News and happenings in and around Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
News and happenings in and around Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
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Need a ride? Want to volunteer to drive people to the polls?
https://phillysouls2polls.com phone: 215 948 6599
Saw on the When Where What Philly instagram page that Toast of Philadelphia today at Cherry Street Pier. Ticketed event, $55 for day of tickets. The weird thing is that there’s no presence of this event on Cherry Street Pier’s website and the social media for it has been restricted to their own instagram page which has 74 followers. No mention of it on any other website that we can find. It just seems like something is off for this event to exist and be so under advertised, as well as charging for tickets. Worried it’ll be a Philadelphia version of Glasgow’s Willy Wonka experience.
I live in west Philly... about equal driving distance from a local hardware store and Lowe's on 52nd. I usually end up going to Lowe's but this time, I decided to go to the local store coz I just needed a small item. The local store charged 7.99 for this item whereas a quick lookup on Lowe's website said it was 4.98... I bought it anyways since I was already at the local store. I'm all for shopping local but I'm hesitant to think about the local store again, given the level of markup. My question to you - would you do the local store again unless it was a much shorter walk or drive?
What does the job market look like in Philadelphia? I moved here from South Jersey over the summer doe to the fact it’s more affordable. I still work in Jersey and was wondering what the job market looks like here. I currently work a pretty standard manufacturing job. I have experience in customer service and manufacturing with about a year’s worth of experience as an assistant manager. I also have no degree.
It's my first race, doing the 10 mile run with a couple of friends.
Are you dressing up in a costume?
Harris and Walz will be holding their final rally Monday night.
They’ve shut down the 2 leftmost lanes, saw some workers with leaf blowers. Turned a 15 min city ave to cc drive into 50 min
What is the best way to get from Philly to JFK airport by car. Just seeing if anyone has any suggestions on what rental service is preferred as I've been hit with a lot of fees in the past. Not sure if car size makes a difference but a small SUV or larger sedan / hatchback is what I'm looking for.
why is the flyer just a giant picture of the mayor? make it make sense
Hi all I’m looking for suggestions/recommendations for a black and grey tattoo artist in the area to help me realize a tattoo idea I have for my forearm. My budget is about $1,500. Looking for someone that has a portfolio online so I can see examples of their work. Thanks in advance for any help offered.
My neighbors across the street have a garage with a large translucent door on it. Every evening, they stand two tripod floodlights up facing out of the door, I suspect to emulate headlights so nobody parks there (no idea why their towing sign isn't enough for them, but whatever). I don't usually have a problem with this, but sometimes they leave the lights on until well after 1 AM, and it makes it tough for me to fall asleep.
Is there any sort of ordinance about light pollution that I could cite to them in case the whole "goodwill towards fellow men" argument doesn't pan out? I know I could get blackout curtains or something but I'd rather not spend my money and effort fixing a problem I don't feel I should be having in the first place.
I just had a client express to me that he’s worried about what’s going on with Drexel based on what he’s been reading lately, but I can’t seem to find anything other than that their President has moved to Temple. What am I missing?
Hello! I’m in dire need for some advice pertaining to my security deposit after moving out. Earlier this month, I vacated a property managed by Knickerbocker Properties. By the way, I wouldn’t recommend renting from them. Hopefully you will see why by the end of this post.
For some background, in July of 2023, our dryer had caught on fire while using it and the fire department had to be called. There was smoke in the apartment, the dryer had to be replaced and all the clothes in the dryer were ruined. We had waited about three months for a replacement due to logistical issues, but eventually it was replaced by the management company and we continued to live in the apartment until the end of September 2024. There was no mention of us the tenants being financially responsible for the situation until now.
When inquiring about our security deposit, they listed the fire incident as an expense that we the tenants are responsible for and are charging $2700 for it. There was no explanation as to why we’re responsible for paying that or how they landed on that balance - just a photo of the incident.
I don’t think that I’m responsible for paying for the dryer catching on fire since it didn’t occur out of my own negligence, it was an accident.
Are there any resources that I can reach out to to help me in this situation? Has anyone experienced a similar thing? How likely is it that they would take it to court if I don’t pay? Any advice is great appreciated!