe and enjoyed the view and people watching.

00:17 UTC


Kensington peeps: notice any immediate differences in the neighborhood?

I know it’ll take time, but am curious if there have been any immediate and noticeable changes in the neighborhood now that there are a bunch of police there and Parker is so focused on it (from how I’ve interpreted the news).

I was there for work today and Kensington Ave up to Ontario looked pretty much the same as I remembered it from a couple of months ago, but slightly cleaner and with groups of police standing around together (including over a guy who was receiving CPR from a friend).

21:23 UTC


CC Live Music? September?

Where is the live music coming from in CC right now? Singing stuff like September

1 Comment
21:12 UTC


Penn Medicine is a joke.

I get that we are in the middle of a healthcare crisis, but I can’t seem to go to Penn Medicine without having a bad experience as a patient. I used to live in a relatively rural area and still managed to feel like my doctors had time, energy, and capacity to see me. Then I moved to Boston and was a patient at Mass General for a while and felt the same- CARED FOR, THE BARE MINIMUM. The air at Penn Med is that everyone is way too busy to even care about you.

I’ve been misdiagnosed by the radiology department, told conflicting information several times by specialists, told “I’m not sure what I’m doing here” before a midwife treated me, and now I have a life changing, potentially very serious issue found on a test without any directions for what to do about it. I’m told to follow up with my primary doctor in a month but, oh look, they aren’t even available until September and don’t even have time to talk to me on how I can manage my symptoms in the meantime, and when I tried to explain why I was concerned about my new issue and think it’s an urgent problem I was, surprise, blown off by the medical assistant. I’ve also been on a waitlist for my OBGYN annual exam for over a YEAR.

This is insane. This is not prestige. This is neglect of patient care, and you can sense that everyone feels this way in the waiting rooms, and staff all seem burned out. I can’t believe it’s this bad and yet they’re seen as the golden standard. It takes MONTHS to get tests and see doctors when things are time sensitive. I can’t even get my basic questions answered.

20:58 UTC


What’s up with the new barber shop pricing and options

Haircut: 50 dollars Skin fade: 60 dollars “Hair transformation”: 70 dollars

Honestly what’s up with this? Am I the only one who feels turned off from booking an appointment. I’ve seen this now at 3 shops in northern liberties and Fishtown, prices vary slightly but these new options are across the board.

I understand barbers want to have enough time and all, but some of these things I don’t want to commit to until I speak with the barber first.

20:41 UTC


Does anyone know what the deal is with the old Phar-Mor building at (the mall fka) Franklin Mills? It’s just been sitting there unoccupied for over 2 decades now.

16:50 UTC


Lost bird?

I saw a little parakeet at Burke Park (2nd and Jackson ) and I had my 2 dogs with me, I couldn’t get near it.

I feel bad, it’s going to die if it stays out in the wild. I’m going to get a bird cage and food, stick it near where I saw the bird, maybe it will fly in the cage? I don’t know what else to do.

15:13 UTC

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